Finally getting some time to catch up...
Andi - 9dpo and your temps are still looking great! Fingers crossed for you
I've been avoiding facebook for some time now because I know it just brings me to tears to see all the pregnancy and birth announcements.
Itsnowmyturn - Glad to hear you're liking your new job so far
Have you gotten a positive opk yet? Lots of luck!
Melody - I think you should be fine with a brief wake up an hour before your alarm. I'm up and down all night because I have a bladder the size of a small child
I usually have to wake up an hour or sometimes two before my alarm to go to the bathroom, but my temps stay about the same whether I get up through the night or not.
AFM: FF *finally* gave me a crosshair, although it's not on the day I expected it to
Care to have a look ladies and give me your opinions? So apparently I'm 3dpo now, which I guess would make sense since last night my nipples were on fire with pain - I nearly slept in a tight bra because every time they bumped my night shirt I was ready to shout. If FF is correct on my O date (and who really knows at this point) we bd 2 and 5 days before O day. Not as much as we should have, but once I hit CD21 of no O I kind of gave up. DH has been wanting to bd but I've had no interest at this moment so I'm feeling a bit guilty on that.