CD22 and waiting to O, anyone else?

Nice temp rise dragonfly, I keep forgetting to temp, I think that's just because I'm more relaxed, will try to remember to do it tomorrow and Sat so I can see whether I get a dip or not, I usually dip the day before o but I will be at OHs parents Saturday night and their house is cold so I wouldn't trust a temp reading from there.

Andi, cd1 from full flow, fx for this cycle for u

Melody, great news about the PCOS, hopefully you will get some shorter cycles soon

As for me if af doesn't show it looks like I'm going to have a 33 day cycle, but wont get my hope up that it will get shorter because my last one that was shorter was followed by a longer one again. hopefully i wont need to deal with it at all because I'll get my bfp this cycle :-)

Good luck ladies
Thank you Melody :) I'm glad to hear you don't have pocs! Although you might have a 40 day cycle, I hope they begin shortening up. Or even better, you get your bfp so you don't have to think about cycles at all!

Itsnowmyturn - my fingers are crossed for you! I have to set an alarm on my phone to temp, otherwise I might forget to do it on time.
itsnowmyturn - hopefully if af doesnt show it's because you're pregnant! :D

Dragonfly - I see you tested and got a bfn :( Could still be too early to test though so fx :hugs:

I'll finally be ttc next week. I can't wait to get back in the tww :happydance:
Fingers crossed you're in the tww soon!

I did test this morning and got a bfn :cry: I'm having awful cramps and keep checking for af, knock on wood it stays just creamy white. Temps are still up so I feel like I'm on a roller coaster as to what to expect today and tomorrow.

Itsnowmyturn - how's your day looking? I think we're both 12dpo
Itsnowmyturn- hope you get your BFP!

Melody- glad to hear your bloods came back normal. Are they going to do any other tests like ultrasound or HSG? Don't want to put a damper on your news, but My PCOS wasn't found until my ultrasound, which is why I'm asking. Hope your cycles get shorter for you soon or better yet you get you BFP.

Dragonfly-your temps look good. Cramps could be a sign of pregnancy too. Hope you get your BFP.

As for me-just waiting for AF to be over and to start trying again. Emotionally its been rough lately. This girl I work with who is pregnant is starting to show. Work used to be a place to get away from TTC and now I have this constant reminder growing right in front of me and hearing all about the baby names she and her boyfriend have picked isn't helping either. It's one thing if I was a little bit happy for her but I'm not at all. It sounds terrible I know, but every time I see her going out for a smoke break or eating/drinking shit she shouldn't be I want to strangle her. One day she brought ultrasound pics to work. I tried to put my feelings aside to check them out with her. It was going fine until she said "....and the baby is a healthy weight so yay I don't have to quit smoking" I felt sick to my stomach after hearing that. I had to just walk away because I probably would of lost it on her and been fired if I didn't. Then the other day someone said to her that she should quit smoking and she said "I hate quitters". Being an ex smoker I get that it's hard to quit, but also being someone who quit because she wanted to TTC I don't get how you could put your baby through that. It's not fair that I quit smoking, caffeine, started eating better, getting daily exercise, use better cleaning and body products, and have worked so hard to make myself healthy so that I can get pregnant and give my baby who doesn't even exist a healthy life; while she gets pregnant and fills that baby full of harmful shit without even a care that she is doing it. It just makes me so angry at her, at God, and at life and how unfair it is.
Ok and after I wrote this I got outta bed, jumped in the shower and just bailed my eyes out. What a great start to the day. I almost wonder if the Femara is making my hormones crazy cause my emotions are all over. However last cycle, it didn't seem to affect me at all.
:hugs: I'm sorry Andi, that really is tough that you have to see her growing pregnancy while still ttc. I don't blame you for not being happy for her either, with the way she's treating her pregnancy I wouldn't be cheering either. It's angering that she thinks it's alright to smoke, they have definitely proven it causes problems in baby weight and premature births. I feel angry just thinking about her attitude.:growlmad:
I agree with you both. It makes me so fearful for the baby and angry when I see a pregnant woman smoking. I'm an ex smoker too. Like you Andi I gave up and made other lifestyle changes when I knew I wanted to ttc. Even if I wasnt actively trying and just found out I was pregnant, I'd quit immediately! You cant mess around with another life growing inside of you.

Andi - Just seeing a pregnant woman can be devastating when you're ttc, and with you being a bit emotional at the moment it must be extra hard for you. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

I must admit I left the doctors not feeling 100% satisfied. I have all other symptoms of pcos including cysts on my ovaries which were confirmed with an ultrasound. I know cysts dont have to mean pcos but even the doctor seemed baffled by my symptoms but negative blood tests. I might go back just to have a longer chat with the dr, just so i understand my results properly. I didnt ask as many questions as I wanted. Could someone be borderline pcos? :wacko:
Hey girls.

Andi I'm so sorry ur having s hard time. It really is tough when someone is growing their bump in front of u and don't do things the way we perceive to be right. my sil is pregnant and i just can't be happy for them, I tried but can't be, especially when they struggle with the one they have. Ur time will come x
Dragonfly iv been reading ur journal sounds like ur havin a rollercoaster ride right now. Hang on in there

Afm: 13dpo I haven't temped for a few days but during the day today it was still up. I had some cramping last night and really gassy for 2 days but both of them are normal for me before af. Cramping isn't so bad today. I haven't really noticed any symptoms, all of my lps have been 13days long so af due tomorrow, will test Tuesday if no af x
Melody - I think it's quite possible to be borderline of many things. Perhaps calling the doctor and either requesting another appointment or for them to set aside time to chat on the phone so you could get your questions answered. It would be helpful to write down everything you want to speak to the doctor about that way you're sure to get it all in:thumbup:

Itsnowmyturn - Fingers are crossed!

AFM: 13dpo and another bfn with the last frer I had. Depending how my temps go tomorrow and if af doesn't show, I'll test again on Tuesday if I don't cave into testing tomorrow.
Thanks Dragonfly :hugs: I'm definitely going to do that. It would help to have all my questions written down.

I'm sorry you got another bfn but still.. no af! I hope she doesnt show and you get that bfp real soon!

Same for you itsnowmyturn. Both of you are due today right? Fx for you both!


Quick question. I'm using the clearblue digi tests this cycle. Would you recommend using opks too? I'm worried that it will just say high fertility all the time and never peak.
I caved and tested because my temp is still right up, highest its been this cycle and bfn. But I'm not sure if o date is right. I had cramps again last night so if it is out it will only be by a day or two and I suspect af will arrive by Wednesday. I dont think I'm pregnant this time.
One more cycle then I'm off to drs
Melody - I'm not sure, sorry I can't be of help! If you feel opks are helpful to you then it probably wouldn't hurt.

Itsnowmyturn - Fingers are still crossed, great that your temp is still up!

AFM: Temp went down this morning, af may be here today or tomorrow. My temps may be above the coverline, but last cycle I had a dip like this then af showed the next day when it dipped farther. So we'll see what happens. Next week I have an appointment with a doctor.
Melody i havent ever used them so not familiar with them but i believe they take a few cycles to get to know ur cycle, i might be wrong tho, i wud opk with some cheapies just to be on the safe side.

Dragonfly i hope ur temp shoots bk up tomorrow, hopefully ur apt will give u more hope

For me, still cramping and weird feeling in tummy but I always feel off before af. Temp is still up but thats not to say it won't be down in the morning. I won't test again until friday if af doesn't show, only one cheapie test left and no expensive ones so need to hold out and order mlre when af shows,
Melody-you can try opks and see if they work for you. I never had luck with them because I seem to always have LH surges even way before I O because if my PCOS. I only tried them once though, so I may buy some cheapies and try again one of these cycles.

Itsnowmyturn and dragonfly- my fx for you!
still high this am, and no cramps. I looked at all my temps etc again and previous cycles so I'm now thinking that maybe I od 3 days after me and ff thought, so I should be due af on Thursday. Doesnt explain why I had those cramps at the weekend though, maybe just from the gas, irritating my tummy, who nos, I highly doubt I'm pregnant so I won't start looking into things too much. If af hasn't started by Friday morning or no obvious signs that it will I will take a test on Friday morning and then order more if/when bfn.

Dragon I saw ur af started, very sorry, I have everything crossed for you for next cycle

Andi, opks generally dont work for pcos, it seems unfair that you guys who have pcos have unpredictable cycles and there nothing there to help u identify when u might o, the oly thing is possibly to still opk and bd with every pos
Thanks for the advice ladies.

Andi - opks have worked for me in the past but occasionally they give me false results. I've read that the cysts can cause a fake positive.

I stated testing twice a day with both the clearblue and the cheapies. This morning I got a peak on the cb but a negative on the cheapie! I have no idea what's going on. :shrug: Maybe the cb is so sensitive it's picking up the very beginning of my lh surge.

Im trying to plan this perfectly as my donor can only visit me twice this week. My cm is pretty non existent so I want to inseminate as close to o as possible. I usually o 48 hours after a + opk so I'm going to inseminate tomorrow and Friday. Fx it works lol.

itsnowmyturn - I really hope your temps stay up! If you did o later, at least you know when af is due so you can wait until you're absolutely sure you're late and then test!

Dragonfly - I can't believe the witch got you. :growlmad: It's good you have booked an appointment with your dr :hugs:
Yeah, unfortunately both apps I use disagree with me, one says the Monday, i now thjnk the Thursday and one says the saturday so if the second app is right then af isn't due until Saturday, but it doesny explain why I was getting the cramps last Saturday because if I did o on the Saturday we didn't bd close enough to o to catch the egg so nothing can be put down to implantation or anything so i will wait and see what happens I guess.

Temp still up this morning, I will test on Friday if no af. I don't think I cud have od as late as the Saturday because I got a pos opk on the Monday. Time will tell x

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