CD5 1/12, looking for buddies!!

Hey Ladies!!
Happy Friday! How is everyone doing??
I am doing good, this round of Clomid has been so much easier then before, I don't know
if my body is getting use to it or what, before I had bad headaches all 5 days that I was taking the pill, and I have been feeling great. Tomorrow is my last day of Clomid/CD 9. I also normally get very emotional and moody around the 3,4,5 day of pills and I have really felt great in that department too. So I am happy that everything is going smoothly.
But I have been really thinking about how much this TTC have consumed me, ever since the day DH gave me the "OK", I have been a maniac since. I was thinking once I finish these next three month, I might take the summer off, I really would like to stop keeping track of everything all together, and just LIVE! I feel like I think about TTC as much as men think about having SEX. 24-7!!!!!!
So we'll see.
Anyone have any plans for the weekend? I don't have anything planned myself, sounds like it'll be another lazy weekend, since DH has to work. :(
Well I hope everyone is doing well and you ladies have a great weekend.

Thanks for all your support, day in and day out.

Good Luck!!!! Baby Dust!
It's good to hear that you are feeling so much better!!! Maybe now that your more relaxed from not feeling ill your body will get more into baby making mode :happydance: I hope you get your bfp in the next couple of months so you dont have to worry about taking the summer off and can enjoy your summer being pregnant :hugs:

Dh and I dont currently have any plans for the weekend, I want to go see the movie The Vow so maybe we will do that otherwise I'm not to sure whats going to go on:shrug: I would like to spend some nice quality time with him this weekend as we spent the majority of the beginning of the week fighting :wacko:

Today is CD 34 and my second day of light pink/brownish spotting....only when I wipe and there was just a tad on my underwear yesterday so maybe AF is gonna show her face :thumbup: I would be ok with that because at least it would mean that my cycles are finally sorting themselves out :happydance: I'm thinking I maybe did O around CD 23 because my OPK's were wayyy darker on CD20 and 23 then they were the rest of the cycle (I didnt test on CD22) and looking at my chart I did have cramping around then as well...since this was my first month charting my temps were unreliable anyway because I was stressing about it all and not sleeping well and the thermometer I had was on crack so hopefully this next cycle will be better as far as charting goes and I willbe able to pinpoint O...if not I will be buying the ovacue fertility monitor :haha:

I hope you ladies are doing well and have a great weekend!!!
hey ladies
glad to see that everyone is getting into the cycle with a postive attitude.

booked for a ultrasound this week, to check if the fibroids have shrunk. my GP told my DH that we should BD from cd 8 to cd22 everyday . l will be :wacko: by the time we get to cd15/16. since it seems l ov around cd 16. will TRY and bd everyday from cd12 to cd 18.that's 7 days straight :wacko:.DH will be happy about this. am happy with every other day, but am getting a bit desperate. hope this is the month.

Jaime ov is around the corner ! all the best !
Crystal -glad your cycles are getting shorter.
Christine - how are the spinning classes going?
Good luck at your u/s ladyf! I don't think I would be able to bd from day 8 to day 22 either I think by day 17 I would have to lock myself in the other bedroom to keep dh away from me:haha: I would have a hard time with 7 days straight, good luck and happy baby making:hugs:

So I offically am calling today CD1 after 3 days of spotting...I saw some red this morning but the rest of the day its been dark brown with clots:wacko: but much more then the last 3 days so I will have to wait and see how long the witch hangs around :coffee:

Going to start using OPK's later around CD14-15 last month I started on day 5 and was discouraged and irritated by day 18:dohh: Will also be trying preseed this month and will change my temping method from orally to vaginally...if I still have troubles tracking O this month I will be buying the ovacue monitor at the end of this cycle :shrug:

DHand I went out for a nice dinner last night and saw the movie The Vow for our Valentines day date, DH works 2nd shift so we had to have our date a few days early it was nice to get out and just spend time together away from home and the pets....cleaned the house and had to get rid of the carpeting in the basement today the damn cat had been peeing down there and I couldnt stand keeping the carpet anymore!!!! I'm going to take her to the vet this week to figure out what her issue house will not smell like cat pee:growlmad:

Hope everyone else had a good weekend! Any exciting plans for Valentines day?

Hey Ladies!!!
How is everyone doing this Monday?? I am doing alright, I am starting my "Diet" again today, I have to get this weight off, and I need to stop making excuses.
I am on CD 11 today, and I am going to start POAS this evening, I am expecting/hoping to O sometime from Thursday to Sunday. So I'm happy about that!!!
How is everyone else doing? I had a VERY lazy unproductive weekend. But I needed it.
I am going to really work hard and get this weight off, so that I'm feeling and looking more like myself.
Wish me luck! :)
So where does everyone stand on there cycles???


Have a great Monday, if that's possible :)

Hey Ladies!!:flower:

How is everyone doing?? I'm still doing great! Today is CD 13, and I decided to also get my LH blood test today to see where I am for sure, I am still POAS twice per day. I also start my "Diet" Monday to also keep me busy, I have already lost 3.8 lbs! I was hoping to loose 5lbs this first week, then 1-2 per week from there on out. So did anyone do anything for Valentines?
We didn't do anything really, DH gets home too late, so we will go somewhere this weekend.
Well I hope everyone is doing good! Happy Hump Day!!! :winkwink:

Howdy howdy!!!

Think I am getting a cold, woke up in the middle of the night with a runny nose. My head was killing me last night and now I know why!! My week didnt start off great the last two days at work were difficult to say the least, I almost quit!!! My boss talked me down but man o man was I flustered...Havent really seen DH since Sunday since I worked Monday from 730a to 930p I was laying in bed by the time he got home at 1030 and didnt get much sleep because I'm on call and people love to call in the middle of the night to ask stupid questions :growlmad: Then yesterday I worked 8a to 430p and DH works second shift and by the time he got home I was sleeping :sleep: so we didnt do anything together yesterday but we went out last weekend.

CD 4 today....flow was extremely heavy yesterday so just waiting for af to leave so I can start temping and all that jazz:coffee:

Good luck with your diet Jamie thats great that you've already lost some!! I hope your bloods come back on track:hugs: Have fun with DH this weekend:winkwink:

How are the rest of you ladies doing?

Happy baby making!!
Hey There,

How is everyone? I'm sorry Af gotcha, Hopefully March brings more luck to us all.
I'm super happy because my opk smiled at me last night at 10pm, I almost forgot to test, I tested in the afternoon and it was negative, but each day the line has been getting slightly darker. So we sealed the deal last night and hoping we can get 2 in today, although we will be gone almost all day, shopping. So it might have to wait until tonight.

But I'm so happy to see that little smiley face, after last month never seeing the positive.
well I hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!

Good Morning & Happy Monday Ladies,
So I am officially in my TWW, I got a + OPK Friday night, So I am pretty positive I O-ed on Saturday, so Today would be 2 dpo, I believe....We DTD on Friday, Saturday & Sunday...So Wish me luck!!...Ahhhh the dreaded TWW, I am going to try to just worry about eating right and try no to stress this week, I know that next week will be harder, but somehow, I am going to try to get a handle on myself.
How is everyone else doing? Any news?

Well I hope to hear from you all, Have a great day!!
hello hello!
sorry l have been missing in action , was a bit busy with uni & work...and the Bding. l have one last assignment to hand in tommorrow and l am done with my masters !!!yipppeee!!! boy , am l glad its nearly over. wont be going to back to uni soon .

anyway how is everyone doing ?
Jaime - you go girl with weigh loss. you are doing really well. how is the 2ww. how are you going to keep yourself busy?when are you testing?
Crystal- how are you keeping? any news ?started poas yet?

well am 2 dpo. yes, the long 2ww. need to find something to keep myself busy. join the gym???will see. couldnt do the marathon Bding but l hope we caught the eggy. used some preseed and opk only this cycle.l might wait for past af due date to test his time, so testing on the 7th. dreading to see that one line again.

all the best ladies!!!
Good luck on your tww ladies:hugs: I'm in the other tww :dohh: I bled for a total of 12 days:wacko: I have no idea why...that was my longest af ever!!! I am on CD 12 now I was going to wait to POAS until CD 15 or so but silly me did it last night:dohh: OPK was def negative so will pee on a stick once a day until CD 15-18 or so then twice a day I think...started temping vaginally now if my temps are still hard to read then I will be buying the ovacue fertility monitor to eliminate all of the silly business especially taking my temp :coffee: Hoping the next week or two goes by fast for all of us ladies :happydance:
hello hello!
sorry l have been missing in action , was a bit busy with uni & work...and the Bding. l have one last assignment to hand in tommorrow and l am done with my masters !!!yipppeee!!! boy , am l glad its nearly over. wont be going to back to uni soon .

anyway how is everyone doing ?
Jaime - you go girl with weigh loss. you are doing really well. how is the 2ww. how are you going to keep yourself busy?when are you testing?
Crystal- how are you keeping? any news ?started poas yet?

well am 2 dpo. yes, the long 2ww. need to find something to keep myself busy. join the gym???will see. couldnt do the marathon Bding but l hope we caught the eggy. used some preseed and opk only this cycle.l might wait for past af due date to test his time, so testing on the 7th. dreading to see that one line again.

all the best ladies!!!

Hey There Ladyf!!

Great to hear from ya! Congratulations on getting your masters, that's wonderful!!!

AFM: I got a positive OPK on Friday, Feb 17, I am pretty sure I Oed on Saturday. We BDed Fri, Sat, Sun, and Tues, we also used pre-seed. So I think I've covered all my basis. The TWW is going OK, I guess, I am still on my "Diet" and have lost 6.4lbs so far, and it's only been two weeks. So I'm on a roll!!! I have been trying to stay as busy as I can, I think while I'm at work from 8:30am-5:00pm, is the hardest time, because I sit in front of a computer alot, and my mind wonders. Today is 5 dpo for me, AF is Due March 3rd or 4th, so I am planning to test on the 4th if I can hold out that long.

Well good luck, I hope that we get our BFP ASAP!!!!!!

Good luck on your tww ladies:hugs: I'm in the other tww :dohh: I bled for a total of 12 days:wacko: I have no idea why...that was my longest af ever!!! I am on CD 12 now I was going to wait to POAS until CD 15 or so but silly me did it last night:dohh: OPK was def negative so will pee on a stick once a day until CD 15-18 or so then twice a day I think...started temping vaginally now if my temps are still hard to read then I will be buying the ovacue fertility monitor to eliminate all of the silly business especially taking my temp :coffee: Hoping the next week or two goes by fast for all of us ladies :happydance:

I would vote for POAS twice per day, last cycle I POAS once a day and didn't get a positive, but I know I ovulated because of my blood tests. This cycle I POAS twice a day. Friday Feb 18th, I POAS at noon, and it was negative, then I decided for some reason to POAS at 10pm, and it was Positive!!! I sometimes continue to POAS the following day, but decided not to this cycle, I had alot of O twinges on Saturday, and that week had some mild brown spotting, So all that is a great sign!!!

I can't believe you had AF for 2 days, that's nuts!!!

Well good luck, I hope you get your positive OPK,
Keep me posted!!!

Hello There Ladies,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing? I'm going nuts! I am very anxious to start POAS, today is 9 dpo, and I was thinking about giving in and testing tomorrow morning with FMU, but I also know that I should probably wait. AF is due Saturday or Sunday, which will be CD 30/31, and I will be 14/15dpo. I'm trying to wait it out, but it's just so hard!!!! I have been seeing so many BFP on BnB, they are everywhere!!! It gives me hope, but at the same time, I want my BFP too!!! :,(
I have still been having these crazy vivid dreams, and some twinges, or like O pains at times. I am going to try so hard to hold out to test, so that I am not POAS like a crazy person, but I can't make any promises :)

How was everyone's weekend???
Hope all is well

Ohhh man good luck on holding out to test, I hope this is your month:hugs: I hope this is the month for all of us:happydance:

CD 16 today...I have had some brown spotting the last two days which is very abnormal for me and is kind of bugging me:wacko: Havent done OPK's regularly did one on cd 11 and 12 and then one today, all negative:coffee: Hopefully I will O within the next week....really hoping things go well this cycle:thumbup:

Where are you in your cycle ladyf?

Hope all is well:hugs:
Jaime all the best ! Everything crossed,hope u get your bfp.l would try to wait until 11dpo, but with all your symptoms it can be a bit GL!

Crystal- 12days of Af????glad it stopped.and Ov should be coming soon.fxd! Catch that eggy!

I am 7dpo, another week and Af will be knocking on my door. No symptoms really, but just hoping for a 2012 bub! So March cycle will still be ok.will probably wait to test until Af is due,have one test left so don't want to waste it.planning to get a fertility massage next month, have heard about on BnB.hope it's not too expensive or l will just have to settle for a normal massage around Ov.havent gone for the the ultrasound, will go if Af arrives.dont want them poking anything inside me just in case he/she is snuggling in.

Do you guys check for implantation bleeding when u wipe,am going crazy with that! I want to stop but l can't lol! If l don't get it by 11dpo l get discouraged.but stats shows that only 20-30% get it. I am really getting tired of the ttc.I think after april's cycle l will take a break if it hasn't happened.

All the best ladies! Lots of baby dust!!!!!!
Hey Ladies!!
How is everyone doing?
AF arrived for me yesterday, a little late, CD 33. I called to get a refill of my Clomid yesterday and will be picking it up today, I believe it's still the same dose. I also am scheduled to have an HSG on Tuesday, which I am excited and nervous about. I had a LEEP done back in 2005, and the opening to my cervix is small, so I am hoping that the test can be performed. I am not too worried about the pain, I have a pretty high threshold when it comes to pain. I just am hoping the test can be done, and we can confirm that my tubes are open!!!! Wish me Luck!! I will probably be obcessing over it until Tuesday.
Today is my Grandfather's 80th birthday, the one who was in the hospital. He is doing great, I have a few family members in town this week, so that should keep me busy for now.

Well I hope everyone is doing good!!!

Keep in Touch!!!

sorry Af got you! she got me too,Monday we will be probably be ov around the same time.this time l didn't even bother with testing,didn't have any symptoms.was scheduled for my ultrasound for tommorrow (Wednesday )had to reschedule to next week thursday.aaaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhh(that me screaming) !!!!
atleast you are going to have an HSG done,l think that is what l need too.l think my gp is useless.l told him we have been trying for over a year(well 7-8 months to be honest) and he just said bed from cd8 everyday for 2 weeks. l need tests!!!!he should be checking if the fibroids are not blocking the tubes,isn't it????
has your doctor done your Dh's SA? mine is getting his done this week ( after l asked for it).hope the spermies are healthy.
we are going to use the SMEP this cycle ,opk & concieve plus.

all the best!!!!
Hey Ladyf!!

Glad to hear back from you. Yes, we are very close on our cycles this time. Af has been arriviny where from 29-31 days, so when she didn't arrive until CD 33, I was flipping out! I was POAS like crazy and they were all negative, of course. I need to try not to do that this time around. I felt better after I got it out of my system, but then I was anxious to test every other day.
I first saw my family doctor, who is also my boss. I manage the office, she ordered blood work and an ultrasound, which were all normal, then once it got to one year, I made an appointment with an OB/Gyn, who did a check-up too, and just started me on Clomid, and said if after 6 cycles, I am still not pregnant, I will be referred to a RE. So this is going to be my 5th cycle. She mentioned about doing an HSG on my first visit, but I don't know why I didn't have it. So I called and just asked for a script to go have one done, there are two imaging places near me, that do the test. So Tuesday is the date. Can you ask for a script and schedule one yourself??? I have also tried following the SMEP as best as I can, sometime time doesn't permit. But once I get a positive, we def BD everyday.
I have seen so many women have this procedure then get there BFP pretty quickly, so it gives me HOPE!
DH has not had an SA yet, probably after my HSG, I will get him to have one. He said he would. I was just trying to do what I can, and have access to before seeing the RE.

Well I hope your US goes great, they are checking for?? Follies?
Good Luck and Keep me posted!!!

Sorry the witch got you ladies!! Good luck with your HSG Jamie...hope both of you ladies are doing very welll:hugs::hugs:

As for me today is CD 25 and out of the last 28 days I have been bleeding or spotting for 22 of them :dohh: so really I have no idea what is going on with me :coffee:

Baby dust!!!

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