Ok girls I have just got back from the FS appointment so I will run through everything…..I am back at work now and all the paperwork and everything is at home, so I will do my best to remember everything.
Sorry for this being really long but thought I may as well mention everything.
First thing the guy asked was both our past histories including age, occupation, any previous pregnancies, surgeries, allergies, medical conditions or family medical conditions.
We were also told when making the appointment that we had to bring in a sperm sample. He then took the sample and looked at it under the microscope (oh we said that we had done the DIY one too and he said he had never heard of such crap and wouldn’t trust them lol). Anyway he said that the count was good and that it looked high however he was a little concerned because there seemed to be a lot that were not moving. So he made us send the sample off to scientists that do the proper evaluation, we won’t get the results of that back for a little while yet though. Anyway after that he asked DH to drop his pants so he could “feel his balls”

DH was so not expecting that one!!!! Anyway he said they felt fine.
Next step was that he wanted to examine me, he asked when I last had a pap smear and I had one in December last year but he did another one anyway. He then used his fingers to have a feel around inside and check that it didn’t feel like I could have Endo. He said it felt fine in there. He then went on to do a vaginal ultrasound where he got out a condom and filled it with some kind of lube type looking stuff and put it on this thing that kind of looked like a vibrator. Anyway he then stuck that up there and we watched the monitor to see what he was looking at. We could see my uterus and ovaries and everything and he said it all looked great and that he didn’t see anything that made him want to do a lapsectomy (sp????) something where they put you to sleep and insert something through your belly button to check out your insides.
Anyway after that he sent us both off for some blood tests, I told him about my day 21 test last week and he was happy with that result but suggested the spotting could be from estrogen (sp?) not progesterone so a blood test was done for that and some other things, but not entirely sure on what the other things were. Not too sure on what DH’s blood tests are checking on either but he said something about chromosome somethings??
Anyway he has put me on Clomid (called something else but he said it was like Clomid but it’s the next generation of it which is better). He said you need to take it from CD2 – CD6, I told him I was on CD4 so would it be too late to take it this cycle, but he said no, just start today and take it for 5 days. He did say though that it could make me release more than 1 egg so could end in a multiple pregnancy…..eeeekkkk! Anyways that’s all good I don’t really mind. He also said that I could come back on CD12 and have a scan to make sure the eggs are maturing properly and then I could have a set of injections to make my egg release and then we

but DH and I both think we will just try the Clomid for a cycle or two and see what happens. If we still don’t get any luck then we might try and scans and injection things. He said if that didn’t work then the next step would be IUI. Im hoping we wont have to go that far though.
What he does want us to do starting from today and everyday is that DH has to take 20ml of Aloe Vera juice a day, a tablespoon of Goji Berries, 10 pumpkin seeds, zinc and folic acid. And I have to take folic acid (this is on top of my pre natal vit) berocca, fish oil and zinc.
Ok I think I remembered everything, if anything else comes to mind I will add later on, my brain is just swirling with information though.
Oh and all up we spent about $600 there this morning.