Mel ahhh that smiley sure is a beauty and look at those lines! -swoon- I was looking at your blog neat stuff on there :thumbsup: is there a reason you take the red raspberry leaf pills over the tea? I drink the tea (I actually love the taste, seems I'm the only one based on the comments I've read lol) but I stop after AF because I'm scared about what they say about MC in the early months.
Kmpreston I think it's time to run to $tree for some OPKs!
Dreamer that is crazy! Wow such a small world and your welcome, mission accomplishedI have an ex that lives in St Lucie, you anywhere near Treasure Coast? I think that's what it was called
Kmpreston oh boooooUKs got no bargains?! Well let's hope after tomorrow's test you won't need those extras if only you were in FL I have a $2.00 off coupon for CBs hehe!