Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!

Thanks ladies xx

The shopping and pampering was good but it all went downhill at the ultrasound.

As suspected, its definitely PCOS, right ovary had 22 cysts (she mentioned it should be under 12), left they couldn't get a good view of because it was behind my right one or something, but she said it looked the same. Measured 15 across and it should be 10 or under.

PLUS my uterus is arcuate, which she said shouldn't effect things. And she thinks I have a minor case of endometriosis too. And a tiny pulp (or fibroid, I blanked).

She mentioned a laparoscopy so I guess that's on the cards for me :/ I see my doc on Wednesday so she'll probably refer me to a gynacologist I guess. Weight loss is my best option at the moment to try to get rid of the cysts. I'll just have a higher risk of miscarriage when I do get pregnant.

Feeling very hopeless at the moment! I think some wallowing and a gilmore girls marathon is in order.
Oh Sheece! :( :hugs: I'm so sorry. That's rough news. I second the Gilmore Girls marathon, that's always my go-to "wallowing" show. I wish I knew what else to say. I'm hoping your doctor on Wed can come up with some solutions for you. :hugs:
Oh I'm sorry Hun. There seems to be a lot you can do with diet and pcos though. I had endo years ago and the laparoscopy got rid of it. Fx it does the same for you
Thanks girls xx. Still kind of numb and processing it all.

She said it looked like it could be minor endo, so hopefully its not too serious. Just of course it had to be more complicated than pcos. Nothings ever easy heh.
Mine was minor and it went and never came back at far as I know. Chin up, keep going :hugs:
So sorry Sheece. My thoughts are with you. Now you have a base to work with and improve.
Thanks ladies, appreciate the support :)

Just to twist the knife in, FF decided to tell me I ovulated yesterday at CD 13! Of course it took the crosshairs away after my temp this morning, I just had to roll my eyes heh.

I am glad to have some answers, just annoyed that it's going to delay things even further. Doctors appointment on Wednesday and I'm sure she will end up referring me to a gynocologist, and we'll go from there.

Really glad I didn't wait until the "recommended" 12 months to go and get checked out though!

How are you all going?
Sheece - I'm so sorry to hear about the PCOS and endo. Pity party sounds like the right course of action! As you said, I do think it's good that you're getting to the bottom of why TTCing hasn't been successful so far though, and how you can be on your way to addressing the issues. Try not to worry too much about the possible endo. I've heard of so many women conceive just fine with it, especially if it's mild. As for PCOS, perhaps I shared this with you before, but I found this page useful just in terms of learning about what it is and possible causes: Of course, I can't speak to the accuracy of the information, so I hope it doesn't undermine whatever your doctors are telling you! Also, if you do have fibroids, welcome to the club! I have four massive ones that I spent the second trimester making everyone around me feel, telling them it was the baby's knee/head/feet, only realize more recently that they're just my fibroids :$
Hi Jezika, hope you're doing well, can't believe you are already due next month!!! That's gone so quickly.

I hadn't seen that page before, thanks for the link I will have a read :)

Wow I never would have guessed that you could feel them from the outside! That's insane. Do they give you any grief at all?
argh darn it Sheece!!!!!!!!!! i did think PCOS but the endo and fibroids too. talk about when it rains, it pours!! im quite angry for you. so very glad you never waited the "12 months" and then asked questions.

on the very good side, a laparoscope is not very invasive. maybe 2/3 small incisions and they can get all the endo out. and maybe just have good look inside and see if there is anthing else they have to "clean" out. i had one done so let me know if you wnat more info.

losing weight does help alot with PCOS so i hope you can lose excess weight. atleast now they will take your baby making a bit more serious and have you on meds soon and baby making soon. tell you gynea you have been trying for so many months. tell him your cycle lengths, have a really good chat when you go in and lets hope he/she can get you preg soon
Sheece - I'm really glad that your doctor was willing to start the process of checking on you without making you wait the full 12 months. My sister's doctor, knowing she has PCOS and knowing she wasn't ovulating at all (during the entire 12 month process she only had a natural period once), refused to refer her to a specialist until she'd gone "12 months trying". I know that doesn't make you feel any better, I'm just glad your doctor was accommodating! :hugs:

Keep us updated on what they decide to do!
Oh wow! I'm glad they found everything they did now, and not after 12 cycles had passed! We were lucky enough to have a visiting doctor that sent us for testing before our year was up, my family doctor at the time after we got my results back said she wouldn't send in a referral or do anything until 12 months were up. Needless to say we don't see her anymore.

I'm hoping some weight loss will help with everything! I was reading back when we were doing our antral and they may have found a fibroid (turned out to not be the case) that women who are considered overweight are more prone to getting fibroids. Like many other women have said, it will also help with the PCOS. I've heard the diet is pretty crazy though. Mostly veggies, try to stay away from too much protein, sugar and dairy.

FX that referral to the gyno gets you that long awaited BFP!! Hoping it only take a round or two of clomid for you!
You ladies are the best, thanks for all the thoughts and well wishes :flower:

Had my appointment this morning and the ultrasound place hadn't actually sent my doctor through any of the results yet, grr. They actually asked when I was seeing her so they could get the results through in time too, annoying.

My explanations were enough though so she has referred me straight to a fertility specialist. I've got an appointment on the 21st.

Hoping I don't need the full gamut of treatments, just the laposcopy maybe. Maybe a monitored cycle, not sure.

Doc was happy that I am taking myo-inositol too and gave me the go ahead to start magnesium supplements (I've been doing a lot of research :P ) and I had a pap smear, if that doesnt come back normal I will scream, had enough of abnormal tests!

So now I just wait until the 21st. Doc didn't give me much more to go on, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing I guess.
oh Sheece so happy that you are referred to the specialist. 21st is just around the cornor. i know right now you have more questions than answers so i do hope you can get all your answers at that appt. keep doing what you doing. my doc suggests a low carb diet so maybe look into that. just keep your head up and soon you will have a baby.
Sheece - I'm so glad you got the referral to the specialist! FX they can do something simple!
Yep im happy its happening quickly :) hopefully i can get the laposcopy done quick too so we can get things going again!
Doing well, think I O'ed the day before yesterday, so it looks like it's going to be a shorter cycle this month (yippee!). Tracked the past three days just to see where I was in my cycle and looks like I caught my surge within those days. This cycle should be about 30 days.

Weight wise I'm down about 15 lbs, so I'm sure that's helping! Gone up a bit over the weekend thanks to eggnog and finding a recipe for a favourite Sauce of mine that a restaurant here in Alberta holds under lock and key. Now I can make it whenever I want!

Also just finished crocheting a dress set for one of DH's cousin's (she's due in January and I just found out we were invited to the shower). Working on Christmas gifts at the moment, but once those are done I'll be switching back to SIL's baby blanket (she's due in Feb).


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I'm doing okay minus the pelvic & hip pain. Thinking I'll be spending most of the rest of my pregnancy sitting/laying down since it's so painful to move around.

Abe - that dress is ADORABLE! I love it!!

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