Sheece - I'm so sorry to hear about the PCOS and endo. Pity party sounds like the right course of action! As you said, I do think it's good that you're getting to the bottom of why TTCing hasn't been successful so far though, and how you can be on your way to addressing the issues. Try not to worry too much about the possible endo. I've heard of so many women conceive just fine with it, especially if it's mild. As for PCOS, perhaps I shared this with you before, but I found this page useful just in terms of learning about what it is and possible causes: Of course, I can't speak to the accuracy of the information, so I hope it doesn't undermine whatever your doctors are telling you! Also, if you do have fibroids, welcome to the club! I have four massive ones that I spent the second trimester making everyone around me feel, telling them it was the baby's knee/head/feet, only realize more recently that they're just my fibroids :$