Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!

Today I decided I couldn't make it in and stayed home. It was a really rough night for me. I fell asleep around 10pm, woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom. Fell back asleep, woke up around 1:30am with a weird dream and then could not go back to sleep no matter what I tried. I finally started to doze off around 4:30, but my alarm goes off at 5am. I tried to get up and go to work but I realized I probably needed to stay home when I was sitting at the table crying. Just not a good day. What sucks is I feel guilty about taking a day off because I have such limited sick leave. :nope: After I went back to bed around 6, I slept until 10, so clearly I needed it. I still don't feel well though, I'm still feeling kind fo sleep deprived, and having sharp pains in my stomach (middle/sides). Not sure what that's about but it's accompanied by nausea. :wacko: I've got my regular appointment today so I'll mention it to her when I see her.

Sheece - I am desperate for Christmas break right now! :haha: I'm feeling okay but reaching a point of complete and utter exhaustion, and pain. I'm over it, really. :haha: I feel horrible, but I was googling "preterm labor" today to see if I could go into labor in the next week and baby still be safe. :dohh: I don't actually want to go into labor any earlier than 37 weeks, I want baby to be fully developed, etc, but I'm so very tired lately it's hard to think straight.

Jezika - I can't wait until I'm at 37 weeks and at least once I'm at 37 weeks I can hope she's going to come any minute and not feel guilty about it! :haha: My baby shower is on Sunday. I'm excited! :) My sister is throwing it, but I'm doing a lot of the cost stuff because she just can't afford it. I made up a bunch of homemade sugar scrubs and bath salts with essential oils to give as little party favors and I'm going to pick up something as a prize for the diaper raffle she's doing. I hope a lot of people participate in the diaper raffle because I'd really like to get a lot of free diapers!

Hopefully you are able to have your LO soon!
Hugs angel. It sounds like you really needed the day. Hope you have a good night's sleep tonight
Broody - ooh, I'm having a salad right now! And actually I should've added that pizza and fries also feature regularly on our menu, oops :$ Oh, and the forum I was looking at was a different forum and was from 2009. But clearly waiting foreverrrrrr is not a unique story! Glad that you were able to finish work and get in some better headspace. Super important at best of times, but especially so during pregnancy.

Angel - I realized I replied to other things in your post on the other thread but didn't express my sympathies re: your sleep issues. I can totally relate, as you know. it's anyone's guess whether I'll sleep okay during any give night. Just last night I was lying awake between 4-7am, but luckily didn't have to be up early this morning. I went to one of my 9am classes on 3 hours' sleep last week though, and that was killer. I'm used to maybe 5-6 hours' sleep on those days, so that was a record. I'm just trying to hang in there though coz it's almost over. Your shower sounds exciting! I hear ya on the cost thing... I felt SO bad having friends shell out for it, so I tried to do as much as possible myself that would incur costs (food etc.) and told them I just wanted to get together and play games, no need for fancy stuff and gifts, but they still went all out. I felt bad but grateful. Oh, your favour ideas sound super cool!!! I'll have to remember that for if my friends have showers in the future that I help organize. Let us know what your OB (or midwife?) says about the side pains.
Oh, also, did I ever mention how I've asked all our friends and family to draw an animal for Matilda that I am then digitizing and making into a huge collage of animals? It's SO easy to do (as long as you have Adobe Illustrator) and we have fam and friends from all around the world that are contributing (we'll have 50+ animals in total!).

Example of before and after below...


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Jezika - those meals sound yum! I'm a bit like you, I can eat the same meals over and over again, as long as it makes it easier for me haha. I have the same breakfast during the week, its just easier!

and omg those animals are too cute! what a great idea. I have illustrator I might have a play and learn how to do it :)

And I tested this morning - bfn. Only 7dpo though! You know me, queen of early testing plus I have a bunch of cheapies so I figure why not.

Angel - Damn I'm sorry you feel so shit! How did your appointment go? Hope you're feeling better now x

Broody - you always get my hopes up, I like it :P Still having the same breathlessness issues and boobs are sore on the sides (mainly if I poke them though :P) so we will see.
Sheece - I'd definitely test at 7DPO with cheapies, but totes wouldn't expect to see anything (I never got a BFP before 11DPO). As for Illustrator, I'm a proper novice other than doing what I need to do for those illustrations, so you may be way more proficient than me, but let me know if you want me to give you a quick overview of how I do it. It's super easy. Some of those animals are so cute I'm thinking of printing them on t-shirts or mugs or maybe even phone covers ha.
I'd love an overview if you have time Jezika :)

I use it to create prints for my etsy shop & for work advertising, so I know my way around it alright but I don't really know how to do what you did!
My faintest bfp was 10dpo. The cheapie she didn't show until 16dpo.
What was the sensitivity of your cheapies do you know Broody?

Mine says 10 but ive read lots where IC's haven't picked it up before a frer.

Oh well its satisfying my urge to POAS, I'll wait until period is late before I get a frer I think. Not holding out much hope still though!
jezika - im so glad you never had your baby yet. i felt bad not wishing you everything of the best with the birth. i wish you have a beautiful little girl and with her so many of your dreams come true. may she bring you endless joy and happiness. (telling you now just incase you do give birth and go missing again) i love that you have a plan but not really worried to stick to it down to the last word. you do have to see at the time what works for you and what good for you and baby. i hope you dont go too far over due. i hear alot of women that past their due date have a really hard time managing everything. sorry about the lack of sleep, sadly its just going to get worse when baby comes, but so worth it. i love those things you did with the pictures. i did think you were going to do canvas art for the baby room with them, but tshirts and mugs sound good too. hope you do very well for you test. my guess for your due date will be around the 16. maybe even 19th of Dec. but its just a guess.

angel, its so good to hear the massages helped you even though it was for a few days. but if you keep going, then you may feel a bigger difference. sorry you had to take the day off. sometimes your body needs it. being pregnant is not always the easiest thing for your body. some days you have to have a break. what did they say about the sharp pains? im sure its the streching of everything. baby will be growing pretty fast now. do you think you will be having an early labour?

sheece its so good to see weight loss in kilos, we use kilos here too. congrats on losing that weight. your combo of things are really working. it really is too early to test. you a poas addict hey! it would be good for some miracle to happen and you get preg but if now, you know you have your clean out lap and then babies after are a definite for you.

afm, i had a 5 day AF, then i kept spotting and spotting and spotting. let me tell you ladies its hard. i looked at ff yesterday to post on my thread. in the last 5 weeks, i had sex 2 times, the last time being 3 weeks ago. and its not just hard being sex deprived. its hard emotionally. i feel so uncomfy. im the walk naked in the house kinda chick and right now, i dont even change around DH. i feel so yuk and uncomfy all the time. constantly waiting for me to bleed. which never happens, i only spot endlessly. as for the cyst, i can feel it again. it hurts and cramps. i did call to have a follow because of the spotting but my doc is on vaca till the 12th. so have to wait it out.
(P.S. i wasnt bleeding yesterday, i bullied my DH into sex. he said no, its going to hurt me and something is wrong inside and you cant do that and basically penetrating will make me bleed and he does not want that so i said, its happening, you have the option for a condom if you want but its happening.) not to jinx it but im just over 36hrs spot free at the moment.
Today was so much better. I'm sore (pelvic pain) but at least I got some decent sleep last night. Yesterday I had my 34 week appointment. Doctor said that once I hit 34 weeks (I have me at 34 weeks as of Monday but they don't have me at 34w until Tomorrow), then I am officially far enough along that if I go into labor they won't stop it. She said she'd prefer me to be 37 weeks but at this point I'm good. :happydance: <3 Then she also told me that she'll be on vacation the last week of December so she's hoping I DON'T go into labor that week but if I do she has a backup person who'll be available. :growlmad: :wacko: This terrifies me a little because it's common in my family for babies to be about 2 weeks early and that's exactly when I'd be delivering if Melody follows suit. :dohh:

As for the side pains, she said it sounded like other types of contractions and not to worry unless it became more regular.

Jezika - Ooh I just had a huge salad yesterday for dinner. In fact, that's all I had because that's all I wanted! :haha: Sorry that you're having sleep issues too! At least we aren't alone.

Those animal pictures are so cute! I love that idea!

Sheece - 7dpo is still early! My earliest bfp was 9dpo I think. Keeping FX that these are good symptoms for you!

Whimsical - The massage seems to be helping okay. He spends an hour literally working on just my hips and my lower back and that seems to help. I'm hoping to keep it going weekly. I suspect I might have an early labor because most women in my family have, but we'll see.

I'm so sorry that you're having so much trouble with spotting and the cyst. :( Hopefully you continue to be spotting free!
You're making me crave salad and it's 5am here!

Jezika. I'm not sleeping either. I always get pregnancy insomnia and it's a killer. Last time, even with newborn wake ups I actually got more sleep as Dyl used to regularly sleep in til 10/11 as a newborn so I felt more rested. Fx it works that way for you too!

Angel, sounds like your body is screaming for a rest. Hope you can hang in there til Christmas
Angel are you prepped for labour? Anymore things t get before baby comes?

its unnerving that your doc wont be around but as long as she swears she is leaving you in good hands, its ok. But I do hope you carry to term. Sometimes you can be different from everyone in that family, lets hope with this you are different.

Afm, spotting still at bay. Having alot of pre o cramping and fatigue. Days feel so much better without spotting
Whimsical - aww, you're so sweet. Fingers crossed I won't be waiting too long and baby girl will be here soon. I'm trying to remind myself to enjoy my last few days/weeks of my "old life" rather than wishing it away. I mean that in a good way, of course. I just can't wait to be done with school, which will be a week tomorrow (unless I give birth before then). I hope you're not right about your predictions for my labour! The 19th is the absolute latest they would let me go, and I can only imagine how uncomfortable it would be by then... plus DH's parents will be visiting from the UK and wouldn't get to spend much hands-on time with Matilda since my midwives suggest keeping her intimately with us during the first week (and then DH's parents go back after Christmas). Also not sure I should be taking a 5-day-old to our Christmas dinner plans (assuming there are no complications and I'm feeling good), so those may need to be scrapped. So I hope she comes soooon but now that I said that, I bet you're right! Sorry to hear about the issues with your cyst, by the way. That sounds very stressful :( though I'm glad you could still enjoy some sex with DH. I can only imagine the strain. Fingers crossed the spotting has stopped for good, too!

Sheece - not sure about sensitivity of my ICs but I was using wondfos. And I get how you're not holding out too much hope, but you never know, and even if it doesn't happen this month it sounds like you'll be well on your way to TTC success in the new year. I know it's daunting whenever we hear something is medically wrong with us, but it does sound like a lot of those things shouldn't be issues at all. It's just together they sound pretty scary. I consider myself healthier than most, but if I were to list my various medical complaints I could convince myself I'm dying. It's hard to deal with health stuff, but I think we all have that stuff, and probably many things we don't even know about.

As for the animal illustrations, what I do is:

1. Go over the pencil drawings in fine black pen, making sure the lines that surround anything I want to later colour completely enclose the blank space within.

2. Erase the pencil thoroughly.

3. Use my phone to take a well-lit picture of the drawing head-on, trying to avoid any shadows on the page.

4. Crop the picture to only include the drawing and maybe up the brightness and contrast to help Adobe Illustrator distinguish better between lines and background.

5. E-mail the picture to myself, open it in Illustrator.

6. I usually start by hiding the art board, then select all and do Image Trace --> Make and Expand. The settings on that option are usually good enough to capture all the lines properly.

7. Select all again and hit 'Ungroup' so I can highlight bits of the illustration in isolation.

8. Now I can start selecting parts of the picture and colouring them in. Voila!

Angel - argh! If Melody (awesome name, btw) is early and I'm late, you'll be just behind me! I do hope she hangs out though so you don't have to be delivered by someone else. All the first-time babies in your fam were early too? I was early but my older bro was late.

Broody - sorry to hear you also struggle with preg insomnia. It's been a bit better the past few days so I'm not too distressed, but the constant peeing is awful. And I go through loo roll like nobody's business! I've actually learned to pee in the dark and have set everything up so that I don't have to touch any part of the toilet or myself when I wipe (so I don't flush till the morning coz I don't want to touch the flusher thing and then have to wash my hands) and can just go straight back to bed. I also don't want to wash my hands 3-5 times a night 'cause it aggravates my eczema. Anyway, you didn't need to know any of this... BUT I am glad to hear someone say their sleep was actually BETTER with a newborn. I'd love that :)
I do that with the toilet too! It's right across from Dyl's bedroom so we don't flush when he's asleep unless it's a number 2! Now that's way too much info &#128540;
Angel - Melody is on our list maybe's, what a beautiful name :)

Jezika - thanks for those instructions! I will give it a go :)

Very good point about the health stuff. All together it just sounds so overwhelming! I'm trying to remind myself that I'm slowly getting the pcos stuff under control, the endo and fibroid should be sorted in January, and hopefully by this time next year we will have our little baby.

Patience was never my virtue though, this whole process is teaching me some lessons haha.

9dpo today. bfn but I thought I saw a shadow line. So the usual. Boobs a bit sore, feeling nauseous and woozy at times but I think thats all down to the Metformin! I don't think my temps are high enough to get a bfp this cycle :/ Just glad it's a shorter cycle, and next cycle should be even shorter :) Hopefully I don't have AF during my operation though!
somewhere along the lines i missed the conversation with names.

jezika, Matilda is a lovely name. makes me always think of the movie. how you do night time bathroom trips made me laugh. i have always been a person to wake up atleast once every night to pee. and sometimes after all that, im so awake. i should try the way you and Broody do it. life would be so much easier if you would have your baby earlier, then you can be busy holiday time, but i do like the idea of a week alone time with her and if you can, that would be great for all of you. the 5 day old travelling thing.... when do you think you should be going out with a new born? im not sure. that first few couple weeks are so busy with you trying to find a medium in your life, when do you feel ready to venture out? broody when was your first trip with Dyl?

angel, Melody is a lovely name too. were you ladies reading the same book because you both went with M names? :haha: also would be so lovely if you 2 could have your little ones close together. so much info you could share together.

sheece, its really a good sign that your cycles are getting shorter. i dont think you will have your period. but lets hope not.
I had a c section so wasn't very mobile. We went home when he was 2 days old and I maybe had a week where we didn't go out much. But I know I took him out a lot earlier than most of my friends did. I didn't realise about catching bugs and things and TBH we'd had visitors so not sure it would have made a difference anyway. We did both end up with horrendous colds when he was 3 weeks old but I suspect it was a visitor who gave us that. Obviously you've got to do what you feel comfortable with but for me I needed to get out and about for my sanity

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