Some very interesting resposes
My friend is a child minder and looks after a little boy who is almost 3 (she has had him since he was 8months). The boys mum asked my friend if she would potty train him as "she didn't have time". Just like to point out that my friend has this little boy Mon, Weds &Thurs 9am-3pm, the rest of the time he is at home with his mum! So, although my friend tried to start with potty training, it isn't backed up at home so the little boy is really struggling with it.
My question is this - These days, where there are more working parents, can this contribute to 'late' potty training? Do some working parents genuinely not have the time? Is it harder to potty train when the child is being looked after by child minders etc from a younger age?
Yes, I think some parents have taken a lazy approach, but this isn't the case for everyone.
I would be disappointed if my LO wasn't out of nappies (during the day) by 18months - 2yrs max (not disappointed with my LO btw... In fact I'm not sure disappointed is the word here, but can't think of another!) but I know that things sometimes don't go according to plan. This is just for myself, however and I do not judge anyone else with how they go about potty training
I personally wouldn't send my child to school in nappies/pull ups
This is a good point, my DH and I work full time so Elliot is with a mixture of nursery/childminder/family 5 days a week 8.30-5.30 ish....I guess I should be looking at how we will be handling potty training as I will need conformity and support from all sides! It's a shame I can't just send him a long and get someone else to potty train him I had better help at home though lol.