Children + Swearing-> Your Views


Full time working mummy
Feb 1, 2008
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I am just wondering what everyones views on their children swearing is? Or future children.
I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a big angry discussion over views.

Anyways, my opinion is that I will allow it as I swear a fair bit and it would be hypocritical if I didn't allow it of my child, of course I am referring to when my child is older; a teenager or so. However, if i ever catch her swearing at someone then there will be hell to pay. I also want her to have a diverse vocabulary and not to rely on swearing as a way to communicate, if that makes sense. I also want her to have respect for her elders, I do not swear around my parents or people older than me that i know do not like swearing; this would be the same for her. I would not want her to swear around my parents or similar adults.

Not sure if what I wanted to say came out right; but anyways. What are your views?
my language is awful and no way will I be swearing around my children at a young age!! I understand what you mean about teenagers but I dont know what age I will start to be a bit more laid back about it!!

Hearing 5 year olds swear is in my eyes absolutely disgusting!!
I definately agree with you there! Young children swearing, even primary school kids just disgusts me. I will be making an effort not to swear once she's born and would probably become a bit more laid back once she's older.
I'm in the same club as you Sarah, so like you i'll allow exceptions, but not used to insult anyone directly. I hate seeing little children swear though, I've seen 5 year olds with mouths like a sewer, all because of the environment they've been brought up in. I live in a lovely little place now though, where kids can actually run around outside without fear, even the road's safe! But back where I grew up, well, the fact I ended up a teenage mum isn't the biggest surprise. I hope my child NEVER has to live in an area as corrupt as some I've had the pleasure of staying in. The kids back there would spit, kick, swear, steal, all from the young ages of 6, by 12 they'd be smoking/doing drugs and by 14 they'd have their second baby on the way. That's deemed normal in them places.
Oh wow, that would be horrible pixie! I'm so glad that you have found yourself a wonderful place to have a family!
Funnily enough it's only 5 minutes drive away from the place I grew up! And 10 minutes away is an even worse place! But we're tucked away in the country, shielded by fields and tractors making it impossible for people to get anywhere on time :) In fact the estate I'm on at the moment is nicknamed the 'Beirut of Rainford', it's the most peaceful little place i've ever been! And yet it's known for it's 'drug problems' (all the old hippies live here) by people in the village! I think it's a nice little balanced place, safe, not completely without problems, but we all get along just fine and there's a park just at the back of my house without graffiti, or urine down the slide, or used contraception all over the place... haha I've never lived in a place so clean before this, I could definitely get used to it and I hope the buba appreciates it!
I will be quite laid back with Eddy swearing in his teenage years, I would draw the line if it was aimed at anyone in particular or if I heard him swearing in the street because it's just not nice to hear when your out and about. I only swear in the privacy of my own home and very occasionally swear in front of my parents and in-laws. DH has a strict list of what he will and will not be allowed to say in front of me
Children swearing is a big no no. My mum swears alot (always has done) but when i was growing up we werent allowed it at all...even "flipping hell" or something like that wasnt allowed...we were told by my mum that they are adult words and that she was allowed to say them because she was an adult and we are children so we cant say them.....

Even to this day I have never swore AT my mum and would never do that....i swear around her but i would never swear at her....and my brothers and sisters are the same...
I swear, not directly at people but if I hurt myself or something goes wrong! Rarely though.
I never swear in front of my mum and dad, never have, never will, I'm still scared my Dad will smack me for it!

My daughter is nearly 13 and is not allowed to swear in front of me or her Dad and definitely not in front of Grandparents, I would hope that she will have the common decency not to swear at us ever.

I have heard her with her friends and they all seem to swear, then i went on to hear my daughter call someone a bitch, she was dragged into the house and told off!
Maybe I am a bit over the top with it but I just want her to carry on understanding that it is really horrible hearing people swearing out in the street, maybe I am a bit stuck up that way!!!

OH's mother swears all the time and she will be getting told about it before this baby arrives! I'm not having a toddler in a trolley in Tescos cursing!!
Absolutely not tolerated whatsoever. I don't even swear now. My OH does but he won't infront of our children!
Its unrealistic to think that Seth will never hear those words but he certainly wont be hearing them from me. Ive never sworn in front of my parents because I think its completely direspectful. But my language otherwise is horrendous, Ill admit.

I wouldnt bge happy with him swearing in front of me either. But my OHs parents are ok with swearing so... who knows.

I was brought up in a home where no one ever used foul language. My daughter isn't around anyone who swears and if someone does around her (even a stranger) i'll pick them up on it. I would not tolerate my daughter swearing what ever her age (even teenager) i don't think you have to swear to get a point accross so long as you have been taught to express yourself properly as i was.
My son has heard me say it on occasions where I've hurt myself or somethings went wrong and it's out your mouth quicker than you can think.

But if he repeats it. hes told it's a naughty word and mummy/daddy are bad. I've never heard him say it other than unless one of us has said it first. Also nusery have never mentioned him saying anything rude. So I think I'm safe.

But I don't like to see children swearing. My mates son says "Pikey" to everyone. I find it a little off, she laughs at it, but I'm sure it's a habbit hes in and he'll grow out of. But she doesn't discourage him.
I don't swear (at least not out loud!), my hubby doesn't swear either - in fact he can't stand to hear ladies swear anyway. Both of us were brought up in homes where swearing wasn't allowed (my mum told me that "shut up!" was swearing because aparantly I used to say it to my brother too many times!).

I would hope that my vocabulary is wide enough for me not to need to swear especially infront of children and I want my child to be able to express her views/feelings in a way that won't make her sound like an illiterate potty mouth!

Too many times I've heard mum's in ASDA pushing around trolleys a few aisles away whilst swearing and cursing at their toddlers who in turn, swear and curse right back at them! It just doesn't look or sound right at all.

(There was one time however, when my cousin was three, and we were all sat at the Christmas table for dinner and she decided to say "thank you Biatch!" when her dad poured her juice! Everyone was so shocked and I just couldn't hold in the laughter so my mum made me leave the table!)
Truth is, most kids do pick it up from somewhere. Usually at school where parent's haven't been so careful and it spreads. Can't blame every mother for a toddler swearing. I'm not defending them, but it isn't always the parents.
my first sentence was "eat sh*t and die" my mum hasnt got a clue where i heard it lol and as a child i did swear alot and it does sound awful! Im going to try n watch my mouth once baby is here so theres less chance of him swearing but this day and age i dont think we can really stop it happening
No, I agree with Blah11, I absolutely won't tolerate it. Also, this baby is going to be growing up around my parents...if even call something stupid today(I'm 20!), I get "Raelene watch your language!" :rofl:

There is no way on this earth that my child is going to get away with swearing. My 3 year old cousin curses like a sailor and it sounds AWFUL. When he hurts himself or drops something all you hear is "oh fuck!"
My 3 year old cousin curses like a sailor and it sounds AWFUL. When he hurts himself or drops something all you hear is "oh fuck!"


I taught Mikey to go "Oopsie daisy". Which when I think back, makes him sound a little poofy.
Ok, im going to confess, i swear alot and ive heard my kids swearing too, BUT i have told them that they are not aloud to swear outside of this house and if a hear them they will be going to bed and not aloud the ps2.
Where i live people swear, its a council estate and although its a relatively ok estate, you still get your teenagers that swear every other word.
I was always raised not to swear, but now im older i do swear in front of my parent (though there are certain words i wont say as my mum will slap me round the ear, lol).
I teach my kids to respect their elders and with that comes not swearing in front of them.
My daughter has learned this and wont swear at all, its mainly the lads who like to push their luck.
My sons teacher once told me he had sworn at school and he regretted it as i told his teacher to put him on report and he wasent aloud on his ps2 for a week, hes never sworn at school since.
Where i live people swear, its a council estate and although its a relatively ok estate, you still get your teenagers that swear every other word.

its not just council estates where teenagers swear and misbehave!

i grew up on a council estate and my OH grew up in a very posh village in scotland and he behaved alot worse than i did growing up!

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