Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

Ladies, if you wouldn't mind saying a prayer for some friends of ours. It's my husband's best friend since childhood and his wife. They are due about 2 weeks before me (so about 19 and a half weeks), but she went to the hospital today fearing her water broke. Turns out they did find some amniotic fluid. I'm not sure what they've done. I know she was given some medication, but I wondered if they'd do a cerclage in this situation or ??? Anyway, they are actually wanting to send her home on Monday, I'd assume on some form of bed rest. I don't know anything else right now. Please pray that baby can stay in AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Right now they're just saying until at least 24 weeks, but obviously the longer the better. They also have a 3 yo son. Thanks so much for your prayers. <3

Praying for that family! Please keep us updated.
His word says "we shall not caste our youngs before their time". can't remember d exact potion of d bible now but it is one verse that makes me strong in situations like this. The Lord that started His good work in their lives will surely accomplish it IJN. I stand in faith with them.
Thanks ladies. She is home now. On "extreme bedrest." And it sounds like she's getting more help than I thought she would. Still praying. She sees her Dr twice a week for at least the next month.
He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.
Matthew 14:23

How long has it been since you’ve read the story of Jesus walking on the water and calming the storm? Did you think about what it must have been like for the petrified disciples that night as they wondered where Jesus was while the winds were howling? Your heart must have had a lot in common with them as they wondered why Jesus wasn’t showing up.

“God, why did You abandon me when I needed You most? Are you as afraid as I am? Do You really know everything? Then why didn’t You help my doctor find the problem in time? Jesus, did the death of my baby catch You off guard? If You are really in control, why didn’t You stop my early labor? God, where were You in my storm?”

Maybe anger is the storm that surrounds your life. Your fury churns like deep waters when you wonder where God was when your baby lost the battle for life. Friend, if this is the cry of your wounded heart, don’t abandon ship just yet. The answer is coming—walking straight to you on the waters of your hurt.

Allow me to direct your attention to verse 23 of Matthew chapter 14. “After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray;” (You’ll also find this nugget of truth in John 6:15 and Mark 6:46.) Jesus had not abandoned them. Not even for a moment. Rather, He was doing the most important thing He could have done while His friends were having a problem. He was praying.

Do you realize that Jesus prays for you? He was praying for you long before you ever knew you’d have a problem with your pregnancy. Long before you drew your first breath, long before you realized that your baby never would, Jesus prayed for you. How do we know? Look at Hebrews 7:24-25: “…but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” (NIV) Jesus is interceding to God the Father for us. Jesus stands face to face with God and talks to Him about you. Can you imagine what He says? “Father, these are my children. The death of their baby has been so hard on them. But Your grace is sufficient for even so great a hurt as this. Send the comfort of the Holy Spirit to them.” Jesus sits at the right hand of God—the power side of God—and speaks to God on your behalf (Romans 8:34)! When your hurt is too deep for words and you find that you cannot even pray for yourself, Romans 8:26 tells you that the Spirit Himself intercedes for you with groanings too deep for words.

Never forget, friend. Jesus prays for you.

Taken from When Love & Sorrow Embrace: The Sufficiency of God’s Grace Through the Heartache of Miscarriage by Beth Forbus, (c) 2006
Hello Ladies,

Just thought I would pop in and say hi:flower: My life is a roller coaster right now but we are clinging to God and each other. DH is currently admitted to Yale and awaiting his PICC Line.

Every day I take an hour break and during that I go outside to walk around. My favorite place is outside the children's entrance because every I can catch the "baby parade" all the newborns going home!

I know kinda stalkerish but it brings me so much joy to see those families going home with their LO, someday I know it will be DH and I!

I have a blog where I am keeping track of our journey, for know I am leaving out the TTC stuff but once DH is back on his feet we will be more free with that part of our life.

Everyday in my prayer time I cover my BnB ladies and their needs so please know I think of you all often and do pop in to read up.

Please prayer for one of the ladies here on BnB who delivered a micro preemie...her story in the 2nd Trimseter link.

Also little Hannah is doing fabulous!


Hello ladies! Just checking in...Our 2nd IUI failed, found out the same day my best friend who didn't want another child told me she is pregnant, after bd-ing 1x while using a condom? :/ I took a break with my kids for a little get a way. I am taking this cycle off, as I got an awful rash about a week ago=hormonal apparently...Any whoo, We will gear up to do our 3rd & hopefully last IUI in July! Know that I pray for all you ladies on here often!
Thank you ladies for the updates. BHG, I will continue to pray for you and your husband. That's a lovely thought about you watching the baby parade. Glad you are able to find joy in that.

Sorry about the iui cupcake. Hopefully the next one will be your last and you and hubbs will be celebrating a sticky bean!
We're both good! Thanks! It's funny cause I was in a meeting at work and he/she was just tumbling around and all I could think was "I don't want to be in this meeting either", lol. People are speculating a girl, but we'll see.
"The battle"

This was never about me having a baby. It turned out to be everything but that.
It was a different story altogether.
The prince removed everything to see where my eyes would lay.
He turned his back to see if I would follow.
He gave me silence instead of answers, to see if I would notice.
He watched me endure loss to see how resilient i was made.
He removed my hope to see if I would fight for it back.

He wanted to see if I would choose him.
He wanted to see if a baby was all my heart desired.
And although at times i thought that is all that consumed me.
That getting prayers answered was all that mattered.
I realised in that moment, the more empty I became.
The fight was more evident then ever before.
Would i choose my faith, despite my pain?
Would i choose his way, despite my understanding?
Would i choose to obey, without certainty?
If i didn't get what i wanted, when i wanted it. Would it change how i felt towards him?
Would i praise him despite my circumstance? Isn't that what the 'war of love' is?

The fight isn't just a battle, it's a love story. I choose him, and i will choose him every time. Every time i get knocked down, i will choose love.


This revelation was inspired by Hillsongs 'War of Love' song. What a worship song!
"Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother's breasts. On you was I cast from my birth, and from my mother's womb you have been my God."
Psalm 22:9-10

You make me brave. Indeed, you make me brave.

Bethel Church Worship Song
The weapons the enemy uses to destroy you are the very words you speak. You are giving him the tools by the words you choose. - Priscilla Shirer.

If we must speak POWER over our womb and our children to come, are we speaking LIFE? Are we speaking HEALING & seeking PROTECTION by the words we choose? Are we putting on God's armour and declaring his promises?

I have collected my (favourite!!) affirmations, so you too can feel inspired, wherever you're upto in your journey.

Scripture Verse Affirmations

- I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.
Joel 2:25

- God, your God, will restore everything you have lost.
Deuteronomy 30:3-13

- Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.
Psalm 91:5-10

- No evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your door. For he will command his angels to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:10-13

- The LORD will protect you from all harm; he will protect your life.
Psalm 121:7

- I believe I am not afraid, fear has no hold over me. Faith in God is there instead. 1 John 4:16-18

- As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.
Ecclesiastes 11:5

- Yet when the thief is found, he must restore sevenfold.
Proverbs 6:31

Pregnancy Affirmations

- I am deserving of an easy, uncomplicated pregnancy.

- I trust the infinite wisdom of my body to protect this baby and produce life.

- My body is free of emotional blockages, and knows exactly how to sustain a baby with ease.

- I trust my care team. I attract health professionals that mirror the love i feel for my baby.

- An approach which &#8216;de-medicalizes&#8217; birth, restores dignity and humanity to the process of childbirth, and returns control to the mother is also the safest approach.

- I let go of all fear in my body; I don't need it anymore.

- I am healing my body even when it appears otherwise.

Childbirth Affirmations

- The power and intensity of my contractions cannot be stronger than me, because it is me.

- Respecting the woman as an important and valuable human being and making certain that the woman&#8217;s experience while giving birth is fulfilling and empowering is not just a nice extra, it is absolutely essential as it makes the woman strong and therefore makes society strong.

- The knowledge about how to give birth is born within every woman: women do not need to be taught how to give birth but rather to have more trust and faith in their own body knowledge.

- My muscles work in complete harmony to make birthing easier.

- Women&#8217;s bodies have near-perfect knowledge of childbirth; it&#8217;s when their brains get involved that things can go wrong.

- Natural childbirth allows the hormones that have been working for women for thousands of years to fulfill their functions.

- Childbirth shouldn&#8217;t hurt. The word &#8220;HURT&#8221; implies that something is injured, damaged, broken, or malfunctioning. Think of the intense sensations you may feel during a deep-tissue massage or yoga class, rock-climbing, running long distances, or during a normal healthy childbirth; because nothing is being injured, damaged or broken, any sensations of pain you may feel can be very positive and productive.

Hi everyone. For those of you that said a prayer for my mom, thank you. She had surgery and the mass was benign. I love it when God proves the doctors wrong! The first doctor said he was sure it was cancer based on how it looked on the ultrasound. The second doctor said he didn't think it was cancer at all. Thank God the second doctor was correct.
If anyone remembers me asking for prayer for a friend who had a gush of amniotic fluid at 20 weeks. She had been doing ok at home on bed rest, but today she had some bleeding so she's going back to the hospital. She'd be just barely over 22 weeks now I think. Please pray.
Hello Ladies,

Just popping in:wave:

Eyemom- praying for your friend, I agree with No Doubt!

HisGrace-So glad all turned out well with your Mom, God is good!

Faithful-It was so good to see you on here, I have been wondering how are you?

I am good:thumbup: TTC is still going very slowly, I was hoping the Metformin would regulate my periods and it has not. So I am back on Provera to induce AF then upping my Metformin to 500mgX 3 day. Hoping that regulates cycles. DH is going in for major surgery (check out my blog link at bottom of sig for details) and his recovery will be about 8 weeks which is perfect because that will give my body plenty of time to adjust to new levels of Metformin and hopefully regulate!!

In other news I took quite the digger down some cement stairs and landed on cement, I am very sore and cant seem to kick my headache. But my DH is very sick right now and I cant afford to be laid up!! I am praying for God to take away the headache. That is the only thing I have no dizziness, spots, nausea or vomiting I am pretty sure it is just a good bump on the head but it is making it very hard to take care of DH.

Well I am off to check on DH and I need to clean out my fridge, I haven't touched it in two weeks and it is so gross. My Mom has been cooking for us in her house (we are in attached in law apt) so I haven't had to but today I looked in there and AHHHHH when DH got admitted to hospital last time I never asked anyone to clean it our for me!

Keeping all you Bnb Ladies in my prayers and Thanking God for this thread!!!


Thanks ladies. Sounds like baby is blissfully unaware and the bleed wasn't that bad. They're keeping her 24 hours as a precaution then she goes back home. She's still on total bed rest with a 3 yo at home, so I'm sure she could use continued prayers. <3

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