Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

I will be praying! This is what happened during my 3rd miscarriage, we went in at 8-9 weeks and the baby was measuring a little over a week behind. The next time we went in, there was no heartbeat.

As you know my story, I now have 3 little miracles that I will be holding in my arms in a couple of weeks. I believe God restored what was taken from my family. Whatever God's will is for this family, I know it will all be for the good.
Hello everyone, can I jump on here as a newbie?
Will try to go back through and see who needs prayers right now and add to my list.

I am actually not Christian..yet. I was raised kind of Jewish kind of atheist kind of all mixed up but my husband is Catholic.
I have been going through a very rough time having gone off my psychiatric medications in order to TTC our first child and decided to start attending church with my husband.
I have been thinking for a long time that I might just want to raise future children Catholic because I don't want them to be mixed up like I was.
I tried to start reading the whole new testament and got kind of overwhelmed. I would love suggestions for good ways to get started.

Are any of you converts?

Good luck to everyone TTC. Prayers for healthy pregnancy and safe delivies for everyone already on their way.
Hi Mintastic. I'm kind of a lurker for the most part, but wanted to jump in and welcome you to the thread. :flower: You'll find so much love and support here.

As far as suggestions for where to get started, personally my suggestion is to get involved in the local church and find a small group (or whatever it's called wherever you go) to plug into. Honestly I'm somewhat ignorant in Catholicism as I've only been to a handful of masses myself, so someone might clue me in if there's something comparable to be found there. I know there are classes, especially when you're new, but I mean something that meets on a regular basis in addition to regular church services. I also live in an area with mostly big(ger) churches so that's my frame of reference. IMO, getting plugged in in this way makes it a lot easier to find the discipling (to use a churchy word--I mean guidance, teaching, personal interaction) you might need when it's all new and overwhelming.

Praying for you with your journey and TTC and everything. God hears your prayers and I believe He will draw you close if you want to know more and raise your children in the church.
Thanks for the welcome eyemom. Congrats on your rainbow!

Yeah I was checking our local church's website and it looks like they have a group for "inquirers" that meets on Thursday nights - unfortunately their website isn't up to date and the dates are all from 2013 so I will have to email or call them for a current schedule. I am excited to learn more!
Hi Mintastic,

Welcome! We have very similar stories please feel free to PM me to chat.

The best way to learn about God and his amazing love, grace, strength, promises and so much more is to read His word. Like I said I am fairly new so I started in the Gospels with the book of John. Also spend time alone with Jesus each day in prayer, talk to him and listen.

Its all about relationship with God!


Sarah AKA ByHisGrace08
Thanks Sarah,

I will definitely PM you.
I read Matthew because I was trying to go in order. Maybe I will try the gospels/John next :)

Thanks Sarah I wasn't trying to downplay the importance of those things.
Hi Eyemom,

Sorry I didn't really read your response please don't think I was downplaying your advice. You also had great advice and I totally agree joining small group, prayer group, bible study group or anything of that nature will only help and enhance your journey with God. To walk as a child of God you need to surround yourself with His family!!


Welcome mintastic!

The other ladies gave great advice. When I was younger and questioning whether God was real I had a friend who told me to start with a solid foundation. He took me to Hebrew should be my foundation is what he said, so that is where I started reading. But I would definitely suggest finding a church home, but also just prayer. Everyday prayer (just talking to God) is a good place I feel to start. Get yourself comfortable with it and with Him. And it doesn't have to be the while fall on your knees and what not, just walking down the street and talking to God. Ask Him to lead you and guide you, then listen for His instruction and follow!
Hello everyone, can I jump on here as a newbie?
Will try to go back through and see who needs prayers right now and add to my list.

I am actually not Christian..yet. I was raised kind of Jewish kind of atheist kind of all mixed up but my husband is Catholic.
I have been going through a very rough time having gone off my psychiatric medications in order to TTC our first child and decided to start attending church with my husband.
I have been thinking for a long time that I might just want to raise future children Catholic because I don't want them to be mixed up like I was.
I tried to start reading the whole new testament and got kind of overwhelmed. I would love suggestions for good ways to get started.

Are any of you converts?

Good luck to everyone TTC. Prayers for healthy pregnancy and safe delivies for everyone already on their way.

Welcome! I agree that daily prayer and reading scripture will help you grow in faith. I'm not sure what all catholic churches are like but I know that my best friend converted when she was 20. The church had a "Rite of Initiation" that she had to attend classes for...i believe it's almost like an adult CCD.
Best of luck to you and your hubby on your ttc journey!
Welcome mintastic! Not sure I can add anything to what the other ladies have said but good luck with ttc!

I need to ask for some prayers. Its going to sound ridiculous when I say I am concerned that I am pregnant already! I really want to be pregnant but I need to only conceive from now on and not before. If I am pregnant already then the baby will be due before my insurance kicks in and I don't think I can do a Chinese hospital again! I'm just asking that I continue to have faith and know that no matter what, its all in Gods hands and will be in his timing. If that is now I just need to believe that He is in control and will give me the strength I need.
Hello everyone, can I jump on here as a newbie?
Will try to go back through and see who needs prayers right now and add to my list.

I am actually not Christian..yet. I was raised kind of Jewish kind of atheist kind of all mixed up but my husband is Catholic.
I have been going through a very rough time having gone off my psychiatric medications in order to TTC our first child and decided to start attending church with my husband.
I have been thinking for a long time that I might just want to raise future children Catholic because I don't want them to be mixed up like I was.
I tried to start reading the whole new testament and got kind of overwhelmed. I would love suggestions for good ways to get started.

Are any of you converts?

Good luck to everyone TTC. Prayers for healthy pregnancy and safe delivies for everyone already on their way.

Hi Mintastic, just sent you a private message x
Got it xxx_faithful - thanks so much. At work. Will reply tonight hopefully.

Beanonorder - will pray.
Hello All! Welcome & Good luck on your Journey to the new members! I believe when the Holy Spirit calls you, you will feel it! Of course we can always learn & develop our relationships with God by studying His word :)

Sorry I haven't posted lately but I have read through the prayers requests & will lift them up!

Afm- I think I probably didn't O last cycle, since it was only 22 days, plus had a nice skin breakout....ugh So I know my hormones were crazy! I took a break from it all in June, but did do Femara this cycle & am having our 3rd IUI today. I ask for prayers for our marriage. We both are tired & it seems infertility is straining us both. I think this will be our lst attempt at IUI for a while, as I feel TTC is once again consuming us...I pray its His will that this cycle will be our Miracle, but if not I feel I need to accept it may not be in His plan for us to have a child together...It makes me sad, but to think that way, but I do know everyone doesn't always get a THB in this Journey. I pray that we all find peace & happiness along the way! Much love for you ladies!
Thanks for the welcome cupcakestoy - will pray for your marriage.
I know people often get upset by the "A-word" here and I don't know your situation at all but just wondering since you are considering the possibility of having a child not being in the plan for you - would you consider adoption?
Honestly no. Im not opposed to adoption. If i had no children then we would consider it but I have 2 children from my 1st marriage. We had my tubal ligation reversed in hope we could have a child together......
Hi ladies, I'm not TTC (we are expecting DS #2 in October) but I just stumbled across this thread, and I wanted to say it warmed my heart to see Christian ladies praying for and supporting one another! I'm praying you all are blessed with your own little one soon! Lots of love and prayers sent your way!

Mintastic--what an incredible background and journey you have! I think it is amazing you're seeking out the answers God has for your life, and in raising your family. I'm not going to butt my way into this thread, but I would love to try to answer any questions you might have if you want to PM me. Praying for you!

Have a wonderful day, ladies! Thanks for making my day by being a light. : )
Can I ask you all to pray for DH and I? We are closing in on our 1 year mark of ttc with no success (1 chemical in Nov). I have been praying my heart out every day, not only to conceive a child because it's what I want but because it is His Will.
I have prayed that the Lord blesses us with our third child if only it meant that I would be OK during/recovering from childbirth. The hospital that my Dr is affiliated with does not allow vbacs so I would have to have a 3rd c-section. With DS2 I had quite a bit of scar tissue and my bladder attached itself to the scar tissue. This is why I am so afraid to have another child..i want to know that I will be here to raise them.
I have an appointment with my ob/gyn in two weeks to discuss my options, which I know are limited due to my insurance.
Sorry for being all over the place...I've been bottling everything up for so long. Thank you in advance for your prayers! :flower:
Praying for you Aims. The Lord knows your wants and desires, but also knows what is best for you. If it is His will that you have another child, believe that He can also grant you a proper healing and a lifetime of watching your babies grow. Let us how everything goes.
A friend posted this to Facebook earlier today. Disappointment can become HISappointment...

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