Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.


Beta #1 - 93.9/ Beta #2 - 210
We're scheduled for ultrasound #1 on October 14. It seems so far away.

I want to take a chance to thank everyone in here. You ladies have been rocks for me as we started this journey. I don't think I could have done this without you all in my corner. I know a lot can still happen, and I'm going to need the counsel of all those who have done this before. Thank you so much for just being you and for all the prayers!
Ahhh! Congrats hun! Went he do it! So happy for you! The u/s always feels far away but it will be here before you know it!
Congrats Prof wife!! How exciting! Praying!

Had my little man on the first. He is so perfect. It was a crazy birth that ended up in an emergency c section and I had to be put under. It was honestly kind of scary and I'm still struggling with disappointment in not being able to have birthed him naturally and held him immediately. Would love prayers for that.
Prayers hun. I know that's so difficult. I had to have emcs with my son as well, though I didn't need to be put under. That is very difficult though, a lot of women struggle with that. I was terrified, but oddly enough a strange peace came over me when I got in there. I know it was God. One thing that helped me cope was knowing that we both were there safely. I remember thinking "just please get my baby here safely" but then I thought how my baby needed his mother and I begin to pray for both of us. That helped me to think how he needed me during and after to deal with not having the birth I wanted. Don't know if that helps at all, but I'll be praying for you.

Congrats on your peanut though! I'm sure he's precious!
praying for you hun! I hope you can get past it. I know there are a lot of women who struggle with not having the birth they desired. even though all of mine have been vaginal, I have had some crazy things happen that made me feel that way. Don't let the devil steal your joy of your story and how God got your baby here safely :hugs:
Hi ladies! It's been a while since checking in. Just wanted to stop in and see how things are going for everyone. Things are ok here, just moving through and enjoying the holiday season. Hope you all enjoyed thanksgiving and will have a merry Christmas!
Hello ladies--just found this thread and wanted to say hello, send many hugs! I'm 41, DH is 42 and we're trying for #3 after a loss and secondary infertility in DH--but our God is stronger than all of that and I have faith & hope!!!

Have a beautiful day everyone:flower:
Hi 5! Good luck to you!

Hi everyone else! Hope all is going well with you all!
Ladies, it has been almost 2 years since I have logged onto this site! I just became so overwhelmed with the cycles of disappointment, and as much as I tried to stay positive, I just couldn't.
In October of 2013, I had a MMC at 11 weeks, and began the heartbreaking journey of TTC again... This forum was everything to me for a while. I felt so alone in my life, unable to share my pain with my friends and family, tired of crying to my husband...tired of crying to God. I began to plan a life where I wasn't a mother, and my 40th birthday is approaching.
I am 5 weeks pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe it. I am thrilled and shocked, and so so scared...

I have no idea how I will get through the first trimester. I am praying constantly, and speaking positive affirmations to myself all day, and reminding myself of God's love, and my husbands steadfast support, and I am struggling with what to feel...

I just wanted to share the news with you guys, and thank you for reminding me of faith and perseverance.

Joining this thread if you don't mind. We are officially TTC but waiting on my first cycle post mirena removal.. Now that we are here I am so ready!
Hi Girls,

How are our hearts going today? I've been apart of this amazing, comforting, "healing" of a thread since 2011.

I miscarried at 11 weeks on my first round of clomid, i went on to cry and tremble and have tantrums for the next 9mths. The due date of my child was the day the Lord guided me onto this thread. Boy oh boy did he have a journey and an assignment for me!
I did NOT put my hand up for this kind of pain. My heart on many occasions and for many months... did not think i was cut out for this.

I was abundantly blessed in 2013 with a baby girl and went on to have another 2 miscarriages to conceive my son in 2015. Since late 2009 I have been off birth control, and birthed 4(!!!!!) angel babies in heaven. With 2 living children (4yrs) and (2yrs), I have been pregnant 6 times.

2 months ago I had my last miscarriage where I was 13 weeks before being told the "baby" was not in fact a baby - but a blighted ovum. The baby had implanted however my body started making a home (sac) for him/her however the cells of my baby recycled back into the tissues around it.

I was born to nurture. I was born to be a conquerer. A fighter. It's in my DNA - it's in your DNA. We want to keep trying for another. I will not let miscarriage defeat me.

I have inconsistent cycles and came to the conclusion I will need to take clomid again. Does anyone need a clomid buddy this month/ next month? Share with me your story!

Welcome all who are new Xxxx
Oh hun your story is so powerful! Praying for another baby for you!!!

I have 8 kids. Have had 5 mc's. My first two pregnancies were mc at almost 8 and 9 weeks. I went on to have my next 8 children. I then experienced 2 chemicals. And then got pregnant with my last baby whom I lost at 15 weeks. We delivered him on sept 7 and just found out we are expecting again without a cycle in between. Hubs and I are so very grateful. We are getting betas and hopefully will have a sonogram soon.

I have tons of problems with my pregnancies. Placenta abruption, iugr, low paying placenta, pre-eclampsia, low amniotic fluid, shoulder dystocia. Have had sch's with most of them which means lots of bleeding. I almost lost one baby from it and it's the reason we just lost our last baby. I'm on baby aspirin now and have not had any spotting or bleeding so far with this pregnancy which is really unheard of for me. The only other pregnancy where I didn't bleed was my 2nd baby. We are giving God so much glory right now!

My hubs and I do not ever prevent pregnancy. While pregnant with our 5th I was gonna get my tubes tied and decided to pray first. God told me not to do it and submit my fertility and my whole body to his will. I told him if he convinced my husband of the same thing I would do it since I know the Lord will not lead a husband and wife in two separate directions. About a week later my DH came home saying God had told him we shouldn't be getting the surgery done and our bodies should be trusted to God for our family size and the timing of our children. It was really amazing. I'll admit I was scared at first, but he had quieted those fears and provided for each new child every time. It's really been an awesome journey to see God work in our lives.
I was in this group when I was TTC our DD who was born in October of 2013 at 27 weeks and just 1lb 5.9oz due to severe preeclampsia. She is now a healthy 3 year old and keeps us busy!

We have been TTC for baby number 2 since September 2014, but have yet to be successful. I have PCOS and my DH has a low count. We are working with an RE to help us to get pregnant again and I'm currently in the 2WW of our first cycle of timed intercourse with femara and a trigger shot. We are praying so hard that this works.

We have dealt with so much disappointment over the last two years and it is so disheartening to know you have had perfect timing every month, but never have a single BFP. I know that God has this though and that, in HIS time, we will have another baby. After all, He is faithful and our beautiful daughter is a testimony of that (both with trying for two years for her and having two miscarriages along the way and with her being born 13 weeks early).

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