Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind if I join you...lately I've been feeling like I don't belong on any of the other threads. First off, I want to let you know that I've read the recent few pages of this thread and my heart goes out to all of you whether you're celebrating your long awaited blessing or going through a very dark storm right now.
A little intro about myself, I'm newly 29 and my husband is 29 (soon to be 30), married for 2.5 years, and have been ttc for 19 cycles with no bfp. This has been the hardest thing I've ever gone through, and I can hardly believe that we're dealing with this. My husband has been such a great support and comfort for me during this, and I think it has brought us even closer to God as a couple but there is only so much he will understand from a male's perspective. I came across this thread and would really like some like-minded Christian ladies to chat with.
Here's a little background on our situation to better understand what's going on. DH's SA is normal, my labs that I've had checked are normal (prolactin, thyroid, AMH, vit D), and I haven't had any further testing other than a transvaginal ultrasound. I started on progesterone last cycle for a luteal phase defect that I have been trying to treat naturally for the past year with no success. I have been trying everything natural under the sun. I've tried taking Vitex, b6, selenium, magnesium, L-argenine, L-lysine, zinc, N-acetyl cysteine, Royal Jelly, Black Cohosh, and Soy Iso (not all at the same time

). These supplements are in addition to the ones I take on a regular basis: whole food supplement, vit D3, fish oil, probiotic on/off. I have also tried eating pineapple post-ovulation, using preseed, elevating my legs for 30 mins after BD, softcups after BD, guaifenesin, ovulation strips, checking CP and CM, BBT, self fertility massage, fertility prayer, and this month I'm using castor oil packs for the first time. To say I'm discouraged to not have any success month after month is an understatement that I'm sure you all understand. I was supposed to go in for an HSG this cycle, but I wanted to give my body another cycle on the progesterone. I have complete faith that God can heal me of whatever is going on and give me a baby, but at the same time it's so hard waiting and feeling like a failure when I'm not able to do what my body was created for and haven't been able to give my husband a child. I don't even know what to do anymore. I don't feel like I can give up trying and tracking because I believe that God helps those who help themselves; yet by trying so hard, is that taking away from me leaving it in His hands?
Thank you for reading all of this! You will all be in my prayers for continued blessings of hope, comfort, and peace no matter what your situation.