Christian Momma's?

:hugs: And welcome Happy. My prayers to you, for a sticky one.
Girls! I just wanted to thank you all for being a true reflection of a Christian woman. I got the loveliest message today from a lady whose not Christian by the way saying how lovely it was to see us all celebrating pregnancy together rather than fighting like a lot of other threads.

Thank you all SO much. :) <3

without going into too much details. But im bleeding again with a lot of pain. Its not looking good and the drs are not positive at all,

please keep praying for me. I know i can get through anything with God by my side , i am still weak though and find this very distressing. I am praying its just a hiccough and all will be well

keep your faith strong hun, even if your body is weak! Jesus can do anything, but you have to believe He will. dont listen to the dr's and what they have to say. they are limited by science. our Lord is above science and is able to do more than you could dare to ask for. have your Dh lay hands on your uterus and pray. He is our strength in our weakness. i hear many people say He never gives us more than we can handle. i think thats silly. if He didnt give us more than we could handle we wouldnt need Him. of course He gives us more than we can handle, thats when we come the closest to Him. thats when we can truly see His miraculous love and kindness. its in our time of weakness that He is the strongest. rest and rely on His perfect will.:hugs:
Hello everyone- thanks for this thread and your stories.

Has anyone read "Heaven is for Real"? I just finished it in one sitting and thought it to be a very worthwhile read. I don't think that much of life is coincidence because I know God has a plan for us. To me it seemed that this book was given to me right when I needed to read it and brought me a lot of comfort.
i have heard of it hun, but havent read it myself. i agree that everything happens for a reason. its all for the glory of God, even the bad stuff. what the devil means for our harm, God will turn into something good.

DH and i just got a book called 'Jesus calling' and its fab. its a daily devotional written from scriptures but from a point of view as thouh Jesus is saying these things to you each day. we have made it part of our nightly bible study/prayer time. seems to be great for us and the kids :flower:
Can any of you help me with this?

I'm a Christian and I've been praying to God to help me through my first Tri but I am pregnant outside of marriage and I feel quite terrible about it and I feel like a hypocrite praying because I went against the teachings of the bible by getting like this in the first place.

It sounds stupid and I know I'm a rubbish Christian, I just struggle with my faith sometimes due to being abused a lot as a child and other horrible experiences. I'm scared that if I go into church about it anyone might judge me as some awful harlot. I have been with my boyfriend four years and we love each other but we just never got married because we've never had time to plan because he is often busy with his job in the army.

The pregnancy was an 'accident' but I still believe every child is a gift from God so I'm stuck between what the bible says and what I feel God is telling me.

Does that make sense?
nightshade- i dont know how much i can help, but i can give you my view. EVERYONE is a sinner. if anyone treats you bad about it, they will be judged the same as they judge, thats from the bible. i want mercy from Jesus, so you wont get anything but mercy from me. you confessed your sin and admitted you made a mistake. you could always go to the justice of the peace and get married. a wedding doesnt have to be something huge and fancy to be an honorable thing. you could always have a fancy wedding later. yor marriage is more important than your wedding. He wants to be a part of your marriage union, and now your family. He wants you to trust His ways and to make your union holy. He seeks holy children from your union.

i honestly dont believe any baby is an accident. every life was planned by God before the world began, and therefore is not an accident. Jesus did not go around condemning anyone, He went around forgiving and healing. i was abused as a child too and He has healed me so much, im just amazed. i always believed in God, but when i got saved 4 1/2 yrs ago things changed drastically for me. it still took me a while to go to church. that doesnt stop Jesus from helping you. i was such a mess i didnt even know where to begin. i remember just sitting on my knees laying over my bed begging Him to help me, change me, take away the pain. there were days all i could say was 'please Jesus' over and over again. i didnt even know what to ask for.

you are not the one who has to make everything good and better. He does that. my best advice would be to get in His word (the bible), start talking to Him- get to know His voice and how He talks to you. He will tell you exactly what to do. in His presence is complete joy. He will make you a new person, and you can start over. He is not angry at you, He loves you. get to know His pure love, get to know Him.:hugs:
These posts bring me to tears. Not only for the deep sorrow that some of us feel, but for the amazing gift of God's love to help us through.

I have had some hard times, involving bereavement and turned away from God for a while. I felt numb and couldn't pray, I couldn't communicate with Him.. But one day, years later, during another bad time, I realised what had happened. God had put me through the bad times to make me who I am and to lead me to where I am! If it wasn't for the bad times, I'd not be strong, I wouldn't have my home or my husband or my baby growing inside me. He made it all happen! For me!!

Sometimes things happen that are hard but hold onto the faith that it is God's will and it's all for the good of YOU. However mad that may seem at times.

God bless you all xxxx
You Ladies are always so inpirational to me. Even if it's a post for someone else.

Thank you :)

You are a sister in Christ and I love you. We do not plan our lives, God has a plan created for us. Your baby was created out of love. There will always be those who judge, mostly because they cannot see past the log sticking out of their own eye. We are all sinners, condemned and unclean. Only a perfect God can save us. Open your heart and your relationship to God's loving mercy. And I agree with blessedmomma, the marriage is the important part rather than the wedding. There is nothing sweeter than kneeling before God with your husband at your side asking Him to guide you in the journey of parenthood. It is NEVER to late. I love you, my sister!
Happy, I will continue to pray for you. Keep the faith.

Blessedmomma, &#8220;Jesus calling&#8221; sounds good. I&#8217;m going to pick that up. I hope it&#8217;s available for the Nook.

Nightshade, God loves you and he wants to be with you during this time. I advise you talk to a priest or preacher to help you get through this trying difficult time. I want you to know that we are all sinners and none of us are perfect. Only Jesus was perfect. Now that you&#8217;ve confessed you can start to walk in the right path. Yes, children are a blessing from God and each and every conception has a purpose in the world. You should always be approached in love.
Ladies ,

these posts are beautiful and inspirational.

Im doing ok, still spotting but no pain. Have nausea and sore breasts. This entire journey has brought me closer to The Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord. I feel so blessed.

thank you all fpr keeping me in your prayers and thoughts

im going to get 'heaven is real' too! we watched a movie called 'the boy who went to heaven.' its made by this family who experienced a car accident and they boy was in a coma for a while. he talks about his experience with Jesus in heaven and of course had DH and i bawling. we found the book a few weeks ago and may get that one too. :happydance:

happy :hugs:
Can any of you help me with this?

I'm a Christian and I've been praying to God to help me through my first Tri but I am pregnant outside of marriage and I feel quite terrible about it and I feel like a hypocrite praying because I went against the teachings of the bible by getting like this in the first place.

It sounds stupid and I know I'm a rubbish Christian, I just struggle with my faith sometimes due to being abused a lot as a child and other horrible experiences. I'm scared that if I go into church about it anyone might judge me as some awful harlot. I have been with my boyfriend four years and we love each other but we just never got married because we've never had time to plan because he is often busy with his job in the army.

The pregnancy was an 'accident' but I still believe every child is a gift from God so I'm stuck between what the bible says and what I feel God is telling me.

Does that make sense?

Hi hun,
Just wanted to take a moment to write to you.

Personally, I believe that sin, is sin. Weather its telling a lie or having sex its just as bad. The main difference is that the consequence of your sin right now is quite visible and real and cant be hidden away. The other side to the coin is that we ALL-yes ALL fall short at times, and just because we havent got a swelled belly or our sin tattooed on our forehead doesnt mean we are any better or worse than you. You know Jesus died for ALL your sins, and that includes sex. So many Christians do miss it when it comes to sex before marriage and thank God He's there waiting lovingly for us to just come to him for forgiveness. Getting pregnant just means now that everyone else knows too. Which is where we deceive ourselves. We seem to forget that its not about people and what they think of us. God sees your heart. He knows weather you've truly repented. Only he knows the condition of your heart.

This baby regardless of the circumstance is a BLESSING, a GIFT. And if you don't learn to forgive yourself, and allow yourself to receive Gods forgiveness you may later blame this baby for your separation from God. My suggestion to you would be to take some time out, pray. Honestly. You can't fool God. Talk to Him, Hear from Him. Get things right with you and Him. Once you've done that. People won't be an issue. You can look forward not backward.

I would suggest though if you intend on marrying this guy anyway, to maybe just go and have it done small and quietly, and put the big affair off till a later date. You want that baby born into the security and the origional idea that God had for a family.

I hope you get some peace darlin, and stop worrying.
We all mess up from time to time. His mercies are new EVERY morning. :)

Thank God for that!
Nightshade, I know what you're going through. I didn't have a really close relationship with God when I got pregnant with my son. I was out of Highschool a month, and in love with my Boyfriend. We both wanted to wait until marriage for sex, but we didn't. I don't regret it now though, because my son is so precious! He's such a gift.

We ended up getting married, and are still happily married and expecting miracle number two!

I've asked my Husband if he regrets not waiting, and he says "No, because we rectified ourselves in front of God when we got married." Our sin has been forgiven, because we came to Him and admitted our sin, and made the vows to each other.

I agree what every other woman has said to you on here! We ALL fall short, we all sin, and every sin is just as bad as the next. But forgiveness can be found! God loves you SO much! Don't ever think otherwise! If you need to talk about it at all, with someone who's been through it, please, message me!

Love and prayers your way! :hugs:
Hi Momma's,
I really wanna do my baby girls room up really pretty for her. I am going to order some Vinal Wall Decals for her bedroom...

Would any of you care to share your favourite Bible Scriptures regarding children?

Thank you!
i found some on

Our children will also serve him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord. psalm 22:30

Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the LORD. psalm 34:11

Let us, your servants, see you work again; let our children see your glory. psalm 90:16

The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. psalm 103:13

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. psalm 127:3

My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. proverbs 2:1

&#8220;And so, my children, listen to me, for all who follow my ways are joyful." proverbs 8:32

My child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will rejoice! proverbs 23:15

I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace. isaiah 54:13

Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them. mark 10:16
^^ love these^^

Not specifically about children but perhaps appropriate

I chose you when i planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12
it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1

Such a fab idea to get them up on the wall in a childs room - i may nab that idea!

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