Heidi- Thanks I'm taking it easy! Although I'm bored out of my mind staying in bed/ laying on the couch
Bean- Yes , I believe retrograde means "behind the placental".
I'm glad they checked it out and that we caught it right away! Scary to think what could have happened if I didn't call. I'm glad you haven't had any spotting since your 17wk. It's quite scary when it happens as you never really know what to think/do.
I've been having scans every 2 weeks so I get to see LO often! I just had my 20 week anomaly scan this past Monday and all was well no issues with my placenta at that time. So this bleed must have happened shortly after the scan or maybe even Wed. night while I was sleeping since I noticed the light spotting Thursday morning.
During the 2nd scan at the hospital LO was putting his hand in front of his face and burying his face into my back. I think he was trying to say "ENOUGH!" "No MORE PICTURES!" It was very cute, finally he gave up and we were able to see his face.
Love your bump pics! You've popped for sure!!! So exciting!
Good luck with your scan!