Christmas and New Year Baby Buddies!!

Hello Ladies!
Sorry I've been MIA... things have been hectic lately!

I went back to the maternal fetal medicine dr last week and they can no longer see the placental bleed in the ultra sound! GREAT NEWS!! :) Really happy about that.... so for now all is well and LO looks great and is measuring in the 50th percentile. :)

I am 25 weeks today.... whooohooo only 15 more weeks to go for us. Although I have a weird feeling he will be coming one week early.

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling ok. :)
Bean66- I phoned my Dr's office today to see if I can go in for an appointment asap to see what she has to say. The ultrasound results were sent to a radiologist and then to my Dr. so hopefully she can tell me what my due date is for sure.

I see your ticker has moved forward! How exciting! How are you feeling?

:hi: girls i am due 23rd and were having a girl x x

Welcome and congrats!!

:hi: bean I am a stalker here!!!:happydance:

Hey Joey! How are you doing?

Im due xmas eve with a boy, hey everyone!

Brilliant due date!! Welcome and congrats!

Im due xmas eve with a boy, hey everyone!

:wave: Welcome and hello congrats on your Christmas baby :D

Hope everyone is well, what have you all been up to? x

Hey Heidi! How are you? Have you bought a co sleeper cot yet? I've been looking at them and I think we are going to convert an Ikea one.

Hello Ladies!
Sorry I've been MIA... things have been hectic lately!

I went back to the maternal fetal medicine dr last week and they can no longer see the placental bleed in the ultra sound! GREAT NEWS!! :) Really happy about that.... so for now all is well and LO looks great and is measuring in the 50th percentile. :)

I am 25 weeks today.... whooohooo only 15 more weeks to go for us. Although I have a weird feeling he will be coming one week early.

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling ok. :)

Oh that is fantastic news Kels!! Measuring perfectly as well!

Well sorry to be MIA. Not spending much time on here now. I can't believe it's only 15weeks until our due dates. Pretty scary when you think of it like that. I have to say I've very happy it'll be cold when we are heavily pregnant. Not sure I could do big bump and heat.

How is everyone feeling? I'm good occasional tiredness but otherwise good. Baby moving loads. DH has felt 'her' but she does like to stop moving when he puts his hand on my belly.

How are the bumps coming along? Much baby shopping going on?

We are trying to sort our flat out and seem to be absolute chaos. I know we'll get there but at the moment it's a little stressful. Got a new washing machine yesterday. Is it sad to be so excited about a washing machine?

Anyway how is everyone? Any random cravings?
Bean66 my ticker has officially moved forward, my new due date is november 28! I entered the third tri, and that morning to celebrate I threw up in the kitchen sink because I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time! My morning sickness has come back!

We are also trying to get our place sorted out, I'm cleaning, organizing and purging like a crazy lady. I'm working really hard on getting the babies room cleaned out (right now we use it for storage), i won't the nursery set up!
bean I am so happy for you! how exciting for you! i am doing ok just taking bcp this month to get my system rebooted as that is what the fs stated. then starting letrazol 3-12 days and doing the iui with everything again. so i really hope this works hd and I talked about doing this for about 4 months and then the beginning of the year look at ivf if it doesn't happen in the next 4 months.:cry:
bean I am so happy for you! how exciting for you! i am doing ok just taking bcp this month to get my system rebooted as that is what the fs stated. then starting letrazol 3-12 days and doing the iui with everything again. so i really hope this works hd and I talked about doing this for about 4 months and then the beginning of the year look at ivf if it doesn't happen in the next 4 months.:cry:


So sorry you are having such a tough journey. I have heard that a short course BCP can help boost the system. I'll keep everything crossed for you. Keep in touch. :hugs:
Bean66 my ticker has officially moved forward, my new due date is november 28! I entered the third tri, and that morning to celebrate I threw up in the kitchen sink because I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time! My morning sickness has come back!

We are also trying to get our place sorted out, I'm cleaning, organizing and purging like a crazy lady. I'm working really hard on getting the babies room cleaned out (right now we use it for storage), i won't the nursery set up!

That's so cool. Sorry your MS is back though. That sucks!

Our 'nursery' is our storage room too. Have no idea what we are going to do with everything. I need to be ruthless and get rid of some stuff.
Janers- sorry your morning sickness is back. I never had it in the 1st trimester, but the past week I've been feeling nauseated , but haven't actually thrown up. My DH said he thinks I was just dehydrated so I'm trying to drink extra water... Seems to be helping.
I agree, Lots of water (but then of course you pee all the time!), and as soon as I wake up I eat something, even a couple crackers, which will usually help.

We FINALLY picked paint colours for our nursery, I really wanted to paint the walls gray, and add lots of pink and and green, to give it colour, hubby on the other hand wasn't convinced. He thought gray would be to dull (which I get, but I swore to him there would be lots of colour in the room), so we finally agreed to do it my way, with a green stripe around the top of the room.

Now we just need to clean out all the stuff!
I'm crap with water too. DH is constantly asking how much water I've drunk.

Janers - love gray! Post pictures when you're done. We're planning on painting the nursery a minky grey. With bright furnishing.

Yep we have a lot of sorting to do. Our spare room
Is our dumping ground.
Ok so this is random , but now that I'm getting closer and closer to LO's arrival I find myself freaking out about trivial issues.

This time my freak out is about the crib mattress and it being on the lowest setting. This started bc I ordered custom made bedding and I needed to figure out the right length for the crib skirt. With our crib being set on the lowest setting possible it still measures 18 inches from the bottom of the mattress spring to the floor....
Doesn't this seem high for it being set on the lowest setting... ??? My husband thinks I'm crazy but now I feel like we need a new crib...
Ehh? You've lost me slightly but I'm a little brain dead today.

I think the important thing is the hight from the mattress to the top of the cot. Not a problem until baby is mobile.

I'm not aware that there is an issue about how close to the floor the mattress is. You won't be using the lowest setting for a while yet anyway.

I'm verge between calm and panic. Really not that far away now. Need to save some money so how!?
Sorry I know that was jumbled.... Told you I'm freaking out!! ;)
My concern is that even on the lowest setting the crib mattress still seems to be high ... I have it set on the lowest right now and it doesn't seem low enough in regards to safety (once baby is able to pull up)... Looks as if baby could flip over if standing in the crib.
Usually , on the lowest setting the 14inches is the measurement from the mattress to the floor ... Mine is 18inches. just wondering if it is unsafe
Whats the height from the mattress to the top of the rails. This is the important thing. Rather than the distance between floor and mattress. Your's might have higher sides than some?

That make sense?
Bean sorry I'm just now responding ...
I just found my measuring tape after DH hid it from me.
So from the top of the crib rail to the mattress it's measuring 14 inches ...
No worries - do you know what standard is?

So from my reconning I'm in the 3rd Trimester!!

Can not believe it!!

How is everyone feeling? I'm supper excited but still find it daunting how much we have to do.

Anyone thinking about the birth yet?
No worries - do you know what standard is?

So from my reconning I'm in the 3rd Trimester!!

Can not believe it!!

How is everyone feeling? I'm supper excited but still find it daunting how much we have to do.

Anyone thinking about the birth yet?

Baby's special day's coming up so fast! I keep having dreams that OH and I are sitting in the hospital room and I've been in labor for hours, sometimes days waiting for little one to come out! :dohh:
Getting so impatient though! I go on mat leave next week and then time for all this delightful shopping I'm reading about. :D xx
not long for us girls 12week 5 days to go wooppp x x x
Holy carp! 12weeks 5 days is scary!! I suppose we're only 10 weeks from been classed as term.

I've only had one baby dream so far. We had gone out and left my cats baby sitting!!!! :dohh: Not sure that's a wise plan! :nope: It was a girl. Sweepstakes have started for day of arrival and sex. We have guessed between the 18th Dec and the 7th Jan.

Suzie - Jealous your mat leave starts so soon. I've decided to work until 37 weeks if possible, though my job in manual so I might be pushing it slightly. How exciting for you. Do you have lots to buy?
Holy carp! 12weeks 5 days is scary!! I suppose we're only 10 weeks from been classed as term.

I've only had one baby dream so far. We had gone out and left my cats baby sitting!!!! :dohh: Not sure that's a wise plan! :nope: It was a girl. Sweepstakes have started for day of arrival and sex. We have guessed between the 18th Dec and the 7th Jan.

Suzie - Jealous your mat leave starts so soon. I've decided to work until 37 weeks if possible, though my job in manual so I might be pushing it slightly. How exciting for you. Do you have lots to buy?

I know right!? A couple more months of being big and blimpy and we're done! :D
Hahaha oh the strange dreams. :haha: Do you think baby's going to be a boy or girl? OH thinks bubs is a boy because he 'totally saw twig and berries' on our last ultrasound. :dohh: Lol and we're hoping for a New Years baby. :)
37 weeks?! You're nuts lady :p I work at a tree nursery and am at the point where I'm off every couple days because of strain and cramps. You're for sure a tougher woman than I am. :thumbup:
Lots to buy? Yep! We're planning on moving in a month or so and been holding off on the purchases until we're into our new place. Still have to buy the bassinet, car seat, stroller, etc (all the fun stuff :) )
How's your shopping coming along? xx

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