Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Good morning ladies!

Hey Buttercup, I hope you're doing well! I hope you get to hear that hb :) It's pretty quiet here right now I think because most ladies are in that lull part of pregnancy...

MrsDuck - can't wait to hear how your appt goes, hope you also get to hear that lovely hb :)

AFM My weekend was busy! DH worked a full day Saturday and my tummy was still a bit upset from Thursday. Yesterday we went out and finally bought a new carseat for my dd, so her old one will work for the next baby, but I'm super happy she got an upgrade. It's fairly cloudy today and cooler, which is nice.
I was hoping bdb had her scan, can't wait to see how it goes :D. I haven't booked mine yet, since Friday I was still recovering from feeling icky. I'll be calling in today, though. Hoping I can get it booked for next Monday because it is my birthday :haha:.
Still having random pains. I had a feeling most of it was regular and all pregnancy related. It's just the boobs are like shooting pains that take a while to fade away. I'm dealing tail bone pain, various leg issues (i try to stretch out here and there), general back pain (upper and lower). So i think i'm still on track! LOL

Belly still looks like i've gained a little, but i don't think i'm "showing" yet. I think it's most of my fluffy being pushed up. Feeling "fatter" here and there, but i think that's about it. I know i have a few more weeks to go before Little One will be more "visible"


I've had a crazy weekend ... and this morning hasn't been the best.

Our fridge went out, sometime Friday night/Saturday morning. So when hubby got home from work the kitchen floor was a mess. I didn't get off work til like 3 hours after him. He threw away all but like 4 things in the freezer...And we were hoping the fridge would hold (its a side-by-side) but nope .... everything there is pretty much trash.
So we spent most of sunday looking for a new one.

And now Hubby is stressing because he's a worry wart about things with the fridge.....he made himself sick this morning, which made me sick ... and i still feel like crap.
I haven't been able to take my pill for the past 3 days. So i'm a little blah ....

And i think i've reached the point of no more restful sleep. I keep tossing and turning and waking up myself cause i'm tossing. Nothing is comfortable. I'm surprised i'm not waking hubby.
This morning I snoozed at my desk while the data was loading, and a little while afterwards. Dreamed my boss came by and I was talking to him with my head on the desk.... (good thing that didn't happen! --- he came by like an hour later when i was staring at the screen, head not on desk).
StarGazer - sorry about your fridge! I had ours go out on Thanksgiving when I was a teen and it was sooo stressful. I hope you guys get a new one or at least deal with the issue. I really hate having to replace large appliances. Finally had to replace our washer and dryer last year that we had bought when we were first together so many years ago, and since we live so far out it took weeks for them to have it delivered. Luckily the washer had still worked, just the seals were out so it leaked all over our floor. We live on a slab foundation so it wasn't a worry, just a big water mess. I hope you were able to get your fridge mess cleaned up quickly. It is super stressful either way. As for the sleep, mine is also hit and miss. I'm usually tossing and turning because I'm soooooo hungry and can't sleep. Thankfully my dh doesn't sleep with me often during the week, I would feel terrible if he lost sleep since he works such a physically demanding job. I get the best sleep on days I am active so I am worn out enough to just sleep... but still wake up to eat like twice a night now; it sucks.

I had my usually breakfast and second breakfast but my stomach is already growling again. I guess I'll have some making up to do since I had such a tumultuous bowels this weekend.
The stressful part for me is that we lost so much stuff, and I can't go shopping. We have like nothing in the house, except ramen .... (i can't think of what else we have that hubby will eat--- he mentioned mac n cheese, but I had to remind him that it calls for milk, so that's out)
He's stressed cause the water hose in the back of the fridge... the new one we found doesn't have a ice maker or a water dispenser.
I think he's worried about nothing, cause i'm thinking the people coming out can at least instruct him what to do...or me if I have to instruct.
I think i'm a little worried how they'll get the fridge out and the other in. We have a tiny house and idk if the thing will fit through the door.

Hubby works as a grave digger. So he's busy all day and comes home pretty worn out. He gets to play his games for like maybe an hour then it's bed time.
We're a little busy after work right now cause we have to watch his parents animals while they are out of town. So that takes an hour. Then since the fridge is out we have to eat something, so that's another hour. We're getting home around 8 something.
I'm exhausted, but as soon as I lay down, i just can't seem to find the spot where i can relax. I really hope that it's an every other day kinda thing, but we'll see.

Today at work is a little slow, just waiting on products to load into our system/site. I don't have much else to work on cause I'm already done with the next set of products to load. So i'm kinda just lounging around waiting for things to say they completed.
And i think this one is finished, so that means i get to hop, skip and jump out the door early to get home in time to sit around while it loads.....
This job is pretty nice right now. I hope they give me something else to work on though. I'm gonna get pretty bored soon. I mean i really like what i do and the pay i'm getting, but sitting for nearly 8 hours with about 2-3 hours work is kinda eh ...
[my old job that I did the same thing at, I did everything from gathering, decyphering, through what i do here. at this place, there are other people to do the other steps, and i'm the last person to get the info (where everything is already done for me except posting it to the site)]

OH ... and happy 16 weeks to me!!!! 4 months! (I read somewhere it's technically 3 and 3 weeks but eh)
My email update says baby is the size of a Magic 8 Ball. (Assuming the smaller original ones)
Hey ladies! My scan went wonderful today. Baby is definitely allll :pink: We are going to name her Hayden. I'm including a couple pics and an 18 week belly shot (featuring my oldest who slipped in last minute). :haha:



We also have a tiny house, it was built in the 50s lol. We had to take the door off to get some of our appliances in. I've never had a fridge with a water or ice maker before, and thankfully I have a huge separate freezer with food, have to store all that costco goodness somewhere Haha. Are you going to get a brand new fridge? Did you guys pick one out? Happy 16 weeks! I hope you get some sleep, at least restful, at home.
Dh works early morning to early afternoon, generally, but he is always tired when he gets home. I usually have dinner ready by 5 or 6 and then we relax together. Kids are either running around in the back yard or getting some limited videos of Peppa Pig, or we read or do some video games. I do most of the housework I can during the day, but dh does what he can in evenings or weekends. It is always busy and rushed around the house.
I tried to get my scan scheduled this morning and they hadn't even gotten the paperwork for it yet from my midwife 😐. I texted her this morning and she said she'd check so hopefully I can get it scheduled before the holiday so I can have it done on my birthday, idk why but I really wanna do it for my birthday :haha:
I found the hb on my doppler immediately this morning and noticed that when I'm flat on my back there is a large lump that is the baby's body right around my belly button, can't feel movement on the outside yet, but I imagine soon.
bdb I won't lie, I have been checking all morning to see if you'd posted!!! I'm so excited you're gonna get to have a girl like you were hoping for with your dh. Your bump is still so tiny but starting to pop out a little!! Woo
Bdb congratulations on your confirmed girly baby bump!! Yay!!

Afm, 17 weeks today, woohoo! I have my anatomy scan in exactly 3 weeks, cannot wait for that. The best thing that’s happened this week is that nausea has finally left me, yay!!

Anyway hope all you lovely ladies are doing well!
Sushai, so glad nausea is done for! Also can't wait for your scan. I'm gonna call and see if I can schedule mine now.
Aaah congrats BDB! Lovely news :) Hayden is a lovely name too

Had my MW app and i got to hear the heartbeat (yay) it was 144!
My friends all asked me if it sounded like a galloping horse or steam train?
To be honest it sounds like both lol happy she found it in the end as it did take her a little while...

Now nothing until August!
Just hoping i start feeling little kicks soon

Hope you are doing well ladies.
Here in the UK theres a heatwave and Im not gonna lie - im struggling! This country is definitely not equipped for this kind of weather!!! We dont have pools or air con! Yikes x
Buttercup yay for the mw finding the hb and I hope you start feeling movement soon. I agree with you on our little heatwave, thankfully we’ve put up a little pool in our garden to cool off in the early evenings

Bdb whoo hoo for your lovely scan and getting your definite team pink and what a lovely neat bump, mine is massive already haha

Happy 17 weeks sushai

Star sorry to hear about your freezer, I hope you can claim on your house insurance

Jessica yay for finding the hb easily my little girl loves listening to my doppler

AFm I’m sure I feel lots of movement but then again it might just be lots of gas haha
What a lovely scan DBD!!!
Congrats on the girl! Hayden is a beautiful name :)
Your belly is so tiny, but i'm sure it will grow quickly.

Jessi -- when i lay on my back i have a small "pooch" but when I stand up or lay on my side, it's all my fluff...
Can't really feel anything unless baby is closer to the uterine wall, which doesn't seem often. Probably enjoying floating around right now. When there is less space i'm sure i'll notice more.

Sushai -- YEY for no nausea. I'm still dealing with my reflux here and there. Struggling to take my pill isn't helping. But it's not nausea, it's just my stupid stomach being irritated by getting squished... (Yours is getting pushed on a bit more than mine, so I'm trying to not complain too much about it)

Buttercup -- Really no air conditioning??? I think we'd die here. In the states, here, our summer hits over 100 days a lot. Most are in the upper 90's (sorry i'm terrible with converting, they don't teach us well about other temps/measurements -- Google says a 98 day is 36.6 Celsius)

MrsDuck -- Nah We don't claim it. It's not worth raising another bill. We're running into so many things we need to fix. Today the faucet started gushing water when i moved it from one side of the sink to the other. Urgh. Old house..... even Older issues.....

My "mom intuition" was warning me about something yesterday and I can't put my finger on who or what happened.
I messaged everyone to be safe/careful/cautious ... Hubby, mom, dad, brother, a close friend .... everyone seemed ok.
But I still can't figure out what was going on.
I don't mind having this "second sense" but it would be nice to actually KNOW what is happening, or gonna happen rather than just having a "feeling"

Ths morning I found my long lost drink from Sam's Club.... Fanta's Cherry Limade! omg so good. It's a a Gas Station fountain drink area. I stopped in cause i need my receipt but decided to get breakfast... and yup there it was. I grabbed a decent size cup and filled it nearly to the top! I probably shouldn't drink it but OMG it's too good to pass up.
StarGazer - omg!! thats crazy and im complaning at 26 degrees haha which is 81!
Even are homes are made with insulation in the walls and attic (which is a thick foam) which makes the heat stay in because we can have pretty bad winters! So heatwaves are rare but when they happen none of us can function haha

Buttercup - yaaay so glad you got to hear that little hb! So much fun listening to that each and every time. I hope you start feeling movement soon, too. As for the heat, it doesn't usually get too hot where I live but when it does it's terrible. Luckily we have a/c. I hope you guys can get through it relatively unscathed. I realllllly hate being pregnant in the heat, it is so terrible.

MrsDuck - I hope it is movement you're feeling :happydance: always so nice! And I hope you can also stay cool in your heatwave. Enjoy that little pool :).

StarGazer - I feel the pouch too, I like to push it around when I'm on my back, I know it's the little baby because it moves all around. I remember it well when they're bigger and they put their butts up by my ribs I push their body down so I can breathe better. My third really liked to hang out with her butt under my right ribs, funny enough she's almost two now and still sleeps in that exact same position! My first liked to lie transverse (I think it's called) or across my belly side to side. They all had their weird spots :haha:. We have all sorts of issues with our house, most are small, but our roof is in dire need of replacement, that'll be happening next year after we've saved up enough money for do it. Hope you can get your issues fixed up.

AFM I called and made my appointment yesterday. They absolutely will not see me until after I'm at least 20w, the same thing they tell me every time, so I won't have my anatomy scan until the 17th, two weeks from today. Can't wait to see the little one. I really hope I don't see any genitals, it so ruined it for me when I did with my second. I've been feeling some movement, but not a lot yet. I hope everyone else is having a nice morning (or afternoon)!
Buttercup -- We don't have "real" winters where I live. We haven't had a good snow in years. I'm in the middle between mountains and the ocean. If the storm comes from the north or west we get nothing but ice or rain. If it comes from the south we get snow, but it's never over 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) [thanks google ;) ]
People here freak when you say the "s" word. They just freak! I love snow i think it's easier to drive in than rain or ice. But the days following usually melt it and it's a slushy mess afterwards.
I could really use a nice cool day. With it only being July, we're gonna have hot weather probably til September :(

Your insulation sounds heck of a lot better than what we get in our houses. I know there are other types, but in my house it's like a sheet of fiberglass cotton, that is stuffed between the beams of a wall, and in the floor of the attic, and under the house between joists. It's horrid stuff cause it literally deteriorates through it's life...becoming a mess. (At least that's what I have in my 1960's house)

One of the other girls here lives near me ....gaah I can't remember who though...She can probably attest for our crazy weather in NC.
Jessi -- That is the day before mine!!!!! :happydance:

My mom wants to come see the baby, so I hope they let her in with Hubby (and me :haha: )
So exciting!!!!

I'm not looking forward to the lack of oxygen, or rib poking ... I hope this little one is nice to me.
My mom still wants me to have one like me, and I'm hoping for a nice medium between hubby and the "hellion" i was to my mom. Hubby was a sweet calm baby and got worse the older he got (and I agree with that last part -- i've been with him like half my life....and it's only getting more and more difficult :haha: ) my mom said that i was a terror and became nicer the older i got. LOL So who knows what I'll get.....
Good morning, ladies!

Thanks for all the happy wishes on my girl. It's so nice to finally feel confident that she isn't going to up and grow boy parts. Haha

My bump is much more noticeable when I am laying down, too. It's very pronounced. But when I stand up it sinks in or something. I'm not sure where it disappears to, but I am a little on the tall side so I have more torso to fill out.

My older two kiddos left to go on vacation for the week with my ex-husband's parents. They are going to have a blast, but it sure is quiet in here! Little DD isn't quite old enough to go off alone for that many days without her dad or me, so she's stuck home with me.

Jess- 2 more weeks! We can do this! :haha: It sounds so far away, but these weeks really have been flying by, IMO.
StarGazer - I sooo wanted my scan next Monday because it's my birthday but alas I must wait. I know it'll come soon enough. DH is excited, but he will have to control three kids so I hope he gets to watch. Can't wait to see how yours goes as well. I don't speak with my egg donor anymore, but I do know I was an easy pregnancy for her. My dh, however, was born breech and was well over 10 lbs, in the middle of a snowstorm. His poor mother :haha:. He's hyperactive and a real handful, luckily out of my three kids only one is hyper like him, but they all have attitude and I already know this next one will as well.

bdb - sounds like it'll be quiet, too! I would go crazy lol. Can't wait to see how big your bump gets, though, it looks pretty small still. I guess it is a perk of having a longer torso. I can feel my innards already smushed up into my ribs and I do get short of breath.
Holy Cow 10lbs! *eye twitch*

We can make it these next two weeks! Slowly but surely.... I'm so eager to see how much little one has changed since 10 weeks!
And maybe more assurance that I really am pregnant! I'm still not grasping it quite yet. I've been talking about it. And everyone keeps asking how i am doing (a little more than usual) so I think it's "real" but .... I think it's gonna take something like a giant belly to let me know I am. :haha: (Or maybe the labor and the kid showing up ....)

DBD -- a quiet house is a strange thing, but at least you have 1 to keep you busy ;)
Yay bdb on confirming girl!!!! And what a cute little bump! <3

17 weeks for me today! I've been dealing with a sick family over the past week :( Our daughter came down with something icky last week (a couple of days after I caught her "licking" a clothes rack at a store, yuck! lol) and she's been sick off and on, now she's feeling better, just snotty. BUT, my husband has it now and has felt yucky the past couple of days and has a fever today... Great. I'm praying so hard that I don't get it! Pregnancy + sick = worst ever!

My scan is next Thursday, so a week and 2 days away! I'm excited to know for sure 100% if we are team blue. A part of me gets nervous about the anatomy scan, too, though, just because I want baby to be 100% healthy, but I guess that's the mom in me to worry lol. Anyway I know baby is fine :)

Annnd I'm feeling little kicks as I'm sitting here typing haha :) :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

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