Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

markswife - speedy recovery for your fam and hoping you don't get it! I had a nasty cold in first trimester I'm sure my oldest got it from touching everything in the hospital when I had my 8 week scan. I can't wait to hear how your scan goes next week... so exciting!!
Markswife- I hope everyone recovers quickly!

My smallest baby has been 7.3 and my biggest has been 8.10. I’m anxious to see what this one will be like. DH is a big guy (6’3 and about 250) but his son was right at 8 when he was born, so I know I can handle that much bc my second child was nearly a Lb bigger.
I think girls are generally smaller, but not always. Mine have all been 8 lbs. My second was just shy of 9, though, I bet this one will be about the same. I really bet it is a boy, based on how I am so hungry all the time again. I'll have to show my scan pics and see what everyone thinks (mostly for fun). I think I spent hours looking at my third to figure out what gender. I never did share her pics though for guesses. My dh is like 6'2" and 160 lbs, but genetically has family are all tall and well built, he is an ectomorph.
Wow how much did I miss in just a few short hours lol.

Weather wise, we are in the middle of winter although our days sit around 21-24 degrees (around 70-75 farenheit). The cold is most felt early in the morning which goes as low as 3 degrees (roughly 37 Fahrenheit) where I am and colder in other places nearby. Summer is a whole other thing, very similar to what you ladies are dealing with in the states but what’s so awful is that I’m in tropical climate and the weather tends to be really muggy and humid which only adds to the desperation felt from the heat. I’ll be heavily pregnant in November which is the start of summer here, not looking forward to that at all. Although I’m expecting babies will be here towards the end of November anyway.

Jessica glad to hear you’ve booked in your anatomy scan. Sorry it isn’t on your birthday.

You ladies are champions with birthing. My smallest was 5lb2 and my largest bub was 6lb3. All born full term. I can only imagine how tiny these two will be unless of course they surprise me with a larger birth weight. Although that seems quite unlikely.

How have your previous labours and deliveries been? My first was the worst, I was in early labour for three days with some constant annoying contractions. However, with all three once I’ve hit 5cm I’ve gone straight to 10 within an hour and had to push two or three times to get them out, so very quick and fast deliveries.
Sushai - thanks for the conversions, I can only guestimate at best without google for those numbers, haha. I hate being pregnant in the summer, so I feel for you there. I hope you can at least stay cool when it starts to get really hot there. And yes, it gets muggy/humid here and it suuucks. As for my labor/delivery, my first was longest, at about 13 hours, it slowed after I went into the hospital and they gave me an epidural. But my second I chose to be induced since I was 6 days past my dd and didn't want to birth a huge baby. Labor started slow on the pitocin but once I hit around 6 cm I went to 10 cm in about an hour and pushed three times and he was out. I didn't have pain meds that time, so I was up and walking immediately. My third was similar to my second, but my water had broke the night before and I was too far past my edd to go to the birthing center so I ended up going in to be induced. Labor went slow, I went in at 8 am, and once I hit around 11PM I went fast from 7-9/10 cm and I needed to push. She came out in like two pushes lol.
Part of the reason I had my scan at 8 weeks was so my midwife could make sure my dates would be accurate this time. I'm wanting that water birth sooo bad. I've also heard that induction contractions are waaay more painful than natural labor, so looking forward to seeing if that's true. My first two came out sunny side up and my third came out the "right" way lol. I can't imagine having such small babies, it'll be interesting to see their size! Do you have to have a c/s?
It’s amazing how some of us seem to dilate very quickly at a certain point during labour. I totally freaked out with my first when I reached 5cm and the midwife said to me it would take 1-2hrs per cm to get to 10! I’d had enough of labour by that stage. I can’t imagine going overdue, i don’t know how some of you ladies do it. By 37 weeks I’ve had enough and both my girls were born at 38 and my son at 39. I really hope you’re able to get your much wanted waterbirth this time around Jessica. You know I’ve also heard the same about induction contractions being a lot more painful, naturally induced labour is painful enough as it is. I never had pain relief besides g&a with my son, I think things might be different this time around. At my first ob appointment at the hospital she touched on birthing and said there’s a chance for me to birth vaginally since I’ve had no problems prior however nothing will be decided until I hit 32 weeks as both babies weight and positioning will affect me either having a vaginal or ceserean birth. I’m honestly not fussed, all I want is for both babies to arrive here safely. The only thing that worries me is them arriving too early and needing NICU time.
Hope everyone is feeling better - Markswife.

Both my boys were 7lb9 but I didnt push them out!
My first was 9days late and my 2nd a week early so im sure my DS2 would have been a bit bigger! My newphew was 10lb11! My poor SIL

Sushai - sorry if you have said already but are your twins frat or identical? My friend has indentical twins boys (6months) they are absolutely gorgeous! Bit jealous she gets to cuddle 2 haha xx
Buttercupbabi at this stage they have said fraternal going from ultrasound. Although ultrasound has shown I had only ovulated from the one ovary and only having the one ‘indentation’ as they called it from where the egg cane out from. There is still a chance of them being identical depending on how early on the egg may have split. This can be determined with a DNA test once they are born. Guess we won’t really know until then. And yikes! Your poor sil, I literally crossed my legs reading that.
All of my labors have been a variation in terms of duration.

My first was 7 hours and I pushed for 7 minutes.

My second was 3hr 45m and I pushed for 4 minutes.

My third was 16 hours but I pushed once and she was out.

Pushing seems to be my forte. :haha: But thankfully all of my labors have been smooth, even the one that lasted for 16 hours. It just took me a while to dilate after a certain point.

My very quick labor- she was my almost 9lber. I barely got to the hospital in time before I had her. I think I delivered within 20 minutes of arriving. So with my third. I was expecting something of the same so I went to the hospital immediately. I live about a 20 minute drive from the hospital, but it can be upwards of 45 minutes if you are driving in traffic. That's why I didn't take any chances. Had DD1 arrived any earlier, I would have been driving in morning traffic and she would have been born in the truck. Lol.

May be TMI- but do any of your babies act up after dtd with your dh? :blush: The last few times she curls up into a tight ball (I'm assuming). I feel her protruding more on one side and it feels like a ten minute long braxton hick contraction. My belly looks all warped when she does this.
Sushai - fingers crossed you don't have too stressful of a labor. I am curious how it will go for you. I wish we had the option for gas and air here, as it is probably the only thing I'd feel okay using. After having the epidural after my first I vowed never again, lol. I was so happy to be up and moving immediately after having my others, mainly because I had to pee from the IV fluids. Are you planning to find out genders of your little ones at your scan??

Buttercup - omg, 10 lbs... makes me cringe thinking about it. I hope she didn't tear much from it because owww!

AFM not much going on here today, it is a holiday though, and people were lighting off fireworks around 1 or 2 am this morning and of course it kept me up. I am pretty tired. DH might walk down to the park with the older kids tonight to watch the display but my daughter is very scared of the loud noises still so I'll stay home with her. My cravings are all over the place lately and last night I made cheesy dough and my dh made them into biscuits and we had biscuits with our soup. I think I ate like six or seven :blush:.
bdb - yes! Even after (tmi) masturbation, I get the tight ball from the curling up. It is definitely more noticeable when they're in the mid 20weeks and forward, but I'm noticing it now, even after dtd. I wondered about it as well. Your labors sound stress free, I hope the next one is too! We're about an hour from the birthing center I plan to deliver at. I've had to do research on how to deliver by myself, if it came down to it. What's worse is my dh sometimes works well over an hour away, so if I'm unlucky it'll be two hours. His work is pretty understanding and I do have his boss' number in case I can't get ahold of him. Usually when it's getting close to time he keeps his phone handy for that reason.
markswife I hope everyone gets better soon

Jessica I’m glad you got to book your scan but sorry they wouldn’t play ball and let you have it on your birthday

I’m in the easy birth camp too, I had my first contraction around midnight and gave birth by 7am, I’m hoping I’m that lucky this time too

I had my midwife appointment today, nothing exciting just blood pressure, urine test and doppler, oh and they took blood to check my thyroid level. Heartbeat was 158
Bdb, firstly I love how you’ve changed your ticker to pink, too cute! As for a bd session and how baby acts up well I honestly haven’t paid attention to that as all my mind goes to is just how cramped up my thighs and legs get afterward, something I never experienced before being pregnant.

Jessica that’s interesting that you don’t get offered g&a, I wonder why that may be? I honestly didn’t find it helpful, it was rather annoying for me but yet again I’m the kind of person who can’t even deal having an oxygen mask placed on her face without freaking out lol. We will definitely be finding out the genders at my scan which is now in less than 3 weeks. I’m going by myself as the scan will apparently last close to 2hours and unfortunately dh can’t make it due to work commitments. So I’ll be finding out by myself and then will head to the shops to prepare a small gender reveal for my husband and kids. The kids have watched one too many gender reveal videos with me lol and have asked for the one where they open the box and a balloon is inside with the colour of the gender. So I’ll be doing that.
Also, I hope your dh makes it in time for when you have to give birth so you don’t give birth by yourself.

MrsDuck I hope this next birth goes just as quickly as your first. Glad to hear you had a good appointment, hopefully your thyroid levels come back normal.
Thanks everyone! Both my hubby and daughter seem to be feeling better today, so that's good. :) Finally!

I'm just hoping for a normal scheduled c-section this time around. With DD I got severe preeclampsia at 27 weeks and had to have an emergency c-section. DD was only 1lb 5.9oz and spent 84 days in the NICU. A nice, normal pregnancy would be wonderful. [-o<[-o<[-o< As long as baby is healthy I'll be happy though :)
Sushai - we are offered some other stuff: epidural, fentanyl, maybe some others. The fentanyl just kind of makes your head foggy, I have taken it right before pushing stage and it doesn't really help with the pain instead making me feel a bit stoned (lol). I can't wait to see what you do end up having, especially with twins, I bet it is double exciting haha. I'm sure dh will make, and if I do have to birth by myself my ten (he'll be eleven by then) can help :haha:.

markswife - I hope you have an uneventful c/s this time and make it a bit longer! I cannot even imagine having to go through having my little one in NICU!

AFM Sleep sure is elusive the last two nights, of course hearing explosive fireworks at all hours of the night does NOT help. Luckily my dd sleeps through it, since she is still pretty scared of them. I was so exhausted last night I was half asleep walking to the bathroom to pee because I just couldn't sleep. Starting to get restless legs as well, one of my least favorite aspects of second/third tri. We spent yesterday cleaning and taking the last of the wall out of one of our rooms, which was great as it was something we'd been planning for awhile. I hope everyone else is doing great! My bday coming up, I've been begging dh to get me an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, I've never had one before! I'm looking forward to it!
Jess- I would be so anxious knowing my birthing center was an hour away! I really hope your DH makes it in time for this little one.

Sushai- I get leg cramps when I'm on top :blush: I'll have to stop and have him rub my legs for me before we resume. Haha.

Markswife- I didn't know your DD was born so early! Many prayers that this LO gives you a nice, long, smooth pregnancy and is able to leave the hospital the same day that you do. <3

MrsDuck- yay for a smooth appointment! I know some of them can lack excitement.

AFM- DH had to leave at 2:30 this morning to head back out of town for work :( Thankfully he doesn't think he'll be gone longer than a couple of days.

I was rudely awoken at 5AM. I'm unsure if I dreamed a bug was crawling on me, or if there really WAS a bug crawling on me. I was unable to find it once I turned on the lights and threw all the blankets aside. I was sleeping so good up until that point.
I meant to add- I had two epidural births and one drug-free. I didn't make it in time with my second baby to have the option of pain meds. Ideally I'd love to go drug-free again, but I don't beat myself up for not being able to do it. I was shooting for it with my third, but then my labor stalled for several hours and I agreed to pitocin. At that point I just wanted her out. Once my pitocin got cranked to a certain point, I could not handle the back to back contractions. They are so different than naturally occuring ones.
bdb - I've heard pitocin contractions are much worse. Having had pitocin with all my labors, although I did start naturally with my first, I'm hoping I can finally get it the way I want lol. I've had dreams like that, probably just really vivid or intense.

Anyone else really anxious about labor, though? I am really nervous about going through the pain and such again. I hated having to sit in the bed with nasty contractions right before I had to push. I know I can do it, but I just am so nervous about having to do it again for some reason. I'm getting more used to the idea and reminding myself that I get a cute little baby out of it, but still...
Thanks ladies! <3 I would LOVE no NICU stay (or, at the very least, minimal).
Mornin' Ladies!

I missed a bunch... I read it all, but honestly by the end I forgot what I was gonna say. :blush:

Being a FTM, I have no clue what i'm getting into. My "plan" would be to do natural as long and as much as possible.
I remember my SIL taking 3 hours to feel her legs, I don't like that idea.... She was on pain meds plus the epidural.... so that's a No Thank You from me! So far I've only really been dealing with stupid hormones and stretching pains, and my blood pressure is great! (most days) So I don't think I'll be high risk any time soon, unless something happens in the last trimester (I hope not though...)

Luckily I think everyone in our neighborhood had to go to work the next day after the holiday. I heard a few fireworks here and there, but nothing super late (thank Gawd!) But they did shoot starting Sunday until Tuesday afternoon. My dog only went under the couch twice, so I think it was a successful generally quiet 4th.
The holiday made me think about next year(s) and how we might try to go see a display somewhere... Cause I would love to go to an open field and watch a light show (I haven't done that since I was under 10).

And we FINALLY got our Fridge!
So they were supposed to call the day before to schedule the "smaller window" so Hubby could tell his boss when he could work.... no one called by 7:30 so Hubby called them. Was told it was still a 8a-8p window and was getting irate cause that's an impossible window to schedule anything during.
Luckily I had asked to work from home anyways.... but Hubby got through to someone to relay a message, that we needed to be called before 7a to ensure what the window of delvery would be. STILL didn't get a call... So Hubby was sent home (cause he can't work not knowing when they'd show up)
He's on the phone all morning with them. Finally they tell him that they would be around our area at 10a ... yeah-right! (The towns they mentioned are over 30 mins away, they were starting their day at 9, having to travel to two different towns first. I knew they wouldn't be there around 10)
Then we get a call around 11 something. There is a Dent in the door o_O
They weren't even gonna come by to let us see it... And we're like, we need a fridge, if you make us a deal we'll keep it and get it replaced.
Hen is BACK on the phone. Calls three more people.
Gets the bill reduced for the delivery issue, then again for the dent AND we're getting a new door for free all without having to void our warranty.
Whew .... But we have a fridge, we're barely using (cause we don't really know when the door is coming so we can't fill it up -- it's a top freezer, so they'll have to take off both doors to replace the fridge door
That was an ordeal @_@
Kinda glad Hubby was home, and I got to be at home some. (I hate that he missed a day of work, but he helped the guys with stuff that I couldn't do)

We haven't dtd too often. We only get a few hours together each day, and most are spent eating dinner and then getting ready for bed. When we do have time it's often when i'm not having a good day. Hubby tries.... often just for a quickie, but I usually don't like the idea of being "jostled" around to do anything. I try not to deprive him too long though. If my hand is on his thigh, he gets pretty excited, even if I'm just resting my hand where it's comfortable. :haha: men ...

Other than that, I'm glad everyone is doing well.

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