Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Jessi -- it sounds so nice over there. Topographically (i that's the right word) ... I'm in the middle of NC ... everything "pretty" is at least over 4 hours away each direction. Mostly what's around me are just the rolling hills and farm land (between cow pastures and actual crop land). I work in the city, and I live in town. But I grew up around all the pastures.
I don't have a green thumb. I kill most plants. Apparently you can kill Aloe too, i'm doing a good job at that right now. Just forget to water it :( And the cactus that I have has died 3 times, and it's starting to grow again (I guess it's a little more resilient than expected) I love the idea of trying to grow a few things, but Hubby doesn't eat most veggies, and I don't wanna grow so much i won't use them (1 tomato is probably enough for a week in our house ... and even then I usually don't buy one) We were thinking about a small herb garden. But again I'm scare i'll just kill them.
I'm gonna stop by the store on the way home and pick up a few things. See if they have a tiny cake or a slice of one.

BDB -- That sounds like a VERY busy and chaotic life there. I don't have a lot of experience there, but I'm sure you'll make the best decision for your family.
So cool you can feel baby kick. I'm 2 weeks behind you, so I won't feel anything any time soon :/ Probably not til I "pop".
If your gut is telling you it's a girl, it's probably right. I'm trying not to put a label on baby yet even though I'm feeling pretty sure it's a girl too.
Fun Baby update from my email:
15 Weeks
Your baby is 4” this week.
That’s about the size of a cassette tape.

So weird, it's been a long time since I held a cassette, I really can't relate to it anymore.

More Baby info for this week:
* Your baby can move all her joints now and is practicing moving all around.
* She’s able to sense light, even though her eyes are still closed. How trippy is this? If someone shines a light on your belly, the baby can move away from the beam.
Last week of first tri!! I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. I have the Nuchal scan on Wednesday that I'm nervous about, but that's about it. Still really tired, and nauseous, so I'm eager for 2nd tri :)
Yay I’m 15 weeks today whoo hoo

You were very chatty ladies over the weekend, normally the thread is quiet over the weekend

Yay for almost being in the 2nd tri dove and I hope all goes well on Wednesday and you get some pics
StarGazer - I hope you got some cake yesterday :haha:. I can relate to forgetting to water plants, I have a really bad habit of it myself. Mostly because I am so busy. Morning times I usually have some time but with kids going outside is a hassle because they all swarm me at the door to go out. I do enjoy veggies, I eat lots of them every day, so can't relate to that. As for the area I live in, it's very nice and quiet, only about 40 minutes drive to the city and the river is just a block away so I get to listen to it whenever I'm outside or open a window. Dh doesn't mind the commute and we're both happy we bought our house way out here instead of in the city.

dove - first tri feels so long ago already for me, so I'm glad you're almost done with it (always one of the most uncomfortable with the anxiety and the symptoms imo). I can't wait to hear how your scan goes!!

MrsDuck - Woo, 15 weeks! Yes, this weekend I think I was surfing my phone a bit more than usual.

afm - I had some really terrible dreams again last night, I actually woke up completely drenched in sweat. I got up, had a snack, lied back down and had some more odd dreams this morning. I'm feeling the lil one move a lot more, too. Thursday I see my midwife and will probably get a referral for my anatomy scan. I think they won't see me until after 20 weeks, so probably mid July... either way, cannot wait to see the little one. My appetite has been all over the place the last two days, probably not eating enough again because I've been a bit queasy when I go too long without eating. Lots of nuts and cheese for me, lol. Hope everyone else is having an okay start to the week!
I would LOVE to be surrounded by rolling hills or covered in vast trees. Instead I've got the ocean. :lol: I know the ocean is exciting for those who do not live near one, but I just take it for granted because I've lived here for over 3 decades. I am smack in the middle of where the worst of Hurricane Harvey hit last year. So many people around me lost all of their possessions, but the worst of our damage was needing to replace our roof. I'm thankful for that.

My appetite seems to have really picked up the last couple of days. I'm trying my hardest to not pack on the pounds that I normally do during pregnancy, but I feel insatiable lately.
I didn't get my "morning nap" (meaning while the system was loading i didn't nod off) cause the boss sent an email and i had not clue what to expect (if someone would come to my office or not)
So beyond being already sleepy, i'm a little more groggy right now.

We saw the new Jurassic World last night, came home and went straight to bed LOL
I must have ate too much popcorn. I didn't feel sick, but I didn't feel good .... I guess i was over full and it made me feel bleh... Burping helped some... but at least I wasn't sick!

I had a dream about Qdoba Mexican restaurant last night.... it's fuzzy so i can't really remember what all was going on. But the kicker is I've never been, and probably won't. (Hubby doesn't like Mexican food, cause it has stuff all mixed together, cause he's super picky....*eyeroll* -- so honestly i try not to make choices where he won't be able to eat a "main dish" from somewhere)
That was probably my weirdest dream lately.

Nope, no cake yet :sad2:

I left work early to get home in time to review the update I did. Boss doesn't want me to upload during business hours, which for me starts at 4 *shrug* and i get home just around 5 (provided traffic at down time is still good). So i didn't do anything but review my work, and go out with hubby.

[My job is mainly data entry so i sit on the computer for 8+ hours loading, moving, reviewing product information .... So I'm constantly on during the week. I try not to get on over the weekend. But if i am, it's usually on my phone for a few minutes.]
Star- How was the new Jurassic movie? I've heard mixed reviews. Some enjoyed it and others say to wait until it comes to Redbox.
BDB - I generally liked it. It has moments. I'm a little more emotional right now, so some scenes got me more probably cause i'm pregnant. (i wouldn't have normally teared up, i would have felt the tug at my heart strings -- but cause they played on it )
Anyways.... the gist is it's about saving the dinos and getting crossed. I didn't watch a trailer before going in so i had no clue what it was about. For the overall story i think it was good. It wasn't "amazing", it's a "middle movie" for sure. And definitely set up for a another.
I would say if you wanted to go see it, don't go to the expensive theater to watch it. the neighborhood one that is a few dollars is perfectly fine.

We like the whole series, so we probably would have seen it one way or another.
This one made me wanna re-watch the very first, a few references to Hammond (the guy that "started it all")

[On a side note, and I probably won't see it any time soon, and maybe not in theater, but, I really wanna see Incredibles II. It's highly anticipated. I haven't read reviews, but i usually never do unless I'm unsure about seeing it in the first place. I really hope it lives up to the hype.]
I generally get on my computer to check in the mornings after having my first breakfast. Right now I'm checking while on my phone eating my second breakfast. I do eat most of my food in the morning and end up not eating enough in the afternoons, which is probably why I have headaches and feeling blah in the afternoon.
I've eaten too much popcorn more than once, and lying right down afterward ended up making me throw up more than once in my life. I do love popcorn though, lol. I haven't been to a theater for so long, since I was pregnant with my first. We had a drive in theater we used to take the family to, but they were sold for residential housing last year and the nearest one is a bit over an hour away.
My dream last night was about dh being dead and me time traveling to see him and possibly change the course of the future. Don't ask lol.
I live about two hours from the beach but I really prefer the mountains. There's also a huge tourist attraction just 20 minutes from here, Detroit Lake. Sometimes we drive up for a drive because of all the view of the dams and trees, and Mount Jefferson is nearby and also very pretty in the winter being bright white!
16 weeks for me today!!! Avocado baby (or chipmunk sized according to my bump app lol). Two weeks two days until my anatomy scan. I'm excited!

Stargazer, try a peace lily. That's about the only plant I can keep alive lol. I don't know how many times I've forgotten to water it, it drooped like crazy, for sure looked like it was going to die, and then sprang back to life as soon as it was watered (usually a few hours later it's back to life like nothing happened lol). We've had it for several years and that thing has been through a lot with forgetting to water yet it always pops back to life lol. They take a lot of abuse.

We live on 5.4 acres of rolling hills surrounded by trees (nice and private, just the way I like it. Foothills of NC, so a view of the mountains driving around the area and only a short 30 minute drive from the blue ridge mountains). I LOVE visiting the ocean/beach, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Too many hurricanes, etc (My DH grew up close to the Outer Banks, NC, and has definitely lived through his share of hurricanes). Actually I lived where DH grew up our first year of marriage and the hurricane scares weren't fun. The area we lived wasn't very pretty, TBH, a lot of farm land but no hills, just flat, and you had to drive to the outer banks to see the ocean. The river was nice, but that's about all it had going for it scenery wise.

I felt a pretty decent kick/movement from baby the other day, which was awesome. I still feel baby off and on but more often they're still small pop movements like popcorn popping. I don't get a lot of nausea anymore as long as I don't let myself get too hungry lol, and my rhinitis seems to have finally calmed way way down, which is sweet relief. I'm definitely feeling much better than I did during the first tri.

Baby's heart is so strong on the doppler anymore and sounds like a freight train, though it's hard to get good readings because as soon as it starts picking up a good reading baby will kick it and interrupt it lol :haha: Sometimes baby sounds like he's practicing Karate in there lol.
Woo, 16 weeks! Yaay, can't wait to see how scan goes :). It's so nice hearing hb on the doppler, too. I always hear movement more than the hb because it moves around sooo much. Good that your symptoms are calming a little bit, as well.
I would have replied last night but Hubby was being nosy. He keeps asking "do you know these girls?", "Who are you talking to" .... He reads your screen names, and some of the posts ...
I know he's just curious, but it's annoying. I swear it's like he's never used a forum before..... (I mean he doesn't like social media at all, the most he has is an XBox handle and plays a butt-load of games/hours with random people.... it's the same concept)

Had a reflux morning. I can't tell what triggered it. Could be the lack of sleep? I had a thought stuck in my head and no matter what I did I couldn't get it out -- so i was on my phone til past midnight. When you have to be up at 5-5:40 going to bed at 12 isn't good..... Probably one of my first nights i had bad sleep. So i'm thinking between slightly hungry, lack of sleep, having to get up (even after pushing snooze 2 times), a cough I've had, stuffy/running nose, and well "morning". I think it just hit me. I don't feel yucky like i would normally, so I think it was just a freak thing.

I've never gotten this much praise from a boss before. To ACTUALLY be praised for doing well, when i think it's nothing. (Trying not to let it go to my head....)
Story: I goofed last night, I forgot to "push" the data, :dohh: I only loaded into the system. I freaked out when my products didn't show, then to realize that I didn't actually get the data to the site. I sent an email last night letting them know I made an "oops". I waited around til almost 9, trying to figure out what I did.
SO this morning I get in and I see an email from the boss:
No worries if that is the case. You’ve been killing it, mistakes happen, we move forward!
Thanks for the hard work. We’ll pick up tomorrow.
I'm kinda just like: :happydance:
StarGazer - lol, he sounds a bit paranoid. I share what I choose to on forums same as any social media. My dh is usually there when I'm surfing on my phone, usually rubbing my back or neck or even sitting together on the bed while he surfs his stuff and we chat. I have told him about a few of the ladies here, just random stuff like foods we're craving or what gender someone is having. He is my best friend so it is second nature to tell him what goes on in my day and such. As for the work praise: woohoo, always nice to be appreciated! I really hope you're feeling a bit better today with the reflux. I know if I go a few days of not eating enough my nausea creeps back and I feel slow, even workouts are affected. I generally eat two breakfasts, a small lunch, a small snack, dinner and then a small snack before bed time. I still wake up with my stomach growling around 11-2 and it sucks. Sleep does get pretty elusive as pregnancy progresses, so I hope you can get some rest today/tonight!

Afm - more weird dreams, but not bad at least and I did get some okay sleep last night after I calmed down a bit. Tomorrow I see my midwife so I'm a bit anxious for that. Allergies are still abound here, but mornings are worse, so I carry around a handkerchief. My younger son has been crawling in bed with my in the mornings after dh leaves for work so lie there extra hot from having him and my dd on the other side. Luckily she is also a morning person so she gets up with me and we make breakfast and get the day started. Feeling lots of movement but only sporadically. I really can't wait until I'm in the early 20s when I can start feeling the rolling around more and dh can feel as well.
Jessi -- Some days I think he is .... others' i think he's just being nosy.

An example of something that pissed me off about this "paranoid/nosy" crap ---- I wanted to start a blog years back about random stuff; you know those "family blogs" that share the happenings and thoughts on things. That sorta thing. I posted pictures of them working on our deck. Wrote a cute posting to go with the pictures. Told a few friends hey follow along I'm gonna be posting a blog. The friends/family i told were the ones on Facebook (when I was exclusively on there and my computer all the time) I got - through the grape vine - about how "open" that post was ... I shouldn't be showing people pictures of your house! OMG ...... Any one that googles my address can see our house .... *eyeroll* Then hubby was annoyed that the pictures featured all the "materials" piled up. "You shouldn't show people that...."
I"m like o_O''''' What?! .... After the third complaint from family that I shouldn't be posting that information I closed the blog, removed all postings and links to it. so they would shut up!
I tried doing a few other things again, later, giving that a rest and attempting another "project" ... again the same comments about how i'm sharing too much, stuff like that shouldn't go on the internet ....
And i look at them and i'm like ..... I have 5 people reading this blog, THOSE people telling me not to post the stuff. And my other comment is ... Do you have ANY CLUE how many others are doing the SAME thing I am?! Just because you are paranoid someone will come in our Fenced in, dog protected, back yard to take a 2x4???? Fing Serious??? ----- BUT .... i didn't wanna ruffle feathers with family so i took it down.

^^^ That kinda paranoid annoys the heck out of me. When they are naive about the internet like that...

<end rant> sorry .... totally forgot why i was gonna reply LOL

I sometimes share with him info we talk about. Not that he's always listening to me. I really only use names of people he knows, and even then i have to make sure he knows what i'm talking about before the sentence gets too far (apparently I'm too much of a tangent talker or something -- i think his mind wanders when i talk to him about stuff)

Other than him being a paranoid mess/man, he's being a sweet "Daddy" though. He loves giving the baby hugs (really my waist... and I keep redirecting him so he's actually closer to baby than my intestines :haha:)
He tells baby to be "good for mommy", and that he loves them...
If i don't feel sick or in the middle of something, I love it. He's such an affectionate man, I can't wait until i see him hold baby. I'm gonna cry!

I can't seem to eat the "6" meal thing. I eat a little something in the mornings, I try to eat a decent lunch, and something for dinner (however i get it).
I've been taking my med for my tummy before dinner, so i think it's helping a lot!
I have moments at work where i don't feel 100, but i think that's the odd temp of the room. Being hot then cold, freezing but sweating, then the weird hot/cold thing at the same time..... And if i feel "off" i take a zantac.
I keep a bottle of water and a secondary drink next to me. I sip throughout the day. I often opt for the other drink cause it's usually a flavored something. (Right now it's a sprite).

MarksWife -- You are a little farther west than me. I work in Charlotte. and live a bit north of it. So the mountains are still a trip to get to. My parents used to take us on vacations in the mountains. I rode so i have absolutely NO clue where we were.
I can't wait til i feel a kick! I feel little pops and bubbles, but nothing I can distinguish say is baby movement.
I've always used some form of interaction with other pregnant ladies. When I was pregnant with my first I wasn't a part of any forum, but I posted on Xanga constantly. It's an online journal website, but I do not know if it exists anymore. I met SO many other ladies who were at the same stage of their lives and I have developed close friendships with many of them. Many whom I still follow on Facebook to this day 13 years later.

Then with my second pregnancy I was active on another forum and, again, made some very dear friendships with women that I am still close with to this day. That forum is barely active any longer but we all keep in touch through social media.

With my third pregnancy, same thing but a different forum. I believe that's when I found this forum as well, but I wasn't nearly as active on it then as I am now. :)
bdb - I do remember Xanga, but not much about it. Social media has really changed soooo much in the past decade. I think I joined here when I was pregnant with my second and always lurked on the group page for the ladies due around when I was but never posted. I lurked the entire pregnancy and actually looked it up a month or so ago to see if they still were active there (not really). I tried to join up with one group when I was pregnant with my third but I was sooo busy it just didn't pan out, but now things are a bit calmer that way for me so I was happy to do a group this time around :haha:.

StarGazer - I can understand not wanting to post pics on a blog as I'm a pretty private person, my dh doesn't even like to announce things or share personal pics. I asked him if he'd use my Nikon to take birth photos this time around and he was honestly surprised and then taken aback at me sharing them but I was clear I wouldn't share them, it was more for us since the last time when my daughter was born he was holding my younger son (it was 1:30 AM) and my older son was awake on the other side of the room and everything fell completely quiet when she was crowning (it was really surreal). I only got to take pictures of her after she was born. Since I'm really hoping to finally get my water birth this time around and my kids are a bit older I think he might have a free hand to get some pics on my camera. Generally I don't share many pictures at all, not even on social media. I do post pics occasionally of my little ones but I don't like to intrude. Your dh will probably have fun as a father, I know I absolutely love watching my dh with our kids, it's a feeling like no other.
I've been apart of a few forums. The early days it was with a few school friends and we could chat while in class.

When we wanted to start a family i knew i need to reach out or read a billion other sources to learn what was going on. I joined one or two waaaaaaaaaay back when but since then just kinda hang out here. When things became more serious I chatted quite a bit.

I really enjoy an outlet to ask a question or inquire about a concern. And you girls are very practical. Honestly I do my research even before asking, so usually i can still verify most of what people tell me.
And talking to hubby only does so much. He can be a shoulder, but honestly he can't answer some questions.

(i totally rewrote this post like 4 times, cause i ranted over and over. I didn't feel you needed to hear all my babble today, so I removed it)
Good morning, ladies!

StarGazer - aw, we all have our rants and rambles. Myself, I tend to do it a bit on here :haha: I don't really mind it's fun to hear other people and their situation generally being different and good for them. I'm a pretty private person, so I tend to just share what I would to most people socially, and the really private stuff I keep to myself or dh (I tell him everything since he's like my other half).

Midwife appointment tonight, kind of anxious. I'll get a referral for my anatomy scan which I can't wait for! I didn't sleep so well last night, I was soooo hungry. I ended up getting up at 5:45 to get breakfast going, I just couldn't wait any longer lol. Just sitting here I'm feeling some fluttering and kicking down low. Can't wait to hear the hb too.
I only share the "most grossing details" with close friends (which that number sadly is small, but nice to know i have them to lean on) and Hubby.
I tend to only ramble or put up musings of the day for others to read.
I'm not a big FBer, but even then i didn't post crazy stuff all the time. I post what i need, when i need it --- kinda like baby announcement -- and that's it.
I was proud that I paid off my car, so i posted that (major accomplishment, first new car and i paid it off all on my own!) And we're about to pay off school loans, so i'm sure that will get posted too.
Maybe i'll post a quick baby update after my 18 week scan. Let people know we're doing good. Maybe if i can get my registry a little further along i might share the link with some peoples.

I wish i had more than my or hubby's parents to really lean on for information (ya know cause they had my brother and me, and his had him and his brother) but the only other person is my SIL. She's too high maintenance for me... brand driven and just "crazy" imo .... plus she's already got sisters and I'm just "there" to her, i feel. (the whole we're family by marriage and that's it) I don't really talk to her much, we're not that close. We don't have issues we just don't talk and have nothing in common.
I've very down to earth, and try to think practically about things, she's dramatic and over the top.

I can't wait for my scan!!!!!!!! a little more than 2 weeks to go! :wohoo:
I'm a little worried if they have to schedule sequential scans. My doctor "fee" doesn't cover lab work or scans, which will rob me if I have to go back. (and pretty sure will piss off hubby -- since he already doesn't like them)
BUT ... i'm ready to know how little bit is doing, and "feel" more within these next few weeks.

What the what? I totally just ate like half this can of cashews O_O They were good, but horribly bad :haha:

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