Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Jessica- I can't wait to hear how your midwife appointment goes this evening!

Star- I can think of so much worse that you could have eaten last night than half a can of cashews. Like half of an entire cherry pie that I devoured last night. :haha::blush:
StarGazer - I really am not close with much of anyone, just dh, and a few people I've met over the years from online gaming. I have various sisters and only really talk with one, she lives in Washington, though, so we stay connected on FB. She is a little bit older than me and actually had her last baby on the exact same day I had my daughter :haha: weird coincidence. I definitely understand not announcing much on FB, I usually just read stuff. Sadly with the political climate lately there's so much vitriol I try to avoid comments anymore, everyone just wants to argue their point. I also cannot wait for your scan! Scans are so fun. Hope you only have to go the one time. They generally take about half an hour and they'll have you drink a bunch of water beforehand. Maybe we'll have our scans around the same time :). As for the nuts, it sounds like your appetite is picking up a little. I would be wary of eating too many nuts because the fats in them tend to excite your bowels (at least they do in me, and most others I've met). I eat a lot of nuts, too, yummy!

bdb - hahaha cherry pie sounds soooo good. I bet it tasted lovely! I've been craving pie for a couple weeks now, myself, and have yet to give into it. Maybe I'll buy some fresh berries when I'm at Costco tonight and make some this weekend? I do plan to make rice crispies with cocoa krispies for this weekend. I will let you know how my appointment goes tonight, but generally they're easy going. I'm just glad she will see me so late in the evening so my dh can be there. Funny enough she went to high school with my dh so they already know each other :haha:. We were invited to their hs reunion next month so that ought to be fun.

I'm here eating second breakfast again (eggs and an english muffin). Something I ate last night (probably the bell peppers with all that vitamin c) set my tummy off and I have had some nasty cramps all morning, tmi I know. Probably why I am sooo hungry this morning though. I'll have to compensate by eating a bit extra before my workout and around lunch since I'll end up eating something out from being out tonight.
bdb -- I know there are worse things, i haven't ate them in so long that's probably why i ate so many. I'm not a cherry person, but if I wanted something bad enough i'd probably eat quite a bit of it.

Jessi -- at my last job I was so far ahead of everyone that I spent random time on FB and other medias out of mere boredom... But I quickly found I was getting bored of it cause the election was starting and there was nothing I wanted to read or post so I ended up leaving it up to chat to a friend on messenger. Then I lost that job, and i kinda didn't get on at all after that. I posted maybe 1 or 2 things, letting people know I was much I hated looking for work ... kinda things.
And now that I get home just in time to see hubby and eat then bed time, that I sometimes hop on just to clear my notifications, and since i don't post much and my friends really just "share" things I don't even read anything they post.

I only have a bachelor brother. He's 6 years older and hasn't managed to settle down... every girl ends up leaving after they date for over a year. I think he won't "grow up" for them. And he makes strange choices (like buying a motorcycle when he's struggling to find a solid job) ...

My appetite seems to be doing better now that I don't feel sick all day. The reflux med they gave me is doing well. I have moments but nothing like before.
I actually can't eat all my lunch. idk .... it's just not hitting the spot. I made it through half of it, which is ok. It's my favorite thing at Taco Bell, but just eh ... not to day.

I'm super sleepy still. I'm trying to get enough sleep at night, I even got into bed around 9. I snoozed my alarm and woke up at 5:45. But i got to work early, snoozed some, woke around 8. Then around 10:30 i took a nap and ended up waking up just before lunch at 11:30
[Had a dream that I couldn't open my eyes. That someone came into my office and I couldn't see. I was searching to turn off my music to hear what they said... Sounded like a name, but as I struggled to pry open my eyes they were gone. I jerked awake and was like whaaaaa]
Anyways. I'm surprised i'm still so sleepy.
This is a silly and proud moment for me...
I "might" have found my sweet spot for getting myself to drink water!
I got Taco Bell today... So those large TBell cups. I filled it half way of ice, then to the brim of water.
I haven't totally finished it yet, but I'm down to the lower part of the cup! I'm probably gonna fill it before I leave (we have a fancy filtered water set up here)
give me something to drink on the way home.
I have drank ONLY water today!!!!

So if i put it in a togo cup, I might drink it more :haha:
Woohoo, water is great! Trust me, if you can get used to drinking a lot of it you'll feel so much better.
Appointment went well, tomorrow I'll call and schedule my anatomy scan (woohoo)!!! Can't wait!
Jessica I’m so pleased your appointment went well and yay for booking your scan tomorrow. It’s about to get exciting with all our gender guesses for everyone
Yeah I figured if I can "trick" myself into drinking it, that it would help, not only me but baby.
It'll make me pee like crazy, but i think I'll take the extra pee breaks if I can get rid of a few ailments!

I'm glad your appointment went well. and YAY for scans!!!!
I'm ready to start seeing babies!

I didn't just eat, I devoured a burger last night. I had a notion a few days ago that I wanted a Big Mac.... Hubby asked what I wanted last night, and I was like ... um a Big Mac! I was super hesitant cause I've eaten burgers, but I never finished them, and honestly it's been a few months since i've eaten a fast food burger.
I guess baby wanted something else. Maybe it was that "special sauce" they use? LOL idk but that burger was awesome, lasted a whole 3 mins.
I'm glad your appointment went well, Jess!

Star- now I'm craving McDonald's :haha:

I have two brothers that are both married (well, one is engaged but has been for a long time) and they both have kids. My older brother has 6 children. It's a blended family like mine. My SIL had one son and a set of twin daughters when they got together. Then they went on to have another little boy followed by boy/girl twins! & then my younger brother has the cutest, chubbiest, little 5 month old son :cloud9:

Three days until I know this baby's gender for sure. I cannot wait! I'm pretty sure it's "still" a girl.. but I want to be confident.
Good morning, ladies!!

MrsDuck - thank you, I am pretty excited to do guess as well. Since we're team yellow again it's going to be even more fun for us.

StarGazer - After your body gets used to the extra water you will probably feel a bit better about it. I'm so so so happy you are getting an appetite! A burger sounds so good, good thing I bought some fresh meat from Costco last night to grill this weekend :haha:. Other ways you might trick yourself with the water is maybe infusing it with fruit?? Idk, lots of ideas there to try, generally I carry water with me all the time and when I see it's like right on the hour, I drink a cup, before you know it you've drank a quart. I am terrible at drinking regularly in the mornings because my tummy is so empty though.

bdb - ooh I love chubby little baby cheeks, so cute! I was thinking about your scan yesterday, I can't wait for you to get it done and know for sure. You sound like you've got a big family. I have three sisters on my dad's side that I don't even talk to and my sister on my mother's side (she has a different father) is the only one I talk to and she's got three boys.

AFM - 18 weeks today... rereading some of my text above looks like I just woke up haha, can't believe the typos I fixed and grammatical errors I had to go back and redo. I did not get much sleep last night because of the day before not having enough food. All day my bowels were cramping up and honestly I was so uncomfortable it made me lose my appetite. I bought some chicken tenders out and I had to force myself to eat just one. Needless to say I had a couple of pieces of cheese and a very unripe banana as a snack in the middle of the night. At least I got to see the full moon. I'm chowing breakfast now in hopes of my tummy being a bit better today. I just feel so empty, lol, fooooood.

I'll be calling to schedule my ultrasound this morning, likely. I can do it any time and since I'm not finding out the gender I'm not worried about the accuracy of that. I'll probably schedule my scan on my birthday as a treat for myself. I asked dh last night if he would buy me a DQ ice cream cake for my birthday and he chuckled. I've never had one before, so I'm looking forward to that.

My appointment was shorter than usual, but everything was looking good. My pulse is always super high, and yesterday it was like 115. Even my bp was a bit higher from anxiety 128/72 lol.

I hope everyone else is doing okay, and that you ladies have a good weekend.
Jessica- I've only got two siblings, but we each apparently like having a lot of kids :haha: My older brother and SIL wanted one more, but since she already had two sets of spontaneous twins, she was worried it would be another twin pregnancy (or more). Lol. My younger bro and his wife really want more children but she has a lot of health issues (lupus and early onset arthritis) and her meds are not conducive to pregnancy, so she had to be off of them. It really affected her to the point she needed a walker by the 7th month of her pregnancy. So she's not sure if she should chance it again since they are blessed with one very healthy child.

I'm sure exhaustion will hit me around noon today. I woke up at 2 this morning because DD2 came in my room and told me she needed to pee. And then I could not fall back asleep. The last time I checked the clock it was 4:45AM and then DH's alarm went off at 5:15 :( I know I fell back asleep but I was still up for the day before 8.

This weekend DS has a soccer tournament so my posting will probably be very scarce.
Such larger families! I only have a brother, I called him (never to his face) a true bachelor. (Every relationship he brings around fails. We though he found a girl, and then it spontaneously ended. Dare not mention any past girl friends names...)
Hubby has a brother and he's married with 1 kid. They lost their first due to SIL having really bad preeclampsia. They tried for a year and finally ended up pregnant again. I'm not sure if she'll have another. It would be nice, but i doubt she'll be able to handle a toddler while pregnant (but hey .... she's got a larger family that she spends lots of time with so maybe she can?! I still doubt it though.)

(My reading thread is going dead cause the Drama Girl is taking leave from the forum for the rest of the summer... :( Anyone else have threads on here they just read? It doesn't have to be dramatic, kinda funny when it is though)
bdb - I can't imagine having that hard of a time getting around during pregnancy :(. I remember the last month of my third my hips were so sore, with pain radiating down my legs I hobbled like a pirate, then I think during labor she came out so fast it did something to my tailbone and I couldn't sit flat on my tailbone for well over a year without pain, ugh. I'm also still exhausted, and I took a cat nap this morning while kids played in the living room. I hope you get some rest soon!

StarGazer - I do follow some of the other threads, lurking here and there, but not too seriously.

I'm seriously feeling zombieish today, I'm gonna nibble on my second breakfast and relax to some music and hope I feel a bit better soon. I can feel my anxiety ramping up when I'm like this and it sucks.
What in the world @_@
I stretched, and now my boobs feel like they are on fire! I thought I was done with that part?! What is with them lately?

I know about the round ligament pain, I constantly rub the sides of my belly. I have other random things, that I just associate with growing uterus and pelvis moving (and the other joint issues)

You ladies having random stuff happen?
Yeah that sounds about right. I get all sorts of weird things. Like an example is I never get a linea negra (that dark line on your tummy) except for post partum, every. time.
I'm still bf my two youngers, so even with very low supply because of the pregnancy hormones, my boobs do hurt a little and my nips are super sensitive. Makes feeding uncomfortable if I do it long.
Hi ladies! I haven't checked on here for a little bit, how is everyone feeling? Any 20wk scans coming up?

AFM - 15wk4days and I feel totally non-pregnant lol.
I forget how quiet it goes from 1 extreme to another! I have a midwife app tomorrow morning, really hope I get to hear the baby's heartbeat, they can be a bit funny in the UK lately with FHB! Might say its for reassurance xx
Hope you all had a lovely weekend

Hi buttercup I’ve got my midwife appointment on wed and I’m hoping they at least do heartbeat too. Have you booked your 20 wk scan yet?
Hi MrsDuck :)

Its just nice to hear isn't it and gives you a little reassurance! Not sure why they dont always do it here now! You will have to let us know if you hear it xx

Yes, my 20wk scan is on the 6th Aug, feels so far away! My OH wont let book a gender scan either - he think we will find out for free so why the rush, he just doesnt understand! I WANT TO KNOW NOW!!! :haha:

Is your scan booked as well??xx
Buttercup - Haha I know what you mean!! I definitely want to know NOOOOOWWWW haha I’ve kept all my little girls clothes so I’m good to go just so long as it’s a girl. Yes mines booked for the 1st Aug. Hope they do something other than ask you how you’ve been feeling and weigh you at your appointment tomorrow
Mrs Duck - if its another girl at least you will be sorted :) we did that with my sons and i have to say it helped so much in times of need and financially too! We both agreed we wouldnt have anymore children and gave all the stuff to charity! We're left with a blanket haha! At least if its another boy we will have age 3+ clothes to hand

Fingers crossed we get to hear our little ones HB this week! Such a lovely and warm feeling... knowing me I will start reading into all the myths and trying to figure out what the gender is by the beats and the souns LOL I need to chill out..xx

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