Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Urgh Monday ...
It's a cooler morning, which means i'm freezing!. Wrapping up in my coat, the space heater on and the door shut ... grrrr I really hope this place has heat during the winter! (even though I don't be here for most of it)

17 weeks today!
And my anxiety is manageable but there...
I don't feel a lot from Little Bit, and kinda worried that I haven't. Maybe I'm just not noticing when they wiggle around? idk but getting a little paranoid.

Had a dream about my teeth falling out, and another that is um.... lets just say gross (so I'll skip telling what that one was about) But looking them up it's about "losing control" which eh I get ... so seems normal pregnancy dream stuff.

As for names, I have two boy names (1 is a gimmie cause hubby wants to pass his name), and we have 1 girl name. I can't think of girl names for nothing! I've even been though all those articles and on pinterest for names, and nothing makes me wanna name my kid any of those names.

For my office, they are supposed to be taking my door to install a window in it (kinda give me a peek into the world outside my little box -- which is basically to a hallway, where a bunch of people walk by)
That was supposed to be done last week.....and 2 months ago my desk was supposed to be moved....
Honestly, as nice as it sounds, I won't believe it until my door is missing and my desk is turned.
Good morning ladies!
Hope everyone had a decent weekend, yes it does seem to be flying by.

Buttercup - Boy names are always so difficult for us, even though we have two lol. It will be hot here this week, luckily it is cloudy today, but later this week it will be upper 90s, which is about 35.5 C. Fans never do much but blow that hot air around. I hope you are finding some way to get sleep and stay somewhat comfortable!

StarGazer - I also had some odd dreams last night, not always fun and certainly nothing too exciting. Happy 17 weeks! Almost to that halfway point :happydance:. You'll likely start feeling movements more and more as you get there. This being my fourth and I still don't feel them regularly, maybe a few times a day. I am wondering if I have an anterior placenta again? That really does affect how you feel the little one moving about. Names can take time to figure out, but once you find the one it just works right in your head. I didn't pick names out for my first two until almost at the end, and when we didn't know gender for our third we picked out her name easily (for girl at least) because of I think my dh great grandmother. I always end up calling them nicknames anyway :haha:. I hope you can get some decent temps in your office. It is a bit cooler here too today and I am looking forward to it.

afm - not much going on here. Today is my birthday, so I'll be having a tasty dinner and my ice cream cake I went and picked up yesterday from the city. We went into the hardware store yesterday and bought some good stuff to continue cleaning and organizing our house, so that was nice. We fenced our berry bushes in the backyard to keep the little ones out, of course my daughter was caught not once, but twice inside the area because she managed to go underneath the fence. I had to chase her around while she laughed hysterically :blush:.
Happy birthday, Jessica! :flower:

Star- Happy 17 weeks!

Buttercup- Is central air not common for the homes in the UK? I know in parts of the states it is normal for people to not have air conditioning in their homes. For me, it's hard to wrap my head around because we have heat practically year around, but I guess it makes sense that other, normally cooler, areas do not tend to need central air on a regular basis.

AFM- We had a nice weekend. Saturday we went to a BBQ with family and then got to be 'adults' that night and go to one of our friend's birthday get togethers. DH let loose and drank some and I was the trusty Designated Driver :haha: Sunday we took the kids to the beach for most of the day and then had dinner at my FIL's.
I know by law (at least in NC) you are only required to have heat. My neighbor's house is rented, and they have a separate unit for the air cause they only have a heater unit attached to the house. [one of the old neighbors mentioned they didn't have air]

Oh yeah Happy Birthday Jessica! Enjoy that cake!
Kids do enjoy being chased ... even when they aren't supposed to be where they are.

I finally found my cake i've been wanting. I bought it and stuck it in the fridge. I'm waiting to eat some of it tonight (maybe......)

I'm normally good with names, but Hubby has to like 'em too, so that's what's making it harder. He can't really imagine many names with our last name that "work" ... so he turns down most of them.

My nurses told me my uterus is in the right position, i just think baby is swimming around and never near where I can feel while I'm wake.
I wanna say i felt a little something early, as I was *cough* "napping" leaned over my desk. Probably cause all that area was more compressed. idk I was in and out so who knows.
Thank you ladies, for the birthday wishes :)

Bdb - hope you fun with your adult time! It's been years since I've had that, we have no friends or family nearby and my oldest isn't quite old enough to be alone long.

StarGazer - Ooh what kind of cake did you get? Dh and I always pick out names together. Yesterday we actually picked out a boy name but I'm not sure on the girl name yet. I have some I like but nothing has jumped out at me just yet. My kids love being chased, my daughter is quite the little hellion when she wants to be, but generally she is quiet and happy and calm. She is a bit of a klutz like her father, though, and she is a climber. I call her my little troll, mainly because her hair sticks out all over, and her belly button kind of sticks out and reminds me of the little gem those trolls had back in the 90s lol.

Already one of those Mondays where I'd love to crawl back in bed and do nothing but I did manage to clean the kitchen, wash diapers, fold clothes and do some crochet work on my blanket. I still want to vacuum and I need to get out some food to cook for dinner before too late. And I'll pop on the treadmill here shortly. I'm planning to make a copycat recipe I love called bowtie festival, but it is an asiago cheese sauce with a basic cream sauce with pasta, grilled chicken, tomatoes, red onion, and bacon. It is very rich, but tasty. I might even make some breadsticks to go with! The cake I picked out was mint ice cream with chocolate cake and white frosting. Mmm, :haha:
Jess -- It's just a white vanilla cake. Nothing special, but that's what I've been wanting. - Hubby said that pretty much as long as he gets to pass on his name, he's fine with whatever I come up with. But I still run it by him, and make sure that he doesn't like "hate" it or anything. - LOL Trolls ... reminds me, my email update said that week 17 baby is the size of a small troll doll (5.1in) haha! I loved those things I had a million of them! - It seems you got a lot done! I'm impressed, but honestly if I were home, i'd probably be doing the same.

I've had a rough Monday. My tummy has been flipping all day. I managed to eat a taco, but still eyeing my burrito is making me ill, even though i need to eat everything is blech to me. Going to get a cup of water seems like an ordeal, but I might have to, to see if taking a zantac will help. I spent most of the afternoon staring at my computer, attempting to work, but failing. I had to call to pay a bill cause the site was down at 6:30 this morning, then had to call and find out about this stupid insurance that i was denied (to find out that I couldn't get it if i got approved for medicaid ... which they would have just told me that .... Honestly should have called them first, but couldn't find their number, so i spent like 45 mins on the phone with the stupid Obama care lady ....trying to sell me insurance that I don't need/want.)
But my WORK insurance is set up and ready to go! Super excited about that! Got confirmation this morning that it's ready and they can get my number so i can give it to the doc for my appointment next wednesday. And my cards will be coming soon!!!

Urgh just wish I was having a better day :/
An hour and 45 mins left an hour ride home .....I just wanna sleep to make this week go by.
StarGazer - honestly white cake is probably my favorite, but carrot cake is a close second lol. I have a homemade recipe that I use these rainbow carrots for and it is so amazing... yummy lol. I think I had quite a few of those little trolls too, and even some of the miniature ones. I remember I had one that giggled when you pushed the little gem on its tummy Haha. How is your fridge going for you? I always feel like I could get more done around the house but dh always tells me he doesn't care. I do get a little antsy and pregnancy just makes it worse. Especially whenI start nesting. I've already got big plans to clean my microwave and fridge soon. Tacos sound amazing right now, lol. I'm eating a big salad with rotisserie chicken, seeds, tomatoes, spicy peppers, and Asian sesame dressing. My kids are eating all the chicken and seeds lol. I hope your tummy feels a bit more food ready when you get to your cake hehe.
Fridge is doing well. Hubby turned the temp down so it's nice and cold! I think I might attempt some milk again (i think that being pregnant made me super sensitive to the old fridge not working, and i tasted the sour milk before it was actually sour) but idk ... but i might try it again.

I am curious how crazy I'll go during nesting. I normally want to clean my house all the time, but I'm usually so busy that when I have free time I want to relax rather than clean. But Hubby and I "tried" to agree on the terms of cleaning ...and well I am supposed to do the yard, and he's supposed to do the inside. (and as per my last post about chores, you guys see where that stands) I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through the house like crazy! The WHOLE place needs to be overhauled from ceiling to carpet. I really can't wait until that room gets cleaned out and the wall put up. I wanna be able to see the space we have, just in time to start filling it up with toys and furniture.

I hope my tummy cooperates with me. If anything I want to just stab the cake with a fork and devour it and it make me feel all better. I think my favorite cake is called "hummingbird cake" ??? Its an all-spice cake that tastes amazing with cream cheese icing, and it often crumbles but its nice and moist still... mmm

I want to eat the burrito i got with the taco, but .... i doubt I'll get to it :sad2: It's the reason i got food.......I might try to eat a bite, just to not waste it.
Wasn't feeling up to eating my cake. Jess I hope you got to enjoy yours!

The "night itching" omg ... so annoying! I'm not sure how much sleep I really got. I kept tossing and turning, and every 5 seconds I was scratching another spot. And my ears urgh! Behind my ears itch like crazy... then it switched to the inside. :( Still kept waking up to scratch something else.

Hubby wasn't feeling well last night nor this morning. And idk what it is, but he smells like nasty soggy old cereal and vinegar. Blek! Our morning routine involves us sharing the shower, with my head sticking out the curtain when he moves around in the water. I'm not sure how we're gonna manage this bathroom with a little one around (much less if we end up still here with second kid).

Hoping your girls' mornings are going better than my week so far.

--- Edit: Little one is pretty active this morning. Feeling little bubbles here and there. My morning pick me up. Just hope I can make it through the day on this "feeling" ---
good morning!

StarGazer - I have indeed heard of hummingbird cake, but I don't think I've ever had it before. I do enjoy spice cake though! I am sorry you didn't get to enjoy your cake :(. I did have fun with mine, my kids also loved it :haha:. As for your itching, hoping it's just pregnancy, but your skin can get really dry from the hormones. My legs itch occasionally, usually from being a bit dry. Sorry your dh smells strongly, lol. Thankfully I don't usually deal with that, mine always smells sweet. He doesn't even have to wear deodorant, it's crazy. At least your little one is feeling more active and you are feeling it all!

I'm doing okay, slept well last night, dh crawled in bed with me early this morning so that helped. It is cloudy and cool here for now, but the heat is coming. We've got advisories coming for later this week of upper 90s, still. I'll just be chilling and crocheting the last of my blanket up. Feeling more movement, and had some dreams about feeling movement on the outside. Can't wait for that. I always like to get videos of my bump moving side to side when they flop around in there lol.
Good morning!

I am so over this heat and the swarms of mosquitoes already. Can it be November yet? Our Octobers are still hot. :(

When does school resume where you ladies live? Here it's bright and early on August 13th so we just have one more month of vacation left. DS will be in 7th grade, DD1 in 3rd grade, and DD2 will be beginning a 2 days/week private preschool. It's just to get her out of the house and interacting with other 3 year olds.
I can't wait to see or feel when Little One is bigger to be seen kicking/flopping around. I've been told many times that it's such a exciting time. Most miss that point in pregnancy, others just comment on how funny it is to see the baby stretching out. Hubby's mom told me that i should use the baby's kicks to get back at him :haha:

I'm just ready for 60-70's to return. Yesterday was SO nice! High was like 80 something, with a nice cool breeze. Even how crappy i felt I enjoyed being outside.
BDB - Oh wow I cant believe you are half way through your holidays.
Here my boys break up on the 20th July and my eldest is back in On the 03rd September and my youngest on the 18th!
October is my favourite month (my bday month) and also AUTUMN/FALL!!!! i love it so much, can't wait to be all snuggled up with comfy jumpers and drinking hot chocolates with my big bump haha

Happy Birthday Jessica, sorry its late! Hope you have a fantastic day!!
bdb - my son does online public school and he doesn't resume until September. Luckily mosquitoes are not too bad here, of course I'm always the one to get mobbed by them too lol.

StarGazer - I enjoy most aspects of pregnancy, movement is definitely one of the better parts too. Having a short torso mine tend to crumple up in all sorts of positions. My first two both had their cords wrapped around their neck and body, I don't think my dd did, but I'm not for sure.

Buttercup - thank you! My birthday went pretty well, dh actually won a prize from a drawing :haha: at the local store, but my food was tasty and my day went smoothly. Fall is also my favorite season, it is so pretty around here, and I love the weather.

I listened to the hb on my doppler and put it on the big potato lump by my belly button and heard the hb immediately, so assuming it was his(her) back up against the top there. Lost of squiggling around at the same time, too.
Potato lump :haha: I have one, too, when I lay down.

Jessica- are you still tandem nursing? How is that going?

Buttercup- I long for true Octobers. I always get so envious when I see my northern friends enjoying the cool weather and the beautiful fall scenery. Our good winters (they are hit or miss down here) are like most northerner's Autumn (minus most of the scenery), but we don't see that weather until December at the earliest.
Jessica glad you had a lovely birthday and you got a scrummy cake. well done to your son too

Star sorry you weren’t up to eating your cake but hopefully you’ll feel better soon. Glad you’ve got a working fridge again yay and I hope hubby gets better soon

Bdb we have pre school here so my 3 year old has had a year of setting in to school life before starting for real in September

Buttercup looks like our heatwave is set to continue for another week at least aaaagh I’m struggling with the lack of air movement at night

Does anyone else have sooooo much wetness going on down there? I keep checking it’s just that and nothing more

We are off for a few days for a family get together which should be nice, especially getting breakfast and dinner cooked for us yay
How long are your summer vacations over there? We don’t get summer vacations. Our school year starts in January and the year is divided into 4 terms. We get two weeks holidays between terms except for end of year where we get 6. It’s so different!

Buttercupbabi we share a birthday month! Except over here it’s beautiful spring weather lol.

Jessica happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day and got spoilt!

MrsDuck I’m having the same issue with wetness/discharge. It’s super annoying and uncomfortable. It makes me somewhat paranoid also. Damn hormones!

Afm, I’m still really sick. I’ve made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow as I’m constantly blowing my nose and it just seems to block up instantly. At bedtime it’s horrible as the blockage gives me an awful headache. I’ve also developed two cold sores and one of the is quite big. It’s made half of my top lip swell. I’m so over feeling rotten.

Hope everyone else is feeling well.
Oh no sushai sorry you are so ill, I hope your dr can give you something to make you feel better. I’ve had a chest cough and cold this past week, I’m just hoping I’m over the worst of it but nighttime is definitely the worst when you lay down

The wetness is making me paranoid too, it’s making me wonder if I’m leaking or even weeing sometimes, oh the joys of pregnancy

Our school hols are divided into the 4 seasons/terms too with a holiday at the end of each and a half term midway through then a longer Easter and Christmas off and the school year ends next week for us and they go back middle of Sept
Oh goodness Susahi! I hope the docs help you find relief! Being sick normally is bad enough...

Our schools are divided into 2 semesters. Starting in August til December, then second semester is January to May. There are week breaks in the middle of the semesters, but nothing crazy. The break between the semesters is kinda stupid but really only to give time off for holidays. They may let our earlier than December now idk for sure.
It's been a while since I've been in grade school.

Hubby is stressing less (from what I can tell) so he's feeling better. I wish the only time i got sick was when I was stressing! Life would be so nice, cause i don't stress nearly half as much as he does! LOL
He's at home today... they don't have enough at work to keep 5 people busy, so he has the day off. --- Honestly the BEST part of that is...... I got to shower alone!
And tomorrow, I'm working from home cause he can't get it off (i hope you girls sense the annoyance in that statement) So I'll probably sleep in and take my time getting "ready" before hopping on my work computer.

Oh And I DID get to nibble at my cake last night!
After about a quarter of it I had enough of the icing, so I flipped it over and started eating the cake part of it. Then I was done... We'll see if I really want to eat more of it tonight or tomorrow.

Last night I had a sharp pain in the right side of my belly. I couldn't tell what it was. I don't think it was a Braxton Hicks thing, it was like i moved wrong or something. It faded away after a few seconds, so I didn't worry too much about it. I didn't get any other random pains since, so it might have just been a stretching pain...??
bdb - I say potato because it really does feel like one! LOL And my ticker shows the baby being the size of a sweet potato. Last night dh and I were feeling the lump move around, but no real kicks or squirming yet. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling lots of kicking down low, and yesterday I felt (for the first time) the rolling sensation when they go from way up high to way down low, so that was very exciting. As for tandem nursing, yes, my nipples are very sensitive and my supply is pretty low, but I nurse my dd once a day and my ds every couple of days so he doesn't forget how to latch when my supply comes back after delivery. It works for me because aversion gets really bad when my supply is so low, I had such a hard time of it last pregnancy!

MrsDuck - Thank you! I did have a nice birthday, :). I, too, have a lot of wetness. I sometimes wear a panty liner, mainly when going out shopping. I've even had mucus like chunks, which I've heard is normal as well, since your plug is often "refreshing" or w/e. It's annoying, and sometimes it makes me itchy and I get paranoid there'll be blood or something. I hope your chest cold clears up soon, too.

Sushai - sorry you are so miserable. I really hope you can get something from the dr to help. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

StarGazer - I hope you enjoyed that cake :haha:. Your sharp pain sounds like round ligament pain, and it's very common in second trimester. Usually when you cough or laugh or turn really quick, but I've had them while being lazy too. For me, braxton hicks weren't noticeable at all in my first pregnancy and they were generally painless. They also didn't start until closer to third trimester. I'm glad you got to shower alone. I wish I got to shower with my dh lol, but he really doesn't like it when I turn up the water so hot my skin turns pink.

afm - more strange dreams last night, some pretty naughty ones this morning as well:blush:. It's going to start getting hot today, so I'm going to stay inside as much as possible (except to water my berries). I've been feeling lots of movement the last couple days, enough to wake me up, probably from my vivid dreams making my heart race though. I notice a lot more movement after I get done on the treadmill. I can only imagine how this one will react to the other kids making all their noises. My ds sees me getting dressed in the morning and pokes my belly and asks if there's still a baby in there. He will be almost four when baby is here so I think he's pretty excited about it all. Don't think dd is as aware of it yet, but she'll be over two when baby is here, and not my lil baby anymore.

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