Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I'm so sorry you have to deal with that lol. Honestly I'm so happy my dh is a clean freak like I am. The only exception I when he does dishes they are usually not the cleanest, lol, I call him "60%" because he doesn't do so well on the really stuck on stuff, granted wouldn't be so bad if they were rinsed out first, but we end up doing dishes together instead. He is like me where he enjoys cleaning, we put on some music and just go at it :haha:. But for real, it is hard to make time when life is busy. I'm trying to teach my oldest to help clean and take care of himself and he is at the age of puberty so it is especially important to learn this stuff.

On a side note, I am sitting on my bed right now with my stomach growling. I bought a huge container of peanuts from Costco and they are soooo good. I'm gonna eat some with a little cheese while my little ones finish their nap!
HI ladies :wave:

So strictly because of my age, the risk of there being problems is 1:33. I have had 2 blood tests which bumped it to 1:110, or 0.91% chance of issues. They still consider that risk, so today I did the harmony test. Results will take a week. I'm starting to stress. I need to remind myself that there is a greater than 99% chance that everything is fine. Has anyone done this test? How did you stay sane while waiting for results??
Jessica how do you deal with one bathroom? We have two and are seriously regretting not having put in a third when we were building.
I’d love to see the blanket your crotcheting once your done. I’ve crotches two beanies and hope to add either teddy bear ears or a flower depending on genders.

Stargazer, one week is not far away but when your anxious and can’t wait for it it feels like the week drags by!

Buttercupbabi what a gorgeous bump!

Dove, I’ve no idea about the harmony test. All this testing is new to me and I opted out on having it done. Hopefully you get your results soon and the reassurance that all is ok.

Afm, I ended up at the doctors yesterday. Turns out I have a sinus infection, the beginning of an ear infection and on top of that a virus too! I’ve been given some antibiotics for the sinus and ear infection, hope they start working soon, I’m so over feeling so terrible.
dove - I'm also older, well not over 35, but I just turned 32 and decided to do the Harmony test this time around. My results came back normal or 1/10,000. I would freak out too, but honestly that is less than 1% of a chance something will be wrong and like 99% chance of being all okay, so yes, try to remind yourself that!

Sushai - I'm glad you're here now, I was wondering about how you felt earlier. I'm glad that you went to the dr, sorry there are so many problems but I think you're on the right track with some antibiotics. Hopefully you'll start to feel better in the next couple days. Having one bathroom isn't too bad, I wouldn't mind another toilet though, eventually just in case there is an emergency. For now we have a bucket :haha:. I planned to post a pic of the blanket once I'm done (should be next week) at least on the FB group, I will here as well though. It looks massive, though!
Well, anatomy ultrasound has confirmed, it's a boy!!! Meet Adam Michael <3 :cloud9::baby:


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Well **** stupid ads ....
Let me get a ad remover and see if it helps my page from resetting every time i try to post.

I had a nice long response all typed up to all three of you, and now ..... nothing @_@
I don't get why the page does that....
Ok ... Two ad blockers running .... (my luck it wouldn't reset me this time anyways)

Hubby grew up with his mom doing everything, and never had the boys help much. They were supposed to do "something" but Hubby got the sweeping the kitchen and bathroom floor. His mom cleaned the house every day, so there was never anything to sweep unless someone came in with dirty shoes.
My mom cleaned .... eh when she thought about it. My house was a realllllly old trailer, and I grew up thinking the dirt held it together, and in the very end... i still think that's what was keeping it going. Luckily my parents finally bought a double wide and tore that stupid old one down.
I try to clean the house as much as I can. My only day off being Sunday I'm pretty lazy and don't wanna do anything. I just wish that I had the time/gumption along with the thought to clean to actually pursue it. Hubby is supposed to clean the house, but unless he does it when I'm not around (and puts everything back exactly the way he found it.....) yeah....
So the house pretty much needs to be done from ceiling to carpet.... I'm pretty sure i'll be tearing apart stuff during my "nesting" period.

I opted out of most of the optional tests. I'm not at risk yet, and nothing they've said makes me think I am. I do have PCOS, so I'll probably do the diabetes test to make sure my insulin resistance isn't getting worse. Hubby thinks it's a waste of money, but I don't know how to explain it to him quickly (i'd literally have to explain PCOS to him again and how it can affect things though what what this test shows ...) ain't got time for that...

Susahi, glad to see they gave you something and you find relief soon!

I have no clue what I can do at work today to keep my attention. I can't actually do any work because it will interfere with what the other girl is doing. So i'm probably gonna twiddle my thumbs, and stare at the screen for 8 hours. (At least I'm getting paid to do nothing!)
markswife - yaay congrats on the blue bump! Sooo exciting :)

StarGazer - I also have pcos, and the best way I had to control it was with eating better and regular exercise. I had years of infertility because I wasn't taking care of myself. Chances of having gestational diabetes can be higher with it, too. I try to limit empty carbs, myself, to just a little bit each day or having my junk food day on Saturday and that usually works just fine. You'll likely be offered the test around 28 weeks, though. As for cleaning, my dh's mom taught him how to be quite domesticated, he even knows how to sew. We both like a clean house and it is nearly impossible with young kids, but we do the best we can. I don't blame you for not wanting to do it on your day off, I also have those days where I just don't want to move. Nesting can really be fun if you give into it, lol. Can't wait to see how bad I get too, it's always different with each one! We'll have to compare notes :haha:

As for me: woo, 20 weeks officially halfway through. I know I'll go late, but still. Four more weeks until viability! Yesterday was hot, 100F (37.7C). I kept my house dark like a cave with the a/c running and it stayed fairly cool in here. Been feeling more and more movement. Can't wait for next week for my scan. Seems like mostly everyone has had theirs already.

Today I'm going to make up a blueberry pie, can't wait to scarf that down tomorrow hehe. I hope everyone else is having a good Friday the 13th, and weekends :)
I used to eat a heck of a lot better at my parents house, and a little by myself. But with Hubby I kinda just eh ... He doesn't eat anything I like so I kinda buy stuff for him and manage to eat something of it or pick something else. He's a picky eater... and I don't like a select amount of foods. He says I'm just as picky cause I won't eat every kind of fruit and some other random things.
Most of the time if I want anything "healthy" I have to cook/make it. I've tried a few times. I planned a whole week of making dinner, even had plans to make Hubby something he would eat too. Something happened and I ended up wasting over 60+$ of food....So after that I kinda got disheartened and I really only buy things that I know I'll "make" and won't take more than 30 mins to whip up.
It's been just us for years, so meal planning sucks....And we usually just plan the day of what we're gonna eat.
In the end He's the meat man, and I'm vegetable girl! :haha: I could be a vegetarian if i wanted, but I love beef and chicken way too much!!!

I gained weight that I could get rid of, and mainly thought it was cause i went from a on-my-feet job to on-my-ass job (which is probably true). And in college when I was a size 5 I walked everywhere, across campus to and from class, hubby's room (well he wasn't hubby then) ... and then after school i just kept gaining weight.
I tried to get into an exercise plan but i ended up lazy and never got around to going through it.
I joined a gym. I went for a few months. My gym partner who I started working out with was never off when I was. She liked doing weights more than me; so we didn't spend a ton of time together anyways. I love the treadmill and elliptical. But when I lost my job last year I didn't have money to keep going. I quit a few weeks before they let me go on the account I was only going once or twice a week, spending an hour there and going home.
I wanted Hubby to buy one for the house, but I'm afraid it would just become a clothing rack. :blush:

Hubby's at home monitoring his building being put up. We got our new fridge door! So that's done! (now just need to make sure they adjust our bill and find out when it's due)
So when I get home He'll be all excited and Hopefully he would have moved his tools out of the house so we can start feeling like that spare room actually has room! :haha:

Yippie for 20 Weeks! Your ticker says a melon? (it's tiny hard to see) Must be a small melon, cause the ones i know are big!
I saw how tiny that pic is, I'm considering changing my ticker to be easier to see lol. As for meal planning, I actually plan for a month, I write a menu down and stick to that generally. Since I stay home making dinners is a bit easier, but dh helps do the bigger recipes. I make almost everything from scratch though, even dough and pies and cookies. I had to teach myself a lot of what I do but it is so worth it. Dh isn't too picky, he enjoys trying new flavors.
I'm glad you got your new fridge door lol.
Tonight I'm planning on making calzone, trying out my new rolling pin instead of having to use a cup -.-.
I can cook, I just hate doing it. My mom made most of the main dishes, I put the veggies in a bowl and pushed the button on the microwave. I Love reading recipe books, but never make anything in them.
I'm not much of a home-body. I like being at home cause it's "my space". But after the past year of being stuck at home, I kinda got sick of it. The exception is if i'm having a bad day, I just wanna stay in bed and on the flip side is if the temp is just too unbearable.
As a kid, I spent all my time outside. I would bring as much crap as I could to my tree house and stay out there til the street lights came on, sometimes longer cause i was in my yard. But when my neighbors had a kid and she begged me to play with her everyday. I started to have my mom lie to her so i didn't have to go outside and entertain her. (Basically I grounded myself) -- Now I hate going outside because of bugs -- every flipping kind ...and I spend more time cleaning the porch, and by time i finish, it's not pretty outside anymore. Then the next time i want to go outside, the porch is already covered again. :/ Vicious cycle.

Using a cup to roll out dough isn't fun. I had to use a 2 liter soda bottle once, that was interesting. Was good for the "weight".
Markswife congratulations on making team blue!!!

Stargazer, I too have pcos and the main issue affecting me was irregular cycles. I had 6 months of being on bc pills and that was the only thing that helped get everything back to a somewhat more regular pattern. This is also the reason why I’ve had the gtt done already 2 weeks ago.

Jessica happy halfway!!!

Afm, still feeling terrible. I hope these antibiotics kick in soon!
Sushai - hoping meds help this weekend and you can get some proper rest and feeling better! How were your gtt results? Thank you for the 20w well wishes, I am so anxious for my scan on Tuesday, can't wait to see the little one.
Congrats on being team blue Markswife :blue:

Dove - Im 33 and will be 34 when this little bean arrives and although I still got low risk, I couldn't believe the difference in the Down Syndrome test from my previous pregnancy! 1st pregnancy I didnt even get an odd because it was totally unlikely, with 2nd it was 1 in 32000 and this time round it was 1 in 6000!! I may be low risk but still shocked me!
I would have liked to have had that test done but in the UK they are £500+ and only a few clinics around me do it and would mean me travelling quite far still to get this done etc...!

Afm, Im feeling the tinyest flutters but oh what a relief! I keep thinking its a internal twitch by my belly button but i doubt it! Although last week baby was on the left side where the MW felt it and found the heartbeat and weirdly now i can feel the firmess on my right side with the flutters!

TMI and embarrassing but i looked down at my bare belly earlier and its gone really hairy and dark (not manly/pubey hairy THANK GOD but hairy enough for me being a little embarrassed to show anyone)! its annoying because for a dark brunette im not hairy at all! xxx
Buttercup - all of my body hair gets worse during pregnancy and it grows super fast. With pcos I already have issues with it and it does make me a little self conscious as well. You're definitely not alone there hehe. But yaaaay for flutters, so exciting.
Dove I hope you get through the wait, I didn&#8217;t take the harmony test, but my age (will be 39 by the time baby is here) I think gave me 1:120 improved to 1:1200 with scan measurements and bloods etc. (It was something like 1:44000 for my dd) I&#8217;m sure your results will be fine but I know waiting for any type of results are awful

Markswife yay for team blue

Sushai I hope you feel better soon

Jessica happy halfway

Buttercup yay for popping, what a cute bump
Jessica, my ob had said ‘no news is good news’ re gtt. I haven’t heard anything and it’s been just over two weeks so I’m guessing all is well.

Buttercupbabi i too get the same re body hair. Damn Pcos! Yay for baby flutters!

Afm, I’m starting to feel a bit better. The one thing annoying me are these horrid cold sores, especially the one on my lip. They’ve dried out but now I need them to fall off and make my face feel a little bit normal. They look horrendous.
Morning Ladies!
I hope everyone's weekend went well. (Hoping those that haven't been feeling well, found some sort of relief)

I'm 18 weeks today!
Getting to see Little Bit on Wednesday!!! :wohoo:
(you can't tell i'm excited *giggle*)

My PCOS Story

My issues with PCOS was that for the longest time I couldn't figure out what was going on. When I first had my cycle it was still maybe twice a year... I thought nothing of it. "They" don't teach you that your cycles is supposed to be monthly, and that if you don't have one, or if it's super heavy you should talk to your doctor.......
I just thought I was lucky and didn't have to deal with it as much as other girls.
Then when I was a bit older my mom said I should go on b/c. That regulated me, but I was only one it for a little more than a year when I got married.
After we were married I decided the beginning of the following year I'd stop and we'd try.
Spent years not knowing what was going on. Ended up on Provera, which did give me my cycles, but they never said what to do if my cycle doesn't return the next month. (naive girls don't ask questions) So again years on and off Provera and didn't have a clue what was going on. Doctors never explained anything to me. (Which kinda makes me mad now)
Finally had them do an ultrasound after a round of Clomid to find out that I did have PCOS... got to see all those lovely cysts...
Then was put on Letrozole for ... honestly idk how many rounds I did.
An MD put me back on b/c to "reset" my cycles. Worst THING EVER! Wasted 3 months cause the first 2 I bled the whole time, third month I was sick ...
Then when my first round came back non-ovulatory I asked to up my dosage (since i'd been taking the same thing for a while)
and FINALLY got results viable to actually get pregnant. So I kept at it for another year.
Was gonna give up when BAM ... BABY!

I hate that I have a fuzzy belly.... It just looks funny. But i figured it was apart of hormone issues that come with PCOS, and probably all the crap I'm going through now.
I shave the middle part below my belly button -- started when I was a teen, and well... ya gotta keep doing it or it's a forest -- and as much of my nether regions I can get to
I try to keep up with it. I've been lazy and only shave my legs about once a week or every two. But my other bits I shave almost every day (just to keep it down and manageable)

I started to noticed a "blue" line running down my belly. It looks more like a blood vessel rather than the dark line everyone talks about. I wonder if this is my belly's version of it?

And my belly button is killing me :( I've noticed it's, not as "deep" and that the bottom is getting pushed some. So my uterus is growing!

I've had a few people comment that I'm showing, but I still say it's "fluff".
And my MIL commented that I have a waddle. >,< I'm not even to the point where I think i should be waddling. I guess my balance is off or something.
Hey ladies, just checking in! I've been MIA for a few days but all is well.

We began our second summer visitation with my step son and having him always limits my online time because he and DD2 together are NONSTOP! :haha:

Markswife- congrats on your sweet little boy! <3

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