Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Well the stupid ads made my page go unresponsive and I lost my whole post....

URGH... Now i have to remember what I was gonna post!
Our summer vacation started May 24th and the kids go back to school on August 13th. So we have close to 3 months off during summer. I would much prefer year 'round schooling. I really enjoy vacation the first month but then after that the kids get bored and when they are bored the fighting is tenfold. It's much too hot for me to want to take them out to do things unless it involves the beach or pool. I don't become a fun mom until winter rolls around :lol:

The other day I thought my belly was beginning to pop out but I assume it was just a food belly because it's back to nothing today :( I only look pregnant when I am lying down. It still does concern me because with my other three pregnancies I was very obviously pregnant at this point. My bump was noticeable to others and I could only survive in maternity clothes. We've even had a couple of people gently ask DH if I miscarried (last week at a July 4th event) because I have no belly.

But my uterus is measuring on track and last week the baby was measuring exactly on point, so I am just going to keep assuming that everything is okay. I do feel her kick daily so I know she's doing just fine. I just worry that a small belly will mean a small baby and I only want her to be healthy.

Sorry for the ramble.
No worries about the ramble. That's what we're here for! :)

I did a comparison between one of my first belly pictures to a few weeks ago... And yeah I just look more fluffy, but most definitely can tell i have a belly! With my boobs bigger too it all looks proportional. If you didn't know me, you'd think I've just put on weight.
So without me noticing, I guess I have grown a belly. I just don't think it's the "pop" everyone keeps talking about.

My ears were killing me this morning. Pain like an infection was starting... Was annoyed driving to work having to hold my ear cause it hurt that much. Then the other started hurting :/
I'm thinking it might be linked to them itching the past few weeks.
I just hope it doesn't turn into an infection. I'm already dealing with the "allergy" issues that come when pregnant.
StarGazer - part of the reason I do the bigger posts from my computer, no ads lol. Hope you can remember what you had written down. Sometimes my kids press my mouse buttons or macro keys and reset my browser and I lose my posts, very frustrating.

bdb - I hear yah on the vacation, once the first month is done my son gets pushy and misbehaves so much he ends up in timeout for a lot of the time. I wish my bump wasn't quite so obvious, I feel huge already and I'm a bit upset my weight gain is so much again. I primarily eat well, with Saturdays being the day I have my junk foods, but I have tried to eat bare minimum calories and it doesn't work, I end up feeling terrible! I bet your bump will show more and more. Mine is like a huge alien lump when I'm on my back and well, Haha. Dh always snickers at it. I am so thankful it doesn't get too hot here, I can't even imagine being in that heat for so long, and the mosquitos. Here we have to worry about ticks, and those are not too hard to keep off with the right sprays.
StarGazer - I have terrible allergies and rhinitis from pregnancy does not help, my ears are also soooo itchy on the inside, they end up sore from my sinuses. And I spend a good bit of my mornings blowing my nose because of the rhinitis. It isn't uncommon but I haven't heard of many women having it that bad. Guess I'm just unlucky. I'm sure it is just hormone related. Something I read about the estrogen and progesterone makes your mucus membranes swell up or something. Also can make your nose bleed. As for the belly, I remembered last night when I was just mid 30 weeks and overheard a group of young kids ask amongst themselves is I was pregnant or just fat. I just looked at them and responded with I'm pregnant, thanks for asking! They looked embarrassed.
bdb, if it makes you feel better, I learned the hard way last pregnancy that belly size =/= to the baby size (even uterus measurements). I was showing pretty good at 27 weeks and my uterus was measuring on point, but DD was a month behind in growth when they delivered her at 27w 4d. So even if your belly is showing a lot and uterus is on track or even measuring ahead is no indication of baby's true size. I'm sure you'll pop any day now :)
Jess -- I'm on my work computer, and trying not to install a bunch of stuff. I'm sure they won't mind a few ad blockers, which I might install. But I'm also using the safe mode to do ... *cough* non-work related things/searches. I'm not sure if safe mode uses the ad blockers or not.
Good thing setting those kids straight! I hate nosy people.
I have a little wobble when i walk, so i'm sure it will be quite obvious soon to those who don't know. I try not to accentuate it, but sometimes it just "happens" :haha:

I really have not attention span to do my work today. .... :blush: But I have it open and I have worked on something, just no where near what I should be doing.
And tomorrow got changed so I get to make my lovely trip to the office, and loose my peaceful shower time again. (I guess i wouldn't mind if a)i didn't feel uneasy every morning [and that actually is a normal thing, not a pregnancy thing], b) my nose wasn't offended by hubby, c)there was just a foot more space in that room)

Anyways ...i should attempt to work *cough* :haha:
I think ad blockers work in safe mode. but I'm not for sure lol. I definitely can relate on the attention span: I dont feel like doing anything today. I haven't even cleaned up dishes from this morning yet. I have a little headache that is going away and I'm nibbling some garlic soup and talking to dh on his lunch break.
I work best in the afternoons (contrary to popular believe that mornings should be the most productive) After lunch I'm a working machine. Mornings I could careless if the world ended.
I think I just have SO much going on that data entry is the last thing I wanna be working on. Mainly cause i know that all i have to do is look at it and it's done. -- I'm hoping they give me more power to do stuff with the site after baby is born. ---- That's Probably the main thing.
At my old job where i did a-z ... and now i'm just z and a few y's ... it's hard to stay productive and still have stuff to do.
Bdb - bless you hun! Im 17 weeks today, have no bump and no movement! Ive even stopped having pregnant dreams because i just feel like Im not!
My midwife checked my bump and was happy with it and the heartbeat was there... I mean I sure get some of the symptoms still like fatigue, leg cramps, stretching pains and nausea but other than that aint got a lot to base this on :(
So i wasn't terribly "hungry" last night, my dinner ended up being Popcorn and Ice Cream LOL
SUuper healthy!
I woke up hungry though, so I probably should have ate something more substantial. (luckily it didn't irritate my reflux, so I'm pretty happy about that)

Hubby had to leave early this morning, so I got my alone shower time. And since the delivery was rescheduled for tomorrow... provided his boss holds up his side of the bargain, he'll get to be off and I'll have another morning free in the shower! (Sounds so petty here and there)
Life is gonna be interesting with a baby.... I really hope this bathroom suddenly decides to grow another foot or two!

Brrrr back again in this cold office. I can't win. No wonder why i'm so sleepy in here. I have to bundle up and i get comfortable and close my eyes.
Good morning, ladies!

buttercup - I hope you start feeling those kicks and jabs soon! I rarely have pregnant dreams myself, but just really vivid dreams.

StarGazer - I had a couple tacos last night and as usual I was starving before I went to bed again lol. Honestly if I do one day of not eating enough I suffer for days afterward. I only get this while pregnant, not even while breastfeeding, this constant hunger. It's terrible. Popcorn is tasty though, and it's really not too unhealthy if you don't buy that bagged kind. We have only one bathroom in our house and we manage. It's pretty small, too.

I'm happy it's almost the weekend; this week did seem to go by quickly. Last night we went down to Costco so we wouldn't have to go out in the heat on the weekend. I bought another huge flat of the tasty organic blueberries for pie. Can't wait! Just have to keep the little ones out of it and I'll have enough. After making up my dh's lunch and cleaning the kitchen I ended up being up waay too late last night so I am pretty tired today.
OH Lawrd Jess ... 5 of you and 1 more with 1 bathroom ... I'd die!
When I was growing up we managed with 1 but I really worked around when my parents were in there. My brother moved out when I was in 8th grade, so honestly never had to deal with him much (I honestly don't even remember if he did use the bathroom LOL)
Our next house WILL have at least 2 bathrooms and a half. I'm very adamant that I want 1 for hubby and me and 1 for the kid(s). I like the half bath so guests don't have to see our messes...

I had a dream there was an alligator under our dryer... I'm still trying to figure that out.
I think everyone else is having my pregnancy dreams. Everyone is saying they are dreaming I'm having a boy. I haven't dreamed about a baby in weeks. Sex dreams are common, but I think that's just deprivation LOL

I've noticed if I sit a little leaned forward, I can feel a little more bubbles than if i lean back or stand. So Little Bit is still flopping around in there.

My appointment to see Baby is next week.... Why can't it hurry up and get here???!!!!
I can't wait!!! :wohoo:
Haha we have a guest toilet downstairs, 1 family bathroom and 1 ensuite and to be honest having 3 toilet the kids can mess up is a NIGHTMARE!! im fed up of cleaning them all the time as noone else will... Sometimes I wish I only had 1 toilet or a cleaner :haha: I wish!!

Today my cesarean scar was really hurting and I looked in the mirror and realised my bump was really sticking out - couldnt believe it!
A few mums at school mentioned it - this has literally popped out over night! Seems really high though and hurting me a little bit - ill attach a photo...


  • Bump 17weeks.png
    Bump 17weeks.png
    274 KB · Views: 5
Buttercup- what a cute bump! Honestly only having one bathroom is so much easier to clean. Our house is pretty small so cleaning is efficient and simple. Dh generally cleans the toilet because it is the one thing I don't like to clean. It doesn't help that when the people who remodeled it didn't put a wax ring in under the toilet so it leaks out on the floor, albeit slowly. It is a project we have coming up soon to fix. While I don't have a c/s scar, I've noticed my tattoos itch a lot sometimes and I get random itches and pains on old scars.

StarGazer - My dh is very clean and I do enjoy being in his space often, My oldest doesn't hang in the bathroom except to do his business, brush teeth, wash hands, or shower. We have talked about getting a camping toilet. There is actually an old septic system on our property, but I don't know how functional it is. We definitely plan to build a small house out back, like a tiny house, so we will have to run line out there as well. Growing up my sister would spend forever in the bathroom, idk why. Even as an adult I do not like to be in there long, after my business in the morning, I shower and in total I'm in there for about 15 minutes max. Door is always welcome for my oldest if he has a bathroom emergency.

Eating second breakfast now, and it was already getting hot outside when I was our watering my berries and my rosemary. I'll be inside crocheting (almost done) and cleaning today.
StarGazer - next Tuesday night I have my 20w anatomy scan and I am so excited. I cannot wait to see the little one! I hope you get some good pics and we get to share them hehe.
Buttercup --- Yey for Bump! I can't wait for mine to make an appearance, but I have a few more weeks of looking "full" before it's noticeable.

I know cleaning all the bathrooms will be a pain of a chore, but honestly.... I'm just after the space and alone time. And to be able to enjoy a bath without feeling dirty just after getting in the clean water cause it looks nasty.
StarGazer - next Tuesday night I have my 20w anatomy scan and I am so excited. I cannot wait to see the little one! I hope you get some good pics and we get to share them hehe.

Here's to seeing out little Babies soon! :) :happydance:
Ugh I know what you mean about a clean tub. We keep ours pretty clean because we bathe our kids in it every couple days, but I also rinse diapers out in it, so generally it is clean enough. I do not care for baths, I like showers lol, I think the only time I have taken a bath was right after my dd was born my stitches were sore and hemorrhoids were so itchy and painful. Post partum is honestly the worst lol.
Well Hubby "said" he bleached the whole thing. But .... truthfully I don't know how to tell him that you have to SCRUB it too.
So where it "might" be "bacterial-ly" clean it's not really clean.
The walls need to be cleaned too.

Thus the reason why I tell him it needs to be cleaned again and again. Cause no matter how much bleach you pour in the tub and rub it with your hand... The walls, the ceiling, the window and blinds ... oh yeah the toilet and sink Don't clean themselves just by pouring bleach on them.
And now that I'm pregnant I shouldn't be messing with all those chemicals anyway, but I'm sure I'll be the one having to clean the stupid room.

I love baths, i really want to take one with some bath fizzers and lavender to help me relax some. But not doing it in a tub that looks like it's corroded ...
So that's honestly why the bathroom is my least favorite room. Now a shower, even though in the tub, is great, I can enjoy the hot steamy water. I really only like to sit when I have to shave (which currently is like every other week cause i'm lazy).
But when Hubby is in the tub, curled up trying not to get water in his face from the shower, and legs in the only place to stand.... yup ... I hate it.

Sorry we keep talking about this :blush: it's just crazy how he doesn't get it, and I've tried to talk to him about it before. He gets mad at me for sleeping in (in the bed), but he gets up to sleep-in in the tub ... <insert Jackie Chan comic> I just don't get it! But he won't wake up and take a 10-15 min shower and get out so i can get up and take mine. *shakes head* idk

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