Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Jessica mentioned viability and that posts sticks out to me right now because in one of our two delivering hospitals, we currently have a 22 weeker who is pushing through like a trooper! She's been earthside for 4 weeks now and crushing all of the odds.

That's so crazy to me because that's only 2 weeks from my current gestation. Just knowing that there is even the slightest chance of survival makes this pregnancy seem even more real.
Good morning ladies!!

StarGazer - happy 18 weeks! My issues with pcos are a bit different, I was on the pill for most of high school and only stopped taking it when I was first with my dh and then I started taking it again so I could get healthier. It took a few years but I managed to get to where I wanted. I got pregnant with my second the first cycle I went off of the pill. I got pregnant with my third after my first returning post partum cycle from my second. (don't use ebf as birth control :haha:) and this one happened on the one and only time my dh didn't pull out in time. I only shave the dark fuzzy hairs "happy trail" when I'm going to be examined but generally it is not that dark and annoying. Sounds like the linea negra line.

Sushai - good to hear you're starting to feel a little relief. Sorry about your cold sores, really sucks when our immune system goes a bit slower! I'm hoping you'll feel 110% soon enough!!

bdb - staying busy isn't always bad thing. 22 weeks is crazy early, I've never heard of one being born so early, but that is great news!

afm, my scan is tomorrow and honestly I cannot wait. I always stress something will be wrong with anatomy or something, so it will definitely help to see that everything is going well. Plus I'd like to know where the placenta is. My scan isn't until 6:30 at night so I'll probably not upload a pic until Wednesday morning, maybe Tuesday night on the fb page if I have time. I think StarGazer, with yours being Wednesday, we'll have lots of fun stuff to see!

I had a very busy weekend, we did what we wanted by getting some more shelving up and cleaning up all of the kids' toys. I managed to get all the toys organized into just three bins and honestly that is a huge deal.

I've been feeling some movement, but I was so hyped up yesterday from doing cleaning and stuff I didn't even feel anything until I sat down to relax my aching back, then I felt kicks and rolling. It has been pretty hot here the last couple days and today will be just as hot as yesterday, probably close to 100, so I'll be inside doing more house stuff and finishing my blanket.
Bdb wow that’s one little fighter, it’s amazing and fantastic news she’s doing so well

Jessica and star yay for your up and coming scans, I can’t wait to see pics, let the guessing commence haha
Jess -- I'll probably put up pictures Thursday. Usually I don't get on if i'm not at work (unless I'm super bored at home) But yeah there will be plenty of things to see and talk about the rest of the week.
The rolling feeling is pretty cool! Felt one yesterday. I'm trying to remember if I was on the couch or standing... but it was an odd feeling, but that's all I could chalk it up to.

I don't even know what to worry about with the anatomy, so I'm kinda just letting it be what it is. I think i'll worry when I get there and they say something.

Oh ... our dishwasher went over the weekend ... Yippie! another appliance down. I just hope that after I told Hubby that it wasn't gonna kill me to wash them by hand until we figure things out, is true...
I had about two loads for the dishwasher ready when the thing copped out on me. I took two breaks washing things up. URGH Why is the kitchen floor always so freaking hard?!
MrsDuck - staying team yellow again, so I'll definitely go for guesses for fun!

StarGazer - lol I haven't had a dishwasher in soooo long. We live on a slab, so I can relate to the aching feet and back. Washing after five people takes time, best I've learned is rinsing does wonders. Since I do most everything from scratch sometimes I end up with a lot, but I can generally clean up fast, usually 15 minutes. I do them like twice a day. I hope you can fix it or replace it soon. Last summer our dryer went out again (the element) and shortly after we replaced it the seals went out in our washer... when it rains, it pours! They were older so we found it easier to replace them than to fix, but generally we fix all our stuff, dh is very handy. This weekend he took the toilet out to replace the wax ring, a simple job, but time consuming.

My dd got her foot gashed up by the back door and it bled pretty badly. I sterilized it as best I could, dressed it and bandaged it. I'm sure she'll be okay, she seems in good spirits, but dh is worried. He wanted to leave work to come take her to the hospital. I don't think they can do much more than I did. Luckily it clotted quickly, even if it did bleed a bit at first. She is already running around again, so I'm feeling positive about it! One time my second son dropped a can on his toe and it was so swollen and looked terrible for weeks, it actually bruised and he had dried blood under his toenail until it grew out. I was really surprised he hadn't broken his toe.
Can't wait for the scan pics, even if it is on Thursday. Not looking forward to that full bladder though, always my least favorite part 😑
Hubby is pretty good with things, but the only thing new when we bought the house was the stove. So I'm not surprised things are going, when we have no clue how long they've been in the house.
We did the toilet ring last year, but since it broke from the floor, even replacing the ring didn't help put it back down. (Plus I think Hubby said he did something ... i don't know I'm not involved in that)
Most of the time we really dirty up cups. I try to make sure that we use the same cup all day long instead of getting a new one.
We really don't eat at home much... so we only dirty dishes when we either have to eat at home, or I'm tired of spending money.

Well. I have an intern that is gonna shadow me one this week. -- So we'll see if I can really post Thursday or not. I might have to close my tabs so that i'm not distracted.
I told him I don't have much to really do since the other lady is working on the Back end and I can't interfere with it by pushing data into the system. But I'll find something to show the girl.

I know a lot of you are home with the kids ... But any of you have a hard time staying awake during the day?
I'm struggling mainly in the mornings when I get to work. I eat a little breakfast and drink either water or a sprite... but then I zone out.
I do well to stay awake sometimes, but I'm afraid someone is gonna come in when I'm knocked out. ( I can picture it now: mouth open, drool dripping down...snoring... LOL)
I'm a bit bored at work. I'm fast and my tasks don't take me long to do. And when i'm done most of the time I'm still sitting around waiting on the computer to process stuff....
Just so tired at work and wanna curl in a ball and sleep til I wake up at home.
I'm pretty sure it's something like eat high fiber or something...urgh Honestly i think i need that contraption that squirts water on me if i start to lean forward :dohh:
StarGazer - yeah we have an old house as well, our stove was brand new but it was like the cheapest one so it really is a piece of crap. The one I've been eyeing at Costco is well over 2 grand, so after we replace our roof I'm planning to purchase that fancy stove hehe. I use ours many times a day and it is probably the only kitchen surface I dont clean often enough. I always beg dh to clean it because whenever I do it seems to get dirty immediately after LOL. One really crappy thing about being on a slab floor is that we cant have forced air unless we add ducts up on the ceiling (a distant plan we have) so I have multiple small air conditioner units in different spots to keep it reasonable in here. Dh says I make it too cold. Admittedly I wear a sweater in here when it is like 90 outside.
As for the staying awake thing, even though I am a morning person I feel a bit drowsy after my first breakfast settles unless I'm not sitting down.
Hope having someone shadow you isn't too much of q struggle, I'd have a hard time with it hehe.
Oh no Jessica I hope her foot is ok and doesn’t get infected, sounds like a good sign that she’s running around on it. I know you are team yellow, I can’t believe you will be keeping us all in suspense after our guessing haha

oh no star sorry about the dishwasher. What will be next, these things normally happen in 3’s
I don’t find I’m tired now but during the first tri I could have slept all day every day
oh no star sorry about the dishwasher. What will be next, these things normally happen in 3’s

Oh don't say that...... I can't afford something else to go :wacko:

Hubby is already paranoid. I'm surprised I'm so calm, but what am I gonna do? :shrug:

Yeah I don't know if it's just me, hormones, pregnancy, interrupted sleep, room temperature or what ....
I guess i'm gonna have to find something soon, or someone is gonna find out and I'm gonna get in trouble :nope:
MrsDuck - I think she'll be okay, I immediately rinsed and sprayed with bactene and cleaned with sterile cotton, she was okay with the bandage on it but it fell off and she has been okay. If she has any noticeable infection I'll take her straight away to the dr for it to be seen. It does seem to look worse than feel because she's still climbing on everything and racing around the house. Time will tell. As for gender guesses I can't wait to get started with those :haha:!

StarGazer - I imagine it is normal to be tired, but it might be iron levels or even blood pressure being low. Mine was down in the 90s/50s during my last two pregnancies and I remember feeling dizzy and tired a lot at certain times. It is a lot of work for our bodies to help build another body so there is that hehe.
Stargazer happy 18 weeks!! How exciting you’ll be getting your scan soon.

Bdb, 22 weeks so early that’s so terryfing to go through but at the same time it’s amazing that something so small can survive at that gestation.

Jessica yay for a scan soon. That’s great you tidied up the toys. In my house that is a huge challenge, we have a toy room but it’s usualy looking like a bomb went off in there. I’m usually threatening the kids with a plastic bag if they don’t keep it clean lol.

19 weeks for me today!! My scan is in exactly one week. To be honest I’m very anxious and paranoid. I think it may be that I haven’t felt any movement this last week but that may also be due to the fact that both babies placentas are anterior which sucks big time, movement is such a big reassurance. Funnily enough all my babies have had anterior placentas, I wonder if that’s got anything to do with me having a retroverted uterus? I haven’t felt any pregnancy symptoms just some spd but I think that’s because the symptoms from being sick well and truly took over.
Sushai - I cannot wait to see your scan next week! Hoping you are on the mend now too. As for the toys, you can probably imagine three different age groups of kids with toys... I had sooo many I got rid of. I slimmed it down so much, I prefer the tidiness. I put the legos in their own area as well, but wooden blocks, tiny toy dinosaurs, they're in their own little bins to be played with separate. They still end up getting into my stuff instead anyway lol. I imagine babies not moving much is also because you feel so poorly. I had an anterior placenta last pregnancy, idk about this one yet as movement is pretty sporadic.
Thanks everyone for the congrats on our little guy :blue:<3:baby::baby: We are in love already :cloud9::kiss:

Preemies are amazing! I remember seeing 23 weekers in the NICU when DD was there, and they did very well. It's amazing what little fighters they are! Our 27 weeker was sure a fighter even though she was only the size of a 23 weeker.

I'm excited for everyones' scans coming up! Yay for more anatomy scans! Hope all goes well for everyone at the scans and that all the babies look perfect :cloud9: I know I was a bit nervous with them scrutinizing baby's anatomy, but all is well with our little man :)

We have our gender reveal this Saturday, so that's exciting! I'm excited to not have to keep it a secret from everyone anymore lol (we've pretty much known since 14 weeks, but wanted to be 100% certain before doing the gender reveal lol, so it's been a LONG time keeping a secret lol).

19 weeks for me tomorrow!!!
Stargazer happy 18 weeks!! How exciting you’ll be getting your scan soon.

Bdb, 22 weeks so early that’s so terryfing to go through but at the same time it’s amazing that something so small can survive at that gestation.

Jessica yay for a scan soon. That’s great you tidied up the toys. In my house that is a huge challenge, we have a toy room but it’s usualy looking like a bomb went off in there. I’m usually threatening the kids with a plastic bag if they don’t keep it clean lol.

19 weeks for me today!! My scan is in exactly one week. To be honest I’m very anxious and paranoid. I think it may be that I haven’t felt any movement this last week but that may also be due to the fact that both babies placentas are anterior which sucks big time, movement is such a big reassurance. Funnily enough all my babies have had anterior placentas, I wonder if that’s got anything to do with me having a retroverted uterus? I haven’t felt any pregnancy symptoms just some spd but I think that’s because the symptoms from being sick well and truly took over.
Funny, I have a tilted uterus also and all of my pregnancies I've had the placenta in front!
Dove I wonder if the way our uterus is affects where baby implants, I’m super curious now after reading that you have been the same.
Morning Ladies... *yawn*

I'm SO ready for tomorrow! (I'm hoping that I'll get to sleep in a little bit) Appointment is at 9a, and then my prenatal at 12:30p.
I'm not really sure what more than a heartbeat scan and a blood pressure will be done at the prenatal appointment. I'm actually just glad that it's with the same doctor as last time. But idk what I'll tell her.... except my belly button hurts LOL

I love feeling Little Bit squirm around. At home I lean back in the couch and don't feel Baby as much, but as soon as I get in to work and sit at the desk, I feel little flutters. I'm ready to have a bigger belly to see those little feet roll around.
I just hope that they are cooperative with my scan tomorrow. Wiggling around makes it hard for them to get a good reading on stuff. I'm gonna have to drink a whole bottle of water on the way in :haha:
Honestly the only thing I'm nervous about is them being on time. The past few times something has happened where I'm not seen at the exact time I'm supposed to. (my first ultrasound was delayed like 20 mins, another visit was delayed almost an hour)

I really can't wait until I see Hubby with our baby. He's such an affectionate man. He makes me laugh the way he tries to act like Baby is talking to him when he puts his head on my tummy. He kisses my tummy every day and tells baby to be good.

I looked in the mirror yesterday and noticed that from one side I look pregnant, and when I turn the other way I just look fat. So weird, but funny.
I also lathered my belly is some vitamin E, trying to help not have too many marks appear.
markswife - ooh gender reveals! Hope it's fun for everyone and not having to keep secrets! Happy 19 weeks :). I'm also nervous for my scan, but just the general stuff like what ifs and such. I can't wait either though hehe.

StarGazer - love the squirmy feelings, they feel really strong too when you start getting into those 20 weeks. I hate the having to drink a bunch of water part of the ultrasound. Funny story, one time I had *too much* water in my bladder, after all that suffering. This time I was told 24 oz instead of 32, so that's a little bit better. I think the prenatal appts get more exciting after you get through a big chunk of second trimester, at least for me. I hope yours isn't delayed. I would think they wouldn't want you to suffer with a full bladder for so long. And for seeing dh with your baby, it's an indescribable feeling to see really!

afm, scan isn't until 6:30 tonight so I have all day to go, but I am excited. Dh is going to stay home with the kids so I'll be out by myself for a few hours. I slept okay, a bit anxious though, and actually didn't wake up until about 4 am with my stomach in knots over hunger and my dd had come into my spot on the bed. She was a bit sore from her ankle, but otherwise she seems her usual self.

Dh is working with a different place today, and wouldn't you know he has to be at work later which means he'll be cutting it close to getting home on time. I am almost done with my blanket, and if I go by my averages of what I do a day I should be done Friday.

Can't wait to see the next few scans coming up!
Oh i forgot to mention (if I did i'm sorry)... My mom found a blanket my Grandmother started, she's gonna finish the rest, and then I'm gonna do the border.
I need to figure out if I wanna do the border in a color or not. The blanket is white right now. So i might pick something variegated just to have some fun with it, since baby won't know colors til later on :haha:

Hubby is planning on being Mr. Mom since i make more money. He's gonna work some days but will be home most of the week as far as i know. I just wanna find a schedule where I can be home some too. (Minus the first few weeks after Baby is born)

I'll probably chug a bottle or two of water on the way in. I really hope they don't make me wait long. Cause honestly I don't like holding it...I hold it enough at work cause the bathroom is across the building, and I don't like making the trip more than I have to.

Ooo I hope that your hubby makes home in time to watch the kiddos. Are they coming with to the scan?
No, they'll stay home. The hospital is about an hour away, and since my appointment is at 6:30 I probably won't be home until after 8 or so and I hate jacking them around in the evenings in the car. I'm sure dh will be home in time. As for the blanket, I always use random colors, never really related to gender colors but my dd has a very bright blanket, I used black to contrast the colors, which made them pop out. I don't know how to knit or quilt, so I just stick to crocheting. As for your dh staying home moreso that's nice! My dh was a stay at home dad with his first son from his first marriage many years ago, such an underrated thing.

I love walking, and it's great exercise, so there's that to consider if you don't like walking to the bathroom hehe.

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