Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Hi Ladies,

Thought I'd update while I had the chance to.
I came for my u/s this morning. Turns out that the Midwife was right. Baby Boy has not grown since 33 weeks . I have also noticed a rapid reduction in movement over the last 4 days.
They have decided to induce.
All monitoring shows his heart rate and everything else are good..they just want him out.
I was only dialated 2cm so I had to go to the high-risk floor to have monitoring and a Foley catheter done. Now we wait. They say by the early morning I should be moved to L&D and have my water broken and get my antibiotics.
I'm a little overwhelmed..and Hubby is worried.
He's doing good though. He and the girls are here and we're hanging out.

I will update as I can.
ss - good luck, we're rooting for you! Will check back to see how it goes for you :)
aww ss it must be so scary but you are in the right place and baby boy will be here very soon. I hope everything goes well and can't wait for your update.

Markswife so sorry you had a tough time of this birth too. Gorgeous picture of your baby boy, I hope he can go home with you very soon.

Jessica happy due day, I keep checking in to see if your labour has started yet. I'm with you on being irritable, I think it's just not getting 5 mins to yourself
Well it's here, and so am I lol. I had lots of pressure and strong bh last night but then nothing again. I think it's gonna happen soon and I'm hoping it goes quick. Yes I agree on the irritability, last night I was part dinosaur snapping at everyone... felt kind of bad for it too, I don't like being that way. I have apologized and warned everyone that I get bad near the end and I definitely don't mean it, so i lie down on my bed and try to calm.

My oldest is pretty excited and asks me every day if baby will be here. They're all taking bets on gender and day at this point lol.
I was making some Christmas bunting this morning and fell asleep for 2 hours, god I must have needed it coz I can’t remember the last time I dozed during the day, I bet I’ll struggle to sleep tonight though
I actually slept *okay* if not for getting up about four times to pee and eat a snack. But I get that way as well if I nap during the day. I drink lots of fluids during the day but it's like I only pee at night -.-

Fingers crossed we both get rest lol
Me too, I can go hours during the day, even though I’m drinking lots, but at night, when I’m not drinking it seems like I’m up every 10 mins

Fingers crossed we get some decent sleep tonight

We are getting our Christmas tree tomorrow so I’m looking forward to decorating that with dd
Ooh, sounds like fun! I think we're also doing ours this weekend since I'll likely be busy with baby next weekend. Hope you guys have fun doing it, I know my kids have been waiting all week to do up the decorations, too.

I'm making a special lemon cream cake and lasagna tomorrow, here's to hoping all the action of cleaning and baking today gets something going for me hehe.
Have fun doing yours too, we don’t normally do it this early but I thought best do it while I feel like it and hope all the bending and stretching helps. Sounds like you are in nesting mode so I’ve got everything crossed it gets things started for you. I’ll keep checking for updates. Enjoy your cake
Thinking of you SS!
Sushai, that is heartbreaking. Hopefully, you will all be able to be home soon.
Good luck putting up your trees ladies. We did ours last weekend, and the kids did almost all of it! It was fabulous!
Nothing happening here, except a tonne of BH......I really need to pack baby girl's bag.....mine is packed, except for the things I need until we actually go in.

I can't get on the F/B group, so I'm hoping to see updates/pics/etc here soon :)
I can’t believe we have reached DECEMBER LADIES!!!!

With a few little early risers making their entrance to the world. We have all pretty much reached the finishing line!!
I cannot believe it myself - kept telling myself “got lots of time still” well not anymore. Unless for some unknown reason my little one feels the need to come early, he will be here in 12DAYS!! I feel nauseous thinking about it!! Haha

Have a great weekend ladies xxx
Morning ladies!

Nothing exciting yet, lots of bh, some that actually woke me this morning, and they're not quite regular but maybe the start of something (lol). Gonna be cold this weekend, and into this next week so it would be fitting to have a baby in this weather.

It's awesome that most of us are into December now, can't wait to hear the rest of the birth stories and see pics and hear how everyone does!
I was hoping for some labour news Jessica, fingers crossed for it happening soon

Dove hope you manage to get everything packed

Yay it’s December, it’s finally here, come on last of the babies to be born, we don’t want you too close to Christmas

Well I’m well and truly exhausted, it’s taken every ounce of my energy to help my 4 year old put up the tree, hubby wouldn’t even help by putting the lights on for us, instead he sat on the sofa with his eyes closed. One p155ed off mama and mama to be here now, sitting down in a strop with no intention of making any dinner (except for dd) and the lounge is strewn with decs. Hopefully all this exertion sets things off for me
I would have been pissed, probably would have woken my dh up! My dh is working today so I'm not sure when we will get a tree. My body is pretty sore from all the cooking I did yesterday but the lasagna turned out well and I'll be trying that cake today. I slept okay from being up all day but today I am also exhausted.

I expect I'll go a few more days until labor starts... last time I went past 42 weeks but my dates were off. I calculate I went into labor about a week with almost all my kids, I'm not even surprised I haven't started yet, though lol!
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Oh he wasn’t asleep just making a point that he wasn’t going to help

Glad you got your lasagna done and you’ve got meals prepared in your freezer too which I’m glad I got sorted too. Somehow making cakes is far more pleasurable than dinners haha

Do you find you just cannot bend now, the drawbacks of having a short torso I suppose? Anything I drop or need to get off the floor I just seem to stand and look at it, I think hoping it will jump up to me haha I think I’m going to suffer after overdoing things today

Will they just let you go as long as it takes or will they induce you after so many days?
I think after 42 weeks I have to be induced if I want my insurance to pay for it. Yes, when I drop stuff I just give up, ask my kids to grab it or use my toes to grab LOL.

Cake was so good, had a big piece... well as big as I could muster with my tiny stomach space. I feel like a whale though and I don't even want to get up out of my chair at this point, ugh.
Got e everything packed last night. I have an NST on Monday, and a review of the c-sec date....I have a feeling they will be moving it up
Good luck for your nst and if they do move your date. Yaay for bag packed!
Yum yum cake, enjoy. So you have less than 2 weeks to go max Jessica, come on baby.

Yay for packing dove and looking forward to your update after your appointment, I hope they bring your section forward for you

Afm I thought it was going to be all systems go for me today because from about 4am I was having strong regular contractions and I had 3 big bowel movements within a couple of hours, this is all identical to when I went into labour with dd then around 8 am nothing, it just stopped. I’m still getting occasional bh but nothing like earlier this morning, baby was just teasing me, getting my hopes up

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