

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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hi just wondering are any of you thinking about christmas yet?? i wasn't up until i was at work and we were making apple pies (i work in a bakery) and as they came out of the oven i smelt them and started thinking awwww christmas is soon....AHHHHH CHRISTMAS IS SOON!!!!! :shock:

then i realized that september is half over and thought how can that be september JUST started!!!! i feel like time is going sooo fast and am starting to worry about christmas, so my stepsister and i (she started worrying when the wish book came out(big xmas catalogue)) sat down and had a conference and decided to make personalized gift baskets....phew problem halfway solved thank goodness....

then i made a list....20-30 people to get gifts for :S....NOT including OH DD and this baby coming.... :? so needless to say we are starting next week lol

annnyways tho i was just wondering if any of you have been thinking on it, and what you have done to level out the stress?? also basket ideas would be nice as i need about 30 diff ones lmao :D:D MERRY CHRISTMAS :lol:
I wasnt untill now!

Better start looking i guess, my list is bigger this year then it was last year with new friends and a nephew to buy for!
Sorry, I am one of life's planners but that is not for me. I consider it a personal failure to buy a present before December.

A woman I work with proudly announced on Monday that she had started her shopping. No way! LOL!
I have to start early or i wouldnt be able to afford to get everyones in!
I've concluded that we're gonna start celebrating Christmas on the 25th January... Makes much more sense!!

LOL Hayley,

Started buying little bits, brought kacy Christmas presents or birthday presents haven't decided on that yet, nearly finished kacy, and my dad is sorted he buys his own gives it to my mum puts it away in the cupboard and he gets it threee years later.
Helen said:
Sorry, I am one of life's planners but that is not for me. I consider it a personal failure to buy a present before December.

A woman I work with proudly announced on Monday that she had started her shopping. No way! LOL!


I will buy the odd little stocking filler, but I LOVE all the hustle and bustle of Christams shopping and the atmosphere around the shops, so I have to do the main bulk in the middle of December :happydance:

I have thought about starting the Christmas cake, and I am starting to think about who I am going to buy for, but this year I am going to try and cut it right down, I mainly want to do my immediate family and let that be it! Otherwise we end up buying for every cousin and most of them are adults now and they work, so they can go without now! :D

But by the end of October, I have a rough idea of all that will be going on............
Ooh I can't wait until Christmas :dance: :happydance:

I'll buy little bits in November but leave the bulk until december.

I love to go to Manchester and go round the German markets and get all Christmassy. And this year I want to go to Edinburgh in December.

Then I love to wrap them all up pretty and put them under the tree.

Ooh I'm so excited.

MrsE said:
Ooh I can't wait until Christmas :dance: :happydance:

I'll buy little bits in November but leave the bulk until december.

I love to go to Manchester and go round the German markets and get all Christmassy. And this year I want to go to Edinburgh in December.

Then I love to wrap them all up pretty and put them under the tree.

Ooh I'm so excited.


C, we should go shopping!!!!!!

And Christmas is the ideal time!!!


I will buy the odd little stocking filler, but I LOVE all the hustle and bustle of Christams shopping and the atmosphere around the shops, so I have to do the main bulk in the middle of December :happydance:

I have thought about starting the Christmas cake, and I am starting to think about who I am going to buy for, but this year I am going to try and cut it right down, I mainly want to do my immediate family and let that be it! Otherwise we end up buying for every cousin and most of them are adults now and they work, so they can go without now! :D

But by the end of October, I have a rough idea of all that will be going on............

the 30 odd people on my list are sadly immediate family :( and i can't cut any of them off lol thats the smallest i can get it :)
I've bought a few things for Nathan, but thats only coz I was out and thought aww thats cute/nice so bought them and saving them for christmas :)

I usually buy all my prezzies christmas eve, which is what I shall be doing again this year :D :lol:
I got 35 people to buy for :shock:

started buying little bits now for Charlie and Ethan but thats it so far, think everyone will be getting wine and smellies this year (apart from the kids) coz we are so skint

Sarah_N_Braydon said:
B's bday is in 2 weeks so after that im gonna start getting prezzies

8) thats a good idea, im doing that this year! next month is my birthday so ill start shopping just after then! :D
Awww man!
Everyone is so organised!!

C, i went into Manchester Xmas shopping the other year and got lost!
I'll have to tag along with you if i ever feel brave enough to try it again!!



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