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I was doing some research about progesterone levels after ovulation and this is what I found on the website....

1.Progesterone levels after ovulation (midluteal, middle of the second half of the cycle) in a nonpregnant patient are generally at least 8-10 ng/ml. Much lower levels usually mean you did not ovulate.

2.Progesterone levels can change from one day to the other, from one hour to the next, from one laboratory to the next.

3.After you eat, progesterone levels can drop by as much as 50%, that's why the blood test should be done in the morning and before you eat.

4.Even on the same day women may have different levels.

5.Progesterone levels are usually well below 5-10 ng/ml without ovulation.

6.If you are pregnant, progesterone levels are usually at least 10-12 ng/ml to have a better chance of a good pregnancy outcome and most doctors like to see progesterone levels around 16-18 ng/ml or more though there are many successful pregnancies with lower levels.

Hahahaha....My level was 8.8
I ate a hearty breakfast from Subway about 30 minutes before I got my bloodwork done. I wonder if that had any affect on the result???
Plus another infertility website said that the best time to check for the progesterone level is one week after ovulation. Which would be CD21 for someone who O's on CD14. I don't think I O'd til CD17 if I did O. Because I didn't get +OPK until CD16 so I'm assuming the next day would be O day.

I'm not pulling at straws ladies I promise. The only reason I'm referencing this is because if the Clomid at 50mg made me ovulate but didn't show up in the bloodwork because it was done on the wrong day, then Clomid at 100mg might overstimulate me. Can we say "multiples"? :rofl:

I'm learning soooooo much this time TTC.

I just thought this was interesting so figured I would share. Hope everyone is having a great night!!! I'm going to catch some shut-eye.
Night night! :sleep:
OoOo-have fun!! That's great news..good luck

RnMommy-thanks for that extra insight on the progesterone levels :)

This was my first round at 100 mg clomid. Been worse from the last one especially on these hot flashes. Have been having horrible cramping off and on over the last few days and am currently cd18 can't tell if I o'd though since I never really thought of using the opk as well, next go around I'll definitely be better prepared. For some reason just can't get past the overly sensitive and emotional part this time. Considering my age I never thought I was this disconnected from my body, lol I have no clue but hey as long as we can have some fun along the way the ttc ride is good!
Anyone else feel af type cramping in their experience with clomid even though you know you are nowhere near af time?
I've been having cramping. I'm done with ovulation and I'm not too sure when that happened... I has pos opk all day last Saturday until Sunday afternoon. (Anyone have any thoughts on what dpo I may be?) I've had cramps for the past few days on the ovary that had my one and only mature follicle and tonight shooting pains down to my vajayjay. Has anyone had these shooting pains before? I've never been on clomid until this month so I was curious if this is a symptom of clomid. Thanks all. :)
Great news OoOo!

Thanks for the info RNmommy!!

I'm 5dpo today and yesterday and today so far I've had dull ache/cramp! Is that normal? My dose of clomid was 50mg days 2-6 and today I'm cd 18. I'm going for my cd21 bloods on Tuesday and should get the results Wednesday pm! This feels like the longest 2ww ever!
How long does surge last? I got my most positive at midnight. This mornings is positive too but very slightly not as dark as the night test. But slight darker than test line. Was wondering how long ill get positives for. I still got sore nipples and achy uterus.
Okay, RNmommy-- I do NOT think you're grasping at straws. And it irritates me that they just wrote the cycle off. I seriously think that you probably ovulated, just based on symptoms alone. That being said, I'm not a stinking doctor. Buuut yes, what you've read is true. Levels can go down based on what you eat, they fluctuate all the time, etc. when you look at a temp chart for an ovulatory cycle, temps go up and down, spike and dip-- and that's all about progesterone. So don't YOU write off the cycle. And if it were me, I'd wait until 14-16 dpo before starting provera, and MAKE SURE you take a pregnancy test before! Starting it and the stopping it would be not good. Anyways, yeah. Lol ranted a bit.

Blackbarbie-- your surge can last days. I've had opks that stay positive for three consecutive days. It can be so confusing! When they start going lighter, you can be pretty sure it's over, and then just start dpo. But this is why I temp. It takes out all the guesswork. It's usually clear what day you ovulate, you know exact dpo, yada yada. I guess I'm an advocate, lol. Compared to how I feel now, pre-temping days, I was clueless!
OoOo-have fun!! That's great news..good luck

RnMommy-thanks for that extra insight on the progesterone levels :)

This was my first round at 100 mg clomid. Been worse from the last one especially on these hot flashes. Have been having horrible cramping off and on over the last few days and am currently cd18 can't tell if I o'd though since I never really thought of using the opk as well, next go around I'll definitely be better prepared. For some reason just can't get past the overly sensitive and emotional part this time. Considering my age I never thought I was this disconnected from my body, lol I have no clue but hey as long as we can have some fun along the way the ttc ride is good!
Anyone else feel af type cramping in their experience with clomid even though you know you are nowhere near af time?

I've been having cramping since "possible" O :growlmad:
It's driving me crazy!

I've been having cramping. I'm done with ovulation and I'm not too sure when that happened... I has pos opk all day last Saturday until Sunday afternoon. (Anyone have any thoughts on what dpo I may be?) I've had cramps for the past few days on the ovary that had my one and only mature follicle and tonight shooting pains down to my vajayjay. Has anyone had these shooting pains before? I've never been on clomid until this month so I was curious if this is a symptom of clomid. Thanks all. :)

I have never experienced that before. That does not sound like fun!

KMR - Oh, I'm not totally writing it off. I didn't mean to make it sound that way although I guess it did :nope:
My doc didn't say anything about the Provera this time, it was the pharmacist who told me to start it on CD28 if AF didn't start. I would never start it that early anyways. Even when my cycles were somewhat regular, they haven't been 28 days in a LONG time. They were always 32-35 day cycles. So I would be waiting until at least then and MULTIPLE (:blush:) negative pregnancy tests before I took the Provera.
I was nervous about the Clomid not working this cycle for some reason because I didn't get any symptoms while taking the Clomid on CD3-7, but I did get a +OPK (which I know doesn't always indicate O) and I've had those annoying cramps and sore nipples. I would think that would have to mean something. I'm no expert, but I think I could have O'd.

I guess we'll see. It would have made me happier to have it "confirmed" by my doc, but sometimes we knwo more then they do when it comes to our bodies. :thumbup:

So, of course I will be POAS anyways :rofl:

However, if i really didn't O then I'm glad I got a higher dosage of Clomid so fast. But if I did, I'm a little nervous about overstimulation. Twins I'd be ok with...more than that....:wacko:
Lol RNmommy I don't think I'm ready for even twins. I do know that I would have been happier starting at 100 mgs just because the last time I used clomid, I had a delayed ovulation, cd 21 when I took clomid days 1-5. Buuuut we play it safe and startat 50. My RE is about a two and a half hour drive from me. I'm supposed to schedule an ultrasound to check for follies, but I have been dragging my feet. I guess I better get it done in case I don't get pregnant on the first three months of clomid and need more help! Lol
You didn't really sound that way. I think I just freaked out a bit imagining myself in your shoes. Ugh.

I think waiting to o is worse than the tww... At least I can pee on hpts in the tww and imagine I see lines.
I agree with both of you KMR and RNMommy, I know my dr. has been very clear to say do not start provera until at least day 35 if the cycle goes that long, like you I typically have 32-35 day cycles so really using the provera I've not had to wait the whole 10 day prescription to start AF. It's started both time about a day or two later, which kinda seems like a waste to me, I might as well have just waited and let nature take it's course.
SomeonesMommy-havent had the shooting pains, cramping like this is enough, hopefully they will stop for you soon!
I think just waiting and waiting and waiting in general is bad enough, wait for AF, wait for o, wait for tww, it's that waiting cycle that's sometimes gets the best of us KMR, kind of ironic though because then it will be a 9 month wait, lol...
Hey they can overstimulate my ovaries all they want as long as something positive comes out of it :) perhaps that's a bit short sighted but exciting to think of :)
That's good rnmommy that your feeling more optimistic. I reckon you ov. I've had same as you positive opk. Cramps and sore breasts. I haven't felt these symptoms in months so its got to mean something good. I'm hoping you did o and these stupid drs got the reading on wrong day like you said it fluctuates and they can't be 100% sure. My dr always says it looks like you didn't o. They never seem certain. Fingers crossed for you and everyone x
Haha cobra you're right! Just a big waiting game! I don't mind a nine month wait! i have a feeling that i will enjoy a second pregnancy more than i sid my first. i was a nervous wreck, worried about the little things. second time around i want to sit back and relax, enjoy it! i dont know how we'll feel about having a third, so im definitely going to treat this time like the last time.....

I SERIOUSLY need an epic book recommendation. Do you ladies read? Maybe a good book will help pass the time more quickly...
Got another blinky today:winkwink:. I used the softcups last night and left it in. Hopefully that helped some!!! Told DF he could take a break today to build up th:happydance:e spermies!! Hopefully tomorrow i will get my still smiley and i will also leave my softcup in Sunday night in case it happens throughtout the nite!!! Then :sex: for sure Monday, or Ill just let him do his deed in the softcup. We practiced last night first using it :dohh:. First try i messed up. He told me to try to lay down and do it. Huh, hes been doing his research too!!! Glad im not the only one!!!! Well, ill give my ovulation test update 2ma!! Sprinkling my baby dust to all!!!!
I think my opk is positive :/

These tests are so ambiguous! Why do they make them so difficult?! I imagine if it is positive, my fertility monito will peak tomorrow. Dtd yesterday, today. I'm nervous lol I like to have more time to build into the bding. Do you ladies think its positive?
I think my opk is positive :/

These tests are so ambiguous! Why do they make them so difficult?! I imagine if it is positive, my fertility monito will peak tomorrow. Dtd yesterday, today. I'm nervous lol I like to have more time to build into the bding. Do you ladies think its positive?

I absolutely think its positive
I'm cd 16 today. I had positive opk on day 14 evening. Bd Friday, Saturday and will do tonight. Bd since cd 9 so hoping we covered. Had bad cramping yesterday and pressure feeling in uterus. This continues. As does sore nipples. Did opk yesterday slightly less dark as my positive. Opk this morning faint line. Negative. I don't know if cramps have been ov pain. I've been really uncomfy. It's 42 hours since my first positive. Do you think I've ovulated. I prob should bd tonight aswell yes?
Kmr-Depends on what you like to read...all three of the hunger games books were good. The Kite Runner- also a good read. Memoirs of a Geisha is a book I go back to quite often... A light read which actually had me laughing quite a bit is a book called "Shit my dad says"..Looks to me like your opk was positive! :happydance: Sending good luck your way!

OoOo-Can never hurt to :sex: too much, hey I say better more than less just in case, lol...that way you can't :dohh: thinking I didnt try enough...

Looks like we might be getting some good news soon from one of you ladies, BlackBarbie it's looking good for you also! That's great that your df has been doing some reading as well, I love how sometimes they just throw things out there that make you go hmmmmm at the most opportune times, lol...

I"m cd20 still not sure if i o'd and dr. has been lax.. but I guess on the other side so have I. Suppose it wouldnt hurt to call him next week, thinking I'll be on another round of Clomid next month. Not sure how I'll feel about going to 150mg Clomid after how my body reacted to this one.. He did do two blood tests for fsh levels this month and that's all I've heard, but I guess no news is good news since he's definitely gotten the results since then. Have any of you ladies gone to 150mg before? How many rounds of Clomid did it take you to conceive before, and did you do anything differently when you did get your :bfp:? Just gathering more info before the next time...

Good luck everyone!!:dust:
My fertility monitor said high again this morning, and temp went back up, sooo not sure WHAT to think about that opk! Still early days though, I wonder if clomid could cause opks to go positive days after you finished the pills?

Oooo-- I would bd just to be safe! And keep at it until you are 100 sure you oed! Maybe two more days after positive opk? In my less obsessive days I would have totally considered my opk positive yesterday and would be bding my butt off right now, and I don't like these mixed signals.

Cobra-- definitely read all the hunger games trilogy. Loved them. I think I own memoirs already and it's on my to be read list! I'll have to check out kite runner, though! I read everything I suppose... Just depends on reviews or revommendations lol.
I have never been prescribed more than 50 mgs of clomid. When I was ttc my ds I conceived on the third month of 50 mgs. That month, I used pre-seed for the first time, and opks. I was totally convinced the preseed gave us the extra boost we needed! This time I'm using opks, pre-seed, and soft cups... So if I o this time around, I feel well-covered!

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