Yes, we shall see. I got 1 more week!!!!

Got a little more energy today, haven't taken my vitamins today yet about to take them. i will be two months this Thursday!!! My son can't wait. He asks me eod how big has the baby gotten, so I show him a pic of how much he/she has grown!!! Last time he was like, Mama why are the eyes on the side of his head and why do he have paddle feet. i explained to him that the baby has to grow and at first he/she doesn't look like an actual baby. I'm relaly hoping he doesn't fall jealous of the baby, that's why I am trying to do as much stuff as I can with him and I want him to be involved in every which way that he can be. I want him to feel like the BIG BROTHER not the outcast child.
IDK know if I've shared this or not, but just wanted to share:
As like most people that I know this year insurance went up. Were it used to costs me $35 to see my OB/GYN, it has went up to $75 with my insurance. Well, the hubby insurance kicked it and were I was only suppose to be on his dental it added me to all of his insurances vision/dental/hospital. So, now with his insurance and combined with mine I have to pay $0 now to see my Dr. Isn't that wonderful!!!
I will find out Monday whether my doctor will consider me as high risk or not... when I called aand spoke to the nurse last week and she asked was I pregnant I told her yea, she baout fell out her chair!!! lol