Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

DH and I got in a big fight seems like we always fight around ovulation/2ww. Sometimes I think that's why I don't have a I ruin my chances because when we argue I get so angry and upset and I'm sure my blood pressure and adrenaline sky rocket.

On another note, my mom brought me back these "fertility stones" from california...I don't necessarily believe in them but hey, why not? I've tried everything is carnelian and I think the other is fire agate. They're pretty if nothing else. :)

Same happens with me! But I have to remind myself to calm down & bite the bullet because sometimes arguing back ain't worth the risk of missing the egg & lately it's been me on edge especially with all this BM drama. It sucks so much! Last cycle we argued so bad I left & went to my mothers for a few days & missed my actual ovulation day. Maybe try sitting down & talk it out with DH? Don't want you guys ruining your chances! ❤
DH and I got in a big fight seems like we always fight around ovulation/2ww. Sometimes I think that's why I don't have a I ruin my chances because when we argue I get so angry and upset and I'm sure my blood pressure and adrenaline sky rocket.

On another note, my mom brought me back these "fertility stones" from california...I don't necessarily believe in them but hey, why not? I've tried everything is carnelian and I think the other is fire agate. They're pretty if nothing else. :)

Ask I used to wonder the same thing for myself. DH and I would have these huge raging fights. But then I started acupuncture, and yoga, and began going for walks in the ravine. Essentially I started mellowing out a bit. We don't have those kinds of fights anymore and surprise! I'm still not pregnant lol

I'm feeling pretty down tonight. I can tell AF is coming.
Well I did the trigger the morning of 4/9, did the IUI the morning of 4/10, and BD'd the night of 4/10 and the night of 4/11. I think we covered our bases, and I am probably done O'ing now so I am starting my two week wait. My RE said I could test on 4/24, but I am thinking I might start earlier and test out my trigger with some cheap tests. Haven't decided yet. Good luck everyone! I am excited to see who gets their BFP next!
Thanks ladies...I teach my kindergarteners to "talk and work it out"'d think I could apply the same to my own personal life lol.

LAR - yay for being in the 2ww! Sounds like you definitely covered your bases!

5dpo here...feeling kinda bloated and extra hungry, probably side effects from the progesterone.
My provera may be here quicker than i thought, so thats good. I talked to Dh about what to do and he didnt have a feeling one way or the other. So I guess im back on the bandwagon of TTC but once meds are gone we are DONE ( because ill have tried all of them and its not making a difference).

Tentative plans:
April- 10mg for 10d Provera for AF to come
May- 50mg Clomid

Ill temp til O, Just use basic OPK ( im not doing the High/Peak one, just Yes or No) and 7dpo P4 test. Nothing else. Its either going to work or its not. :thumbup:
Sounds like a good plan Earth!

Ask I teach boys and girls with conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder (ages 6-12) anger management techniques, which I find is a bit hypocritical of me because I have a temper too!

Unfortunately AF arrived around 9PM on Monday. So I'm on to cycle 21. I'm giving the l'arginine a go this cycle, but I'm really not holding my breath. I'm on the fence on whether to update my MMR booster for May and take a true break, or if we should just continue trying anyway. It turns out my brothers wedding will happen right on the tail-end of this cycle so it really wouldn't interfere with anything treatment wise. We could even go on to IUI if we wanted to in May, but I would have to ask the clinic what kind of time commitment the cycle monitoring would involve, because May will be a busy month for me at work. I'll talk to DH about it tonight and see what he thinks.
sorry the witch got you belle! that would be great if you could to start with IUI in May! I wonder how often you need a MMR booster anyway. My dr. has never mentioned it to me. I guess you can't TTC the same month you get the booster? Well either way your first IUI is right around the corner, so that is pretty exciting.
Earth - yay for being back on the ttc bandwagon!

Sorry, Belle. It's good to have a plan! You are a true saint for working with kids with ODD / CD. I had a student a couple of years ago who I am sure fell into that category and it was a hellish year...I never knew a 6 year old could be so calculating, conniving and lack any sort of compassion or empathy. It was scary stuff! My bachelors degree is in psychology and I considered getting my masters in it but decided to get my masters in education. I give you lots of credit for what you do! I'm sure it can be pretty stressful at times.

Speaking of stress...DH lost his job today. I'm pretty pissed off because he has seen this coming for at least 6 months when they hired a new douche bag CFO who is also an engineer and spent the last 6 months convincing the owner that he could do DH's job and to let him fire DH (DH was the senior engineering manager). He has 6 weeks severance pay and is confident he will find another job quickly...he better be right! What horrible timing...the month after we bought our house, the month I begin fertility treatment and months before I leave my job! Trying really hard not to completely stress out. :(
Oh Ask, I'm so sorry to hear that! That's the last thing you needed right now. I hope your DH is right and that he'll be able to find something else right away. I'm here for you.

I actually really love my job. I'm an occupational therapist working in mental health so I feel like I often get to do more of the fun stuff that kids like to do, and I get to leave a lot of the heavy stuff to the psychologists. I also really love facilitating treatment groups with kids/teens. They're always entertaining lol. It's funny because when we first started ttc I wasn't happy with my job but couldn't reasonably leave it. It sounds terrible but I was looking at pregnancy and the subsequent mat leave as a bit of an escape. Since then I've grown into the position and have grown to love it. I think I will miss it if I ever do get to take a mat leave. In a sense the infertility has been good for me professionally. But now its gotten to the point where I feel like I have "learned my lesson."

So I talked to DH tonight, it was a really heartfelt conversation. We decided that as long as the cycle monitoring fits with my work schedule that we will pursue IUI for May. I will contact the clinic tomorrow to ask about cycle monitoring and figure out the logistical details.
Thanks Belle. In some ways I'm kind of relieved because he's been so unhappy at work since this new boss and it killed me to see him being treated like crap. I kept saying, "are you going to wait until you are fired to find a new job?" I'm glad he won't be working there anymore but really wish he had put more effort into finding a new job before being fired! I saw this coming ten miles away...I guess I'd be more stressed if it was totally out of the blue. DH saw it too but kept thinking the owner wouldn't let the CFO do it. I told him not to rely on that!

That's great that you love your job. I love working with kids too. Sometimes it's the toughest ones that I end up forming the best relationships with because I've had to work at it and figure them out.

So excited that you are going to start IUI next month!
That sucks, Ask! But I am really glad he got 6 months severance pay, and it sounds like he has really great credentials behind him, so it hopefully shouldn't be too hard for him to find another job!

I studied psychology and work in the mental health field too :)
ooh sounds like there are a few of us with psych/mental health backgrounds :) Thats awesome!

Ask I find that husbands are often a little in denial if something isn't going well with their work. I think the fact that he has credentials (as Lar pointed out) will definitely speed up his search. Like you say, at least it didn't completely blind side either of you! Hopefully he can find something that he likes better!

I'm about 90% set on starting IUI in May. Just have to find out what the cycle monitoring schedule is like first before I commit to it. I feel a mix of emotions over IUI, excited, relieved, but also kinda sad.
Thanks, LAR. 6 weeks, not 6 months...6 months would be awesome! He has his bachelors in mechanical engineering and has his MBA plus 25 years of experience so I'm sure he can find a job...the challenge is finding one that pays at least as much as he was already making. Since he has to pay his unemployed ex wife (don't get me started) half of his salary for alimony and child support for the next 3 years we can't afford a pay cut! The kids are with us half the time too and she always tells them to ask us whenever they need anything. Argh.

That's cool that we all have a background in psychology!

Belle - I felt the same way starting IUI but now I'm mostly excited...even if it doesn't work and we move on to IVF I feel like we made a huge leap towards having our baby!
oops i remembered the 6 but not the rest. that is a big difference! sounds like he has a great background though so if he hustles he can probably find something quickly, and if it isn't in the salary range he wants, maybe he can take something and keep looking. sounds stressful! sorry to hear you are going through that, Ask.
ooh that alimony and child support situation sounds tough to deal with Ask! Surely they would recalculate the payment though if he was making a lower wage? I guess that might take going to court again? I know so little about this sort of thing!

Its good to know some of the sad feelings with IUI fade. I will bet that when the time comes I will feel excited. In the meantime I have some time to prepare myself for whatever comes!
Yes I think you're right would involve paying a lawyer / court fees again.

Yes you do have time! The nice thing about IUI is there seems to be several different things you can try, like the extended regimen femera you mentioned or gonal-f injectables.

I read that Starbucks and Gap Inc. pay up to $20,000 for fertility treatments...maybe I'll become a barista. :D
Hmm I think I might swap career paths haha. Not going to lie I briefly considered moving across the country to Ontario where fertility treatments like IVF are covered :p

Well cycle monitoring didn't sound too time intensive so it looks like we'll do IUI with femara in May. They asked if I wanted to do a trigger and I opted out because my ovulation is so predictable. I hope that was the right choice. Now I'm second guessing myself. I am still looking at the first cycle as being mostly diagnostic. I'll start advocating for different treatment options based on what happens the first cycle. It will be nice to finally have a definitive answer as to what my lining is doing.
Yay for starting IUI in May! What is it they want you to do for cycle monitoring?
also I think IUI without trigger is fine so long as you have a clear idea when you O. My cycles aren't very regular, I have no physical indication of O, and I have had mixed luck with OPKs so I feel more comfortable with trigger. Sounds like you would be fine without it though, and like you said, you can always switch it up the next cycle (if there is one).

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