Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

I feel ya, ladies...I was a mess when my step-sister announced on Christmas Eve (and she was only 7 weeks). She's 5-6 years younger than me and got married the same month as me and it just killed me that she got pregnant first. I snapped at my mom who was being very insensitive about it when she knew I had just finished 3 rounds of clomid and an HSG. I've already decided I won't go to her baby shower unless I'm already pregnant. It will be too painful.

That being said I think I'll feel pretty happy for any of you that get your BFP. When my best friend got her BFP after 8 failed IUIs and her first IVF after 4-5 years of trying for her 2nd child I was so happy. I think when you've seen someone struggle it gives you hope when you see the light at the end of their tunnel...hope that it can happen for you too.

So I just paid up on my recent fertility bills...we've already spent over $2000 on fertility related expenses (more if you add in pregnancy and ovulation tests, pre-seed, etc)! And we've only done 1 round of IUI. Here's hoping DH gets an even better paying job and health insurance soon (although I haven't talked to anyone in Ohio who's health insurance covered IVF). His re-scheduled interview is in 30 mins.

Im in ohio. :D

Im not an expert but it seems they are more willing to cover IUI than IVF. I COULD be wrong because we havent looked into it. ( IVF). My BFFs sister is a nurse at the hospital and they only covered a part of her IUI.
I feel ya, ladies...I was a mess when my step-sister announced on Christmas Eve (and she was only 7 weeks). She's 5-6 years younger than me and got married the same month as me and it just killed me that she got pregnant first. I snapped at my mom who was being very insensitive about it when she knew I had just finished 3 rounds of clomid and an HSG. I've already decided I won't go to her baby shower unless I'm already pregnant. It will be too painful.

That being said I think I'll feel pretty happy for any of you that get your BFP. When my best friend got her BFP after 8 failed IUIs and her first IVF after 4-5 years of trying for her 2nd child I was so happy. I think when you've seen someone struggle it gives you hope when you see the light at the end of their tunnel...hope that it can happen for you too.

So I just paid up on my recent fertility bills...we've already spent over $2000 on fertility related expenses (more if you add in pregnancy and ovulation tests, pre-seed, etc)! And we've only done 1 round of IUI. Here's hoping DH gets an even better paying job and health insurance soon (although I haven't talked to anyone in Ohio who's health insurance covered IVF). His re-scheduled interview is in 30 mins.

Ditto, I will be absolutely over the moon thrilled for any of you to get a BFP! I really am itching to see someone on here get one! We know what we have all gone through to get there. You all deserve it! And it will also mean that there is hope for me, lol!

I think the announcements that bother me most me are the ones who weren't trying, the ones who seem oblivious to everything some of us go through. I don't really have anyone in my life that can relate. Seems everyone I know got pregnant easily. My mom, my sister, my friends. They know my struggle and they support me as best they can, but it's not the same. Grateful for all of you here!

It is amazing how expensive it can all get. DH told me he doesn't want me to worry about the money. But it is scary. I paid out of pocket for the clomid, so I worry about what is to come now that we have been referred to an RE. Trying to keep the faith though.

Baby dust to all!
I saw that, Earth! It's been so beautiful out and I'm over here falling apart with a temp of 101! I think if you work for a hospital you do get a discount (when I did my IUI at the Cleveland clinic they asked if I was a clinic employee).

Rickyandlucy - money comes and goes...I just keep telling myself that we will figure it out! Right now I have a little more than half the cost of IVF saved. My clinic told me it's $15,000 and I have $9000 set aside so far just in case. Not dipping into that for IUI or anything else.
I saw that, Earth! It's been so beautiful out and I'm over here falling apart with a temp of 101! I think if you work for a hospital you do get a discount (when I did my IUI at the Cleveland clinic they asked if I was a clinic employee).

Rickyandlucy - money comes and goes...I just keep telling myself that we will figure it out! Right now I have a little more than half the cost of IVF saved. My clinic told me it's $15,000 and I have $9000 set kaside so far just in case. Not dipping into that for IUI or anything else.

Would you consider going somewhere else for ivf? I mean, what you have (9000 dollars -309000 thb) might go further elsewhere. Ivf in Thailand could be around 150-200 000 thb (4400 -6000 USD), maybe even less. I haven't really looked into the ivf prices yet, and now that we probably will be leaving soon I guess I won't need to.

Woke up to yet another strange temp thingy :
05:00 36.47
07:30: 36.84

The other days it has been pretty "easy", with 36.68 then 36.72.. I might also have the o date wrong, it's all a bit confusing with the trigger shot, but maybe I o-ed the day I got the trigger? (cd13). I had to discard the temp rise on CD14 as Dr told me it was expected but didn't mean I ovulated.. Confusing :nope:

And I totally get the whole deal about it being difficult to accept others bfps. Strangely enough I wasn't upset when I learned that sister in law got pregnant on the pill.. Maybe it's because I have three friends here in bkk all ttc long time.. Well, one of them not long time, but she is 38 and two years ago she had ovarian cancer so until this year she was on treatment and didn't have her period at all and obviously no chance of trying.. She is all new to this so I feel like I'm taking her under my wing explaining stuff etc :) she was told by her mother that she would most likely become pregnant on first or second try, which made me really mad because she felt something was wrong with her when she didn't. I told her that the chances unfortunately was a little lower than what her mother told her, I gave her my bbt thermometer I had ordered by mistake etc. She is Thai and recently went to Hong Kong to pray as she hopes it helps. If she gets her bfp this month then I'll schedule in a trip too ;)
Hey ladies! I'm sorry I had another disappearing act my mother was admitted to the hospital. I've been super busy & stressed bc of it. The only good thing is that I haven't been symptom spotting during this TWW. On top of that, my insurance was cut on accident & takes up to 30 days to be cut back on so I didn't get my progesterone done this month to see my numbers for ovulation. I know I'm pretty much out....

How are you gals? Any testing coming up with anyone or no POAS?
I feel ya, ladies...I was a mess when my step-sister announced on Christmas Eve (and she was only 7 weeks). She's 5-6 years younger than me and got married the same month as me and it just killed me that she got pregnant first. I snapped at my mom who was being very insensitive about it when she knew I had just finished 3 rounds of clomid and an HSG. I've already decided I won't go to her baby shower unless I'm already pregnant. It will be too painful.

That being said I think I'll feel pretty happy for any of you that get your BFP. When my best friend got her BFP after 8 failed IUIs and her first IVF after 4-5 years of trying for her 2nd child I was so happy. I think when you've seen someone struggle it gives you hope when you see the light at the end of their tunnel...hope that it can happen for you too.

So I just paid up on my recent fertility bills...we've already spent over $2000 on fertility related expenses (more if you add in pregnancy and ovulation tests, pre-seed, etc)! And we've only done 1 round of IUI. Here's hoping DH gets an even better paying job and health insurance soon (although I haven't talked to anyone in Ohio who's health insurance covered IVF). His re-scheduled interview is in 30 mins.

Ditto, I will be absolutely over the moon thrilled for any of you to get a BFP! I really am itching to see someone on here get one! We know what we have all gone through to get there. You all deserve it! And it will also mean that there is hope for me, lol!

I think the announcements that bother me most me are the ones who weren't trying, the ones who seem oblivious to everything some of us go through. I don't really have anyone in my life that can relate. Seems everyone I know got pregnant easily. My mom, my sister, my friends. They know my struggle and they support me as best they can, but it's not the same. Grateful for all of you here!

It is amazing how expensive it can all get. DH told me he doesn't want me to worry about the money. But it is scary. I paid out of pocket for the clomid, so I worry about what is to come now that we have been referred to an RE. Trying to keep the faith though.

Baby dust to all!

YES, agreed - the ones who just casually say "oh dear silly us, we were trying to be so careful but now we're having a baby, whoops!" I know I should try to stop being so bitter all the time, but easier said than done.

Pretty sure the results of the CD21 blood tests I'm having later are going to show no O so I'm feeling a bit doom and gloom this morning.
Pretty sure I am out. Even my Ava showed a pretty drastic temp drop this morning. So I am pretty sure AF is on her way. And just to show that I am super smart, and basically guarantee her arrival, I wore white pants to work. Silly me, lol.

Belle, remember how I said we were going to try one more cycle before making an appt with the RE? I am about to say F that, lol. Guess AF staring you in the face has a way of changing things, lol.

I am also determined to quit testing before AF's due date. I know we all say this. But I am going to try really hard! I can't take all this heartbreak...
Good for you Lucy. Seeing an RE is a step in the right direction. I bumped up IUI by a month because I'm getting to the end of my rope here as well. I also think not testing is a great plan. I was able to quit by telling myself that I wouldn't believe the negative result anyway and I was just wasting my money. Now I just wait for AF most months, unless there is a specific reason why I can't.

Love I'm sorry your mom is in hospital and that you've lost your insurance temporarily. Everything always seems to happen all at once!

Steph when are you doing your blood test? Even if you didn't O this month I have faith that they will get you O'ing eventually. Inducing ovulation seems to be one of the things REs are pretty good at. I wish they would figure things out for us unexplained ladies.

Well finished up femara yesterday. We'll start BDing EOD starting tomorrow
Nore - I'm not sure how I feel about going to another country for IVF. Unless it was English speaking. But I'm not sure much money would be saved after the cost of flights and staying in hotels for 2 weeks to a month. I should still shop around...though my clinic has the second highest success rate in the state and highest in my area.

Love - so sorry about your mom. I hope she is doing better. And I hope the insurance situation is sorted out soon! What a hassle!

Lucy - sorry to hear you are feeling out. I'm feeling that way too. 11dpo and bfn. I'm so sick of all of this. I was hoping being sick was a precursor to getting a BFP but nope, I've just been lucky enough to get the flu 2 cycles in a row! Today I kinda feel like giving up on it's just so exhausting. And you're right - testing early is such a bad idea yet I keep doing it. Last month was the only month I waited until I was late and got a faint BFP but short lived. :(

Belle - GL and have fun! Is this your 3rd round of femera? I'm thinking I might ask my RE to switch me to Femera next cycle.
Ask, been there, same thing happened to me last month. I came down with a nasty cold/flu thing the week of my brother's wedding. Was really hoping it meant a BFP was on the way. Nope. But it's still early for you, still could be!
Ha, I had a really nasty cold in December and was convinced it meant I was on my way to a bfp. Been there too!

Yep this is my 3rd cycle of femara. I'm not holding my breath. I'm looking forward to seeing how the cycle monitoring goes next month with the femara. I'll be on the same dose as now.

Ugh, I wish mother nature would get it together, we've been having non stop snow all weekend and again today! We literally got a foot of wet heavy snow the other day. Its supposed to be friggen spring!
Oh blimey, we had one evening of snow here back in January and the whole country came to a standstill! Had my blood test a couple of hours ago Belle so should probably phone the consultant in a few days, thanks for your positivity!
Yea it sucks bad. I guess it just gives me another round to try new things out. I'm awaiting AF which I'm sure is on her way from the cramping I am experiencing. Just waiting on my temp to drop, which hasn't yet but I know its coming.

Snow? What country are you guys in? Is it winter over there?
Keep positive Love :)

I'm in England so snow is pretty rare and always a massive deal. Belle is in Canada so probably not quite so rare!
We got hit pretty hard in northern Ohio about a week and a half ago...that heavy, wet snow you're talking about Belle. Took down some trees. Then 2 days later it was 70 degrees! I think winter is officially over for us now. Hope yours is soon as well!
We got hit pretty hard in northern Ohio about a week and a half ago...that heavy, wet snow you're talking about Belle. Took down some trees. Then 2 days later it was 70 degrees! I think winter is officially over for us now. Hope yours is soon as well!

well we do have weird weather in Ohio. :haha: 30 one day and 100 the next is quite common.
Ya, I live in Canada so snow is definitely not unusual lol. Because I live in a nothern city we often get heavy snow during spring time instead of rain. I'm just feeling pretty done with it all already!

Also, I contacted the clinic in regards to the trigger and they said they'd do it for me, so that alleviates a lot of my worry right there!
can i ask an off topic question? I dont want to post it and get 100 opinions, just a few good ones from you gals is enough!

If you have a credit card, can you explain to me ( because are new to it all) how you use it, pay it and dont have to rob peter to pay paul??

We have a card and we use it for groceries but i feel like the bill goes up and up despite making payments. Are we doing it wrong? Do you not use it unless you can pay it right off? Should i buy groceries every 2 weeks then so we can pay it off right then?

Sorry, im sure its silly to ask but we need to rebuild DHs credit and #Adulting is HARD! :blush:
Hey Earth, make sure that you make more than your minimum payment on the card. Generally minimal payments are just covering the interest and not any of the balance. I usually try to pay off whatever I put on the card that month plus a bit extra to cover some of the principal if I've racked up a bit of debt (easy to do with credit cards because its easy to forget at the end of the month what you put on it!). If you pay off whatever you put on the card within 3 weeks you won't pay interest on it.

DH and I just put ourselves on a budget. I found we were really overspending at the grocery store (I would go in almost daily and pick up a couple things haha). Now we try to limit it to 1 visit to the grocery store a month. We've managed to save up a few thousand $$ since December just doing that!

Adulting is hard!
Hey Earth, make sure that you make more than your minimum payment on the card. Generally minimal payments are just covering the interest and not any of the balance. I usually try to pay off whatever I put on the card that month plus a bit extra to cover some of the principal if I've racked up a bit of debt (easy to do with credit cards because its easy to forget at the end of the month what you put on it!). If you pay off whatever you put on the card within 3 weeks you won't pay interest on it.

DH and I just put ourselves on a budget. I found we were really overspending at the grocery store (I would go in almost daily and pick up a couple things haha). Now we try to limit it to 1 visit to the grocery store a month. We've managed to save up a few thousand $$ since December just doing that!

Adulting is hard!

The minimum payment is $21. ( $9 this month thanks to cash back credits!).
We do a budget every 2 weeks. Not a strict " you spent $2 at mcdonalds" kind but a " $100 is due for electricity" kind.
Im interested to hear how you shop 1x a month!! How do you keep veggies and things fresh then?

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