Welcome, Bella!
Great news that you think you ovulated, as far as the cramping goes, I'm not entirely sure but I think anything and everything can be a side effect with the Clomid. If the cramping gets really bad I would obviously suggest contacting the clinic. Hope the blood results are positive
This cycle was my first with Clomid too, CD2-6. Just this second got off the phone with the clinic and I didn't ovulate so waiting for a call back from the doctor to see what I do next.
Yes I have exactly that problem, nobody has gone through any of this and so of course they don't quite understand how difficult and all-consuming it can be. These forums are great to vent and everyone is so supportive. Plus, there will always be someone who has been there done that and can help you know what to expect etc.
I didn't fine the Clomid too bad, a few night sweats during the five days I was taking it. I also have to take Norethisterone to kick start AF beforehand and both that and the Clomid can have side effects of bloating, weight gain, low mood etc. So I am already dreading the next cycle and having to go through constantly feeling like crap again![]()
Not out until AF arrives though Nor, fingers still crossed for you.
Got my CD21 results today- didn't O with the Clomid. Waiting for a call from the consultant on Monday to see if I have to up the dosage or what. Lovely start to the weekend.