Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Hey Ask thats awesome the progesterone stopped your spotting completely! I need to ask for it for myself I think!

Good luck with the provera Earth!

I think today is probably O day, woo hoo, only 13 more days to go till I start the IUI cycle
Ok ladies...this is way TMI but I need some input. AF started today and when I went to the bathroom about an hour ago I passed two big clots that looked fleshy (same thing happened last month with my CP). In the second larger clot there was this little white ball - I've never seen anything like it. It felt kinda hard and was attatched to the clot/tissue. It was about 1/4 inch or less. Any idea what this could be? Did I have another cp? My beta was 0.8 this past Friday and I stopped progesterone on Saturday and started AF today.
I'm not sure Ask, I wonder if maybe its a result of the progesterone? Maybe it over-developed your lining a bit?
I'm wondering if the white ball attached to the clot might be a polyp? This is really gross but I saved it incase my doctor wants to test it. Polyps can cause infertility and I just read that 25% of women with unexplained infertility have polyps. I mean it's this distinct tiny sphere-like white mass protruding from the tissue I passed. Has me freaked out.
Belle, sorry to hear you going through all that anger! It sucks, I know :(

Ask, I don't know... I have never experienced anything like that before. That's an upsetting thought though.. that it looked like last month and could have been another CP. I hope not! I hope your doctor could give you a better idea.

I got another BFN today. I called my RE's office today to report my test results and to ask if I could try the extended dosage of Femera (like Belle suggested). I was told no... they only prescribe 5 days of Femara. The only time they increase that is if a woman doesn't respond to 5 days worth. I had one mature follicle, so I guess that's enough and they won't increase it. That kinda sucks. I was hoping to do more for my 4th, and probably final, IUI.

I'm not sure about the EPO yet. I thought about taking it back when I was starting tx, but I didn't want to mess with my RE's tx plan so I didn't. Now that I have tried her way 3x and it didn't work, I am thinking of maybe adding it. I get no EWCM most cycles, and when I get it, it is very little. I guess I should ask the nurse at my clinic what she thinks...

I have only met with my RE once to discuss my tx, during my initial visit. I have seen her and other doctors during ultrasounds and IUIs, but for the quickest amount of time ever, so the REs at my clinic aren't readily available for questions. Any time I have a question, I am directed to a nurse. I made an appointment to meet with my RE on May 9th to review my treatment plan, so I can discuss next steps after my 4th IUI.
I'm honestly SO ANGRY for you Lar that that was the response you got! I'm glad you've book an appointment with the RE, you can show them the research. Its your fricken body. If you over stim you can just cancel the friggen cycle. You've already been through 3 IUIs. They can fucking get it straight for the 4th shot for you. I feel like ladies with unexplained just get crap shoot fertility treatment. Honestly. There is little research into what works for us in the first place and most docs don't even bother to fully test to find out what the cause is. Then we get told its IVF or bust!

Good idea saving the tissue Ask just in case. Its possible its a polyp. Its rare but apparently (according to google) sometimes a polyp can detach and fall out during AF.

I could just rage all fricken day. I need a rage outlet. I'm going to take up running again
Ask, I didn't see your last post when I posted. I think it's great that you saved it so you can hopefully get some answers. I hope it is a polyp, because maybe now that it's gone, you'll have better success!

Belle... thanks. I think we have such different ways of probably dealing with very similar stuff. I rarely feel anger at all. I feel more sadness and resignation. I don't expect a lot from doctors, so it doesn't surprise or anger me at all when things don't work out how I'd like. I hardly feel a way about it. Maybe I am going through a bit of numbness myself.
Thanks ladies. Hope my doctor doesn't brush it off.

LAR - that sucks that they denied the extended dose Femera. I was thinking of filling my dose for clomid this month but not using it then re-filling next month and doing 100mg instead of 50. I don't think my doctor would agree since I ovulate (albeit late) on 50...but when I was monitored for 3 cycles I never produced more than 1 dominant follicle which kinda defeated the point of using it for unexplained. If egg quality is my issue then I need more eggs to choose from!

Belle - I've been feeling pretty ragey myself. Like screaming at the top of my lungs. Then I feel like crap for acting like a psycho. Running or anything to burn adrenaline would help I'm sure!
Sorry that everyone is having a pretty crappy time. There is nothing worse than a doctor that doesn't listen, we know our own bodies much better than they do and should be able to have a say in what treatment we receive.

Belle, I always take my anger and frustration out in the gym or on a good run. Always helps to clear my head a little.
I definitely went through a long patch of numbness. I'm sorry Lar that is a sucky place to be too :( I keep thinking about infertility and how its an interrupted grieving cycle. You get like a micro grieving cycle each month (where you hope and are disappointed) but there is definitely an overarching cycle of grief as well. It starts with denial/numbness (this can't be happening, I don't feel anything, indifference, there is nothing wrong so its just a matter of time), anger (I hate every pregnant person I see, why can't my spouse just....), bargaining (these fertility treatments will work this time! I just KNOW this is my cycle!), depression (it really is never going to happen), acceptance (life moves on). The only difference is some of us get lucky and suddenly get what we want. I feel like I bounce back around the first 3 stages a fair amount.

Ask I would definitely do 100 mg if I were you (however you want to orchestrate that). You do seem to O late and there really is no point to clomid/femara if it doesn't get at least 2 eggs for us unexplained ladies.

Well I'm pretty sure O was yesterday. My temps are super sketchy this cycle due to interrupted sleep, so I'm not putting too much stock into them. But based on when my OPK went positive and the general trend of a temp shift I'd say CD 15 was O day for me. Its funny because I was just thinking I was due for another CD 15 O (I get them every 8 months pretty much on the dot). My cycles are so weirdly regular
Hey guys. Need opinions.

After nearly a year of BFN's, DH and I need a vacation. We are planning on the end of next month and are considering Puerto Vallarta. There is still time to TTC one more time before then, which raises the zika concern. On the one hand, this is definitely the kind of trip I would want to take before having a baby, and we've never taken this kind of trip before (never been able to before, but that's another story). But on the other hand, I am concerned about potential repercussions.

Do we purchase travel insurance, and if we get pregnant on this last cycle (which I consider unlikely at this point) cancel?

Do we try NOT to conceive this time? But then how long to wait before TTC when we get back? CDC says 6 months but that isn't happening.

Or just see what happens, and decide then?

DH's brother lives in Mexico and they just had a healthy baby, so I try to calm down by reminding myself that people in Mexico are still having lots of healthy babies every day.
Hey Lucy! It's a really tough one. DH and I had a holiday to Thailand booked for December 2016. When I spoke to the nurse at my GP surgery to get our vaccinations (4 weeks before we flew) she told us that it was at that point classed by as high risk and explained about the whole waiting for 6 months etc. My main concern wasn't necessarily that, but more that as my cycles were so irregular and hard to track I may not know I was pregnant until it was too late. We spoke to the travel agents and by some miracle they told us we had until the end of that week to cancel and be able to get the majority of our money back. We looked into possible alternatives that were still sort long haul and exciting and exotic and ended up going to Mauritius. I know the risk would have been sooooo tiny but because we had the option of changing we figured we may as well.

I know that probably doesn't help you make up your mind though! Are there any other places you could consider going to? I'm guessing you want Mexico because it's not too far or not too pricey or something?
Hey Everyone, :hi:

I'm 27 and DH is 37, we have been TTC for a total of 7 years now. In 2010 I was told I had PCOS and Hypothyroidism. I started taking Clomid 25mg for two rounds and nothing happened then my DR. added 1000mg metformin the 3rd round and I got pregnant with twins but ended up having a MC around 10 weeks. After that I was so upset and haven't takin the meds again until now, so here we are again. So March 30th my doc prescribed me 50mg Clomid days 5-10 ( Never done 6 days of Clomid before usually only 5 days ) 1000mg Metformin and 0.25 MG Levothyroxine along with a baby aspirin and prenatal. I have not been able to start my clomid yet bc AF has not showed up. Before I went to this new doc I was taking 2000 mg of metformin to help with my PCOS and it kept my periods regular but this new doc had me on 1000mg of metformin and AF should have been here April 4th but she didn't show so I called my doc and he upped my metformin back to the 2000 mg, but still today no AF. Around April 6th I spotted off and on that day but didn't think it was AF because it went away but on the 23rd of April I had EWCM and cramps like O cramps, so could that day of spotting have been my AF and I'm now on CD 21 - 3 DPO or is it more then likely I'm still on CD 53 and need to ask for something to help AF show up. I POAS and it was a :bfn: . I'm so confused. I go back to the doc tomorrow to get blood work done to make sure my thyroid meds is the right mg or if it needs to be upped, should I ask for something to help AF then or wait. :cry: ](*,) :help:
Steph: Yeah it's a combo of price and proximity.

Earth: Yeah that's what I am thinking also. Especially because it is an all inclusive and I would like to take advantage of the drinks, lol. And I feel like I can't putting things off just because I *might* get pregnant. I need a vacation so bad.

So that leaves one thing: opinions on how long we should wait before TTC when we get back? The CDC guidelines are extreme IMO. 6 months even if you didn't have symptoms. If we did that we would either never have a baby or never visit DH's family.
Hi everyone. Looking for a bit of advice. This is my first cycle on 50mg clomid cd 2-6. On Monday cd20 I had my blood test to check for ovulation. I should of had the test on Tuesday but it was ds1's birthday so had it a day earlier.

My levels were 13 and the nurse said that anything under 30 means I haven't ovulated and to double up to 100mg next cycle.

I was convinced I had ovulated because of the cramps I've been getting so I'm feeling really down now :(

What do they check for on the blood test? Is 13 really low?

Thanks in advance for any replies x
Lucy when I spoke with the nurse, I'm sure she said that you need to wait 8 weeks after returning. If you have no symptoms you're good to crack on. She said that only if the man tests positive is it necessary to wait 6 months. But obviously if you've heard different I would hate to give bad advice. What does DH think?

Bella, the CD21 blood test checks progesterone levels to see if you ovulated. I had mine last week after 50mg Clomid and hadn't either. They didn't say to me 'there is no way you ovulated', rather 'it is unlikely that you ovulated'. Also, you can O at any point with it really so in a way the test could be ineffective as you could O around CD20 for example.
Hi everyone. Looking for a bit of advice. This is my first cycle on 50mg clomid cd 2-6. On Monday cd20 I had my blood test to check for ovulation. I should of had the test on Tuesday but it was ds1's birthday so had it a day earlier.

My levels were 13 and the nurse said that anything under 30 means I haven't ovulated and to double up to 100mg next cycle.

I was convinced I had ovulated because of the cramps I've been getting so I'm feeling really down now :(

What do they check for on the blood test? Is 13 really low?

Thanks in advance for any replies x

In UK they measure in 13 nmol/L = 4 ng/mL, so that would mean you didnt O by US standards. Anything over 5 is considered O.

The p4 test on cd21/7dpo is just Progesterone. It just says " yes you ovulated" or " no you didnt".
Lucy - I totally understand the need for a break. I agree with the others - I'd take the month off and use protection to be safe.

Belle - it's always kind of a relief to have O over with...but then there's the agony of waiting. At least you know you have something new to try that DOES have a slightly higher success rate for unexplained.

Welcome LC89! Nice to see someone else who has a significant age gap in their relationship. :) I hope you get some answers about your current cycle soon! Maybe ask for a blood pregnancy test so you know how to proceed. I am very sorry about your loss.

Bella - I've never had my progesterone checked as OPKs and temping has always confirmed O for me so I'm not much help but I know of people who had lower P levels and were still pregnant.

I'm waiting to hear back from a nurse at my RE's office about the clots and tissue I passed. I'm feeling like it was another early loss...the only time I have seen anything like that was my CPs. I hope they can figure out why I can't get past implantation. :(
day 3/10 for Provera. Other than that first night, no other SE. I did start temping again.

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