Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Sorry ladies I haven't been on for a few days.

I'm on cd26 today. Been doing tests daily despite my bloodwork progesterone levels only being at 13 I was sure I'd ovulated.

Now I'm just waiting for AF to arrive so I can start round 2 of clomid. I've been told to take 100mg this time.

I was feeling so positive at the beginning of this cycle and now I just feel so fed up. Everyone around me seems to either be pregnant or have just had a baby and I'm just sat here hoping for it to happen but the longer time goes on the more I feel like it isn't going to happen :(
Morning Bella, I'm also hoping to 100mg this coming cycle, started taking Norethisterone yesterday so AF should be here in just over a week I should think.

Try not to feel too disheartened, from what I have seen on these forums, for those of us with PCOS it is likely to happen eventually, it's just a case of finding the right dosage to kick start O (and then of course timing BD very nicely). I probably sound more upbeat than I feel, I also had high hopes for the 50mg and I'm scared about the side effects from doubling the dosage, but I am trying to remain confident that we will get there. Always here to listen to you vent when you need to! ❤
Aw thank you so much for your reply Steph. TTC hasnt really got me down too much until these past couple of days. I guess the more time goes on the more I think it might never happen. I don't know if it's the lasting effects from the clomid or if it is pending AF but I've been a right moody cow these past few days and I hate myself for it.

I'm not sure when my AF is due, last time it was a 29 day cycle but prior to that it has varied massively. The clinic have said that if AF hasn't arrived by CD35 they will give me something to kick start it.

Fingers crossed for the both of us for next cycle and to everyone else who is TTC xx
Can I just ask a quick question?

I know that clomid is supposed to make you ovulate on cd14 but is it possible to ovulate later than that?
I started to get cramps on cd14 that were on and off upto cd20. Could I have ovulated anytime within those days? I had my cd21 bloodwork on cd20 and the levels were 13 so maybe I had only just ovulated?

I know I'm probably clutching at straws here but I'm just so confused with everything.

My cycles average out at 33 days and according to an app on my phone I should of only ovulated around cd20.
You're welcome Bella!

It could definitely be the Clomid adding to you feeling low, I know I feel pretty terrible on it sometimes.

The Clomid can technically make you ovulate at any time, some people earlier than CD14, some much later. I think that's why some people have ultrasounds and things while taking it, as well as the CD21 blood test. My clinic said to me 'it's unlikely that you ovulated this cycle' because of course they can't be sure whether or not you ovulated later than CD14.

I guess if you think you may have O'd around CD20, waiting until CD35 to see if AF arrives will be good timing.
Thank you for your fast reply! I just feel like I don't really know much about clomid so I think I need to do a bit of research. I'm a bit scared of taking 100mg because if I feel like this off a low dose then surely I'm going to feel worse off a higher one. I suppose I'm just going to have to wait it out and keep my fingers crossed x
I need to vent a little.

My mother (who I have a very strained relationship with) lives in Mexico. She is up in Canada now for my brother's wedding and spent the night at my place last night. She told me that my brother was planning to start trying to have kids right away (which is a bad idea but another story). She asked when we were planning to start trying. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and said we had unexplained infertility and may not be able to have kids. She then said "Well I never wanted to be a grandmother anyway and if you don't have kids then I won't have to visit as often"

Gee... thanks mom...

It just went south from there
I've ovulated on cd 20 twice on clomid. I never ovulate past cd18 naturally.

Clomid definitely effects my mood and makes me feel pretty depressed. I struggle with depression and anxiety as is and clomid makes it much worse.

Belle - oh my. I'm so sorry. I would have lost my *#%!. My mother can be insensitive at times too and we have had our share of intense arguments. I'm really sorry you are having to deal with that. The only thing that helps me deal with it is when I remember that she has issues that have nothing to do with me and distance myself.

I feel like I've hit rock bottom. I'm really not ok. DH is still jobless and only has 3 more weeks of severance pay. My co-teacher has been out for a week because her mother in law is in the hospital and we are falling behind (plus the kids are losing it with all of the different subs in and out). My sister in law who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a little over a year ago is showing progression (after staying stable on chemo for a year) and is now on this new immunotherapy. She never smoked, is 35, and has a 1.5 year old and 6 year old. I'm still sick after 2.5 weeks and 3 days on antibiotics (I think I'm slowly starting to improve). Oh, and I'm infertile and miscarried in March. I'm having a huge pity party and feel like I am having a complete breakdown.
Belle, how insensitive that was! sorry that you got that response from your mom. Apparently she isn't someone you can talk to about your infertility :( How did you even respond to that?

Ask, so sorry about what you are going through. Has dh been getting any more interviews or any feedback from the phone interview he did? It sounds like you have stress coming shooting at you from all angles right now. I am with you as far as rock bottom. I was pretty close myself recently.. my depression was getting wayyyy worse. I wondered if it was the result of the Femara, or my hypothyroid, or maybe bc I am only on a low dose of psych meds compared to what I was on before... I don't know, but it wasn't good. I am trying to fight my way out of it now. You aren't alone and we are all here to support you. I know online isn't the same as real life, and we can't take real life stress away. I really hope that you start to feel a lot better soon, and that some of your life stressors get resolved so you can get some relief from it all. <3 :hugs:
Lar I just told her that sometimes its better not to say anything at all and then I left the room. The sad part is, is that I knew that was how she would respond. I think I even posted about it on here a few months ago. I thought I would give her the benefit of the doubt. Wish I hadn't. Honestly if I ever am able to have kids I don't know that I would want them exposed to someone like her.

Ask I'm so sorry for everything that you are going through right now. :( I also feel like I'm hitting a low spot and feel more depressed.
Thanks girls. I need to try to just take it one day, or even hour, at a time. When I start thinking about "everything" I start to lose it.

LAR - I'm on a low dose antidepressant too and it's not really cutting it. I went off it for a year just before and while ttc and wasn't doing too well so I went back on 2 months ago. I started on a low dose which helped at first but now doesn't seem to be enough. I have a family history of mood disorders and really benefit from being on the right medicine...I've been off and on since I was 18 and know I'm better off on them but will most likely taper off once I'm pregnant.

DH hasn't had any more interviews and never heard back after the phone interview even though they told him he was on their "short list" and they wanted to bring him in. Strange. He's applied to a bunch of jobs (like 10!) so it has to just be a matter of time. He's also working with 2 recruiters. One had a good job prospect but the pay wasn't quite enough.

So I had a bunch of ewcm today even though I'm only cd 6. Never seen it that early. Opk wasn't positive but bd'd just in case.
I'm the same Ask. I feel less overwhelmed when I try to stay in this moment rather than thinking about the future.

Ask it might be worthwhile asking your doc if you are on the right dose of your antidepressant or not. Exercise (nothing too strenuous) is also known to have a mild antidepressant effect.

It sounds like your DH is doing everything he can to find a new job. Let him worry about that. You have enough to deal with.

CD 6 is early for ewcm... Maybe you're going to O a bit earlier this cycle??
Im going to stop the Provera tonight and see if ill start AF. If not, ill take the last few.
still waiting for AF? How frustrating Earth!

Well I completely lost my temper on DH tonight. Like looooost it. I often get irritable/moody around this point in my cycle. I think I'm out :/
Day 6 of my Provera / CD 59 :shrug: :nope:

Earth what happens if we stop the Provera early? Could it start our AF?

Ok I need to stop EPO when I O, do I need to stop the CoQ-10 also or should I keep taking it the whole cycle?
still waiting for AF? How frustrating Earth!

Well I completely lost my temper on DH tonight. Like looooost it. I often get irritable/moody around this point in my cycle. I think I'm out :/

CD103......provera day 9 of 10

Day 6 of my Provera / CD 59 :shrug: :nope:

Earth what happens if we stop the Provera early? Could it start our AF?

Ok I need to stop EPO when I O, do I need to stop the CoQ-10 also or should I keep taking it the whole cycle?

I decided not to stop early because my luck i would and id still not get AF... Tomorrow is my last pill. Some women take 5 or 7 days and get AF.
Earth, I finish my Norethisterone tomorrow too, how long does it normally take for you to get AF after? Mine pathetic excuse for AF should hopefully be here by Sunday or Monday and then I can go for the Clomid again CD2-6
Hope AF shows soon for you girls! I'm not sure if it's helpful but AF showed for me 3 days after stopping progesterone.

Belle - sorry you are feeling irritable. Doesn't mean you are out but I know what you mean...but the months that I had BFPs my symptoms weren't really any different...I get pretty bad pms (physical and emotional) so it's probably hard to tell the difference.

Cd 8 today and tons of ewcm. Guessing the EPO is helping. I've never had more than 1 day of it! Could the antibiotics I'm on have anything to do with that? Cd 8 is very early for me but temps are dropping.

I feel like I'm running on empty. DH's ex wife called him today to whine about her alimony payment being late due to his job loss (they usually withdraw it from his paycheck but he had to pay it directly this time so it was a few days later than normal). It enrages me that he still has to support her and that she refuses to work. 3 more years then she's on her own! I can't wait!!!
Earth, I finish my Norethisterone tomorrow too, how long does it normally take for you to get AF after? Mine pathetic excuse for AF should hopefully be here by Sunday or Monday and then I can go for the Clomid again CD2-6

I dont know. Im hoping a few days. ive heard about a week.

I feel like I'm running on empty. DH's ex wife called him today to whine about her alimony payment being late due to his job loss (they usually withdraw it directly from his paycheck but he had to pay it directly this time so it was a few days later than normal). It enrages me that he still has to support her and that she refuses to work. 3 more years then she's on her own! I can't wait!!!

I have to pay child support until May 2023. :cry: ( I wouldnt have a problem if my son got the money but his dad does and his dad isnt involved in his life).
Yeah it sucks, Earth. The kids are with us half the time and she always tells them to "ask their father" when they want or need something even though she gets half his pay check. They are 13 and 14 - there is NO reason she shouldn't be working. But he just wanted to end the dragged out divorce so he settled rather than taking it all the way to trial which in and of itself is very costly. Alimony ends in 3 years (which is 2.5 times child support) and child support ends for the older in 3.5 years and the younger in 5 years.

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