Clomid buddies

Hi Ladies - how are u all holding up?

lovefamily8 - welcome :flower: have u been u been Ovulating on Clomid?

itsmydream - that's great news - when are u going to test?:happydance:

AFM - my results are back ...34. whoooooooooop :happydance: - so I did Ovulate on 50 if not preggas now - doc still gave me 2more I have up until August...:wacko:it better work.:growlmad:
Good luck, I'm waiting very impatiently for my AF so I can start clomid! It's day 12 after my last dose of prevera, and nothing. This is my first time.... Ugh!

Excited for you!
Hi!! I'll be taking my first dose of clomid when AF decides to come, very irregular so no idea when that will be but im not to sure what to expect when i do start and take the clomid, when should i take a OPK to c if ive O'ed? why are yall on clomid? if you dont mind me asking
Ok ladies I honestly think I am out! I did a hpt & got a bfn :-( I'm now on cd30 & still no AF. I mean seriously if I had a bean in my tummy I'm sure I would get a BFP by now right!? I just wish the stupid witch would show her face & get it over with so I can start my 2nd dose of clomid.

How are my ladies doing? You are the only ladies I've ever blogged with, & I'm thankful for all of you!!!

Hi!! I'll be taking my first dose of clomid when AF decides to come, very irregular so no idea when that will be but im not to sure what to expect when i do start and take the clomid, when should i take a OPK to c if ive O'ed? why are yall on clomid? if you dont mind me asking
Ok ladies I honestly think I am out! I did a hpt & got a bfn :-( I'm now on cd30 & still no AF. I mean seriously if I had a bean in my tummy I'm sure I would get a BFP by now right!? I just wish the stupid witch would show her face & get it over with so I can start my 2nd dose of clomid.

How are my ladies doing? You are the only ladies I've ever blogged with, & I'm thankful for all of you!!!


Hey at least your at the clomid stage!!! Holy crap, I'm still awaiting for my af so I can start it! What the hell! It's all so frustrating. Have you ever tried provera? Perhaps you need to take it with your clomid, are you working with a Gyn?
Ok ladies I honestly think I am out! I did a hpt & got a bfn :-( I'm now on cd30 & still no AF. I mean seriously if I had a bean in my tummy I'm sure I would get a BFP by now right!? I just wish the stupid witch would show her face & get it over with so I can start my 2nd dose of clomid.

How are my ladies doing? You are the only ladies I've ever blogged with, & I'm thankful for all of you!!!


Hey at least your at the clomid stage!!! Holy crap, I'm still awaiting for my af so I can start it! What the hell! It's all so frustrating. Have you ever tried provera? Perhaps you need to take it with your clomid, are you working with a Gyn?
yes I've been seeing my Obgyn since February now. It is very frustrating!!!!!! Been ttc for 10yrs now, really starting to think its just not in my deck of cards called life. What is provera? I see all this stuff about other things ladies do & take with clomid, I'm willing to try any suggestions.
It'smydream: don't give up!!! How old are you? Do you have a diagnosis prohibbiting you to get pregnant? Provera is a medication that induces AF. You take it for 10days then theoretically you get your AF after you stop the pills.... There must be a reason your doc Hasn't per scribed it. That being said, I finished provera 12 days ago and no AF for me.

Don't give up!
It'smydream: don't give up!!! How old are you? Do you have a diagnosis prohibbiting you to get pregnant? Provera is a medication that induces AF. You take it for 10days then theoretically you get your AF after you stop the pills.... There must be a reason your doc Hasn't per scribed it. That being said, I finished provera 12 days ago and no AF for me.

Don't give up!
oh, I have no problem with AF! She comes & sees me every month with no help. It was confirmed by X-ray, & dye that only my left fallopian tube works, the right one is closed at the end of it. So after 10yrs I finally seekd help & answers from my obgyn as to why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. My p levels where checked & was 2% indicating that I may not ovulate on my own. On Cd21 of this cycle I went to have blood work done to see if the clomid made me ovulate & my level was 23% & so I did ovulate. I honestly believe in my heart that when I finally get a BFP, will be the day we all see pigs fly LOL.

Wondering about your story? Are you suppose to start AF right after taking provera, or is it just supposed to show up whenever? What cd's are you going to take your clomid, & what mg?
Hi!! I'll be taking my first dose of clomid when AF decides to come, very irregular so no idea when that will be but im not to sure what to expect when i do start and take the clomid, when should i take a OPK to c if ive O'ed? why are yall on clomid? if you dont mind me asking

hey hun - I didn't use OPKs since they tend to confuse and stress me...but i know that one can Ovulate between day 5 - 10 after the last clomid pill - so maybe you can start testing from day 9?what days will you be taking your clomid? and to answer your doc prescribed clomid to give me a stronger Ovulation :thumbup: since i do Ovulate on my own.
It'smydream: don't give up!!! How old are you? Do you have a diagnosis prohibbiting you to get pregnant? Provera is a medication that induces AF. You take it for 10days then theoretically you get your AF after you stop the pills.... There must be a reason your doc Hasn't per scribed it. That being said, I finished provera 12 days ago and no AF for me.

Don't give up!
oh, I have no problem with AF! She comes & sees me every month with no help. It was confirmed by X-ray, & dye that only my left fallopian tube works, the right one is closed at the end of it. So after 10yrs I finally seekd help & answers from my obgyn as to why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. My p levels where checked & was 2% indicating that I may not ovulate on my own. On Cd21 of this cycle I went to have blood work done to see if the clomid made me ovulate & my level was 23% & so I did ovulate. I honestly believe in my heart that when I finally get a BFP, will be the day we all see pigs fly LOL.

Wondering about your story? Are you suppose to start AF right after taking provera, or is it just supposed to show up whenever? What cd's are you going to take your clomid, & what mg?

:rofl::rofl: i love your sense of humour Itsmydream..u will get you BFP hun...hang in there:hugs::hugs:
Hey, ladies just an update. No AF yet, keeping my Fx. Today I am on Cd29 & 15dpo. My back hurts very bad, peeing every 15min, light cramping, craving green olives for the salty taste. Going to try & get a BFP later on this afternoon.

Did you test? Things sound good!

I am on day three of progesterone, waiting for af.
Hey, ladies just an update. No AF yet, keeping my Fx. Today I am on Cd29 & 15dpo. My back hurts very bad, peeing every 15min, light cramping, craving green olives for the salty taste. Going to try & get a BFP later on this afternoon.

Did you test? Things sound good!

I am on day three of progesterone, waiting for af.

cd30, 16dpo=BFN:cry: so confused!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand!!!! Where is the WITCH at if I'm not getting BFP :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: If this is not my month I'm ready to start my 2nd clomid round, so we can BD!!!!!!
Hey, ladies just an update. No AF yet, keeping my Fx. Today I am on Cd29 & 15dpo. My back hurts very bad, peeing every 15min, light cramping, craving green olives for the salty taste. Going to try & get a BFP later on this afternoon.

Did you test? Things sound good!

I am on day three of progesterone, waiting for af.

cd30, 16dpo=BFN:cry: so confused!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand!!!! Where is the WITCH at if I'm not getting BFP :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: If this is not my month I'm ready to start my 2nd clomid round, so we can BD!!!!!!

That is exactly where I am. I am so sorry. I hope something happens for you soon. I am cd45.
@ itsmydream the exact thing w me i only have my left tube and i dont ovulate on my own and i will be taking the clomid on CD's 5-9 thats funny :)

@MummyWant2be so you do ovulate but jus havent gotten that BFP YET! did the doc tell you why an egg hasnt stuck?
@ itsmydream the exact thing w me i only have my left tube and i dont ovulate on my own and i will be taking the clomid on CD's 5-9 thats funny :)

@MummyWant2be so you do ovulate but jus havent gotten that BFP YET! did the doc tell you why an egg hasnt stuck?
wow, you & I are the same:hugs: I'm upset because AF hasn't showed her face since 31 days ago and all BFN. I just want to get started again on my clomid.
Hey, ladies just an update. No AF yet, keeping my Fx. Today I am on Cd29 & 15dpo. My back hurts very bad, peeing every 15min, light cramping, craving green olives for the salty taste. Going to try & get a BFP later on this afternoon.

Did you test? Things sound good!

I am on day three of progesterone, waiting for af.

cd30, 16dpo=BFN:cry: so confused!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand!!!! Where is the WITCH at if I'm not getting BFP :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: If this is not my month I'm ready to start my 2nd clomid round, so we can BD!!!!!!

That is exactly where I am. I am so sorry. I hope something happens for you soon. I am cd45.
How are you coping?:hugs::hugs:have you had a blood test? My obgyn told me that if 35 days went by and no AF to take a hpt and call to make a appointmoint. Am I going to be one of crazy ladies that is 8 months preggers and never get a BFP LOL...really I'm at peace that I haven't got a BFP yet it's just upsetting because my body is playing tricks on me. I have never went over 29 days! I'm not giving up though.

Tons of baby dust to you hun
@ itsmydream the exact thing w me i only have my left tube and i dont ovulate on my own and i will be taking the clomid on CD's 5-9 thats funny :)

@MummyWant2be so you do ovulate but jus havent gotten that BFP YET! did the doc tell you why an egg hasnt stuck?

the doc mentioned that i do not have the most strongest Ovulations...that's why he put me on clomid:thumbup:
Hey, ladies just an update. No AF yet, keeping my Fx. Today I am on Cd29 & 15dpo. My back hurts very bad, peeing every 15min, light cramping, craving green olives for the salty taste. Going to try & get a BFP later on this afternoon.

Did you test? Things sound good!

I am on day three of progesterone, waiting for af.

cd30, 16dpo=BFN:cry: so confused!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand!!!! Where is the WITCH at if I'm not getting BFP :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: If this is not my month I'm ready to start my 2nd clomid round, so we can BD!!!!!!

That is exactly where I am. I am so sorry. I hope something happens for you soon. I am cd45.

Oh my really sorry hun :hugs: I've heard clomid can lengthen ur ccyles aswell... but to be on the safe side - you should request Blood test...cause i know some ladies don't get a positive o the HPT - so FX'd you are oe of them
Hey, ladies just an update. No AF yet, keeping my Fx. Today I am on Cd29 & 15dpo. My back hurts very bad, peeing every 15min, light cramping, craving green olives for the salty taste. Going to try & get a BFP later on this afternoon.

Did you test? Things sound good!

I am on day three of progesterone, waiting for af.

cd30, 16dpo=BFN:cry: so confused!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand!!!! Where is the WITCH at if I'm not getting BFP :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: If this is not my month I'm ready to start my 2nd clomid round, so we can BD!!!!!!

this souds promissiing hun...:hugs: ay symptoms?

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