Hi everyone
Lace&pearls I can't believe how time flies

in my mind you had the hsg "just the other day" lol!!! So glad to hear you are doing OK and keep us updated, always nice to cheer on a fellow ltttc'er. Hugs hun!
MrsMcCurdy - such willpower to be having a long cycle, right after bc has reset your cycles, having symptoms and NOT test!

If my cycle lasts that long I won't be able to resist. Pleeeeease keep us updated! If I don't get my usual pre-AF spotting I will be testing on Sunday... if you would like a testing buddy round about then
Swimmy - any news? Thinking of you!
AFM - weirdest thing happened last night. So I don't really believe in signs. Last night I was playing a candy crush level which I'd been stuck on for a year. I said to God: "Well if I'm pregnant give me a sign; let me win this level which I'm as unsuccessful at as at falling pregnant" (I was not being serious. God knows that.) I immediately won the freaking level. After a year of trying. Wahaha! (Why didn't I ask to win the lottery as a "sign"??) Anyway, I thought that was something that only those struggling to conceive will ever find funny/ironic....!
I have an "implantation dip" today, am very dizzy/nauseous & crampy and TIRED! Some more classic preg symptoms to add to my list of "Despite all this I'm still getting bfn"-symptoms. Along with last cycle's "implantation" spotting, false positives a few cycles ago, etc etc etc!
Emotionally, I feel OK again today. TTC makes the month drag by and I keep wishing every day over. Don't like living like that! I wish I could get a happy balance between actively ttc with all my heart, and also actively pursuing & finding happiness in everything else. Sometimes it feels like the two are mutually exclusive
