Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Think I'm ovulating today. DH and I only DTD day before yesterday, we are both working really hard. Stayed up working last night till 12 and we just fell into bed! I'm thinking more and more of taking one of my last 2 packs of clomid next cycle. It's available, I paid a lot for it, it helped timely ovulation with very little LP spotting... maybe it will help "reset" my weird cycles.

It's Spring Day today in RSA. All the beautiful new flowers and the promise of rain in the air reminds me that life goes on. A season for everything. And every season has its own beauty.

I'm so sorry to hear that swimmy, big hugs :( xxx thinking of you xxx

fern you made a very good point, you have paid for the clomid after all so why not? And you still have another packet for a later opportunity x
Hi Everyone,

Swimmy - I'm so sorry to read your news. Sending hugs to you, hun.

Fern - Have you discussed taking the clomid you already have with your new doctor? How many clomid cycles have you done already, and how long of a break have you had from clomid? The reason I ask is because clomid isn't licensed in the UK for use for more than 6 months (it cannot be prescribed for longer) and I asked my new FS about this yesterday at my IVF appointment because I wanted to go back on clomid following my MC. She advised that it isn't licensed for use for more than 6 months because there is a possibility of it doing more harm in TTC than good in the long term (I supposed it does thin your lining and dry up fertile CM, so I guess that makes sense?). She said I needed a break of at least 6 months before it would be prescribed to me again. I'm not saying don't take it - maybe just talk to your new doctor about any adverse effects first, it may be more effective for you to take it after a longer break?

So I had my initial appointment about IVF yesterday and I came out feeling really positive. It is an 18 month-2 years wait list for treatment (gutted), but I was advised by my new FS to take the Letrozole from my first cycle post MC (just waiting for AF to show so I can start). She's halved the dose prescribed to me as I had success with only 50mg of clomid so she thinks I'll have good results on a smaller dose of Letrozole too. They'll do the usual day 21 bloods etc. to check it's doing what it should and will up the dosage if needed. She's also put me on the wait list for IUI (which had lost funding by NHS Scotland but is back to being funded again, yey!:happydance:) She'll let me take 6 months of Letrozole while I'm on the wait list for IUI which is currently around 9 months. She did an internal scan (which she said was to check how accessible my eggs are because they won't put you forward for IVF if the eggs aren't easy to collect?). She also checked my lining which is thinning, so I should have AF soon, and has diagnosed me with PCOS. She went through the IUI and IVF procedures in some detail and made both me and DH very comfortable with going forward.

So the plan is, AF to hurry up so I can get started on the Letrozole for 6 cycles! If that doesn't work, IUI starting in 9 months time for 3 cycles. And if that doesn't work, a loooooong 9-12month wait for IVF for 2 cycles. She seemed very hopeful that I won't get there as I had success on Clomid.

I feel like I now have a positive plan to move forward with and focus on. I also know how lucky I am to have treatment available on the NHS and that I am eligible for funding for my treatment. I wish none of you had to have the extra financial worry of paying for treatment on top of everything else LTTTC brings. It got me wondering if there are any charities that could help with funding? It's not something I've looked into... it just feels like there should be.
Hi ladies!

Sorry to jump in on your thread but I thought this might be the best place to ask a clomid question!!

I'm on my first round, and currently CD12. I took it from CD4 - CD8. I got an almost positive OPK (test almost as dark as control but not quite) on CD9 and CD10, it faded yesterday and was lighter (CD11) and today nothing! Zilch! Not even a faint line!

Is this normal? Could I have o'd without a peak and on CD10? I wasn't expecting for a few days but I'm a bit concerned about the drop in LH.

Thanks in advance!
Mum - cd 9 is pretty early to ovulate I would keep testing. Sometimes I had gotten dark lines around then that faded. My doctors recommendation with clomid was to bd every other day for the whole month that way no matter what you are covered lol.

AFM- very strange my hcg levels stopped going up this last time did drop yet. So they had me do an ultrasound and I was measuring right on time .... now i have to wait till the 22nd for my next ultrasound (yuck!) but i'm not doing beta's anymore. What is going to happen is going to happen. Just hoping its a slow grower or something.
Hi everyone

Hb.x looking at your signature you sure know how hard ltttc is!! xxx Anyway I've heard of pcos ladies getting a LH surge, not ovulating and then surging & ovulating again later in the cycle. Having said that I've also heard of clomid causing earlier ovulation. If you got an "almost" positive (the "almost" can depend on time of day, concentration of urine sample etc) on CD 9/10 then ovulation could follow 12-36 hours later.... which could mean that ovulation could have happened around cd13. O only rarely happens ON the day of the LH surge (start of + OPK); usually a day or three later. Do you temp & check other signs (eg CM) to confirm ovulation?
FX hun!! I agree with Swimmy, EOD should cover all your bases regardless :).

Swimmy - that is so weird! I wish you could just get an answer either way - of course hoping that you are the lady beating the odds and that you may still have a viable & healthy pregnancy. xxxxx

Arohanui - I'm so glad that you have a plan and a good dr AND funding! You surely deserve all the best and I hope you fall pregnant again very soon & not even need IVF. Lots of hugs and good wishes!! Yep you are very fortunate to get funding; even if the waiting list is long it's better than nothing. In RSA you get NOTHING of value for free unfortunately :( our health system sucks.

Lace & pearls - how is your pregnancy progressing? If I'm not mistaken it was your hsg cycle right? And you were worried about timing? If it's not too personal, did you manage to dtd EOD or how many days before suspected O did you manage to fit it in? Only asking because this was also an hsg cycle for me; we only DTD 2 days before O and then the night of O day (sure it happened in the morning though if I go on O pains) and the day after :( so I also think we missed the most important day.

Re the clomid - thanks for the advice ladies. Aro, I've taken clomid for 5 cycles then took a break and took it for 1 more cycle. The last try was 6 cycles ago. In RSA the drs may prescribe it for up to 12 months. However I know because of the increased estrogen levels that it may cause, the risk of certain female cancers is increased. We do have breast cancer & ovarian cancer @ my mom's side of the family so I know I have to be careful. Maybe I will take it just for 1 month and ask the dr when I can take the last pack. I did tell him about it and he said I might possibly take it in future... he didn't say "throw it away". Will see. Clomid makes me pile on weight so with summer coming on I'm a bit undecided!

One last thing... feel like such an idiot... I'm 5 dpo today. This weekend (3 dpo and 4 dpo) DH and I had 2 "adult" date nights in a row each with lots of alcohol :blush:, well we have had some relationship problems recently and have decided to just relax and have a good time together this weekend without fighting. I thought well on the OFF chance that I am pregnant, alcohol will not influence anything since implantation wouldn't have happened yet. While we've had an amazing time, lots of laughs etc this weekend, THIS MORNING I find out alcohol can prevent implantation (especially considering the amount I consumed!). :dohh::dohh::dohh: Not just from anecdotal evidence but from actual studies done. <insert curse word here>.
Yeah. Not a lot I can say about that except now I'm probably going to blame myself if I end up with a bfn AGAIN.
Swimmy I am keeping my FX crossed for you! Like I had said previously my hcg wasn't rising like it should and my ultrasounds based on my hcg wasn't where they should be but my miracle will be here in a little over 2 weeks. I'm praying so hard that your miracle baby is going to be just fine!

Fern I would hope the drinking wouldn't effect it that much. It is alwats good to let loose and have fun fighting all the time isn't healthy for anyone. It most definitely isn't your fault though if you don't conceive this month please don't think like that. Fx for you!
Thank you ladies, you've put my mad brain at ease. This is my first cycle on clomid so I'm very confused about cm, it's so different to normal it's been ewcm for the last week and loads of it (sorry, TMI!). Plus I haven't been temping because I have had a virus so I've had a a higher temp anyway. Weirdly I am now getting quite a strong line again on OPKs it's so odd!! Thank you though, that has made me feel better knowing that can happen. I must be mad going through all of this again!

Fern please don't think that it will be your fault. Sometimes a bit or relaxing from it all is exactly what you'll need to fall pg, and alcohol shouldn't affect it too much. I do the blame thug to myself every month too but it really doesn't help :hugs:
Hi everyone.
Just wanted to pop in. Reading all the updates too. I'm not on clomid right now, actually was on birth control last cycle cuz they were getting so wacky and needed a reset of sorts. I think it kinda worked. Started spotting 3 days ago but nothing much so not sure if AF is starting or what but I've had some very odd symptoms this cycle, not sure what to make of it. Guess we'll find out eventually. Good luck ladies! Welcome to the new ladies too!
Thank you ladies... feeling achey and blah today and just want this cycle to be over already. Really tired, sore boobs, crampy uterus... nothing new. I feel like I have NO chance and am hating ttc as usual. :nope:

DH and I'm looking to adopt a kitten! Hopefully around the time AF is due to arrive, so if all goes well I will definitely be distracted.

MrsMcCurdy - So glad bc helped normalize your cycle a little bit. Which cd are you on now? Did you O this cycle? Well it could still be exciting news ahead, we can only hope! Lol as everyone knows I'm also not on clomid atm... (might take some again next month) however I feel so at home on this thread. (Most) everyone here is ltttc and have at least tried clomid if not other types of medication/operations/procedures too. Feel like ladies here understand my situation better than on most other "ttc without issues" threads.

Hb.x well hopefully all the EWCM means that you are responding well to the meds! FX :)

Sending you all hugs!
Fern- I completely agree, this thread is the only that has put with my "something is wrong but don't know the cause" and all that craziness. I have no idea if I've O'd this cycle, I gave up temping awhile ago, stressed me out too much. And I haven't been using opks bc I was going thru a lot and didn't seem worth while when I never ever got positives. Kinda wish I had this cycle though... I'm CD 37 now and having odd symptoms. Hubby said wait a couple WEEKS to test but i don't know if I can go that long! I may need to break down and go buy tests before then lol
Fern - I'm ok thanks :thumbup: it wasn't my hsg this cycle no sorry, but it wasn't long ago it was in May. I had the same concerns about dtd on the right days, I'm not sure exactly when I ovulated (I actually didn't think I had lol) as I didn't get a 100% positive opk but I believe we probably conceived either 2 days before or on the day of o. I looked into it as I was worried about it and apparently it is possible to conceive on the day of ovulation, if I remember rightly you have a certain number of hours after I I want to say 12, so even if you did ovulate in the morning there would still be a chance I believe. That was probably one of the only things we did differently that cycle was dtd every other day (if that even) whereas in previous months I had more of a Smep kind of attitude. Also I agree a bit of booze shouldn't do much harm, I think it's good to relax a bit sometimes xxxx hope you're ok xxxx

Swimmy I'm crossing everything for you for more good news!!! How are you feeling?

Aro - I'm so glad you have been able to make a plan, it's nice to have a positive direction to take steps towards, thinking of you x

Hb I agree keep testing :) but also I wouldn't put too much faith in OPKs as I find them to be very subjective! I was so worried the month of my bfp as I didn't get a true positive. (Equally it doesn't hurt to do them though)
Hi everyone

Lace&pearls I can't believe how time flies :) in my mind you had the hsg "just the other day" lol!!! So glad to hear you are doing OK and keep us updated, always nice to cheer on a fellow ltttc'er. Hugs hun!

MrsMcCurdy - such willpower to be having a long cycle, right after bc has reset your cycles, having symptoms and NOT test! :) If my cycle lasts that long I won't be able to resist. Pleeeeease keep us updated! If I don't get my usual pre-AF spotting I will be testing on Sunday... if you would like a testing buddy round about then ;) :coffee:

Swimmy - any news? Thinking of you!

AFM - weirdest thing happened last night. So I don't really believe in signs. Last night I was playing a candy crush level which I'd been stuck on for a year. I said to God: "Well if I'm pregnant give me a sign; let me win this level which I'm as unsuccessful at as at falling pregnant" (I was not being serious. God knows that.) I immediately won the freaking level. After a year of trying. Wahaha! (Why didn't I ask to win the lottery as a "sign"??) Anyway, I thought that was something that only those struggling to conceive will ever find funny/ironic....! :haha:

I have an "implantation dip" today, am very dizzy/nauseous & crampy and TIRED! Some more classic preg symptoms to add to my list of "Despite all this I'm still getting bfn"-symptoms. Along with last cycle's "implantation" spotting, false positives a few cycles ago, etc etc etc! :wacko:

Emotionally, I feel OK again today. TTC makes the month drag by and I keep wishing every day over. Don't like living like that! I wish I could get a happy balance between actively ttc with all my heart, and also actively pursuing & finding happiness in everything else. Sometimes it feels like the two are mutually exclusive :shrug:.
Fern, I don't know if it's willpower or denial or just not wanting another stupid negative.... Sometimes I think I like living in the possibility of "what if...?" And then other days I just want to know but still don't want the neg test... I want it so bad that I'm afraid to be disappointed yet again... Sorry, I'm in a really down mood. I'm tired of my body not working right...
I do think your 'sign' is rather ironic :) never know! ;)
I'm having trouble with what you said in the last paragraph a lot right now... They don't seem to mix but it seems like it should.
MrsMcCurdy - I totally understand hun. I always feel like testing when I'm around 8/9 dpo but when it comes to testing time I'm usually too scared. So we will see if I really have the guts for it on Sunday. I just can't believe that it will ever really happen. You never have to say sorry on here for feeling down!!:flower::hugs: HOH for you!

So my temps are back up and I'm having slight brown spotting again... even though I took my B6 daily. :( In an ideal world it would be "implantation dip followed by implantation spotting and the beginning of a triphasic chart, yay!" Lol but I know my body so well by now; it's most likely just another weird cycle. Ready for it to be OVER!!! :wacko:

How is everyone else doing? New clomid ladies, how are you coping? :hugs:
Hi All... I am new here... Apology if there is wrong word or abbreviation usage.

Me & my DH been TTC for our 1st baby since Nov 2014. 1st month not success but 2 month naturally we conceived but was having discharge all the way and u/sound scan couldn't see sac. Doc confirmed M/C and I went for D&C on week 8. But 1 week later had terrible lower abdomen pain and went to hosp, doc did emergency laproscopy and confirmed it was ectopic and right tube was removed. After grieving of lost & body healed up. We been trying from my 3rd AF after my surgery till this month. last 3 month had no luck at all.
Saw gyne and he asked to do HSG xray. Did it on CD 7 of this cycle & came out all fine. Gyne said I need to ovulate from left side in order for me to conceive. According to him, my blood test on CD21 shows I am ovulating but it might be dominant on right ovary.
Also I took clomid 100mg from CD 3-7. Now i am on cd28. After my surgery my AF was cd26-28 range.
I also been charting my BBT and this is my 2nd month. Today my temp was 36.8 which was a rise from 36.7 yesterday. Had many symptoms like rashes and pimples, frequent urination, bloating stomach.
I tested hpt today (13DPO) but BFN.

My question, does clomid help to ovulate from both ovary? Any way to naturally make my left ovary to ovulate?
Can BFN on 13DPO & later BFP?
Please advice.
Thank you...
Shal - have you tested again? As far as I know it's possible for a functioning tube to pick up an egg from either ovary. x

AFM - all symptoms are gone except huge sore bbs which I always get in any case. Only spotted once yesterday which is an improvement on last cycle. Feeling less emotional and crampy so that's great. AF will be here on Tuesday - only 4 more sleeps of tww torture. I hope DH consents to us taking next cycle "off" again! I have sincerely disliked trying again and I know realistically it's going to lead to a bfn. Not too sad about it today but I was in floods of tears and desperation yesterday. No fun. ATM I'm not in the mood to take clomid again next cycle, will see.
Fern - don't give up yet!! Hopefully if AF does arrive a new kitten will take your mind off of it!! You never know though, your candy crush sign might be the start of something :haha:

Shal - I don't know too much about it tbh but it could be late implantation? Keep testing!

Lace&pearls - that's good to know, I haven't had a positive this month but Im sure I've O'd!

AFM - I've been really sick with a sinus infection so my temps have been crazy (38.5 last night!) which has confused me. I stayed with my mum for 2 days as DH was away and never took any OPKs but I had an almost positive on Monday and when I came home yesterday the test was wayyyy lighter. I'm sure I felt ov pains around 4am on wed (which woke me up!). We last DTD on Sunday late evening so I'm hoping it will be enough. I just feel a bit odd and not quite crampy but my pelvic area feels full (impossible I know!!). Plus my LO has been kissing my belly all day which I've found really odd because I don't think he has EVER done that! so fingers crossed! I'm doing my best to avoid taking paracetamol unless I have to but it's proving quite difficult with such a high temp. Bad timing I guess :dohh:
Today is the start of cycle number 22 for me... This royally stinks... Where oh where is my own bundle of joy?!? Blaaaargh!!!!! Why do babies have to be so cute and family so important to me?!? :'(

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