Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies
Well I think I'm either pregnant or my body is playing cruel tricks on me.
My boobs are back to not hurting again! Even when I squeeze them. Yesterday they were actually aching. They have literally been on/off ever since O which is not normal for me.
Also have a really bad aversion to smells which I'm thinking may be way too early but this was one of my biggest symptoms before.
Tested bfn on a superdrug today (I'm 10dpo according to FF but I think I may actually be 9dpo as I missed a temp) but I've got some frers arriving today hopefully & I actually get on better with them, they gave me my first bfp last time. I hear a lot of good things about superdrug but I'm dubious as to how sensitive they are in comparison as they were giving my stark white bfn's right up until I got my bfp last time x

Am at work so technically not here ladies!!!! Will reply to all later but am very intrigued - unicornwish when did you get bfp last time? I'm cd13, normal lp is around 10 days but still getting bfn's :shrug:
I got my bfp at 12dpo according to FF but I actually think I was 11dpo as both that time & this they have said I've ovulated a day earlier than I actually think I did.
Both the month I conceived my son & this month I had two days of positive opks, and I missed taking my temp the morning of the 2nd pos opk both times as had spent the night with my son's dad, so as FF don't know what my temp was that morning they have said I ovulated the day of the first opk both times where as I think it's more likely I O'd on the second day. As the opk can be positive up to 48 hours after O but rarely afterwards. But FF seem to assume it's the first day, I don't know why as they even put a note saying my positive opks don't match up with my temp rise! So don't know why they've done that but there you go. Every chance I could only be 9dpo today.
What tests are u using kath? Have u used anything sensitive like FRER or superdrug? As most tests aren't accurate til period is actually late
I was using internet cheapies that we're very sensitive (10mlu I think?). Just started spotting though on cd13 so I'm pretty sure that's it & I'm out this month. I am pretty impressed with a 12-13 day luteal phase though! Considering it was only 9 in May that's a big improvement.

I'm gonna be stalking you ladies!!! Hope for some bfp's :flower:
Yeah that's great kath look at every month as a step towards your bfp. U still don't know you're defo out though til AF properly starts, and I've heard that the ic's aren't always great, so don't give up just yet.
I tested bfn on a FRER this afternoon. Annoying thing was I saw the test line as the wee moved across it so it looked like I had a faint positive to begin with! But then it disappeared.
I have 5 tests left so will test every morning now til today AF is due. If I'm still getting bfn by then (Sunday) I will know I'm out cos it would have picked it up by then with me I think x
Hi girls sorry i have been away as i said i was really rough :( I'm ok now tho and tyoically am back in work today - if i didn't work for my hubby (our business) i would still be on the sick! LOL!!

No news my end apart from 8dpo and not tested yet - don't plan to either untill at least 12 if not 14dpo.

Any news unicornwish or K4th? I have also got ic's 10miu one step brand and they are nowhere near as sensitive as a frer or the tecos own brand are good too! I did a test with my first pregnancy and the ic's where at least 2-3 days behind even tho they where ment to be the most sensitive.....

Hi everyone else hope you have a good thus! :) Will catch up on everything i missed later but i'm rushing to get Harrison to nursery and my butt in to the office - I'm seriously lacking enthusiasm!!!
Hi nimbec , glad u are feeling better now, we missed you!
You have more willpower than me holding off testing wish I had done the same!

No news from me, I'm still testing bfn on FRER. Just went & bought two more superdrugs as they are supposed to be more sensitive, am holding wee at the moment & will test again this afternoon.
If I'm not pregnant my body is seriously playing some cruel tricks on me cos I have really awful period type lower back pain, I normally only get this the day I come on never 4-5 days before. And it was my only real symptom last time round.
Tbh I just want the whole emotional rollercoaster to be over now, this has been so much worse than last time, probably cos I know it's my last chance for now. I'm in such bad limbo & it's horrible! x
I've just had my last clomid today. Hopefully when I go to my doctor next Wednesday she gives me some good newss that my folies have grown! And hopefully a trigger shot!

I will be so upset if the clomid hasn't worked again.
I'm currently on 200mg
I did 50 folies didn't grow and no O
Also 150 my folies were 10mm so hopefully 200 really gives them a push.
Hi ladies

Unicornwish I am usually terrible at testing ie starts at 6dpo LOL!!!! However i know from last cycle that the trigger shot is still in my body at 12dpo so there is no point in testing as it will be a false pos. Last cycle i tested the trigger out - thought i was pg as it was there so long but then nothing at 14dpo and AF arrived in fine style :( So thats the only reason i'm not testing! However i may yet cave and test anyway !!

So sorry you are still waiting for an answer esp in your situation :( our bodies can be so cruel!! Still rooting for you!

Misscassie ooooh I so hope you get some good follies! It might be worth checking even if they say they are small at 14dpo as mine always take longer than that to ripen! I don't normally trigger till later on and i thought this maybe the case for you and they are missing it.....
Oh no that must have been awful nimbec! U are definitely doing the right thing holding off then.
I'm trying to have the attitude if I'm not I'm not but I know when AF starts I'll be gutted. I've literally become addicted to testing, keep hoping if I wait a few hours something will show up which I know won't work. It's just horrid!
Misscassie fingers xd 200 works for you I have heard people who have had success on that dose when the lower doses haven't worked
Hi ladies just popping in to say hi ....ugh i've got the urge to poas....just to check if trigger is there - why is that!! ugh i'm so impatient!!

Hope you ladies are all what cd's & dpo's are we all tomorrow? I'm 9dpo ....
Just an update, I finished my 1st round but I've ended up with the worst yeast infection I've ever had in my life. :/
Oh no cluckerduckie! FX you get it cleared up quick!! have u been to the docs? hopefully it won't interfere wuth your fertile period!!!! So sorry they are nasty :(
Nimbec- I hope I get some good folies too! Because I've had the worst side effects ever! On 150mg I went in at CD14 and and again on CD18 and they were still the same at 10mm

Unicornwish- I've also heard of sucess with 200mg so I am hoping that I get good news on Wednesday I'll probably end up getting bad anxiety from thinking about it too much haha.
Hi ladies well I'm 12dpo today according to my chart (or possibly 11dpo if I did ovulate a day later as I expected) & I'm sure I'm out :(
This was my day that I just thought I would know as it was this stage I got mg first bfp with my son. And I just got another stark white bfn :(
I feel on a sensitive test like FRER I would be getting something by now.
I still have backache & no breast pain exactly like when I was pregnant with my son. But maybe I have just convinced myself those signs mean I'm pregnant cos of last time
I know there's still a chance & I could have implanted late or something but I can't go through this emotional upheaval anymore, this has honestly been the worse 2 weeks ever.
I can't handle seeing another bfn result & convincing myself I'm pregnant when I'm not! It reminds me of all those years this happened when I was trying & didn't realise I had ovulation issues.
So I'm not testing anymore. I'm just going to tell myself I'm out, get on with life & wait for AF to arrive.
I think cos I conceived with my ex before & everything was done the same I just took it for granted it would happen again. But this has made me appreciate even more what a miracle my son truly is x
Morning Ladies

Miss Cassie i really hope the 200mg does the trick for you - i can't imagine the side effects :( they where bad enough on a 100mg for me! It maybe worth going in cd24 just to make sure i've heard of lots of ladies that has happened too.....or at least mention to the docs :)

Unicornwish i understand your feelings :( however 11dpo is still early i didn't get my bfp until 13dpo and lots of other women i know didn't, i literally had a startk white and then a pos the next day. I don't want to give u false hope but you are still in with a chance!!! ((((hugs))))) Did you fall first try last time?

Well as for me - i made my self look stupid as i only said 2 posts ago i wasn't testing - well i felt so ill last night and this morning i wondered if i was tested and got a bfn!! Which means at 9dpo the trigger is definately out of my system so i now fear i may turn into a poas ahollic :0 . Really odd that last cycle the trigger hung around much longer. So i'm now at that horrid limbo stage for the next few days ladies its definately the worst part of the 2ww i just want to now either way!!

Hope you all have a good day!!
Hi nimbec yes I did, it was my first clomid cycle 50mg. I guess I was just really lucky.
When u got your bfn do u remember if it was on one of the sensitive/early tests? According to first response 96% of women should get a bfp by today so I guess that's why I'm feeling so out of it :(
Sorry to hear u are feeling in limbo too, it is horrid!
Ahh gosh that was great first time round, I caught on my 5th round. I did test with the FRER and superdrug super sensitive ones and still didn't get an early bfp so there is hope hun :) fx hey !!
Limbo sucks!!! I'm still waiting to ovulate and it's cd 23. Glad I haven't spotted or started bleeding yet though!! Normally by now I would have, so that's a bonus! I'm glad that my cycle seems to be closer to normal than usual but not ovulating still doesn't help baby chances... At all.

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