Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Mrsmccurdy argh so sorry you are still waiting to O grrrr I totally understand the frustration of long cycles. I don't O without meds so I'm certainly used to waiting for O :( hopefully it's just around the corner!!!
:hi: all

Sorry I've been absent for a bit. Hit that low that comes with AF. Have been really down. Start on clomid again tomorrow so "here we go again"!

Mrsmccurdy - sorry to hear you're still waiting to ov. I ov'd at cd30 on one round so fingers crossed it hurries up & you catch it!!

Unicornwish - the 2ww really sucks hun. Sorry you got a bfn but you're not out yet :hugs:

Nimbec - nice rise on your chart today!! I have everything crossed for you :flower:

I'm going to keep a low profile but I'm thinking of you all & really hoping I pop back to find good news!!

I will be back properly - just need to sort my head a little :)
K4th so sorry to see you are CD1 on your chart :( hopefully a monitored round may help!! Fx for you - did you get anything nice as an AF present and of course any nice bday pressies?
Kath :hugs: here's to your next cycle.

Im on a real downer today. My sister just found out she's 5 months pregnant today, she didn't know. I am happy for her but it feels like salt in the wounds a bit. She didn't want a baby & has been drinking heavily, going on fairground rides, getting tattooed & using sunbeds cos she had no idea. Her bf is also a drug addict & alcoholic so i just hope everything will be ok. But I was literally standing there with another negative pregnancy test in my hand when I found out & my first feeling was jealousy especially as I'm so desperate for this at the moment. I feel like a really evil horrible person for having that emotion but I can't help it.
I'm missing my ex today & feel close to the edge.

Nimbec you've given me some hope but I really don't think i can be :( unless I just implanted really late. I desperately need to start my anti depressants but can't until I know I'm definitely not.
Just can't bear anymore of this
Oh ladies so sorry you are feeling so down!!!! K4th you posted at the same time as i posted my message to you!! Unicornwish that is a horrid situation for your sister, if he does drugs and she is with him there is a high chance she will have the baby taken away ....awful for you too i totally get the jealousy i've been there MANY times before!!!!!

One thing i would say ladies is keep talking as if you don't it will all bottle up inside and tip you over the edge when you least expect it :(


Pretty unsure whats going on with me but the next few days will tell - no reason for it to have worked his month tho - this is month 14 or 15 :(
I just feel like she's been irresponsible cos apparently she had missed periods but not even bothered to do a test so could have put the baby at risk from the things she's been doing plus the added risk of his drug taking. They were trying a few months ago but then she said to me recently she had gone off the idea as she likes her life & her freedom too much, I guess that's what hurts the fact she decided she didn't want this but I so desperately did. She's also said she's going to carry on having sunbeds etc which I think is just plain selfish. She constantly defends her boyfriends behaviour. Can't help feeling bitter over it all.

Nimbec I can't imagine how worn down you must feel. I really hope this is your month. Fertility issues are the most heartbreaking thing to deal with ever. But u fell once so u will fall again. I think I just took it for granted how quickly it happened for me when I was on the clomid. I have my son and am eternally grateful for him but I feel so sad and empty right now. Maybe I just need to focus on what I'm already lucky enough to have x
Anyone interested take a look here
Unicornwish did AF arrive or did yo test today?

K4th hope clomid is treating you nicley !!

Well i got another high temp today so its hard not to read anything into it - chart looks nothing like any of my others even the pregnancy one. My body is prob playing tricks on me & i'll be joining you ladies on cd 1 very soon LOL! 10dpo BFN today but i know its early.

Missing you ladies :(
Nimbec your chart looks good triphasic. 10dpo still early for bfn. What tests are u using?

AF hasn't started yet but I'm not due until Monday. I wish it would just hurry up & start cos I've got the worst pms. When I was in labour with my son I felt the contractions in my back/top of leg like a muscle ripping & I've had that exact pain all week! Never felt it since. This is what I mean about my body playing these crazy cruel tricks on me.
I tested BFN this morning (12/13dpo on a FRER) and that's the last test I'll be doing. I'm definitely out.

I actually asked the father of my son if he would consider being a donor for me so our son can have a sibling. May sound weird to anyone else but I was obviously considering going to a sperm bank which I can't afford & I'm too dubious about using an internet donor or something like that. He actually said he would think about it. I'm sure he won't agree but I guess nothing ventured nothing gained x
Hi Unicornwish sorry about your crappy BFN :( :( :( thats miserable! Keep in touch anyway we are here to support you! Interesting what u say about him as a sperm donor - do you think he will go along with it? would you have to pay for IUI or would he be expected to sleep with you? I'd imagine the 2nd option being extreemlely mentally exhausting for you .....please be careful hun!! Also Mr RIGHT maybe just around the corner and you may go on to have several kiddies with him then you LO will have siblings and be in a happy home enviroment.

Have you started your meds again hun? i guess you maybe waiting till Monday?

Hmmm yes my chart does and i looked back at all my other charts - the only time i've had temps that high was when i was pregnant BUT a triphasic chart doesn't gaurentee pregnancy it can be from high progesterone....which in my case will be from the trigger shot BUT i have turned into a poas maniac again and done 2 today. I just wish i could be more restrained!!!!!!
hey everyone how are you all doing?

I've been to see the FS today and I'm feeling a bit deflated :( in the letter it warned me about having a load of investigatory tests done but I thought perhaps as I had been through all this kind of thing before they might skip it but apparently not :dohh: the FS was a bit cold and didn't explain things very well. She said she had to do an internal exam which I had no prior warning about?! which I thought was bad tbh, thank fuck I had taken my daughter swimming the day before so I had recently shaved my legs etc.! if I hadn't I would have been mortified :dohh:
So she hasn't prescribed me any clomid and has sent me off with a list of tests as long as my arm :( 2 blood tests (which apparently have to be done at the hospital, which is a pain in the arse as it's really awkward to park etc. and a complete phaff compared to going to local GP) and an ultrasound. I must have had soo many blood tests and ultrasounds confirming again and again and again I have PCOS. I've known since I was bout 15. but the thing i am most upset about is she wants me to have a hycosy? :cry: I am terrified, has anyone else had one? sorry if I'm being stupid I just feel like I'm wasting their resources and time (and mine) they know what's wrong with me :( why put me through all of these tests?
BUT.. good thing is, I still have some clomid left over from ttc my daughter, so I think I will just keeping taking it in the mean time? :shrug: otherwise I feel like I'm just wasting time until my next appointment which probably won't be until the beginning of next year?
This may mess up my test results a bit though :S but I figure the month I have the hycosy I won't take it as I don't think they recommend ttc after it do they? (??) and get the bloods done the same month .. if I don't fall pg by next appointment do you think i could just be honest and say well I had some left over clomid so I took it ?! one of my GPs said it would be ok to take it? (another one didn't though tbf!)

sorry I've waffled on xxx
unicornwish - no judgement here I'm sure we can all relate to that (feelings of jealousy) it's not that you wouldn't want happiness for others it's just a bit of a kick in the teeth especially if they didn't to become pregnant. I seem to be surrounded by pregnant people at the moment ? :shrug:

nimbec - it's so hard not to POAS! I am the same, yay for high temp though!

k4th - I understand hun, sometimes when AF is around you feel like you wanna stay away from b&b for a bit, :hugs: a new cycle = a new beginning though hey :flower: xxx
Thanks for the sympathy ladies. It's getting frustrating and hubby just doesn't understand... He tries but still talks about how I 'COULD be pregnant', no honey, can't be pregnant if I don't ovulate. And I know he's just trying to be positive but that's annoying sometimes too.
Sorry, didn't mean to rant.
Lace&pearls- so sorry about your frustrating appt. wonder why they're doing so many over again? Seems strange. Hopefully they'll get some straight forward answers! And IMO I would take the clomid still just not when I'm gonna have testing. Wouldn't want to mess with the results. GL!!
Hey nimbec,
Well I did say to him that we wouldn't have to sleep together but if we do then I will happily do it to have another baby. I'm trying not to get my hopes up incase he says no, which I think will be the answer. But I guess he didn't say no outright & I had nothing to lose by asking.
Yeah I will probably start my meds again on Monday. I really need them now :( thing is if he does agree then I'm gonna have to stop them again? It's so hard to know what to do I've put myself on such an emotional rollercoaster.

Lace&pearls sorry to hear about your frustrating appt, I know exactly how u feel cos the same thing happened to me two years ago. My GP is happy to prescribe 3 months of clomid (which is how I conceived my son 1st cycle on it) but when I wanted to try again & went back, I saw a different GP assuming I would easily get it prescribed again & she insisted on me being referred for tests first. I was so annoyed & frustrated because as far as I was aware I only had ovulation issues & the clomid had done the trick the first time round. She also wanted me to have an HSG which I hated the thought of. I went back to my original GP and he prescribed me another 3 months of clomid which is what ive been using now from a couple of years back.
So I never had the HSG in the end but from what I've heard it's not too bad & it can make u super fertile afterwards as even if there's no blockages it gives the tubes a good flush out.

Miss McMurdy men don't understand it do they, ttc isn't anywhere near as frustrating for them!
Right - I'm back on it! Had a break down on the phone twice this week to the gynaecology nurses. My period was starting and stopping and I just lost it. I'm going to insist on a blood test a week after the trigger this month to find out what's going on. I suspected right after ov that I hadn't actually ov'd with the uti etc & now I'm almost certain I didn't because of such a weird af. Anyway... It's back to normal this morning so I'm to count today as cd1 (not changing ff though) and I'm starting clomid again tomorrow. I'm also starting a healthy diet and exercise to see if that helps at all.

Mrsmccurdy - I understand the whole hubby situation. My hubby doesn't get all the ins & outs either and tbh I'm reluctant to discuss every tiny bit of my cycle with him. I have to tell him that I feel sh*tty some days and I don't want him to fix it or say nice things! I just want him to know I feel that way and give me some space or extra hugs etc.

Lace&pearls - sorry they're insisting on all those tests hun. I somehow bypassed the big ones but had to do the blood tests and scan again to confirm pcos - even though it was confirmed only a few years ago. I do worry though that maybe I'm taking clomid and there's something else wrong as well - what if my tubes are blocked? Each month could be a wasted one! Personally I'd do what you said - leave the clomid for the month of the blood test and hsg but take it the other months. If one gp said it would be ok, I'd just side with them and forget the other advice :blush:

Unicornwish - :hugs: oh hun what a kick in the teeth! How upsetting for you. It's really hard for any of us to hear about other peoples unplanned pregnancies - but with it being so close to you and so complicated I really feel for you. How is your sister taking the news? Is she cleaning up her act? It's probably a good idea to get back on your meds if you don't get a bfp this month - let things settle and then try to decide what is the best course of action. I know its hard and I hate waiting for anything - but please don't rush into an agreement with your ex while you're feeling so hurt and vulnerable. (I'm still hoping for a late bfp for you this month though). & nimbec is right - maybe mr perfect is just around the corner!

Nimbec - your chart is definitely looking triphasic!! That's a great sign if you don't normally have a chart like that :thumbup: maybe that 100mg dose did the trick??! What tests are you using? When is af due? Hope you get a blazing :bfp: very soon!!
Hey kath
Sorry to hear u don't think u ovulated in the end, I hope this is gonna be your cycle!

I don't think there's any hope of me getting a bfp now. I actually feel really pre menstrual like I normally do so I think AF will be here in next couple of days. I don't have any tests left to do & I've stopped taking my prenatals, I will put FF membership on hold & basically just wind the whole ttc thing down. I don't think for a minute my ex will say yes so I'm gonna forget I asked him.
I took my first anti depressant today, honestly couldn't wait any longer. So hopefully will start to feel better soon.
I haven't spoken to my sister but being as ignorant as she is & as obsessed with her looks I can't see her changing things much. I was just infuriated when she said she was gonna carry on having sunbeds, she thinks it's ok cos 'katie price did it' she's more like a 16 year old than a 36 year old. I just can't get my head around the fact that she had missed periods but hadnt even bothered doing a test, she's done so much that she shouldn't have done that could have been avoided. She wasn't even taking folic acid when when they were trying, so she's missed the most important time to take it.
Sorry I'm ranting again, I just can't talk to anyone else about it as I'm sure they wing understand why I'm not happy & think I'm really horrible.
Just don't know how I will cope seeing her scan pics & everyone being so happy etc x
Unicornwish - It seems like you have a tough time ahead of you. Are you close to your sister? Will you see her very often? I'd usually suggest some distance but it's so hard when it's family. And at this risk of sounding childish - it's just not fair! Sorry hun. Glad you felt it was a good time to start back on your antidepressants & I really hope you do feel better soon :hugs: :flower: :hugs:
Hi ladies I'm away at a work trade show so haven't have a moment to catch up but will do ASAP. Bfn today 11dpo had an evil evap last night that have me hope plus temp on way down so I'm out! :(
Hi ladies I'm away at a work trade show so haven't have a moment to catch up but will do ASAP. Bfn today 11dpo had an evil evap last night that have me hope plus temp on way down so I'm out! :(

11 dpo is still waaaay early!!! I did loads of ff searches last week & lots of people had bfn's at 11dpo & got a bfp later. I'm still hoping it's not over for you yet :hugs:

Hope you're enjoying your weekend away :)
Hi all, happy to be joining the thread :).
Have been ttc since April, 32years old and have never been able to fall pregnant... Took Clomid 50mg this month cd 5-9, currently cd29 and don't think I O'd because day 21 tests too low.... so will probably join in cd1 with next clomid cycle in a few days. Do not feel pregnant at all!
Just curious though; seems like most ladies go from 50 to 100mg immediately? Is it weird that my doctor didn't up my meds even after the bloodwork showed that I didn't ovulate? Apparently still lots to learn.

Nice to meet you all!

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