Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Congratulations sunflower I have my fx for you I know it's scary. Get lots of rest and try relaxing if possible!
Congrats sunflower!

My second was a clomid baby & I had spotting periodically throughout my pregnancy. I don't know if there's a correlation there, but everything turned out well despite spotting. Wishing you a h&h 9 months :)
Sunflower - fingers crossed I hope you have a healthy happy 9 months!

Went for my scan today today I have 2 mature with a possible 3rd depending on when I ovulate. I decided not to go for a 2nd scan in a few days just to wait until I get a +opk in a few days. Not gonna lie a little nervous at the possibility of multiples even though that is what we were going for.
i know how you feel, i was told i had defo two mature follies and a 3rd smaller but growing, they were 1.4, 1.5 and 1 cm

if they are big enough by friday i will get a trigger, she told me if both follies are still growing and reach 2cm by then ive a 15% of twins
Hi ladies! It's been awhile since I've even been on here. I've decided to go on the pill for awhile. Hubby and I are moving to Washington state so that'll keep us busy for awhile and I was thinking the other day about how I've gotten to be mentally about TTC and I'm tired of this person. I'm not getting anywhere, in fact my periods are getting worse, I haven't ovulated since October of last year and I'm gonna have to find a new doc anyways.😔
I do wish you ALL the best this year and next!! And thanks for being there for me when I needed it ☺️
Baby dust to Yall!! ✨❤️
hi ladies about a week ago I got bfp but then yesterday I started spotting light brown so I went to see my doc he said keep an eye on it and put me in bed rest but then this morning it got bright red the spotting so I got worried and I called my docs office he told me go to emerg right away he called them to let them I'm on my way so I got in pretty fast the doc did blood work and did an ultrasound everything looked good on there once the blood report came showed low hcg abs he told me its a early mc but I feel I'm still pregnant and hmcg can rise slowly my spotting has gotten less and it's brown now I will request my doc for an ultrasound again and more blood work to see if hcg has dropped or risen I'm so upset my second mc
MrsMcCurdy - so nice to hear from you and loving your positive attitude. xx All the best, good luck with the move & hope you do get your bfp in time.

Sunflower - I'm really hoping it's not a m/c. Sending you LOTS of hugs hunni xxxxx

AFM - bfn 11dpo, back on the Pill in 2 days, atm we've decided not to do IVF and rather spend the funds on something that will actually yield a result since I believe IVF will not work (renovating the house, I want to enroll in University to do postgrad studies etc).

Bye all you lovely ladies. Thanks for the support while we were ttc. Especially all my long-term friends (you know who you are). I hope there are many more of you with clomid success stories. xx
Oh, Fern, I'll be sorry to see you go from this support group, but I totally respect your decision. I wish you and your DH lots and lots of happiness in your future! :hugs:
Aro, I just have to say bye to you personally too. Sending you so many positive thoughts and wishes.
I will be checking in from time to time to stalk :) hope you get your rainbow xxxxx
sad here today, my follies did not grow and my uterus lining is so thick they think af is about to start :sad: they said if my period arrives soon i can move onto 100mg clomid and get a scan in before xmas, if not its gonna be jan before they can scan me so we will be missing a cycle
Fern - sending lots of hugs your way we are really gonna miss you. Wishing you all the best in your new adventures. I love Washington I lived there a while sometime I wish I would have stayed.

Sunflower - keeping you in my thoughts really hope it's not a mc. Keep us updated, and we are all here for you.

Rose - I'm sorry that just stinks! I didn't get a repeat scan so I don't know if mine matured more at all (makes me nervous maybe I should have gone in again)

AFM - looks like I ovulated last night or early this morning. I got a + opk yesterday and again at 6am this morning but by 1130 it's very faded. Fingers crossed this cycle. If no luck I might take next month off.
Hi swimmy and fern81 my spotting has totally stopped
And my test are darker some morning sickness to I'm going
To see my doc Monday
Hi everybody sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been desperately trying to get my emotions in order! I have been much more 'relaxed' about the whole ttc thing and haven't tempt or charted really apart from the odd opk to check if I knew my body well enough and yup I do! So anyway long story short I have now got my head around doing IVF in Jan - it was this time last year I was booked in and cancelled, this time we are doing it! I'm nervous and praying it works as we don't have endless funds. It's been a really tough decision but I've decided it's something I just have to do otherwise I'll always be wondering if it would have worked and I can't get the longing for a baby out of my head no matter how hard I try!! My planning appointment is next Wednesday so will know more then.

Fern I'm so sorry you still haven't got that bfp life is truly cruel!!! I understand the difficulty regarding the IVF decision it's really a huge gamble and a ridiculously hard emotional decision to make. I really wish you the best of luck and I'm here if you want to chat at all.

Hi k4th so nice to hear you lo is doing so well, yuk injections are horrid :( I can't believe where the time has gone I remember you announcing your bfp and now you have a 3 month old ..blimey! Thanks for thinking of me 😀.

Hi to all the other golden oldies - there seems to be a few of us that have been here forever :( wishing you all the best of luck and thinking of you!!

Hi to all the new people I haven't yet 'met' so sorry you are on this crazy ttc journey!!

Sunflower I'm so sorry about the bleeding in keeping everything crossed for you and anxiously waiting for an update.

Sorry I haven't addressed everyone personally

Thinking of you all!! Xx
Sunflower - how have you been doing I've been keeping my fingers crossed for you.

nimbec - its good to hear from you again. Fingers crossed on your IVF keep us updated!!!

AFM - Question for you gals. I know i had 2 eggs this time, but has anyone ever heard of ovulating the eggs about a day apart?? I know I ovulated 1 egg on cd 14 but then cd 15 my morning opk was still + and that afternoon again with ovulation cramps. My temp jumped up again that day too. Very strange. Really hoping for a BFP this cycle, if not i think i'll be taking a few months off.
Hi swimmy I went to see my doc today my levels
Are good my first prenatal is on Thursday morning
Hi ladies, is it at all possible i could of ovulated before my follicular tracking scan? I had bad bad cramping the day before my scan.
And if so, would you see on the scan if the egg had already released? Thanks
Uncontrollable tears in our house tonight, CD29 and the spotting has started, expecting AF tomorrow :cry: This one has hit me particularly hard.

I think it's because of the time of year, with Christmas coming up and New Year, yet another year passing without the good news we're all waiting for, and now so close to my due date too.

It just seems so unfair that some people struggle for so long and have losses when others find it so easy to just decide to start a family and get pregnant right away, then just keep popping them out. Feeling bitter and emotional :cry:
RedRose19 - I'm not sure I think once you ovulate you can't see anything. What cd was your scan. Did they say anything?? this has me curious now lol

Arohanui - oh no :( im sorry AF showed her nasty face. I know what you mean about due dates. I would have been due the week after my anniversary and my DH wants to plan a trip but I already know I won't want to go... Its too hard to think about sometimes. You are not alone with the bitterness. I'm dreading the holidays, as much as I love my family and being able to see them. seeing all of my pregnant cousins who cant imagine why I'm "waiting" so long to have kids sounds like nothing short of torture. I'm already feeling out ... guess I still have a few days to test but as low as i've been I don't want anymore bfn. Sending you lots of hugs. Take it one day at a time
Hi all

Swimmy, I actually had this happen a few years ago whilst on a monitored cycle ...i think it was monitored i can't be exactly sure but i released 2 eggs a day apart - fx!

Sunflower that is great news, wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months!

RedRose i'm sure it is possible, depending on what day they scanned you...did they see any follies? the dominant one could have been released early if they scanned you late.

Arohanui i'm so so sorry about the witch and how you are feeling! I can completely relate its just awful. Nobody can even come close to understand the feelings unless they have been there themselves. I struggle massively with pg announcements and pregnant friends. I'm out this evening with a friend who is due anytime who only tried for 3 months and got pregnant, the other one got pregnant 1st time and i think maybe starting to try again :( Its so hard but somehow - don't ask me how we have to find the strength to carry on. :hugs::hugs:

As for me I had my planning appointment and was gutted that because of christmas and the fact they will only go off day 21 of next period my egg collection is not until the 8th Feb - seems an age away! BUT i must be positive as i'm actually doing something about it. Really hoping i'm pg this month and don't need to do the IVF - unlikley seeing as i have not had even a sniff of a line in 2.5 years :dohh: I think i'm 4dpo today so due xmas eve - oh JOY!!! how cruel is that!!

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