Hi everybody sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been desperately trying to get my emotions in order! I have been much more 'relaxed' about the whole ttc thing and haven't tempt or charted really apart from the odd opk to check if I knew my body well enough and yup I do! So anyway long story short I have now got my head around doing IVF in Jan - it was this time last year I was booked in and cancelled, this time we are doing it! I'm nervous and praying it works as we don't have endless funds. It's been a really tough decision but I've decided it's something I just have to do otherwise I'll always be wondering if it would have worked and I can't get the longing for a baby out of my head no matter how hard I try!! My planning appointment is next Wednesday so will know more then.
Fern I'm so sorry you still haven't got that bfp life is truly cruel!!! I understand the difficulty regarding the IVF decision it's really a huge gamble and a ridiculously hard emotional decision to make. I really wish you the best of luck and I'm here if you want to chat at all.
Hi k4th so nice to hear you lo is doing so well, yuk injections are horrid

I can't believe where the time has gone I remember you announcing your bfp and now you have a 3 month old ..blimey! Thanks for thinking of me 😀.
Hi to all the other golden oldies - there seems to be a few of us that have been here forever

wishing you all the best of luck and thinking of you!!
Hi to all the new people I haven't yet 'met' so sorry you are on this crazy ttc journey!!
Sunflower I'm so sorry about the bleeding in keeping everything crossed for you and anxiously waiting for an update.
Sorry I haven't addressed everyone personally
Thinking of you all!! Xx