Swimmy - I really hope you don't have to wait too long to see the genetic councillor. I had to look up 47XYY as I've not heard of it before (although I have heard of Jacob's syndrome somewhere back down the line). I know this is another set back on your BFP journey, but I really hope you get there soon.
I'm out of the TWW (early) and start Letrozole again tonight. I was surprised when AF arrived CD32 - but as I was pretty sure last cycle was a bust due to me not being able to take the Letrozole on time (CD2-6) I'm happy that I can get onto this next cycle early. (Still time for a Christmas BFP

) I think I will probably temp this month to see if I can pin point O, and I like the temp dip warning of AF, I find it less stressful than just having AF arrive unannounced.
Sorry - not TTC related - but I had some bad news yesterday. My sister was hospitalised with multiple suspected heart attacks. I honestly don't know if I've ever met someone who has suffered as much as my sister and it breaks my heart.
She's only 37 and has already suffered a massive stroke (at 27) after keyhole surgery on her kidneys which was unsuccessful, she died & was resuscitated 3 times during life saving surgery to reduce swelling on her brain (caused by the stroke) by permanently removing half her skull, she is physically disabled down her left side, is blind in her left eye and suffers from a host of neurological problems. She spent a year in hospital learning to do everything again (from walking a talking, to dressing herself and going to the toilet - she had to re-learn EVERYTHING). She spent our childhood (and especially her teen years) in and out of hospitals for all kinds of wacky syndromes (some diagnosed, some mysterious) and we've been told on numerous occasions that she just won't pull though. In her early 20s, at almost full term in her pregnancy, she found out her baby had stopped growing at 20 weeks, she was induced and her baby's heartbeat stopped just a few hours before he was born. She shares her birthday with the stillbirth of her son. She has been unable to have any other children. She was diagnosed a few years ago with FMD, which has been linked to low birth weight and still birth due to blood flow problems to the placenta and is the cause of all her other medical problems including these latest heart attacks. FMD has no cure.
She is such a strong and inspirational woman. Everyone that knows her is in awe of her strength and ability to shrug off her problems and carry on loving life. She always has an attitude of 'oh, it could be worse' and she never feels sorry for herself. I wish I could have the same attitude to life!
I really hope she can keep her fighting spirit through this latest hurdle. I would really appreciate any healing thoughts and good vibes you can send her way.