Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x


Swimmy I am so glad to see you trying again. We went through our losses together in September. :friends:

I finished Clomid last week and today is O day. Really hoping for the best as we will most likely stop trying after this year.

FX for all you ladies!
I don't know where else to go, other than here. It's not ttc related, but I'm so sad and it's hard to talk with anyone in person, they don't understand.

DH and I found out yesterday that an old friend of ours is no longer with us. He was on his motorcycle and ended up in an accident. They say he died on impact. This friend served in the Marine Corp with my husband. He and his wife shared similar values to DH and I and we all clicked instantly. I had always held out hope that we would see them again. Guess we should have taken that trip a while ago.
My heart aches. Not just for the loss of a good friend, but for the pain that his wife and two children, and one on the way, are bearing. I've never been so shocked and saddened by the loss of a person until now.

I'm so sorry. :( This happened to a friend of mine right after his wife had a baby. Tragic all around.
I've been taking clomid 5 cycles now. First 3 were 50mg no luck, i am now on my 2nd round of 100mg cd 10!!

Best of luck! I am on 100 mg too. 2nd cycle..1st one ended in MC.

FX for us both!
Ladies I have a question I will be taking my second round
Of clomid Monday should I request my doc for blood work or an
Ultrasound I always here some ladies say they did what are they called
So I know what to ask for?
Hi ladies

Cd3, starting 100mg Clomid tonight! Not looking forward to picking up heaps of Clomid weight again.

Sunflower so we are cycle buddies more or less. :) fx for you. The ultrasound is a transvaginal monitoring ultrasound that the dr does on cd 10 (or around 4 days before you usually ovulate- my dr used to do mine on cd12 because I usually ovulate cd16). The purpose for that u/s is to check how many follicles are developing, what size they are, and how the uterus lining is thickening up. Blood tests: progesterone levels can be tested 7/8 days AFTER OVULATION. This is to check if sufficient luteal phase progesterone is present. It can also serve as an indication whether ovulation had indeed taken place (they look for a certain minimum progesterone level). My previous idiot dr once checked my progesterone levels on cd21. They came back way low so she "diagnosed" anovulation. Turns out I HAD ovulated; on cd20 that cycle, and my levels had just not risen enough yet!!!!

Hope we get some Christmas bfps :) doubt I will be so lucky :) but cheering you all on!
Hi fern81 yes we are cycle buddies I'm on cd 4 today! So I'm picking
Up clomid 100 mg same like you I really hope we get our bfp's this time
But I doubt it as well I will tell my doctor that I want the ultrasound done
And blood work so do the techs tell you all this or you gotta wait for the
Report to come in and see the doc for the results because here ultrasound techs
Do the ultrasound
Hi Sunflower

Here in South Africa the gynaecologist/reproductive specialist does the ultrasound, and tells you what he/she can see straight away, while you are both looking at the screen. The blood tests are usually done by a nurse or phlebotomist drawing blood at the dr or at a pathologist's office. The blood then gets analysed and results are available in about 1-3 days. Depending on the level of service the dr's office provides they will either phone with the results or the patient has to phone in to find out.
I have no idea how it works in other countries :) where do you live?

No side effects from the clomid so far, yay. I think it's because I'm taking 120mg black cohosh as well.
Hi fern81 my doc gave me 75 mg clomid
For five days so let's see if it will give me my bfp
This month or not I live in Canada are you trying for baby
Number one or two
tag74 - hey sorry we had to meet again but i'm glad your back trying as quick as i am :hugs: looks like we are only a day or so apart ovulating lol. on to the tww.

sunflower82 - i see a fertility specialist they do a vaginal ultrasound a few days before ovulation. Day of or after that you get a +opk to see for sure how many are dropping. My clinic doesn't do progesterone tests because he said that you can check it multiple times during the same day and get levels that can be 30 numbers apart. Too many things effect progesterone in the blood. I was diagnosised with low progesterone because my LP is only 11 days and they did an uterine progesterone test which is more accurate. But every doc is different.

Bad news for me - my husbands genetic test came back with some abnormality and they want us to come in tomorrow to discuss the results. I'm super nervous, :nope: i really hope its something that we could still possibly have a health child with. I'll keep you all posted.
Sunflower - Trying for baby 1.
A little bit about my story (I keep changing my signature so my info is not always visible lol). I have never had a bfp, have been trying for 12 years on and off, first with first husband and now with 2nd husband. I have stage 3 endometriosis and have had emergency surgery @ age 20 for huge endometriomas on my ovaries. Back then my dr already told me that my ovaries & primordial follicles were damaged and I would probably never conceive. I didn't listen to her (she had been wrong about something else previously). Needless to say, so far she has been right though.
Fast forward to 2014: my new husband and I started officially trying March 2014. I ended up with a useless dr who did all the wrong tests and did a laparoscopy using incorrect methods to try and treat my endo. Finally this year in August I started seeing a new dr. He retested every single thing and concluded that I most probably will never conceive. In fact I'm back on birth control pills to control the endometriosis growth. His advice was to have a proper laparoscopy and then try ICSI when/if we can afford it.

I'm only back on clomid (against my drs advice and without his knowledge) because DH and I feel like we want to try everything possible before resorting to ISCI/IVF. This is our last shot before I'm going back on bcp permanently or until we have saved up for ICSI. I had clomid left in my cupboard from when my previous idiot dr incorrectly diagnosed anovulation. I'm taking it with the hope that it helps me ovulate 2 or 3 eggs and slightly increase the chances of me becoming pregnant.

I will only know if I have any egg cells, and what their quality is, when/if we do ICSI/IVF. So this cycle is a shot in the dark & that's why I said I doubt it will work.

Phew! What a novel. :)

Have you had any side effects from the clomid?

Swimmy - thinking of you hun. xxx Hope everything is OK and that there is just a small fixable problem.
There's a great "Clomid" group on Facebook if you're on FB. It's called the Clomid baby group.

I just finished a second round of clomid 100 mg. It was pretty intense for me this time around. Pretty severe O cramps.

I'm 4dpo and really nervous.

I did get a BFP on my first round of clomid back in May which ended in MC. Just really hoping for the best.

Swimmy...hoping we become bump buddies again. xoxo

Fern, sorry for your struggles and really praying for the best for you!
Hi fern81 that must be so stressful at times I wish
You all the best and I hope and pray you get your
Bfp soon
Hiya ladies can i join in. I went to my fs appt yesterday told next step is clomid with trigger shot, i tried clomid last year for 3 round but no scans or trigger shot and i was 3 stone heavier. Im told it should help after the weight loss. They said i can start once af is here and low and behold today is cd 1 so im wondering how different will this be with the trigger shot, is it likely to be more successful thanks :)
Welcome Redrose, good job on losing so much weight!

Thanks for the support ladies x
well on to seeing a genetic councler in a few months (hoping it doesn't take that long to get in still waiting to hear back). At least now we know we probably will have more losses and now i know why but eventually hopefully we get a sticky healthy bean.
Swimmy - I really hope you don't have to wait too long to see the genetic councillor. I had to look up 47XYY as I've not heard of it before (although I have heard of Jacob's syndrome somewhere back down the line). I know this is another set back on your BFP journey, but I really hope you get there soon. :hugs:

I'm out of the TWW (early) and start Letrozole again tonight. I was surprised when AF arrived CD32 - but as I was pretty sure last cycle was a bust due to me not being able to take the Letrozole on time (CD2-6) I'm happy that I can get onto this next cycle early. (Still time for a Christmas BFP :winkwink: ) I think I will probably temp this month to see if I can pin point O, and I like the temp dip warning of AF, I find it less stressful than just having AF arrive unannounced.

Sorry - not TTC related - but I had some bad news yesterday. My sister was hospitalised with multiple suspected heart attacks. I honestly don't know if I've ever met someone who has suffered as much as my sister and it breaks my heart.

She's only 37 and has already suffered a massive stroke (at 27) after keyhole surgery on her kidneys which was unsuccessful, she died & was resuscitated 3 times during life saving surgery to reduce swelling on her brain (caused by the stroke) by permanently removing half her skull, she is physically disabled down her left side, is blind in her left eye and suffers from a host of neurological problems. She spent a year in hospital learning to do everything again (from walking a talking, to dressing herself and going to the toilet - she had to re-learn EVERYTHING). She spent our childhood (and especially her teen years) in and out of hospitals for all kinds of wacky syndromes (some diagnosed, some mysterious) and we've been told on numerous occasions that she just won't pull though. In her early 20s, at almost full term in her pregnancy, she found out her baby had stopped growing at 20 weeks, she was induced and her baby's heartbeat stopped just a few hours before he was born. She shares her birthday with the stillbirth of her son. She has been unable to have any other children. She was diagnosed a few years ago with FMD, which has been linked to low birth weight and still birth due to blood flow problems to the placenta and is the cause of all her other medical problems including these latest heart attacks. FMD has no cure.

She is such a strong and inspirational woman. Everyone that knows her is in awe of her strength and ability to shrug off her problems and carry on loving life. She always has an attitude of 'oh, it could be worse' and she never feels sorry for herself. I wish I could have the same attitude to life!

I really hope she can keep her fighting spirit through this latest hurdle. I would really appreciate any healing thoughts and good vibes you can send her way.
I've now 11 days post final clomid tablet. I tried 25mg last cycle to no avail and 50mg this cycle. I had no symptoms at all last cycle but am having very tender nipples, twinging, high sex drive with this one and maybe the occasional cramp.

Anyone else get these? Does this mean the tablet has worked and I ovulated?
thestruggle - the only way to know for sure if it's working is by doing ultrasounds. Does your doctor have you doing that or ovulation testing??? What day of your cycle are you?

Arohanui - I'm sorry that your sister has had so much to go through, I don't know that I could be that strong. I will keep her my my thoughts and hope that she is doing better. *lots of hugs your way*
swimmyj1, I have to go for my day 21 blood test tomorrow and won't find out the results till Monday, so nervous!
Arohanui - I'm so incredibly sorry to hear about your sister's suffering. How inspirational that she has such a positive attitude. Thinking of you and your family; may you find peace and the strength to support each other during this difficult time. xx

Thestruggle - I would really suggest temping, doing opks, checking cm, ultrasounds, etc (if you can afford all of those doctor's costs) for a few cycles until you find which method works for you to confirm ovulation. Before I started tracking my cycles I had no idea what was going on and when! Good luck.

Not much going on here. I can really feel my ovaries hurting already which I hope points to ovulation of 2 or more eggs some time this week, and not just to an endometriosis overgrowth! DH and I'm thinking more and more of putting IVF on hold for another year... we have SO many really important & huge expenses and neither of us really believe IVF will work in any case. Sigh. Things are going well however and even though I have my bad days I'm getting more and more used to the fact that I will probably never have kids.

Ready for this clomid cycle to be over and to get back on bcp. I was excited at the beginning but I'm kinda over being super emotional from hormone therapy lol!

Sending you all hugs x

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