Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Oohh congratulations I hope you get your BFP, I don't think it matters the dry cm if anything it's a good thing you haven't had this symptom as you need plenty of cm to help the sperm, what CD you on I'm on CD10 and still waiting for O but due to how I've been feeling I reckon it will be soon in the next few days I'm testing twice a day on Opk as don't want to miss it xx
Ladies, I'm feeling a little crazy today, haha! So I gave in and took a couple of the First Response Digital Gold tests, one last night (10 dpo) and one this morning (11dpo) with fmu. They both said "no" which I expected because I know they aren't as sensitive, but I was reading reviews and many people said they weren't reliable but that there's a regular strip test inside. So, against my better judgement, I opened both. The one from last night was stark white except for the control line, but the one from this morning had the control line and another faint line! I know I'm still early, but am I crazy, or is this possible? Any of you ladies have experience with these tests? I'm planning on getting some regular FRERs and testing again Sunday (13dpo) with fmu.
I would get yourself some other early hpts and test again hun. Well I'm on CD12 now still getting negative on OPKS so I'm confused with them and really don't know what to think I'm thinking of moving away from the clearblue digital ones as I haven't got a positive on them for the past two months and I'm so sure I've already O or due to O today as I've had all the symptoms, pain in sides, bloating, emotional, hot flushes and yesterday started getting EWCM. Has anyone had bad results from the digital Opks could I still O without getting a positive on them
Wendy - I don't think I used the digitals until already had a + with wondfos but I did open one to see the lines. I recommend going out and just getting some cheap regular tests so you can see if you have a line. I could see one by 10dpo super light but there. Ooohhhh fingers crossed girly!

Angela - I was always a late O usually like cd18 lol. I used the cheap wondfos a clear blue digitals. A few months I didnt get a + on the digitals but did on the wondfos. Very frustrating I'm sorry :( i recommend getting the cheap ones of eBay because u can get a ton of them for like 12$ and test as often as u want. If you didn't o I hope you do soon!
Well my Preseed came with 15 of them cheap OPKS I've done two both I know the results mean negative but I'm showing a faint second line does that mean they're detecting something and O is coming x me and Dh have started BD going to as much as possible as don't want to miss O Preseed was good definitely recommend it easy to use and does work xx
I got a bfp with frer this morning at 13dpo!!! I'm in shock and soooo excited! Now I have to figure out how I want to tell hubby!
Well I'm CD13 and still negative on Opks but the second line is getting darker does that mean O is on its way I know it's definitely still negative as the second line is lighter than the first but the line each time over the past two days is getting darker is that a good sign also got bad backache today didn't last long though and stomach pains, also I've not really been temping as only just got my thermometer but my temp has increased from 96.7 to 97.48 which is a big increase that must mean something does it guys xx
Hello everyone! I am a new member here but not new to ttc. Here is a little timeline of my story:

2/2011 - Off birth control, not actively trying but whatever happens, happens mentality.

8/2011 - Started getting a brownish discharge about 10 days before my period. Husband was getting out of military soon we just didn't know when. He was injured and the getting out process is crazy at that point we just knew it was happening soon. So I was a little stressed with when are we moving, when should I have my job lined up for, ect. I thought the discharge had to do with that. Needless to say we moved back to PA 11/2011 and this discharge continued. Early 2012 I went to see a doctor. She ordered ultrasounds but it was just the typical there is a cyst here or there and the next one they were gone and maybe another one here or there. I was annoyed I didn't get an answer other than we can put you on birth control but I didn't want that as we were ready to start trying. To this day I still get this discharge before my period some months and other months are normal.

6/2013 We started ttc. Went to another doctor and they didn't really have an answer for me either about discharge other than they could put me on clomid and see if that takes it away. So I was on clomid for 4 months and it did take the discharge away for that time period but no success on the ttc front.

7/2014 My husband had SA done. The first 2 showed lower results than one would like but not completely bad. The 3rd was just on the line for within normal limits. All tests were 3-4 weeks apart.

1/2015 Went to see a fertility specialist to see what they had to say because still no luck with ttc. I had a bunch of blood work done throughout my cycle and a hystocelopenogram done. Everything came back good. At this point she recommended an IUI for unexplained fertility with mild male factor. We decided we would give it a little longer and see what happens.

8/2015 Had a D&C done to clean me out and see if this would help with brown discharge and/or the ttc.

2/2016 I started back up with the fertility clinic and we are in the process of a work up for the IUI. We waited to long so I had all my bloodwork drawn again. My husband is scheduled with them at end of March for his SA and IUI prep. Hopefully by April or May we will be set up to do the IUI.

This has been my journey so far. In the middle of all this I tried essential oils, pre-seed, and most recently the last 2 months I have used the soft cups. Every month I analyze all my symptoms and think/hope this is the month. I have never had any pregnancy or miscarriage. My cycle is regular 28-30 days. It is defiantly discouraging/disapointing month after month.

I have been doing a lot of research just recently on IUI success and IVF and my head is spinning. Our insurance does not cover any of it so it will be all out of pocket which sucks but if it doesn't work I think that will suck even more. It stresses me just thinking about it. What I am finding is IUI success is not that much more than a regular month so I can not see having multiple attempts with no luck. The cost around here is ~$1,500 for the IUI and ~$19,000 for the IVF. But looking at the success rates of IVF being 68% it makes me think maybe we should just go that route. But if we have luck after 3 IUI then that would only be ~$4,500 which is a lot less than IVF. But if it doesn't work then we just wasted all that money. But there is no guarantee with IVF. So maybe we should just look to adoption. But I want my own baby too........ this is my head for the last week and I don't know what to do or think or anything!! This is what made me look for a support system. So thanks for listening to my crazy!!!
Sorry... I don't know how to delete the last message I posted it on the wrong page.
It's okay Ttbc all of us here are taking fertility treatment as we are all in the same boat needing assistance in order to get our baby.


Right guys I'm so happy :happydance: finally got a positive on Opks and got my smiley face on clearblue digital


So happy since I didn't get a positive last month. From the cheapies I got faint lines yesterday, then this morning a little darker I was going to test around 9pm tonight but whilst out I got really backache out the blue didn't last long then stomach cramps and bloating so took another which was really dark. Due to this me and Dh BD with help from Preseed as Clomid has well not helped my Cm afterwards I thought I'd just do my digital just to confirm and there it was :happydance: wish me luck for a sticky egg also going to temp see if it rises then falls which will help with confirmation of O xx
Wendy - yay!!! So excited.

Angela - yes mine would always get darker leading up to that's why I loved them so much I could get a good idea of when o was on its way :) temps you won't get much of an idea of what's going on until you have a month of two to compair. Mine would usually go up for a day then drop way low the next on my o day. I know its a pain in the butt but it super helped me. Go catch that egg!!
Thanks for the advice swimmyj if I'm honest with myself I knew Tempsford would probably tell me nothing due to not having the full month to track my temp I hope I do get a sticky egg this month x
Well I'm fuming just called docs about follicle tracking see if could go earlier as I reckon Thursday will be too late and can't bring me forward said to still go in as you never know might still see something, I'll still go but think it will be a waste of time.

I've took two more Opks cheapie and digital and still positive on CD14 but lines are much darker alot darker than tester line so more BDing for us, also checked Cm appears a little stretchy but can't really tell due to needing Preseed and temp this morning dropped slightly but if I'm honest had broken sleep and haven't been tracking for full month I'm just going to keep tracking temp see when rise happens and then check through TWW properly really as if it continues to rise steadily for 10 days straight and past that then it's a sign of possible pregnancy so it gives me something to do whilst I'm playing the waiting game wish me luck xx
Ooohhh that's a good strong surge if your lines are darker. Maybe they will see something Thursday but I agree it's probably gonna be to Late. Ooohhh fingers crossed for you!
I'm so sorry for you ladies. I have never taken Clomid myself, but there's a friend of mine who did and she got pregnant. I don't really remember for how long she took it but I doubt that it was more than a year. I really hope that soon here would appear more success stories!!
Thanks mayesw nice to hear a happy ending to Clomid xx

Well guys got negative on both digital and cheapie even though lines still quite dark so must just be coming out of the LH phase meaning I will hopefully O in next 12 - 24 hours just BD again now and will BD everyday for next three days I know the tracking won't tell me if any good eggs now but atleast I'll get confirmation of O if I have.

Today though I got really bad abdominal pain so bad at time it took my breath away and pains in my hips so called doc as I was worried due to Clomid effect can cause OHS overstimulated ovaries which is dangerous and all they said was to just monitor it and if it got any worse to go A&E useless. Luckily the pain has subsided still odd twinges but nothing like it was I've never got pain like that before, anyone else got this before x my symptoms have been strange this month backache with cramps and bloating when got the surge and now that pain I never had any of that last month xx
when I was on the 100mg of clomid and ovulated 3 eggs. It felt like my side had exploded when the 1st egg dropped (i'm assuming that's what it was from). It was a horrible stabbing pain that kept me pretty sore for a while then when egg 2-3 dropped from the same side i could tell but it wasn't as painful. Maybe that was your egg releasing. oooohh hope your TWW goes by fast
That's what I'm thinking swimmyj that pain was ovulation I've never felt pain like it before it was awful I was thinking it could of been a sign that I may have released more than one egg.

Well took temp at 5am and it's dramatically dropped so I shall see it it increases tomorrow for next three days confirming O has occurred and also took Opk again and the line is alot fainter so I won't be taking them anymore as I'm now in DPO phase DPO1 today eeeekkk I'm feeling good about it this cycle hope Ive caught my sticky or eggs I'd love twins I'm a twin myself so is mum it's not skipped three generations in my family the doc told me due to that fact I was higher risk of multiple births on clomid x
Omg! 9 days to go before I can test. However, according to the First Response website, I can test in 3 days. Two days ago I started feeling sick... I now have a cold. Nose is super congested, I'm tired more than ever, and I am sneezing non stop throughout the day. This is extremely random as I am usually not prone to allergy season(s).

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