Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

@misscassie, That's a good idea to get a 2nd opinion, it certainly can't hurt.

Quick story: I was going to a RE group but they were unkind, showed no bedside manners as medical professionals and tried pushing me to do something I wasn't quite ready for before trying Clomid or clomid w/IUI's so we made a decision to leave the group, and we did. I am happier with the new RE group. After joining the new group I learn the old RE didn't have some key genetics bw done and come to find out I am a silent carrier of anemia but my husband isn't but if he was we would've needed genetic counseling before continuing ttc. This is something important to know when I become pregnant.

I said that to say, we are our bodies own advocates and don't take one medical professionals opinion. I meant that in the kindest way, I hope I don't come across bossy:). Trust me I understand ttc is so hard, frustrating and overwhelming, etc. We've been trying for sometime and its easy to lose yourself during this process.

I'm praying for you and please keep us posted. xo

Hi Ladies just a very quick post from me i'm following but am in Cyprus so can't get much reception.

Just a quicki - k4th yay on your follie :) good luck with the trigger tomorrow!

Misscassie - hunny i'm so sorry but i thought i'd offer you some advice as i have ended up at the IVF route HOWEVER if you don't respond to clomid there ae more options before the cost of IVF. Firstly there is femera as the others have said but also you can do the injectibles that they use for IVF tailored to you and do natural BD which at my clinic is only £150 per round far better than the 5k for IVF i'd definately try it first or also there is IUI if you get the injectibles :) So please don't be too down you do have several options and also easy ones to get started on :)

Hiya everyone else good luck too you all for oving, testing and so sorry to those who got the witch grrrrrrr

Catch up when i'm home next week!!

As for me i have my planning appt for IVF tuesday will go from there, this cycle is unmedicated i'm CD9 and still got random brown gunge ...weird. hey ho i've not temped either so far but plan to start tomorrow just to see if by some miracle i do ovulate :)
This is my first cycle ever with clomid and I am experiencing some very unusual things this month. Was wondering if you ladies could give me your input on if this is normal while being on clomid. Last night 7 dpo when I went to bed I had this weird burning sensation that felt like it was in the right side of my uterus or near my right ovary and has continued all day today. I also woke up with very sore nipples yesterday (never happens I barely even notice I have bb's because they are so small) and today if my shirt touches them they hurt. Are these normal side effects of the clomid? Also this morning when I checked my cm it had a yellow tint to it so I am hoping the clomid is causing this and I'm not getting an infection. Any advice would be great thank you and GL to everyone for their BFP's this month!
This is my first cycle ever with clomid and I am experiencing some very unusual things this month. Was wondering if you ladies could give me your input on if this is normal while being on clomid. Last night 7 dpo when I went to bed I had this weird burning sensation that felt like it was in the right side of my uterus or near my right ovary and has continued all day today. I also woke up with very sore nipples yesterday (never happens I barely even notice I have bb's because they are so small) and today if my shirt touches them they hurt. Are these normal side effects of the clomid? Also this morning when I checked my cm it had a yellow tint to it so I am hoping the clomid is causing this and I'm not getting an infection. Any advice would be great thank you and GL to everyone for their BFP's this month!

Hi Hun I also had very sensitive bbs my first month on clomid in the 2nd half of the cycle. Started with sore nipples and later my bbs were sore, uncomfortable and heavy all the way through. It stopped hurting a few days after AF arrived. So that was due to the clomid cause I didn't ovulate so couldn't have been from "normal" hormones. Although you did ovulate so fx'ed that ur symptoms are not just clomid related!
MissCassie so sorry to hear you're disappointing news :( I really hope there is an alternative for you, crossing my fingers and toes for you xxx
@mommasboys2, my 1st month on clomid. My boobs /nips were sore and had cramping and pulling, just weird sensations going on but I summed it up to clomid doing its job.

Yesterday was my 4th day on clomid, not much going on other than a mild headache.

Good luck to you!
@fern and buttercup thanks ladies I'm chalking it all up to the clomid I just don't feel pregnant like I always have before. As much as I wished I was I'm just ready for AF so we can start out next cycle.
How is everyone doing?

Hi there Buttercup :)

Doing OK, temping and waiting to see if I will actually ovulate this month. I will already be ecstatic if I just manage that! CD 10(ish), 3rd day after last clomid.

How are you doing? What are your plans for the week; are u going for scans or trigger shots? Thinking about everyone so much every small triumph in the thread is a shared joy and every disappointment is something that we all can empathize with!

On that note: Ladies what would be the best protocol if one of us does get a BFP? I have noticed that sometimes it is preferred that one doesn't post a BFP to a TTC thread but rather just to a BFP announcement thread... to consider the ladies who can't face another's announcement. BUT how will we then know if one of our thread buddies has a BFP? I would really like to know if any one of u guys are successful cause am rooting so hard for u all!!! And we are sharing this journey so would like to share the joy as well.

Thoughts? :)

Hi all :hi:

Had my trigger shot this morning. Not convinced it worked last month so we'll see.

Fern - I think it's a good question. We all do want to know - BUT I'm aware that we're in the ltttc forum. I've been trying for two years & some days I can't face other peoples bfp's. Other ladies here have been trying much longer than I have so I think - out of courtesy - I would probably post in the bfp section & add a link here. So the news would be here but not "in your face" iykwim??? What do other people think?

Lol - having said that - I don't know how to actually post a link!!! Would be a learning curve :haha:
Hi all :hi:

Had my trigger shot this morning. Not convinced it worked last month so we'll see.

Fern - I think it's a good question. We all do want to know - BUT I'm aware that we're in the ltttc forum. I've been trying for two years & some days I can't face other peoples bfp's. Other ladies here have been trying much longer than I have so I think - out of courtesy - I would probably post in the bfp section & add a link here. So the news would be here but not "in your face" iykwim??? What do other people think?

Lol - having said that - I don't know how to actually post a link!!! Would be a learning curve :haha:

Hi K4th hope the shot works :) :) !!!

That sounds like a great idea then ppl have the choice of reading the link :) And if u do manage to figure out how to post a link please share the knowledge lol I also don't know how.

Have a good weekend hope u have a stress-free one!! :hugs:
How is everyone doing?

Hi there Buttercup :)

Doing OK, temping and waiting to see if I will actually ovulate this month. I will already be ecstatic if I just manage that! CD 10(ish), 3rd day after last clomid.

How are you doing? What are your plans for the week; are u going for scans or trigger shots? Thinking about everyone so much every small triumph in the thread is a shared joy and every disappointment is something that we all can empathize with!

On that note: Ladies what would be the best protocol if one of us does get a BFP? I have noticed that sometimes it is preferred that one doesn't post a BFP to a TTC thread but rather just to a BFP announcement thread... to consider the ladies who can't face another's announcement. BUT how will we then know if one of our thread buddies has a BFP? I would really like to know if any one of u guys are successful cause am rooting so hard for u all!!! And we are sharing this journey so would like to share the joy as well.

Thoughts? :)


Hi Fern81:)

Glad to hear you're OK, and moving along in your cycle!
I'm doing OK, cd9 and finished clomid last night. I plan to run some errands and get some house work done while hubby is working. Tomorrow I plan to prepare for busy week - need lots of energy, lol. Tuesday is my bw and u/s day. I'm back to tempting now that AF is gone:happydance: I'm sure I'll find out when to trigger and date for IUI. I'm feeling good about this cycle and pray we make progress and get BFP's very soon.

I agree with you! I want to know especially when it's a thread member who has shared their journey why not allow them to share that announcement as it can be encouraging to other. And just because you get a BFP doesn't mean you don't need support or want to continue to support other members.:flower:

Hi all :hi:

Had my trigger shot this morning. Not convinced it worked last month so we'll see.

Fern - I think it's a good question. We all do want to know - BUT I'm aware that we're in the ltttc forum. I've been trying for two years & some days I can't face other peoples bfp's. Other ladies here have been trying much longer than I have so I think - out of courtesy - I would probably post in the bfp section & add a link here. So the news would be here but not "in your face" iykwim??? What do other people think?

Lol - having said that - I don't know how to actually post a link!!! Would be a learning curve :haha:

Hi k4th, glad to hear you are moving along too:)
I agree, that was a good question and I agree with you too. As someone who has been ttc for years i have found at times it's hard to face a BFP. Ttc is so hard and frustrating and unfair but I'm glad to have awesome forum/thread support buddies :hugs:
Have a good weekend ladies, rest up. It seems like we are all close in cycles and it will be a busy upcoming week!

Good luck!xoxo
Ttc is so hard and frustrating and unfair but I'm glad to have awesome forum/thread support buddies :hugs:

^^ couldn't agree more :flower:

I'm away for a couple of days from tomorrow so may not get much chance to check in. Good luck for your scan tues buttercup!
Hi Ladies

Just want to say all the best for the week ahead! How is everyone? Any news, ladies? Anyone testing this week?

I started temping last week Tues for the first time in my life lol and also started OPK today... also a first. No ovulation detected so far but still early days! (CD 11ish, 4th day after last clomid). After so many years of not being able to get even one BFP (started trying the first time 11 years ago, have been trying on and off since then, now ttc cycle 7 with 2nd hubby) I've realised that I just have to go all out and do everything I can - it's just not going to happen "by itself" for me.

At this stage I will be deliriously happy just to ovulate!

So my sister is off the BC pill just now (end of month) and as I've mentioned, she fell pregs immediately after stopping the pill with #1. Still having mixed feelings and feel so guilty. Will be very happy for her if it happens so fast again and also really sad for myself. Also saw a pregnant friend in the shop today and while I'm really happy for her it bothered me a lot to look at her belly and wonder if that is in my future or not. I do try my best to trust in God's plans but sometimes human nature takes over and I just wish I could know for sure.:shrug: even though I believe all things are possible maybe it's just not in my future??

Oh well. Sorry about all that I hope I didn't offend anyone just needed to get that off my chest. If I can't talk to u ladies abt this then I can't talk to anyone! :blush:
Hi Ladies

Just want to say all the best for the week ahead! How is everyone? Any news, ladies? Anyone testing this week?

I started temping last week Tues for the first time in my life lol and also started OPK today... also a first. No ovulation detected so far but still early days! (CD 11ish, 4th day after last clomid). After so many years of not being able to get even one BFP (started trying the first time 11 years ago, have been trying on and off since then, now ttc cycle 7 with 2nd hubby) I've realised that I just have to go all out and do everything I can - it's just not going to happen "by itself" for me.

At this stage I will be deliriously happy just to ovulate!

So my sister is off the BC pill just now (end of month) and as I've mentioned, she fell pregs immediately after stopping the pill with #1. Still having mixed feelings and feel so guilty. Will be very happy for her if it happens so fast again and also really sad for myself. Also saw a pregnant friend in the shop today and while I'm really happy for her it bothered me a lot to look at her belly and wonder if that is in my future or not. I do try my best to trust in God's plans but sometimes human nature takes over and I just wish I could know for sure.:shrug: even though I believe all things are possible maybe it's just not in my future??

Oh well. Sorry about all that I hope I didn't offend anyone just needed to get that off my chest. If I can't talk to u ladies abt this then I can't talk to anyone! :blush:

That's excellent Fern81! How are you adjusting to temping?

I understand, some time ago I came to that same conclusion that I must do all I can, while I can. I know I was in denial thinking it would just happen again, and in my case it did, but I miscarried again. So I became sad, felt guilty and frustrated and wasted time over thinking but something clicked in me that wanted to try again with "help":hugs:.

If you don't mind me asking: do you see a gyn or RE?

Ttc is so hard, frustrating and unfair, and especially when it's in your face, it can be difficult to be truly happy for others without thinking about your struggle and then guilt comes. know that you are not alone, my friend :hugs:Like you, I've been ttc for years and it's taxing but continue to be strong and know that your time is coming!! Believe that:flower::hugs:

I pray that you'll ovulate, get a bfp, Have healthy and happy 9mos!! xo
:hugs:Thx Buttercup u always have a warm reply to share. Even though I haven't had a BFP I also haven't had the heartbreak of a mc and my heart goes out to you hun. I pray for a different ending for u this time!!!!! GL for ur scan tomorrow.

Temping is fine, but am an insomniac. Take hours to fall asleep, wake up during the night every hour or so, (last night fell asleep after 2 and was awake at 5) and then wake up very early again. My DH tosses & turns a lot & wakes me up on top of chronic insomnia lol so have NEVER gotten a whole 3hr block of sleep and wake up @ different time every morning. So in the meantime I try to lie very still and then take my temp at 5:30 :dohh: haha so we'll see if I get a clear picture!

I see a gyn, have only seen her once though. My first gyn treated me for endo not fertility issues she just said I won't be able to have kids. I tried anyway (for years) without help and no luck. Second gyn I only saw once then she moved her practice to another city. Am going for an appt end of this cycle just to discuss options; and if it is another failure I think I must try for a specialist although my medical insurance won't pay for it and I can't really afford it :(. So we'll see!

GL darling ladies sending lotsa positive thoughts ur way!

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