Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

:hugs:Thx Buttercup u always have a warm reply to share. Even though I haven't had a BFP I also haven't had the heartbreak of a mc and my heart goes out to you hun. I pray for a different ending for u this time!!!!! GL for ur scan tomorrow.

Temping is fine, but am an insomniac. Take hours to fall asleep, wake up during the night every hour or so, (last night fell asleep after 2 and was awake at 5) and then wake up very early again. My DH tosses & turns a lot & wakes me up on top of chronic insomnia lol so have NEVER gotten a whole 3hr block of sleep and wake up @ different time every morning. So in the meantime I try to lie very still and then take my temp at 5:30 :dohh: haha so we'll see if I get a clear picture!

I see a gyn, have only seen her once though. My first gyn treated me for endo not fertility issues she just said I won't be able to have kids. I tried anyway (for years) without help and no luck. Second gyn I only saw once then she moved her practice to another city. Am going for an appt end of this cycle just to discuss options; and if it is another failure I think I must try for a specialist although my medical insurance won't pay for it and I can't really afford it :(. So we'll see!

GL darling ladies sending lotsa positive thoughts ur way!

Thank you Fern81!

We are complete opposite. I have epilepsy and take meds daily, so I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow, :sleep:

I'm still struggling with temping every morning @ 5a :sleep:

A 2nd opinion can't hurt, wishing you lots of luck. when a door is closed, a window is opened! xo
Hi Ladies I'm back from holidays!! I will read through and catch up properly later but just wanted to say hi!!

Had my IVF planning appt today and actually found out i have a 14mm follie on my right ovary from a natural cycle this month so being rescanned friday - hopefully it will grow and i can have trigger - last chance before paying a huge amount of money!! IVF will start when AF arrives if not and my Embryo Transfer the fist 2 weeks of December - it takes sooooooooo long!!!

On the announcing pregnancy subject i have been on b&b years now and i think its fine to post as we are all supporting each other. As hard as it is when someone gets a bfpit gives hope too so i say post away!! we are due a bfp on this thread - none yet?! So where is everyone in their cycle? how many in the 2ww?
Well 13 dpo and bfn on frer this morning so now just to wait for af to show up. Super bummed as I was so hopefully this would be our month but looks like its on to our next cycle of Clomid. Gl ladies fx'd for lots of BFP's!
Sounds promising nimbec! Hope this cycle is it for you!!

I think posting the link would work best, if you want to see you can if not you can just keep scrolling.

So I'm on cd 42 and I've had 3 days of temp jumping up! I'm not sure if this is good or not but I'm hoping maybe I just ovulated reeeally late! Idk, we shall see! Fx!!
Hi ladies! How is everyone doing?

AFM: I am cd12 and had my bw& u/s today, have a couple follicles, the largest 20,18 and 13. And tonight is ovidrel night, iui sched for Thursday.

Good luck!!x
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on much I've found it exceptionally hard this last month.

I had my 100mg results back and they are even lower than 50mg. As I am not responding at all they have decided to wait until I have the ovarian drilling (should hear by January) and then start with clomid again. So we will be having atleast a few months off. :cry:

Im really struggling with it all at the moment so part of me thinks a break would be good, but I'm torn as I feel as though I'm wasting time! And it's all I can think about anyway. :wacko:

Good luck to you all, I'm sure I'll check now and again to see how everyone is doing :hugs: xxx
Hi Ladies

Buttercup and Nimbec - exciting news! Hope that it all works out this month. Buttercup gl with the appt friday!:happydance:

Laullypop - so sorry to hear that it didn't work for you hun. Fx'ed that the months "off" from trying will be over soon... or even result in a BFP. Keep us updated.:hugs:

MrsMcCurdy and Mommasboys - hang in there! MrsMcCurdy have u tested yet? Mommasboys your chart looks great at least you know that the clomid is working.

AFM - CD 14(ish), OPK's have started to get a light line, getting progressively darker each day but still negative. Temps are freaky and all over the place, prob because I got almost zero sleep this week, both me and DH working very late each night and up very early. We'll see.... just soooo badly want to ovulate. Still early days though as last cycle was abt 35 days so maybe I will O around day 20. Fx'ed for myself :)

:dust: everyone!
@laullypop, I'm so sorry your body isn't responding to the meds but on the brighter side I heard other women who've had ovaruan drilling get good results, so best of luck to you. And maybe the small break maybe what's best. Please keep us posted. Sending my thoughts, prayers and positive energy your way! xo

@fern81, seems like you are making progress and that pos line is getter darker, and that's awesome!!

Keep taking it one day at a time! FX'd for us all!:hugs:
On another note, after returning home from IUI I had to take hubby to ER due to stomach pains and vomiting,ughh! I'm so tired with a headache and worried about hubs:wacko:
Well 13 dpo and bfn on frer this morning so now just to wait for af to show up. Super bummed as I was so hopefully this would be our month but looks like its on to our next cycle of Clomid. Gl ladies fx'd for lots of BFP's!

Hi hun don't count u r self out set I didn't get a possitive until 18dpo xxx
Well 13 dpo and bfn on frer this morning so now just to wait for af to show up. Super bummed as I was so hopefully this would be our month but looks like its on to our next cycle of Clomid. Gl ladies fx'd for lots of BFP's!

So sorry for the neg test but don't count yourself out yet. Give it a few days and test again:flower:

Best of luck to you!
On another note, after returning home from IUI I had to take hubby to ER due to stomach pains and vomiting,ughh! I'm so tired with a headache and worried about hubs:wacko:

Buttercup is ur hubby OK? Shame u don't need any extra stress right now.
Mommasboys -

Hope u don't mind I had a peek at ur chart again and it looks as though it's turning triphasic? I agree with the other ladies don't give up hope and keep us updated please!
Hi all - I'm back from a few days break with hubby & dd. We had a fab time - we visited legoland, chessington, alton towers & went to the blackpool illuminations. Absolutely shattered now though!! I didn't temp while I was away so have guessed my ov day was cd20 (had hcg trigger on cd18). I had pinching cramps on my right up until then, followed by creamy cm. my temps seem to have shifted now I'm back home so I'm hoping we got the timing right. I'm cd24 today - so we'll see. Not feeling hugely hopeful this month - but I think it's partly because I hate blue lines on ff instead of red ones :growlmad:

Laullypop - I'm so sorry you're not responding well to the clomid. I hope the drilling works for you - I know two ladies who got bfp's immediately after drilling. I so hope that you join that club. I understand how frustrating the wait will be though. :hugs:

Buttercup - hope your hubby is ok & iui all went to plan.

Fern - yay for opk getting darker - hope you get a positive in the next few days!

Nimbec - hope you had a fab holiday!! & :happydance: for a follie off clomid! Keep us updated with your ivf appointments (if you need them!) - December really does seem so close!!

Mommasboys - I've peeked at your chart too. It's looking really good!!! I have everything crossed for you to get our first clomid club bfp :)
I took a dollar store test this morning and it was negative. Just waiting on af to show up now maybe 2nd round will work.
Hi Ladies

K4th sounds like you had a fab time and yay for being halfway through tww fx this is your month - you only need the one follie :)

mommasboys I agree with the others see if AF turns up - how many days is your LP normally?

Buttercup ugh sorry to hear about dh - is he ok? Also glad IUI went ok and welcome to the 2ww :)

Fern fx to a pos opk soon!!

Laullypop sorry to hear about the clomid not working - I also have heard good stories after drilling!! fx for you - do you have a date? sorry if i have missed it!

Well as for me i'm super disappointed, i went to be rescanned today and my follie had only grown 1mm in 4 days :( They basically told me this cycle was OUT :( :( now they say i have to wait for AF then start birth control and will time egg collection for the first week in January - that seems so so so far away at this point!! They basically told me there is no point trying naturally anymore. DH is now doubting whether we should do the IVF.....its the cost implications and he says once we are in it then we will have to keep going until we get a baby as its so so so much money BUT he is then questioning the schooling costs for 2 - they would have to go to private school otherwise they will be taught in Welsh and we don't speak it so that would be cruel! (controversial subject here in Wales at the moment! lol) He says we have a lovely life a perfect son, comfertable money wize.....should we really jeapodize all this???! So whilst i get that and i really do - i just can't help feeling i want another child.......but i worry about the stress and strain on the relationship......OMG so we have 2-3 weeks to decide untill AF arrives - he has said its 'my call' pressure pressure ;(

Sorry for the rant!!
Aw nimbec :( sorry to hear your follie hasn't grown much. Are you doing opks? They could be wrong about trying naturally - I'd have the opks until AF arrives. Jan does seem a long time away - but with your ds; Halloween, bonfire night & Christmas might help to pass the time? :hugs:

I know what you mean about the ivf. I brought it up with hubby today (we had a date day at the cinema whilst dd was at nursery - was super romantic with me talking ivf lol!). I want to be realistic about where we may end up & with having dd I'm pretty sure we'd have to go private. We talked about the cost & all the other things we could do with that money - versus a lifetime of happiness - IF it works. We went round & round in circles - both of us sitting on the fence really. *sigh* if someone could tell us we WOULD or WOULDNT have another I could cope - it's the not knowing & wondering where to draw the line & try to move on. So sad even thinking about that possibility :(
Nimbec- My normal lp is 15 days so I should start today anytime I guess we will see but not hopefully after getting a bfn this late. :(

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