Hi all - I'm back from a few days break with hubby & dd. We had a fab time - we visited legoland, chessington, alton towers & went to the blackpool illuminations. Absolutely shattered now though!! I didn't temp while I was away so have guessed my ov day was cd20 (had hcg trigger on cd18). I had pinching cramps on my right up until then, followed by creamy cm. my temps seem to have shifted now I'm back home so I'm hoping we got the timing right. I'm cd24 today - so we'll see. Not feeling hugely hopeful this month - but I think it's partly because I hate blue lines on ff instead of red ones
Laullypop - I'm so sorry you're not responding well to the clomid. I hope the drilling works for you - I know two ladies who got bfp's immediately after drilling. I so hope that you join that club. I understand how frustrating the wait will be though.
Buttercup - hope your hubby is ok & iui all went to plan.
Fern - yay for opk getting darker - hope you get a positive in the next few days!
Nimbec - hope you had a fab holiday!! &

for a follie off clomid! Keep us updated with your ivf appointments (if you need them!) - December really does seem so close!!
Mommasboys - I've peeked at your chart too. It's looking really good!!! I have everything crossed for you to get our first clomid club bfp