Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi all

Aaaww Nimbec and K4th seeing as I don't have kids yet I can't really imagine what you guys are going through. But I pray for all you ladies and really hope that you get the peace and answers that you need!

Buttercup really glad your hubby is OK. ER is never a happy place but at least it turned out OK! Now for a restful tww!

MrsMcCurdy hope that there is still a chance for a BFP; I have heard many times that clomid can lengthen one's luteal phase so maybe?? In any case whatever happens we are here for you!!!

K4th sounds like such a nice holiday break. DH and I'm also going away for a break in the bush next weekend (enjoying summer in South Africa!) and soooo looking forward to it. Hopefully I will have ovulated by then so we can stop with the babymaking BD and just do it for fun hehe! Have been DTD every single night and a bit fed up with the planned/routine BD. Sorry if that's TMI but I'm sure most of you know what I mean :blush: Today's OPK still darker than yesterday so hopefully will have a pos soon! Very excited :)

Girls lots of good wishes for all of you and here's to a LOVELY weekend! xxxx
Hi all - I'm back from a few days break with hubby & dd. We had a fab time - we visited legoland, chessington, alton towers & went to the blackpool illuminations. Absolutely shattered now though!! I didn't temp while I was away so have guessed my ov day was cd20 (had hcg trigger on cd18). I had pinching cramps on my right up until then, followed by creamy cm. my temps seem to have shifted now I'm back home so I'm hoping we got the timing right. I'm cd24 today - so we'll see. Not feeling hugely hopeful this month - but I think it's partly because I hate blue lines on ff instead of red ones :growlmad:

Laullypop - I'm so sorry you're not responding well to the clomid. I hope the drilling works for you - I know two ladies who got bfp's immediately after drilling. I so hope that you join that club. I understand how frustrating the wait will be though. :hugs:

Buttercup - hope your hubby is ok & iui all went to plan.

Fern - yay for opk getting darker - hope you get a positive in the next few days!

Nimbec - hope you had a fab holiday!! & :happydance: for a follie off clomid! Keep us updated with your ivf appointments (if you need them!) - December really does seem so close!!

Mommasboys - I've peeked at your chart too. It's looking really good!!! I have everything crossed for you to get our first clomid club bfp :)

K4th! Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed your holiday!
Hubs is better and iui's went well, but will continue bd'ing eod. I'm keeping my FX'd for you hunny bunny! xo:hugs:
Fern - I know what you mean about "forced" bd. Its hard work sometimes! Much nicer to bd for fun :thumbup:

Buttercup - glad he's ok! & good to hear your iui went well. Fx'd this is your month!!!!!
Thanks k4th i will do the opk's but seeing as i only had the one follie that only grew 1mm in 4 days its not looking possible for this cycle :( Thanks for sharing what you and dh are discussing its such a hard decision isn't it! I know 100% for sure if i didn't have Harrison i'd do IVF and spend the money but i'm not 100% sure its the right thing to risk the 'balance' now ugh like u say if only we had answers then that would be fine :)

Fern omg i'm so with you on the Bding LOL!! I'm sick to death of having to do it 'when' we should not because we 'want' too! its totally normal to feel that way fx you don't have to do much longer!

Buttercup glad to hear he is ok and like k4th said fx this is your month.
Ttc is so hard!! I'm trying to find a new hobby to help pass time and help not obsess over everything that has to do with anything babies or ttc.
Anyone else started new hobbies too?

Fern- thanks but I tested yesterday and it was a bfn and today I've started some brown spotting so I'm thinking AF is on her way. And that's ok. I just wanted Something to happen, getting tired of being in limbo. But I do so wish it had been positive yesterday... Oh well, next cycle!

GL ladies!
Mrsmccurdy - sorry AF looks like she's coming. I'm VERY jealous of a 15 day lp though! I'm sure the extra waiting drives you crazy - but mine is only usually 9-10 days which worries me :( as for hobbies - I've tried loads to take my mind off ttc! I did crochet for about a year & made a beautiful rainbow picnic blanket. I kind of overdid it & got bored - it was great for relieving nervous tension though. The one that has really stuck for me is baking. I love it! Anything from bread to fruit scones to fully iced & decorated birthday cakes! I try to give lots away so I don't eat it all :blush: I've tried running & yoga sporadically but never manage to keep exercising - I find it so hard to maintain. What are you thinking of trying?

Nimbec - I'm with you. If we didn't have dd I'd do ivf and anything else I possibly could. But I worry about the financial & emotional stress it could put on our whole family now and it could all be for nothing if it doesn't work out. Such a tough call. :hugs: I have no advice but I do understand the torment :hugs:
Hobbies- dr said I just HAVE to exercise to help lower stress which has a negative effect on fertility. So I try to do some at least 4-5 days a week. My fav is running/walking outside to look at all the trees and flowers (spring/summer here) just to get out of my head. I'm also studying, that helps. Doing my degree through online university, many short courses and certificates available if you are into that kind of thing.

K4th am so trying not to eat too many carbs but at the same time wish you were my neighbour. ... so that you could "give away" your baked goods to me! PM me a fruit muffin recipe please DH loves those!

Afm- so confused (again)! Maybe you ladies who have been temping and opk'ing longer can help me. My opks are still getting darker, yesterday darkest so far but not +yet. Now ff has detected a temp shift and indicates I ovulated on Wednesday?? But I don't think my temps are that reliable cause of chronic very bad insomnia and also slight bladder infection since yesterday. Any advice? Keep doing opk's? I have only done 1 a day so might have missed a surge?

Oh our weird and wonderful bodies!
Fern - when you say "fruit muffin" are you after a fruit scone (cut it in half and add butter & jam) or a little fruit cake that you eat alone? Lol - I take recipe requests seriously!!! Well done on the exercise - it really is essential in pcos I just find it so hard to stay motivated.

As for your chart/opks - can you post a link so we can take a look? If you're not convinced your temps are accurate I would keep bd-ing & doing opks. It's possible you missed your surge & caught it on the way up or down - some women do have shorter surges than others. BUT your opk "should" have been positive 24 hours before your temp rise - so Monday or Tuesday. If you feel they're getting darker since then it's likely that ff is wrong. Until you've temped a few months it's difficult to say what's normal for you hun. Hth :)
Fern - when you say "fruit muffin" are you after a fruit scone (cut it in half and add butter & jam) or a little fruit cake that you eat alone? Lol - I take recipe requests seriously!!! Well done on the exercise - it really is essential in pcos I just find it so hard to stay motivated.

As for your chart/opks - can you post a link so we can take a look? If you're not convinced your temps are accurate I would keep bd-ing & doing opks. It's possible you missed your surge & caught it on the way up or down - some women do have shorter surges than others. BUT your opk "should" have been positive 24 hours before your temp rise - so Monday or Tuesday. If you feel they're getting darker since then it's likely that ff is wrong. Until you've temped a few months it's difficult to say what's normal for you hun. Hth :)

Oops I mean fruit scone :dohh: Just the idea is making me crave them insanely; started fitting bikini's this morning for next weekend's break though and feel so fat! So am going to paleo eat for a week (I can hear DH laughing) and bake scones (and muffins :)) to take on the weekend away :thumbup:

I don't really want to post the whole chart at the moment since I am still using the 30 day trial and it is full of minute detail and nonsense I am literally charting EVERYTHING :blush: so feel a bit shy about it! But maybe will try to post just a link? Don't know how though! Will also do another OPK today and see. At the moment it "feels" like I ovulated last night but that is just a feeling!!! :shrug:
By the way K4th in South Africa we call everything scone-related a muffin :) except if it is a flattish white scone made with white flour. If it is more round and has the muffin-top (literally haha) we call it a muffin no matter what type of flour it's made of!
Fern - I love bread words!! Interesting to know you call them all muffins. I call a bun a "barm-cake" and other places in the uk call them teacakes. I love hearing about dialects etc. Delia (a British chef) is the queen of scones - this recipe is fab

Sometimes a "feeling" is your best bet! When you have chance have a mess around with your ff. I put more on my chart than shows up in my link - you can save settings so you only share certain details. No worries if you don't want to share - it does get quite personal at times lol!!
So I just had my first ever positive poas event!!! Positive OPK. Clearly darker than control line. Am ecstatic :). SO am thinking the higher temps are just due to UTI or maybe the fact that I had barely any sleep last night. I tested at 04H30 and it was lower than at 05H30, but entered the latter data since I just always do. Don't always know when to temp in any case since my insomnia is so hectic; so have decided to just test every morning at the same time and try to lie still if I am awake before then. Am awake every hour during the night in any case:wacko:
Never realized how much I wake up during the night before I started checking the clock every time I wake up. Now with the temping I check the time every time I wake up and it's literally 30 min to an hour's sleep that I get in at a time, with long waking spells in between. Crazy.

Thanks for letting me vent re temping and being so excited about the OPK! Being 99% sure that I am ovulating this month is just putting me on :cloud9:. One step in the right direction!

Question: does one ovulate even when follicles are small/low quality eggs? Or only when follicles/eggs are large enough?
How is everyone today?

17 dpo and no af in sight idk what to think at this point I didn't test today bc I didn't want to see another bfn. I think I will go to the doctor Monday if af isn't here to see what is going on.
Hi ladies!
Hope everyone is doing well in their cycles!!

Since I no longer shop like I used to, loll, so my hobby is reading, and depending on what's going on in my life and how big the book is, I can read 5 books per week lol. I know I'm an addict:shrug:

Since my IUI, my emotions have been all over the place. I feel extra hormonal, ughh:shrug: and the uncertainty is driving me mad, lol! I'm with you on the bd'ing, we try to be spontaneous but it's so hard because we're trying to achieve a goal so timing is important:winkwink:

And I'm also "shy" to post my ff chart but it's a work on:blush:

I wish everyone the best of luck and keeping my FX'd for us all! xo
Can I join?

We've been TTC for almost a year and a half, so far diagnosed with PCOS. First cycle Clomid 50MG, FSH, trigger shot and timed intercourse. Currently on day 3 of clomid.
:hi: averiejeanne. Good luck with your clomid cycle. You're very welcome here!

Fern - yay :happydance: whoop whoop!!!!!! So happy for your positive opk!!!!! I have ovulated rubbish eggs before (only known by rubbish temps one month compared to my norm BUT you have been waiting to ov so I'm sure it will be a good one for you !)

Mommasboys - your temps are still high & it's progesterone that keeps it there. Test again... You never know..... Ff shows later bfp's after bfn's than yours would be if you search the charts there. Good luck!!!!
So I just had my first ever positive poas event!!! Positive OPK. Clearly darker than control line. Am ecstatic :). SO am thinking the higher temps are just due to UTI or maybe the fact that I had barely any sleep last night. I tested at 04H30 and it was lower than at 05H30, but entered the latter data since I just always do. Don't always know when to temp in any case since my insomnia is so hectic; so have decided to just test every morning at the same time and try to lie still if I am awake before then. Am awake every hour during the night in any case:wacko:
Never realized how much I wake up during the night before I started checking the clock every time I wake up. Now with the temping I check the time every time I wake up and it's literally 30 min to an hour's sleep that I get in at a time, with long waking spells in between. Crazy.

Thanks for letting me vent re temping and being so excited about the OPK! Being 99% sure that I am ovulating this month is just putting me on :cloud9:. One step in the right direction!

Question: does one ovulate even when follicles are small/low quality eggs? Or only when follicles/eggs are large enough?

Not sure how I missed this earlier but congrats on the pos opk!! That's wonderful news and progress.:happydance: Please don't quote me but I believe one does ovulate even if the follicles are small or low quality. Keeping my FX'd for you:hugs:
:hi: averiejeanne. Good luck with your clomid cycle. You're very welcome here!

Fern - yay :happydance: whoop whoop!!!!!! So happy for your positive opk!!!!! I have ovulated rubbish eggs before (only known by rubbish temps one month compared to my norm BUT you have been waiting to ov so I'm sure it will be a good one for you !)

Mommasboys - your temps are still high & it's progesterone that keeps it there. Test again... You never know..... Ff shows later bfp's after bfn's than yours would be if you search the charts there. Good luck!!!!

I just do not feel pregnant at all and (tmi) I started getting more milky watery cm this afternoon that actually made me think that af was here because it soaked my undies. I always get watery cm before af but it is normally clear. This month it has went back and forth between creamy and milky watery. I also have had this nagging pain near my right ovary so I am wondering if maybe the Clomid caused a cyst (never had one so I'm not sure what they feel like). I have been reading that cysts can cause your period to be late to maybe that is it. If I don't start tomorrow I will test Monday before I go to the doctor as I need to know so I can start my shots if I am pregnant.
Mommasboys- your chart looks extremely promising still!! Definitely go see your doc on Monday if you can!!

Fern- Yay for your positive opk!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!

Sounds like everyone stays busy! I've started tinkering with making a fairy garden. Kind of just something small and I don't need to buy much, just stuff around the house. We'll see how it goes! I also love reading!

So on a side note, I think It is time for me to mentally change how I think of ttc, not put so much mental energy into it. I found out today that I was right when I saw my SIL chart and told her she was pregnant 2 weeks ago. I knew it was coming but still quite shaken by it I guess. She was only off the pill 3 months... Just feels like a slap in the face from life. Not mad at them or anything, very happy for them actually! They'll make great parents! But why not the person who's been trying for over a year...? Sorry, ending rant now...

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