Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi all :hi:

Braven - I'm sorry it wasn't great news. But... Last month I had a 8mm follie one day and two days later it was 16mm. It grew fast!!!i really hope that yours does grow & is ripe on Monday for you to try next week. Don't give up :hugs:

Girly - I'm so down at the moment. Im in tears nearly everyday. I totally understand the "meant to be a lady" comment. I feel so guilty and disappointed and exhausted every day. It has to get better :hugs:

Mrsmccurdy - good luck hun! The bd games can be hard work some months - hope you're having fun :winkwink:

Fern - hope the studying is going well and you enjoyed your anniversary. Men really don't get it sometimes. I'm so glad I can come here & talk to people who get it. Keeping everything crossed for you this month hun!

Nimbec - excellent chart & it sounds so much like your other preggo one! I'm so Pleased your temp went up this morning!!! When will you test??

Sarahlou - your words have reminded me that we just have to keep going, no matter how hard it gets.

As for me - after 6 days of spotting & light bleeding, (three neg preg tests) plus three clomid days down.... AF arrived in spectacular fashion this morning! Wtf??! SIX DAYS!! And some days were bright red with a real flow. Feel like such a failure - can't even manage a proper lp & normal period :cry: I rang the nursing team again this morning. I managed to explain how upset I was that they weren't listening to me & that something isn't right, without bursting into tears. They've squeezed me in to see the consultant next Thursday - when she told me that I promptly burst into tears though! I'm gutted. I don't know how to pick myself up... But I know I have to.

Nimbec I've had a peek at your chart and I really think that it looks like you will get a BFP in a few days! I'm really excited for you hun. That will really be a miracle baby!!!

Buttercup how are your temps doing?

Braven how many mg did you take this month again? Last month I didn't ovulate with 50mg (I think). This month I took 100mg and it looks like it made a huge difference since my SE are different and I did ovulate according to temps and OPK's. So just a little increase in the dose can make a huge difference and your follies still have time to grow so we are all rooting for you!

Sarahlou and Girly - I understand what you girls are going through and really empathize. Girly I agree I have never ever in 11 years had a BFP and also sometimes feel like I am not really a woman. I hope that venting and getting support from the thread will help you to keep your heads up and realize we are all so special regardless of our fertility issues and that we are not any less womanly than any other ladies.

Having said that: I completely lost it this morning. I was utterly convinced that I was pregnant this month and had such a sure, sure feeling about it. Last night my mood came crashing down and I was so irritated with DH that I slept on the couch for the first time ever. This morning upon taking my temps I noticed that they had gone down :( not below the coverline yet but seems like headed in that direction. And since yesterday I've had AF type cramps which are more sore than the little pinches and light cramps I have had so far. To top it off I still have the mental image of yesterday's BFN in my head. So today (11dpo) I just feel like I am definitely not pregnant and am just suffering from the worst PMS ever. So I crawled back into bed with hubs and started bawling my head off for about 2 hours (at least he had the morning off) and ended up cancelling my morning lessons. I told him every detail about how I felt and he was very supportive. He even phoned his mom to see if she could get hold of some more clomid for us because there is NONE available in my province anymore (I live in one of the big busy cities); South Africa or at least this area has got a huge clomiphene (and a lot of other meds) manufacturing problem. So she went to her pharmacist and begged him, they still had some stock so he gave her 2 packs with no questions asked. Thankfully I now have 2 more months' worth of clomid 100mg if I do end up BFN like I expect; at least one less thing to worry about. Also worried about AF arriving this soon which will mean that I have a super short luteal phase. Can only go and see my dr next week Wednesday 22 Oct. And to top it all off a few water pipes burst this morning at our flat so it's noon already and I haven't been able to shower for my afternoon lessons; this after going for a sweaty run to help clear my head. Urrgghhhhhhh. :cry::cry::wacko::nope:

Sorry about the essay. I just had to get that out. AF not here yet so there might be a slim hope but I am just super negative and depressed about this month.

Nimbec regardless of my "blue" day please don't let me steal you joy - I am really happy for you even while feeling sorry for myself. Please keep sharing all your details over the next few days and if you DO get your BFP don't disappear from the thread I will miss you too much hun and want to celebrate with you! When are you going to test??:hugs::hugs::hugs:


Baby dust to everyone. We will get there eventually.
Hi K4th

Hun so sorry that you are still feeling so sad. Just know we are all here for you and I am crying right alongside you today in moral support xx. It's a terrible feeling when our bodies betray us but at least now you have the appointment and will hopefully get some answers. And even if it is NHS; you still pay for it in tax and have every right to expect some proper service.

Thinking about you xxx bake a lovely cake and treat yourself!
Fern and K4th - sorry you're feeling so awful these past couple of days. I'm glad they were able to get you in K4th and that you were able to get your thoughts across clearly or clearer anyways, but sorry AF showed up. Fern, I hope that the witch doesn't show for you, I have my fingers crossed!

Hello to everyone else!

AFM - I was on 100mg this first cycle. I wonder if weight has anything to do with it, like if you're overweight maybe you need a higher dose or something. I don't know. Guess I'm just waiting until tomorrow to see if there's any growth. K4th, nice to know they can grow more than the standard 1-2mm a day. That gives me some hope that by Monday at the latest they will be mature. Monday will be CD 17 and I'm pretty sure from temping and my signs the last couple of months that that's around when I've been ovulating.
Hi all :hi:

Braven - I'm sorry it wasn't great news. But... Last month I had a 8mm follie one day and two days later it was 16mm. It grew fast!!!i really hope that yours does grow & is ripe on Monday for you to try next week. Don't give up :hugs:

Girly - I'm so down at the moment. Im in tears nearly everyday. I totally understand the "meant to be a lady" comment. I feel so guilty and disappointed and exhausted every day. It has to get better :hugs:

Mrsmccurdy - good luck hun! The bd games can be hard work some months - hope you're having fun :winkwink:

Fern - hope the studying is going well and you enjoyed your anniversary. Men really don't get it sometimes. I'm so glad I can come here & talk to people who get it. Keeping everything crossed for you this month hun!

Nimbec - excellent chart & it sounds so much like your other preggo one! I'm so Pleased your temp went up this morning!!! When will you test??

Sarahlou - your words have reminded me that we just have to keep going, no matter how hard it gets.

As for me - after 6 days of spotting & light bleeding, (three neg preg tests) plus three clomid days down.... AF arrived in spectacular fashion this morning! Wtf??! SIX DAYS!! And some days were bright red with a real flow. Feel like such a failure - can't even manage a proper lp & normal period :cry: I rang the nursing team again this morning. I managed to explain how upset I was that they weren't listening to me & that something isn't right, without bursting into tears. They've squeezed me in to see the consultant next Thursday - when she told me that I promptly burst into tears though! I'm gutted. I don't know how to pick myself up... But I know I have to.

K4th, I'm sod you are feeling sad I pray that things get better, please try to stay encouraged :hugs::hugs:

Nimbec I've had a peek at your chart and I really think that it looks like you will get a BFP in a few days! I'm really excited for you hun. That will really be a miracle baby!!!

Buttercup how are your temps doing?

Braven how many mg did you take this month again? Last month I didn't ovulate with 50mg (I think). This month I took 100mg and it looks like it made a huge difference since my SE are different and I did ovulate according to temps and OPK's. So just a little increase in the dose can make a huge difference and your follies still have time to grow so we are all rooting for you!

Sarahlou and Girly - I understand what you girls are going through and really empathize. Girly I agree I have never ever in 11 years had a BFP and also sometimes feel like I am not really a woman. I hope that venting and getting support from the thread will help you to keep your heads up and realize we are all so special regardless of our fertility issues and that we are not any less womanly than any other ladies.

Having said that: I completely lost it this morning. I was utterly convinced that I was pregnant this month and had such a sure, sure feeling about it. Last night my mood came crashing down and I was so irritated with DH that I slept on the couch for the first time ever. This morning upon taking my temps I noticed that they had gone down :( not below the coverline yet but seems like headed in that direction. And since yesterday I've had AF type cramps which are more sore than the little pinches and light cramps I have had so far. To top it off I still have the mental image of yesterday's BFN in my head. So today (11dpo) I just feel like I am definitely not pregnant and am just suffering from the worst PMS ever. So I crawled back into bed with hubs and started bawling my head off for about 2 hours (at least he had the morning off) and ended up cancelling my morning lessons. I told him every detail about how I felt and he was very supportive. He even phoned his mom to see if she could get hold of some more clomid for us because there is NONE available in my province anymore (I live in one of the big busy cities); South Africa or at least this area has got a huge clomiphene (and a lot of other meds) manufacturing problem. So she went to her pharmacist and begged him, they still had some stock so he gave her 2 packs with no questions asked. Thankfully I now have 2 more months' worth of clomid 100mg if I do end up BFN like I expect; at least one less thing to worry about. Also worried about AF arriving this soon which will mean that I have a super short luteal phase. Can only go and see my dr next week Wednesday 22 Oct. And to top it all off a few water pipes burst this morning at our flat so it's noon already and I haven't been able to shower for my afternoon lessons; this after going for a sweaty run to help clear my head. Urrgghhhhhhh. :cry::cry::wacko::nope:

Sorry about the essay. I just had to get that out. AF not here yet so there might be a slim hope but I am just super negative and depressed about this month.

Nimbec regardless of my "blue" day please don't let me steal you joy - I am really happy for you even while feeling sorry for myself. Please keep sharing all your details over the next few days and if you DO get your BFP don't disappear from the thread I will miss you too much hun and want to celebrate with you! When are you going to test??:hugs::hugs::hugs:


Baby dust to everyone. We will get there eventually.

My dear Fern, I am so sorry you were feeling down and hope you are feeling better since talking with DH, and on the brighter side of things you got more meds! Don't lose hope, my friend, af has not arrived so it's not over. And I'm sorry to hear the issue with the pipe and pray everything works out very soon!

Sometimes we need to just get it out and cry, well all have our moments and remember our tears don't determine our strength. xo

A very good friend sent this to me today, so I'll share it with you all:

Eventually all the pieces
fall into place.
Until then try to laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment
and know that everything

happens for a reason :hugs::hugs:
Good morning ladies,

The start of my day is going ok and today I'm 13dpo. My temp didn't increase or drop, its the same as yesterday 98.6, so confused. Today my boobs are a little sore and (cm) is creamy, lotion like - sorry for tmi. I'm nervous and anxious about Friday but I'm still going with my gut :shrug: I'm thinking boobs are sore due to af and not bfp.

I wish everyone luck, sending positive thoughts and energy, please take care! xo
Hi Ladies

Buttercup great that temp stayed the same - would it normally have dropped by now? You say your temp was 98.6....was that 98.60 i only ask because it needs to be a 4 digit number when bbt charting i'm sure you know and are using the correct sort of thermomenter but wanted to say just incase! Hope i've not offended you?! Lovely words too buttercup :)

Fern I'm so sorry you are feeling so low, believe me i know how you are feeling i have been there many times its truly awful :cry::hugs::hugs:and will be at the lowest point ever when AF hits me in a few days :( We are all here for you and i'm pleased to know you have support at home and that you have more meds :) remember that unless your temp goes right below coverline it doesn't mean AF is coming, your luteal phase would be ok hun as 12-14dpo is normal so try to relax a little on that front....also pains and sore af like boobs are perfectally normal in both early pregnancy and af so you are not out yet!! A few more days before you can curl up in a ball and let it all out again--maybe you will be celebrating i do so hope so!!!! We are here when you need us!!!!

K4th WTF is the witch playing at?!!!! I'm so so sorry you are having these issues :( make sure they scan you incase there is a cyst (i have a 3.5cm one that doesn't cause any trouble so they are not always terrible news) Thankfully they have agreed to see you - do you have a list of questions to take in? Make sure you don't leave without a plan! :hugs::hugs:

Braven fx they get a speedy spurt on!! Weight can be a factor i think but usually is 100mg doesn't work it means you are clomid resistant so no point in 150/200mg but there are other drugs you can try....i would make sure you go armed with questions when they scan you!!

Well as for me ladies the reality has set in, clinic told me my egg wasn't viable ....i just hope it grew miraculously in a few days. So the more i read the more unlikley it is that i have an implantation dip but i still can't get the hope out of my head. It's torture real torture :wacko: I keep looking at my chart over and over, willing the days away, i can't focus on work at all my head in all over the place. This is going to hit me so hard if it is my body playing cruel tricks!!!! If by some miracle i did get a bfp i would 100% stick about to celebrate with you ladies when you get yours BUT i fear i maybe the last of you to get mine as i most likley have to wait till Jan for iVF xxxxx

HUGS to everyone!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies

Buttercup great that temp stayed the same - would it normally have dropped by now? You say your temp was 98.6....was that 98.60 i only ask because it needs to be a 4 digit number when bbt charting i'm sure you know and are using the correct sort of thermomenter but wanted to say just incase! Hope i've not offended you?! Lovely words too buttercup :)

Fern I'm so sorry you are feeling so low, believe me i know how you are feeling i have been there many times its truly awful :cry::hugs::hugs:and will be at the lowest point ever when AF hits me in a few days :( We are all here for you and i'm pleased to know you have support at home and that you have more meds :) remember that unless your temp goes right below coverline it doesn't mean AF is coming, your luteal phase would be ok hun as 12-14dpo is normal so try to relax a little on that front....also pains and sore af like boobs are perfectally normal in both early pregnancy and af so you are not out yet!! A few more days before you can curl up in a ball and let it all out again--maybe you will be celebrating i do so hope so!!!! We are here when you need us!!!!

K4th WTF is the witch playing at?!!!! I'm so so sorry you are having these issues :( make sure they scan you incase there is a cyst (i have a 3.5cm one that doesn't cause any trouble so they are not always terrible news) Thankfully they have agreed to see you - do you have a list of questions to take in? Make sure you don't leave without a plan! :hugs::hugs:

Braven fx they get a speedy spurt on!! Weight can be a factor i think but usually is 100mg doesn't work it means you are clomid resistant so no point in 150/200mg but there are other drugs you can try....i would make sure you go armed with questions when they scan you!!

Well as for me ladies the reality has set in, clinic told me my egg wasn't viable ....i just hope it grew miraculously in a few days. So the more i read the more unlikley it is that i have an implantation dip but i still can't get the hope out of my head. It's torture real torture :wacko: I keep looking at my chart over and over, willing the days away, i can't focus on work at all my head in all over the place. This is going to hit me so hard if it is my body playing cruel tricks!!!! If by some miracle i did get a bfp i would 100% stick about to celebrate with you ladies when you get yours BUT i fear i maybe the last of you to get mine as i most likley have to wait till Jan for iVF xxxxx

HUGS to everyone!!!!!!!

Hi Nimbec, since you've just taught me something my temp was 98.60 and not 98.6. What a dingbat I am to not know that :dohh:. Last month my temp dived on the 17th, so if I'm no bfp, it will drop soon.

You have not offended me in any way, Lol! I use a digital thermometer and test vaginally but not during af:shrug:

I appreciate feedback. Good luck to you! x
Hi Buttercup your not a dingbat lol!!! your thermometer should read out 4 digits all the time to make your chart accurate enough - have you been doing this? FX it doesn't drop!!!
Thanks ladies for all the encouraging words and support. I hope the rest of the week brings some peace and that we may all have the strength to face whatever is chucked our way.

My thermometer is a mercury thermometer and I have to guess at the 4th digit, I have also noticed that the temps get higher the longer I leave it in with a max at around 10 min. I have only noticed that recently though!
Hi Buttercup your not a dingbat lol!!! your thermometer should read out 4 digits all the time to make your chart accurate enough - have you been doing this? FX it doesn't drop!!!

It doesn't read out 4 digits only 3. I.E, 97.9, 98.3. 98.9 or 98.6. I'm thinking maybe I'm using the type of thermometer :dohh:, Lol just my luck
Hi! First clomid cycle here! I am a bit neurotic and a lot anxious and I'm trying to not overthink everything when it comes to clomid and pills and trigger shots and the like.
Just wanted to say a quick :hi: sorry to all of us feeling down. Fern - sometimes it's better to let it all out. Glad to hear your hubby was supportive - sometimes a duvet morning can work wonders! Hope you got that shower in the end!! & there's still hope!!!

Nimbec - I'm so hoping that this is your month. The rollercoaster the 2ww sends us on is horrendous. Sorry you're having a down day - hope tomorrow is up!

Buttercup - you have a lovely way with words. Thank you for all your kindness. Really hope your temps stay good.

I'm off to meet a good friend for tea this evening. So, after bursting into tears several times at work today ( :blush: ) I'm hoping I can have a nice evening & take my mind off things.
Hi! First clomid cycle here! I am a bit neurotic and a lot anxious and I'm trying to not overthink everything when it comes to clomid and pills and trigger shots and the like.

Hi amigone. Good luck with the clomid!! What cd are you ?
Just wanted to say a quick :hi: sorry to all of us feeling down. Fern - sometimes it's better to let it all out. Glad to hear your hubby was supportive - sometimes a duvet morning can work wonders! Hope you got that shower in the end!! & there's still hope!!!

Nimbec - I'm so hoping that this is your month. The rollercoaster the 2ww sends us on is horrendous. Sorry you're having a down day - hope tomorrow is up!

Buttercup - you have a lovely way with words. Thank you for all your kindness. Really hope your temps stay good.

I'm off to meet a good friend for tea this evening. So, after bursting into tears several times at work today ( :blush: ) I'm hoping I can have a nice evening & take my mind off things.

Thank you K4th, enjoy your tea time with your friend and have a wonderful evening. I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
Hi! First clomid cycle here! I am a bit neurotic and a lot anxious and I'm trying to not overthink everything when it comes to clomid and pills and trigger shots and the like.

Welcome Amigone and good luck with your clomid cycle. Keep us posted with you progress:flower:
Hi ladies

K4th hope you have a lovely evening!

Ladies the thermometer has to be a digital basal thermometer to be accurate enough for fertility charting otherwise you will not get accurate results. you can buy farenhite or celcius and both give very sensitive readings out. Link below for the good ones at least you can compare!

welcome Amigone good luck with your cycle!

Thanks for kind words ladies i so hope this is my month too but sadly the odds are hugly stacked not in my favour! I still can't help but think i am of course damn you TWW!!!

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