Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Follicle study in the morning tomorrow. Hope they're growing some! Hope every one else is doing okay.
Hi all :hi:

Mrsmccurdy - good luck hun! The bd games can be hard work some months - hope you're having fun :winkwink:

As for me - after 6 days of spotting & light bleeding, (three neg preg tests) plus three clomid days down.... AF arrived in spectacular fashion this morning! Wtf??! SIX DAYS!! And some days were bright red with a real flow. Feel like such a failure - can't even manage a proper lp & normal period :cry: I rang the nursing team again this morning. I managed to explain how upset I was that they weren't listening to me & that something isn't right, without bursting into tears. They've squeezed me in to see the consultant next Thursday - when she told me that I promptly burst into tears though! I'm gutted. I don't know how to pick myself up... But I know I have to.

Im so completely relating to this right now!! Have spotting and 2 spread out days of red flow I started my REAL AF yesterday... I'm already done taking clomid! What is this going to do to my cycle?? Does it make the clomid null and void?!? I'm so confused... And I've had a crampy right ovary area the past day or so! What does that mean?? Heeeelp...!
Unfortunately the bd has stopped, obviously...
12 dpo, another bfn and started spotting. Out for sure :(
Nimbec - good luck hun. Not too long until testing now right? The tww can be so cruel - hope it begins to pass more quickly & ends well for you!

Braven - let us know how the scan goes tomorrow. We're all cheering those follies on!

Fern - I'm so sorry about the bfn & spotting :hugs: :hugs: it's not over until the :witch: really arrives - but I know right now you'll be feeling so down. Glad you got hold of some more clomid. Look after yourself over the next few days.

Mrsmccurdy - it SO sucks!!! This did happen to me once before & I did still ov the month after - so there is hope! Can you call whoever prescribed your clomid? Let them know what's happened? They probably won't do anything about it - but you should have it on record with them just in case it happens again next month (or any other). Maybe clomid doesn't agree with us - stupid bodies!!!! It's so frustrating.

Afm - I went out for a lovely evening & then burst into tears & told my friend everything about this whole ttc journey. She knew we were trying but she had no idea how much I was struggling. She was great with it all & said some really lovely & helpful stuff. She thinks I need to ask for some support/ counselling - and since I've been on the verge of tears constantly for days I think she might be right. I'm just not coping very well at the minute :( I think hitting a 2 year ttc milestone has hit me harder than I've realised.
So... the spotting and bad cramping that I had yesterday and early this morning stopped (back to light cramps). I'm praying so hard that it was just implantation yesterday or during the night, that my head wants to explode. Normally my cycles are 33-35 days even last month on clomid so this month I was surprised to see AF spotting arrived this early (CD 28 but in truth only CD26 since I started AF later than I initially thought I did, same as K4th and MrsMcCurdy!!!!!!)
Although... I always have spotting before AF... but then my temps are up and spotting is gone!? On the other hand I did take clomid wayyyy too early this month so is my cycle shorter because of that??? urgh I am LITERALLY going insane. PLEASE please let me still have a shot..............

Welcome Amigone, hope that clomid will be kind to you and that you have a great and positive cycle.

Nimbec my thermometer is a basal (ovulation) one, just "old school" in that it is mercury not digital. Also has a very wide calibration so it is very accurate up till the 1st decimal and then you have to estimate the 2nd decimal. Only one I could get hold of so have been using it for the month. I think my temp taking is not very accurate because I have been leaving it in my mouth for varying amounts of time (sometimes I fell asleep with it a little lol) and because of my insomnia/sleeping routine. Will see what I do next month, thanks for your advice xxxx (Oh let there not be a next month!) BTW how are you feeling? When are you going to test?

Braven thinking of you a lot, hope you get good news.

MrsMcCurdy and K4th exactly the same happened to me at the beginning of this month and I started clomid 1 day before AF really arrived. What the heck; I think it is a clomid side effect. So infuriating. I did ovulate though.

Buttercup how are you and how are your temps??? Tomorrow is b/w day!

Everyone else - how are you guys?
Nimbec - good luck hun. Not too long until testing now right? The tww can be so cruel - hope it begins to pass more quickly & ends well for you!

Braven - let us know how the scan goes tomorrow. We're all cheering those follies on!

Fern - I'm so sorry about the bfn & spotting :hugs: :hugs: it's not over until the :witch: really arrives - but I know right now you'll be feeling so down. Glad you got hold of some more clomid. Look after yourself over the next few days.

Mrsmccurdy - it SO sucks!!! This did happen to me once before & I did still ov the month after - so there is hope! Can you call whoever prescribed your clomid? Let them know what's happened? They probably won't do anything about it - but you should have it on record with them just in case it happens again next month (or any other). Maybe clomid doesn't agree with us - stupid bodies!!!! It's so frustrating.

Afm - I went out for a lovely evening & then burst into tears & told my friend everything about this whole ttc journey. She knew we were trying but she had no idea how much I was struggling. She was great with it all & said some really lovely & helpful stuff. She thinks I need to ask for some support/ counselling - and since I've been on the verge of tears constantly for days I think she might be right. I'm just not coping very well at the minute :( I think hitting a 2 year ttc milestone has hit me harder than I've realised.

Good to hear you had a lovely evening and was able to share you ttc journey. It's a blessing to have friends and family who are supportive, and it truly helps.

I'm considering going to counseling again as I don't want my ttc journey to consume my whole life and overlook or take certain things for granted.

Please take care of yourself, I'm sending positive thoughts and energy your way!
So... the spotting and bad cramping that I had yesterday and early this morning stopped (back to light cramps). I'm praying so hard that it was just implantation yesterday or during the night, that my head wants to explode. Normally my cycles are 33-35 days even last month on clomid so this month I was surprised to see AF spotting arrived this early (CD 28 but in truth only CD26 since I started AF later than I initially thought I did, same as K4th and MrsMcCurdy!!!!!!)
Although... I always have spotting before AF... but then my temps are up and spotting is gone!? On the other hand I did take clomid wayyyy too early this month so is my cycle shorter because of that??? urgh I am LITERALLY going insane. PLEASE please let me still have a shot..............

Welcome Amigone, hope that clomid will be kind to you and that you have a great and positive cycle.

Nimbec my thermometer is a basal (ovulation) one, just "old school" in that it is mercury not digital. Also has a very wide calibration so it is very accurate up till the 1st decimal and then you have to estimate the 2nd decimal. Only one I could get hold of so have been using it for the month. I think my temp taking is not very accurate because I have been leaving it in my mouth for varying amounts of time (sometimes I fell asleep with it a little lol) and because of my insomnia/sleeping routine. Will see what I do next month, thanks for your advice xxxx (Oh let there not be a next month!) BTW how are you feeling? When are you going to test?

Braven thinking of you a lot, hope you get good news.

MrsMcCurdy and K4th exactly the same happened to me at the beginning of this month and I started clomid 1 day before AF really arrived. What the heck; I think it is a clomid side effect. So infuriating. I did ovulate though.

Buttercup how are you and how are your temps??? Tomorrow is b/w day!

Everyone else - how are you guys?

I hope and pray the spotting was due to implantation. Stay positive, and remember all things are possible, my friend :hugs:
Good Moring ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well

I'm feeling ok despite the fact that I'm so nervous and over analyzing every symptom. My temp went up slightly 98.90 but it'd humid here, so idk. I still have some cramping, the "wet" feeling and sore boobs. AF isn't "due" until the 20th so I'm not sure what to think but I'll know for sure tomorrow if AF doesn't arrive before then.

If its a bfn, I plan change my diet and stay committed to working out. I need to lose 20 -25lbs for ivf and the weight loss can't hurt so, :shrug:
So...I don't know anything because the technician didn't tell me anything and I just have to wait for a phone call. But I'm pretty sure they didn't look any bigger. So if they're not responding by now (CD 13), odds are they aren't going to. Hooray. :cry:

I'm so emotional about this and I hate it. Why does it have to be so hard for some people? It's really not fair.

Sorry to all you ladies who got AF and are feeling down. At least you're not alone :hugs:
So...I don't know anything because the technician didn't tell me anything and I just have to wait for a phone call. But I'm pretty sure they didn't look any bigger. So if they're not responding by now (CD 13), odds are they aren't going to. Hooray. :cry:

I'm so emotional about this and I hate it. Why does it have to be so hard for some people? It's really not fair.

Sorry to all you ladies who got AF and are feeling down. At least you're not alone :hugs:

:hugs: you're right - it's not fair.

I felt nothing during the days my follies ballooned. I hope you get a call with better news than you are expecting :hugs:
Hi ladies :flower:

Braven ugh have you heard anything yet? i so hope they bring good news!!

Buttercup i so know how you feel!! AF is due Sun/Mon for me too! I'm over analysing everything and literally feel like i'm emotionally on the edge of breakdown. Hubby even said today i was on a different planet - even at work...ladies i'm a mess! :wacko:

K4th i'm so pleased you spoke to her - sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved ok not so much in this case but its good to talk :) hopefully you will get answers at your appt next week!!

Fern gosh i didn't know they still did the traditional ones :dohh: great news the spotting and cramps have gone i have everything crossed for you that she stays away!

Hi everyone else!!!!

Ladies who are at the end of the tww - when do you plan to test? I think i may cave and test tomorrow at 11dpo....BUT i almost don't want to as i want to live the possibility a few days i wont fully accept a bfn tomorrow anyhow so i guess whats the point?!! Lets see how my self control is in the morning!!
Guess I'm out of the club. No more clomid for me. My follicles actually shrunk between Tuesday and today. There were 4 on both sides the other day and today 3 on one side and 1 on the other and no growth of the remaining ones.

So I'm just going to let this cycle go by and on CD1 I'll call and get a prescription for Femara.

I'm so very sad and disappointed. I'm guessing with tiny little follicles there's no hope in ovulating naturally either.
Awww Braven hun so sad for you. I really hope that the change of meds will do the trick xxxxx

Nimbec I completely understand! !!! I am also going insane and DH is away on business so the flat is so super quiet tonight, I can just hear myself thinking TOO MUCH! I have tested 10dpo and today 12dpo both bfn. But now that the 1hour long spotting of this morning has disappeared I have this cruel hope that there is still a chance. ... will test again on Saturday and Monday if necessary. Don't really know when I should expect AF since I have no idea how long my luteal phase is. This was my first month temping, OPKing and apparently ovulating. Past few cycles have been around 33 days but don't know if this month will be different. I am just going to keep testing every 2nd day till I know either way.

Buttercup gosh I am super excited about your blood test tomorrow! Please let me know the moment that you can find the time hun x
Braven, so sorry you are going through this, I hope the change in meds does it, Hun!:flower: :hugs:

Nimbec & Fern, I'm a nervous wreck, Lol!bi could barely focus on work,lol

Keeping my FX'd for us all! x
Know what's even more frustrating? This evening I started having loads of ewcm. What's up with that? Why in the world would I have ewcm if I have no mature follicles to even release an egg. It's like a tease or something.

I talked to my mother earlier and she was super insensitive...and I know she wasn't trying to be but it pissed me off. Should just stop talking to her about all of this.
Spotting is back and another temp drop :(..... feel like cancelling all my lessons today and staying in bed crying.

Braven I haven't told my mom and I am not going to unless I ever get a bfp. I love her but she has also been super mean before; she thinks I am not meant to have kids.

Hope everyone else is feeling better than me and have a good day esp Buttercup, really praying that you and Nimbec both get great results!

Sarahlou how is the provera going?
Hi all

Braven so sorry about your results i hear femera can have good results for people though! I also ovulated this cycle with a follicle too small for an egg to be in so just because its not ripe doesn't mean you won't get signs :(

Fern i'm so very sorry sadly i'm with you today and feel like doing exactly the same - i have no idea how i'm actually going to get through today :(

Buttercup i so hope you bring us good news i find it so hard to believe we can all do a second cycle with no bfp's on the thread i don't think that has happened ever before in the 4 yrs i've been a member :(

Shitty BFN for me today and pre period symptoms - i'm out for sure i've been in this game long enough to know! I really don't know what to do from here i'm so down i'm not sure i can face this any longer. I feel like i should maybe accept just having Harrison who is my world anyway BUT i still have a desire for another little one. I can't handle the thought that i may do IVF and have a bfn staring me in the face and be out of pocket its like a double whammy!!! Oh and yesterday i did my pre op apppt for my spine and they said i have to be not trying for a baby so have rebooked me an appt for november which means if i decide to do my op i can't ttc until after ....op are 6-10 weeks after preassesment so i'm looking at the new year....i don't understand why i can't try an ivf round in the mean time but they literally wont let me past the starting block - i wasn't planning on telling them but they want to xray me so i had too as there was a chance yesterday i could have been preggy. decisions decisions!!
Hi ladies, Happy Friday to you all!!

Braven, I know how you feel, our bodies can be cruel and play mean tricks and its hurtful and unfair. Know that you are not alone. And some of the closest people to us can be really insensitive and has no clue what we're going through. My mom is really traditional and has certain beliefs and after my first mc, she said, well everyone isn't meant to have children. She wasn't there for me at all, not even when I had to have a D&C. It truly broke me and I knew then I wouldn't share anything else with her about ttc b/c I didn't need that negativity and opinions.

Fern, I'm sorry that the spotting is back, gosh this is so unfair and draining. You are entitled to feel down and do what you need to process things. Sending positive thoughts your way! xo

I hope everyone else is doing well and in good spirits. Sending everyone good positive vibes. :hugs::hugs:

I had bw done this morning, I barely slept last night and trying to stay busy so I don't think about it. Now part 2 of the waiting game begins :coffee:
I'm out, got the bw results. Feeling down and sad, ughh. I hate crying.

Good luck to everyone.

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