Hi ladies
Seems like this was quite an uneventful weekend with some of us starting a new journey, some of us still in limbo and Mommasboys healing well!
I'm thinking of all of you in the following week. I will be testing on Saturday 18 Oct if I can hold out that long (will be 14dpo). For the next 4 weeks my life is going to be super busy (going to be working 12 hour days to accommodate all my students as well as trying to study because my exams start end October!) and then it will be marginally better but still very busy until the 19th of November when my exams as well as those of my students are finished. So if I don't have time to check in as much please remember that I haven't forgotten about any of you and will probably constantly be thinking about ttc in any case

. I will make as much time as possible to check in and say hello; and see what everyone's ovaries and uteruses are up to!!!
Today - we are back from our weekend break and I have been working non-stop (on a SUNDAY, that sucks, am definitely not going to work this hard next year!). So glad we went away before the end-of-year madness strikes everybody. This time of year is hard for me because of exams and the rush to get all my work done before the year is up
Symptom-wise: not nauseous anymore, luckily that seems to have been something that I got over very fast! Bbs slightly sore but only on the sides. Getting weird shooting pains through them every once in a while. My skin is super sensitive, I couldn't brush my hair this morning (I have long hair and it was a bit knotted); felt like I was waxing my scalp! My ovaries pain every once in a while esp right side, I hope it is a corpus luteum growing nicely hehe. And I'm dizzy. Clomid is a right monster when it comes to weird, bad, or non-existent symptoms. Wish there was a set rule regarding side effects: like when you have sore bbs you are definitely pregnant or whatever. Would have made our lives easier!
Speaking of tww symptoms; Buttercup and Nimbec how are you guys doing? So Buttercup you are not going to test I presume but just go in for pregnancy b/w on Friday the 17th? Or other plans?
By the way: I still have the nagging GOOD feeling that there is a BFP lurking for this thread!