Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Girls I am CD24 tomorrow and haven't ovulated this cycle. I took 50mg this cycle for the first time. I have a Dr appointment tomorrow should I be insisting I get put on 100mg now as 50 hasn't worked or accept 50 again if that is what they want? I don't want to waste time doing 50 again if it won't work. Would rather go straight to 100.

Also now I am CD24 when would be the right time to start provera to get another cycle going as I haven't ovulated?

Thanks x
Hi ladies

Seems like this was quite an uneventful weekend with some of us starting a new journey, some of us still in limbo and Mommasboys healing well!:flower:

I'm thinking of all of you in the following week. I will be testing on Saturday 18 Oct if I can hold out that long (will be 14dpo). For the next 4 weeks my life is going to be super busy (going to be working 12 hour days to accommodate all my students as well as trying to study because my exams start end October!) and then it will be marginally better but still very busy until the 19th of November when my exams as well as those of my students are finished. So if I don't have time to check in as much please remember that I haven't forgotten about any of you and will probably constantly be thinking about ttc in any case :). I will make as much time as possible to check in and say hello; and see what everyone's ovaries and uteruses are up to!!!

Today - we are back from our weekend break and I have been working non-stop (on a SUNDAY, that sucks, am definitely not going to work this hard next year!). So glad we went away before the end-of-year madness strikes everybody. This time of year is hard for me because of exams and the rush to get all my work done before the year is up
Symptom-wise: not nauseous anymore, luckily that seems to have been something that I got over very fast! Bbs slightly sore but only on the sides. Getting weird shooting pains through them every once in a while. My skin is super sensitive, I couldn't brush my hair this morning (I have long hair and it was a bit knotted); felt like I was waxing my scalp! My ovaries pain every once in a while esp right side, I hope it is a corpus luteum growing nicely hehe. And I'm dizzy. Clomid is a right monster when it comes to weird, bad, or non-existent symptoms. Wish there was a set rule regarding side effects: like when you have sore bbs you are definitely pregnant or whatever. Would have made our lives easier!:haha:

Speaking of tww symptoms; Buttercup and Nimbec how are you guys doing? So Buttercup you are not going to test I presume but just go in for pregnancy b/w on Friday the 17th? Or other plans?

By the way: I still have the nagging GOOD feeling that there is a BFP lurking for this thread!

Hi Fern!
Good to hear your back and hope you enjoyed your break! :flower:
Sounds like you are making progress because those are some of the Clomid side effects, and thats awesome!

Friday I'm scheduled to go in for bw, unless af comes early, then I will call to report day1.

Wishing you Lots of luck on your exams and you will be in my thoughts and prayers!!xo:hugs:
Girls I am CD24 tomorrow and haven't ovulated this cycle. I took 50mg this cycle for the first time. I have a Dr appointment tomorrow should I be insisting I get put on 100mg now as 50 hasn't worked or accept 50 again if that is what they want? I don't want to waste time doing 50 again if it won't work. Would rather go straight to 100.

Also now I am CD24 when would be the right time to start provera to get another cycle going as I haven't ovulated?

Thanks x

Hi Girly

If I were you I would go to 100mg (in fact I took 100mg this month even though I just had a script for 50mg, because I couldn't get hold of my dr and couldn't get an appointment before 22 Oct! So just decided that on my own :blush:). And would start provera right away. But seeing as you do have an appt tomorrow you might as well ask your dr! And take a copy of your chart to the appointment so that they can see the 50mg didn't work.

Fxed hun.
Hi ladies

A quick hello. I am having very sore stabbing pains in my left breast since yesterday and both are still tender on the sides, not really nipples. And temps had a nice drop yesterday followed by an increase in temp to a new high this morning. I know, I know; might just mean nothing but a girl can dream :) That's it for me! 9dpo and already I can't wait to poas. Luckily I'm too busy to go to the shops lol.

Enjoy the week ladies. Hope no-one taking clomid at the moment has bad SE (MrsMcCurdy, K4th and Braven), hope Mommasboys feel better every single hour, hope Nimbec, Buttercup and myself all get BFP's after the torturous tww and that Girly can get some well-deserved answers xx. Oh yes Braven and Girly you both have dr's appts tomorrow (Tuesday)? GL ladies!
Hi ladies :flower:

Girly i didn't ov untill cd26 on clomid sometimes....I wouldn't start provera until at least CD30 as i guess you have BD through the cycle so there is a small chance you could be pregnant...assuming you haven't o'd i would definately ask for 100mg and not leave the office without agreement!

K4th lol oooooops oh dear what a shame ;) when are you due in for your follie scan? any weird side effects yet? I remember the 100mg made your vision dodgey.....

Fern ooooh yes a girl can hope fx for you - i have had allsorts of symptoms in my tww's last cycle I was utterly convinced i was pregnant so it hit me really hard when AF turned up grrrr fx she stays away for you - when do you plan to test?

Buttercup fx day one is 9 months away and all is ok with bloodwork!

Hope everyone else is ok?

As for me 7dpo here the beginning of the 'interesting' 2ww - i am not expecting anything this cycle due to my crappy egg however i still cannot relax.....i keep thinging just maybe maybe maybe......

So i guess someone is going to get a bfp this cycle its odd not too on a thread i wondered if anyone had worked out this link thing for posting and also what we write on here - i'm confused as to what we agreed and need to do - it won't be me so i'm not panicking lol but thought it would be good to know! :thumbup:
Girly - I'd wait until cd30 too. I have ov'd that late on 50mg but would also insist on 100mg next month to see if that's any earlier/better.

Fern - sore bbs at the sides is an excellent sign that you did ov!!! I'm hopeful that your temp dip means something!!!

Buttercup - hope AF stays away. Keep us posted on Friday.

Nimbec - Oooh I really hope your follie grew lots & is a good one!! No dodgy vision yet - debating whether to take it again tonight & then go to 50mg or whether to just drop straight down to 50 tonight. Hmmmmmm....... I think we did agree to post a link but I still have no idea how to do that :haha:

Afm: My period has been very scanty this month. I've taken another preg test this morning it's so light but got a :bfn: I called my clinic to talk to them about it - my periods were normal on just 50mg clomid but have been light both months I've had the hcg. Unfortunately, I planned to demand a progesterone test next month, but instead I just broke down on the phone & pretty much cried at them for 10 mins. Don't feel I made my point very well :growlmad: The nurse I spoke to put it down to emotional stress affecting my AF - which I think is total rubbish (not that it couldn't have some impact - but that I'd go from a 6-7 day medium flow AF to a 3 day so-light-I-almost-don't-need-a pad AF!!). I'm waiting for the senior nurse to call me back. I'm determined to keep my composure when she does call! So cross with myself!
K4th I'm the same i usually have lots of planned things to say and tehn just get upset and forget most of them - they are used to it!! Clomid on my understanding used monthly gradually reduces your flow. I would ask for a 21 day progesterone test and also for them to check your lining.....they should be checking that anyway as you are being monitored. Difficult to know whether to take it tonight - maybe not as they may decide that 50mg is fine as it worked well this time......unless of course you plan to tell them you actually took 100mg by mistake then realised - if it works well you can ask to do that 'if' you need to do another cycle. It took 5 rounds of clomid for me to get pregnant with my son. clomid didn't work this time around sadly :( are you doing iui or natural BD?
Thanks nimbec. Natural bd here. They did check my lining beforehand and it all looked good which is making me think that progesterone is the problem. Just had a call back & have been totally fobbed off - the junior nurse who doesn't usually work in gynae called me back & basically said let's just see what happens this month. So cross - especially after breaking down & telling her I can't go on trying if there's no chance because of lining issues. No point talking it out with her though - she didn't know enough to give me any answers. I'll have to kick up a fuss when I go for my first scan. It's booked for next Monday - have no childcare so have to take dd with me though. Will be really hard to keep her occupied & get my thoughts across without getting upset & I really don't want dd to see that. Hate this. Sorry - just having a really bad day :(
Oh hun thats really rubbish they should understand its an emotional situation - i agree speak when you have first ultrasound sounds like a good plan, progesterone from my understanding is what makes your lining thick....they should be looking for a 'triple line' at your scan. how many clomid rounds have u done in total? has your partners sperm been checked? did you have a natural birth with dd? if you had a section there is a chance they could have damaged your tubes which is what i thnk happened to me so i'd ask for an hsg - sadly i'm past that point now but i wish i'd checked at the beginning!

(((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) xxxxxxxx
Girls I am CD24 tomorrow and haven't ovulated this cycle. I took 50mg this cycle for the first time. I have a Dr appointment tomorrow should I be insisting I get put on 100mg now as 50 hasn't worked or accept 50 again if that is what they want? I don't want to waste time doing 50 again if it won't work. Would rather go straight to 100.

Also now I am CD24 when would be the right time to start provera to get another cycle going as I haven't ovulated?

Thanks x
Hi Girly,

I would definitely voice your concerns and request 100mg.
Good luck to you!
Oh hun thats really rubbish they should understand its an emotional situation - i agree speak when you have first ultrasound sounds like a good plan, progesterone from my understanding is what makes your lining thick....they should be looking for a 'triple line' at your scan. how many clomid rounds have u done in total? has your partners sperm been checked? did you have a natural birth with dd? if you had a section there is a chance they could have damaged your tubes which is what i thnk happened to me so i'd ask for an hsg - sadly i'm past that point now but i wish i'd checked at the beginning!

(((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) xxxxxxxx

Thanks hun - I needed someone who understands :flower:

5 round of clomid in total, with a three month gap between 3-4 rounds. Sperm all ok. I had natural birth with dd so no complications from a section. I'm not being monitored at all in away way after the hcg shot. I asked last month & today and they said we'll see how it goes. I'm thinking I might go for scans, find out how follies are doing & then refuse hcg on the grounds I've had concerns the two months I've had it & they're not taking me seriously. Then do opks & go off natural lh surge. It feels like spitting my dummy out but I want to make it clear how concerned I am & it will point out to the consultant what has been happening. I don't see how else to make them listen :shrug: my periods have been weird since starting the hcg triggers - maybe 18cm is too small for me? But who knows when they won't check my progesterone!!!!!

I think they'll send me for hsg next. Had started to talk about going private to get things moving & choose a dr that listens to me. But oh might be made redundant - will find out next Wednesday. He won't get much of a payout. & so our savings would have to go to supporting us while he finds a new job.

And just to top it off my car broke down yesterday so everything is making me stressed & emotional.

Sorry for the long rant :cry:
My one student cancelled so I quickly (obsessively) checked the thread...

K4TH!!! Shame hun!!!! Feeling so incredibly sorry for you, wish I could just give you a hug! That is unfeeling of the nurse and the office in general. You have the right to insist on the service you want, you are the one paying them (a LOT)! They are not just doing you a favor! I know exactly how you feel, I have had zero contact or advice from my dr despite several enquiries; I also think she had my day 21 tests done way too early last month since I still had ovulation pain the day AFTER the blood was drawn; and she never even told me what the test was for I had to google it! All of us have the right to stand up for what we deserve from our service providers. Go ahead. It will hopefully just also teach your dd to stand up for herself if she sees the example.
As for the car - mine broke last week and cost an arm and a leg to fix. All my savings gone. I completely feel what you are going through! So go ahead and rant away K4th; whatever you need to write down to feel a bit better. Here are so many sympathetic ears!!!

Thinking of you so much. And keeping you in my prayers. I really hope that things start working out for you. xxxx
Nimbec I plan on testing on Saturday 18 Oct (14dpo). I don't really know what my luteal phase length is but last month AF arrived promptly 14 days after my ovaries stopped throbbing. So I'm taking it as 14 days. ALTHOUGH despite my saying I didn't have time to go to the shops I somehow managed to find 15min and 2 tests "miraculously" appeared in my shopping basket... so now we will see what happens... maybe I test by accident tomorrow morning 10dpo :) but that is probably too early. I can't think of anything else except testing!!! aaargghhh.
Hi there :hi:

Can I join this topic please?

I am about to start clomid 50mg this month, but im going on provera on the 16th October for 7 days to bring on af. My last period was only light and spotty so my Gynae wants me to induce a bleed so I can start my clomid. I do have my periods on metformin though.

Im nervous as I don't know if it will work or not I have PCOS and im taking metformin 1500mg at the moment too. Since starting metformin in May 2014 I had af... Late May into early June, then again in July then in August and very light/brown spotting in September probably why he wants me on provera, apparently I need to have a regular flowing af to start clomid on CD 2

And according to my Gynae he thinks I ovulated on my own in my June cycle. Its only once so far this year but a start.. could 50mg clomid work?

Also the box of my clomid says take one a day for five days starting on CD 2. and then is says... increase to two tablets (100mg) if necessary.... :wacko: How do I know when is it necessary to up my dose.. I only have on box of clomid (6 months worth of 50mg tablets)

..... :dohh:....

Sorry to ask loads of questions introducing myself.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing okay. K4th I'm sorry they're not listening to you, that's really unfair. Hopefully in person it will be better. I have to being my DD with me to all appointments so I know how hard it is to concentrate.

AFM no terrible side effects except I've had a headache for 2 days and it's different than my normal hormonal headaches. DD has caught my cold, which I am still recovering from 😕

I am with you ladies on the car repairs too. We sent out our very LAST car payment... And the next day the car broke. What a cruel joke.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. Doctors appointment for me first thing tomorrow to check my follicles. Can't wait. Hope the cramping I've been having means there are some good ones growing.
Hi ladies :flower:

Girly i didn't ov untill cd26 on clomid sometimes....I wouldn't start provera until at least CD30 as i guess you have BD through the cycle so there is a small chance you could be pregnant...assuming you haven't o'd i would definately ask for 100mg and not leave the office without agreement!

K4th lol oooooops oh dear what a shame ;) when are you due in for your follie scan? any weird side effects yet? I remember the 100mg made your vision dodgey.....

Fern ooooh yes a girl can hope fx for you - i have had allsorts of symptoms in my tww's last cycle I was utterly convinced i was pregnant so it hit me really hard when AF turned up grrrr fx she stays away for you - when do you plan to test?

Buttercup fx day one is 9 months away and all is ok with bloodwork!

Hope everyone else is ok?

As for me 7dpo here the beginning of the 'interesting' 2ww - i am not expecting anything this cycle due to my crappy egg however i still cannot relax.....i keep thinging just maybe maybe maybe......

So i guess someone is going to get a bfp this cycle its odd not too on a thread i wondered if anyone had worked out this link thing for posting and also what we write on here - i'm confused as to what we agreed and need to do - it won't be me so i'm not panicking lol but thought it would be good to know! :thumbup:

Hi Nimbec,
I know it's easier said than done but try to relax and take it one day at a time and don't give up on hope and faith! :flower:
K4th I'm the same i usually have lots of planned things to say and tehn just get upset and forget most of them - they are used to it!! Clomid on my understanding used monthly gradually reduces your flow. I would ask for a 21 day progesterone test and also for them to check your lining.....they should be checking that anyway as you are being monitored. Difficult to know whether to take it tonight - maybe not as they may decide that 50mg is fine as it worked well this time......unless of course you plan to tell them you actually took 100mg by mistake then realised - if it works well you can ask to do that 'if' you need to do another cycle. It took 5 rounds of clomid for me to get pregnant with my son. clomid didn't work this time around sadly :( are you doing iui or natural BD?

I'm the same as you all, I have all these questions in my mind and tend to forget once I see the doctor. What I've started doing is adding my comments or questions in my phone and then I have an idea of what I wanted to ask or say, hope that makes sense, Lol!

Good luck, Hun!!
Oh hun thats really rubbish they should understand its an emotional situation - i agree speak when you have first ultrasound sounds like a good plan, progesterone from my understanding is what makes your lining thick....they should be looking for a 'triple line' at your scan. how many clomid rounds have u done in total? has your partners sperm been checked? did you have a natural birth with dd? if you had a section there is a chance they could have damaged your tubes which is what i thnk happened to me so i'd ask for an hsg - sadly i'm past that point now but i wish i'd checked at the beginning!

(((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) xxxxxxxx

Thanks hun - I needed someone who understands :flower:

5 round of clomid in total, with a three month gap between 3-4 rounds. Sperm all ok. I had natural birth with dd so no complications from a section. I'm not being monitored at all in away way after the hcg shot. I asked last month & today and they said we'll see how it goes. I'm thinking I might go for scans, find out how follies are doing & then refuse hcg on the grounds I've had concerns the two months I've had it & they're not taking me seriously. Then do opks & go off natural lh surge. It feels like spitting my dummy out but I want to make it clear how concerned I am & it will point out to the consultant what has been happening. I don't see how else to make them listen :shrug: my periods have been weird since starting the hcg triggers - maybe 18cm is too small for me? But who knows when they won't check my progesterone!!!!!

I think they'll send me for hsg next. Had started to talk about going private to get things moving & choose a dr that listens to me. But oh might be made redundant - will find out next Wednesday. He won't get much of a payout. & so our savings would have to go to supporting us while he finds a new job.

And just to top it off my car broke down yesterday so everything is making me stressed & emotional.

Sorry for the long rant :cry:


I'm thinking of you and praying for you, my dear. This whole process is stressful along with regular things going on in our lives. I hope the start of your day is going well and also hope the repair of your car is minor and not costly:hugs::hugs:

Rant, vent, get it out, that's what we're here for! xo
Hi Ladies,
Happy Monday! Hope everyone is doing well in their cycles!

Welcome SarahLou! Its possible 50mg Clomid will work, anything is possible!:thumbup: If you are being monitored I'm sure the doctor will let you know if you should increase meds. If you aren't being monitored, then confirm with your doctor just to be sure.

@ Braven05 hope you feel better soon hun! I had headaches too during my 1st Clomid cycle and cramping is a good sign too, those follies are growing:winkwink:

afm: today is cd25. I'm feeling better today, little bloated and some cramping off/on. I also have this "wet" feeling like af is here but when I check - nothing, dirty for tmi

Looking forward to bw on Friday if AF doesn't come before, but I'm also nervous and trying to brace myself for bfn too. Yesterday I felt like she was on her way but I guess I have to wait and see:coffee: I feel like my temps are off this month or maybe its just me :shrug:, Lol

Wishing everyone the best of luck!! xo
Thank you for the warm welcome :flower:

I'm just not feeling it yet though... Still feel a bit negative.

I'm not being monitored at the moment :wacko:

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