Morning lovely ladies
Fern i'm so sorry you had a temp drop, hopefully the spotting will turn into flow quickly for you and you can start the next cycle! Its so hard but you will manage to pick yourself up and carry on - us ladies are made of super strong stuff!!
K4th i'm so pleased you had a better day, i totally understand how down it can make you - its the worst feeling ever, nobody actually understands unless they have been through it themselves - not being able to concieve is one of the worst illnesses in my mind and also not well talked about

looking forward to hearing your doctors plan! Have you compled a list of questions? Also if i was you i would go with what you want the plan to be in mind and sway the meeting that way
mommasboy isn't that just blooming typical fx though that its the same next month! when can you start trying again?
Buttercup i understand the feelings so well, IVF is the road we have ended up at - luckily my weight is fine i'm one of those pcos cases that is normal weiht but still needs metformin as i'm a definite case

Do you have to pay for the IVF or is it covered by insurance? If i was you i wold maybe ask if you can do a natural injectible round whilst you are waiting for the IVF....that way it will def make you 0 and you never know it just may do the trick! Have you had an hsg?
Braven how are you?
Hows everyone else?
As for me no news shitty BFN yesterday both morning and evening - the poas addiction hit me hard yesterday and really upset me!! i can;t understand how my chart can literally mimic my preggy one but me not be preggy

I couldn't face testing today i will leave it till tomorrow or monday now. I'm more than sure i'm out and have already started talking to hubby about what we do from here regarding IVF dates, my spinal op, etc etc