Hi ladies
Oh no Buttercup, I really hope the temps increase again and that you are not out my friend, and that you can still go for b/w on Friday and get a good result! Yes, how many dpo are you again?? Thinking of you and praying for your mind to be calm and peaceful. xx
Nimbec - wow I hope it's an implantation dip

especially since you had it last pregnancy cycle! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for your chart tomorrow!! And was reading through all of your medical decisions; it made my head spin. So many difficult choices. Keep us updated hun; still hoping that none of them will be necessary.
No witch yet so none of us are out yet!
K4th - glad you are feeling a little better hun, hope your accidental clomid intake makes a huge difference this month

I had a 100mg accident for 5 days straight

this past month.
Sarahlou- a very warm welcome to you! Hope you will find the thread as helpful and inspiring as I do! And all the best with the clomid adventure that you are about to start. It is a rocky and painful journey but the potential rewards and the group's support are awesome!
Braven and Girly - how did your dr's appointments go?
MrsMcCurdy - have you finished with your clomid yet? How are you feeling?
Mommasboys - hope you are feeling much better!
Me - GUESS what I went and did.... jip..... poas at 10dpo and got a bfn, no surprise! I'm still a little hopeful though since it is still early and my temps are still up... for now! No SE except boobs which are getting slightly more painful and keep having the shooting pain thing. Today is our 10 month wedding anniversary and hubby cooked dinner so I can relax (study!!!) tonight yay. Think I will maybe only test on Saturday again. I do HATE bfn sticks, we should burn them all.
Girls if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been so cheerful(ish). Thanks so much for all your support. DH has pulled away a little; he said that he doesn't want to get his hopes up just to get disappointed again so he didn't even ask about this morning's p-stick result. In fact last night he told me not to do it. At least I know if it turns out to be a proper bfn then I will have you guys to turn to as well.
Hope everyone has a lovely day xx