Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Thank you for the warm welcome :flower:

I'm just not feeling it yet though... Still feel a bit negative.

I'm not being monitored at the moment :wacko:

I can understand but try to remember and remind yourself that you are your body's advocate, ask questions and voice your concerns to your medical provider.

You are welcome, this is an awesome thread with amazing ladies!

Keep your chin up and stay encouraged! Please keep us posted on your progress! xo
Welcome sarahlou :) The ladies here are lovely! Try to stay positive 50mg worked for me first time around - it took 5 doses but i had my beautiful baby boy so it ca happen! I'm also on metformin but have very irregular periods :( I also wasn't monitored first time around BUT they do need to check your 21 day progesterone level to make sure you are ovulating...or do you temp? you can tell from that otherwise you maybe wasting time if its not working....fx it does though!!

k4th personally i wouldn't do the trigger i wonder if it has messed me up too - i ovulated alone this month but as you know i was monitored and told i had no chance so no shot. As long as you cover your bases Bding no need for the trigger :) it may just work for you!

As for me hubby and I will have 24 hrs to make the decision of whether we are doing this IVF as i will have to start birth control ....ugh and today i have had an appt for pre op assesment for my spine - thursday and it says you have to be off all birth control and use protection for the 6 weeks leading upto surgery.....hahaha so i guess they won't approve of an IVF cycle before hand!! Will see if they give me a date...i'm not saying a word until i have a date i will just say nope not on the pill haha its true i wont be on thursday :) Hopefully i will be preggo this cycle and it will be taken out of my hands.
Thanks for your kind words everyone. Have calmed down after my earlier meltdown.

Fern - good luck for testing!!! Eeek!!! Very exciting for you hun. The thing with my dr is it's on the NHS at the moment - free at the point of access (we pay for it in taxes). He's the only team in my local area & it's not easy to swap to an out of area dr. He is good... He's just really busy. It's this free service or nothing at the moment but I am going to keep pushing them about this issue.

Braven - good luck for your scan tomorrow - again SUPER exciting. Let us know how it goes :)

Buttercup - thinking of you for Friday & hoping that AF doesn't show her ugly face!

Hi sarahlou & welcome to clomid club! I was told 50mg clomid, bd every other day from cd11. If no AF by cd37... Test. If bfn no bd for 7 days & then test again. If bfn & still no AF then count cd 44 as the start of a new cycle and take 100mg clomid. So you should know whether to increase if you don't get AF - but if you don't it's probably worth calling your dr to check. Hope the provera doesn't take long to get AF started & get the ball rolling :)

My car didn't cost much to fix in the end. Thank goodness! Spent a fortune on it about a month ago for an unrelated problem :wacko: I think it was just the final straw. Took my second clomid today & stuck to 50mg. I've had my cheeky double dose - now to see what happens next :shrug:
Nimbec - I wrote the above post... Wandered off & did some other things & then posted so missed your post lol! I think I'm going to give the trigger a miss - I've always found my lh surge on opks - it lasts at least two days so is hard to miss! Hard choice about the ivf/op. Really hope you're preggo this cycle too so you don't have to think about it! How is your hubby swaying on the ivf thing? You mentioned you disagreed on the timing :(

Out of curiosity - why do you have to go back on birth control? For how long? Also (if you know) if you pay for a cycle of ivf - can you end up with spare "frosties" or is that only with ICSI? Does it cost as much just to "implant" frosties as it costs on a full cycle of ivf?? Sorry for all the questions - I just wondered if you might know.
k4th - That's exactly what I was told... but it confuses me abit what if af shows up before CD 44 does this mean I stay on 50mg the next month and its working??? :wacko:

Thank you ladies for the warm welcome.. Im hoping I can get through this stage with you ladies... :flower:
Hi K4th sorry i didn't reply to you being stressed either - my head is all over the place today ! I agree with you don't bother with the trigger esp if you can easily spot your LH surge because as you say you maybe triggering too early ...or even late and messing your hormones up. Yes with the IVF 1 in 4 people get spare embryo's to freeze and a frozen cycle is only 1k including drugs so much much cheaper than the £4200 natural BUT its a gamble as you may not get any. You then get a yr free storgae and have to pay about £300 per yr then if you want to keep them. You have to go back on birth control because the first part of the treatment is down regulation where they literally shut down your ovaries and enforce a bleed, the medication for this has to be timed exactly right for the embryoe transfer 8 weeks down the line so by being on the pill they just start the stimming injections when the timing is right. you can start of a normal cycle day 23 but the results are not as good. For me as well thats not an option as xmas holiday is in the way so i have to wait an extra 2-3 weeks to actually get started so my transfer is Jan. Hope that makes sense! We are having the 'discussion' when AF arrives ....nothing like a pressure of 24hrs to decide pmsl - hubby doesn't want to discuss again until then. I 'think' and 'hope' we will go for the jan date but if he is truly set on March then so be it - what can i do! If that is the case i will probably beg to do another clomid round in the mean time 'just incase' haha even though i've had my life time allowance or even another drug i just don't want it to be 'dead' time! Its going to be a heated day this time next week as AF should be here by now!

Interesting about what you where told ref clomid k4th as i was told that i would have to take provera to induce a bleed before being able to take clomid for the next round as otherwize your lining will be old and no good for implantation.....interesting how everyone is told different things. Sarahlou i would phone and ask them in that scenario but most ladies get an AF by then even if they didn't ov. The best thing to do is BBT and use OPK's then you will know pretty much for sure - no temp rise = no ovulation.

Hope everyone is ok!
Hoping everyone is doing well in their cycles.

My temp dropped a little more so it's a sign that I'm out this month and AF will be here soon. I had the same gut feeling last month.

Good luck to all.
Oh no Buttercup what dpo are you now? Has it dropped below the coverline? sorry :(

My temp absolutely nose dived this morning .....can mean one of 2 things either implantation dip if it shoots back up tomorrow (i had this on my pregnancy cycle last time) or my progesterone is very low and AF is well and truly on her way. The second is the most likley this cycle but i can't help but hope. lets see what tomorrow brings ...if its a low temp then for sure i'm out! I'm 8dpo today!

Hope everyone else is ok?
Hi ladies

Oh no Buttercup, I really hope the temps increase again and that you are not out my friend, and that you can still go for b/w on Friday and get a good result! Yes, how many dpo are you again?? Thinking of you and praying for your mind to be calm and peaceful. xx

Nimbec - wow I hope it's an implantation dip :) especially since you had it last pregnancy cycle! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for your chart tomorrow!! And was reading through all of your medical decisions; it made my head spin. So many difficult choices. Keep us updated hun; still hoping that none of them will be necessary.

No witch yet so none of us are out yet!

K4th - glad you are feeling a little better hun, hope your accidental clomid intake makes a huge difference this month :) I had a 100mg accident for 5 days straight :) this past month.

Sarahlou- a very warm welcome to you! Hope you will find the thread as helpful and inspiring as I do! And all the best with the clomid adventure that you are about to start. It is a rocky and painful journey but the potential rewards and the group's support are awesome!

Braven and Girly - how did your dr's appointments go?

MrsMcCurdy - have you finished with your clomid yet? How are you feeling?

Mommasboys - hope you are feeling much better!

Me - GUESS what I went and did.... jip..... poas at 10dpo and got a bfn, no surprise! I'm still a little hopeful though since it is still early and my temps are still up... for now! No SE except boobs which are getting slightly more painful and keep having the shooting pain thing. Today is our 10 month wedding anniversary and hubby cooked dinner so I can relax (study!!!) tonight yay. Think I will maybe only test on Saturday again. I do HATE bfn sticks, we should burn them all.

Girls if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been so cheerful(ish). Thanks so much for all your support. DH has pulled away a little; he said that he doesn't want to get his hopes up just to get disappointed again so he didn't even ask about this morning's p-stick result. In fact last night he told me not to do it. At least I know if it turns out to be a proper bfn then I will have you guys to turn to as well.

Hope everyone has a lovely day xx
@ Nimbec and Fern, I'm 12dpo, my temp hasn't dropped below the coverline, yet.. Temp was 98.3 this morning. Yesterday I felt crampy and had a wet feeling all day. We'll see how today goes

@Nimbec, I hope that temo spike back up! Good luck to you!!

@Fern, lets pray those temps stay up!! Happy Anniversary hun, enjoy this day!!:flower: Men process things differently and hopefully you'll have something else to celebrate very soon, my friend. Stay encouraged! xo

@K4th Good luck to you, keep us posted :)
Was not a positive appointment :nope: The technician started with an internal scan and couldn't see my ovaries. She said when they're small because the follicles aren't very big then it can be hard to see internally. That was my first clue that they were super small. She switched to an external scan and measured maybe 7 or 8 of them but they all ranged from 2mm to 4mm :cry: Ugh.

They're going to call me later and let me know what to do. I'm guessing no trigger any time soon. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that on a normal cycle I don't ovulate for another week almost. I'm so disappointed. DH's work schedule is going to get all messed up because the guys he's working with are both leaving and he's the manager so he has to work the extra time and hire people and train them. This would have been the perfect week to do the iui. Now I'm not sure what's going to happen.
Hi Ladies

Braven i was the same hun they always scanned me day 11 and 13 usually only a few small follies but by day 16/18 i had usually a mature one so all is not lost ask them to keep scanning you :hugs::hugs: though as i know how deflating it can be x

Buttercup any sign of AF yet hope she stays away and you get a high temp tomorrow!

Fern happy anniversary!!! I suffer from the desire to poas all the time i'm absolutely USELESS!! I cannot resist and it hurts so much seeing the bfn's i literally still get palpitations waiting after so so many months i would have thought i'd learn just to wait for AF but i just can't so i'm with you!! My OH doesn't really want to know either when it comes to poas unless its a positive which never happens lol its just their waay of dealing with it but it can make us feel very alone. WE are here for you!!!!!!! hopefully we will be celebrating with you!! Thank you for your kind words my head is spinning too :blush: hoping to see the wood from the trees soon!

Well i did a chart comparisson to my preggy chart and my dip is almost identical so now my hopes and emotions are all over the place :wacko: i know the odds are well and truly stacked against me and i'm heading for a big fall BUT i can't help but HOPE grrrrrrr for goodness sake i can hardly concentrate on work and i won't know for another 4 days at least....13dpo and i'm 8dpo today arrrrgggghhhhh! Lets see what happens tomorrow!
We're all hoping for you too nimbec!!
Thanks for asking fern, I've been I little out of the loop for a couple days. But afm, I had my last dose Sunday night. Started bd yesterday so we don't miss it! Still spotting for some reason, never had a real proper AF this time either. I'm just hoping it was enough to be good for this cycle.
Good luck ladies! So many of us on here that someone needs to get a bfp!!!

P.S. I finally figured out how to share my chart on FF. I just started FF this month though so it's not all that extensive.

Braven aw hun like nimbec said it's still early days! I only ovulated about 10 days after my last tablet and I know a lot of ladies ovulate even later than that. So fxed that they still grow nicely.

Nimbec omw I am so stoked for you, can't wait to check out your chart first thing tomorrow! You better add that temp to ff very early don't make me wait for you :winkwink:

MrsMcCurdy - lol re the BDing! We DTD EVERY SINGLE FRIGGING DAY until more than a week after I was sure that I had ovulated hahaha, I'm so over that! Hope that ovulation happens soon for you, thanks for sharing your chart. Yes thanks to K4th's advice I was also able to figure out how to block the masses of data that I don't want displayed to the world :)

Buttercup - Let us know about your temps tomorrow!!! Still hoping for the best!

Before I go and study a bit may I just tell you guys this freaky story.... A lady who lives near my sister tried for years to conceive, tried literally everything and nothing worked. Finally they decided on a surrogate. The surrogate got pregnant with the couple's triplets (earlier this year). Then, surprise surprise around 4 months into the surrogate's pregnancy the biological mom discovers that she is also pregnant... with twins! The triplets should be born soon. And then shortly after she will have 5 newborns. Crazy!!!!!! I've heard of so many people who give up trying and only then fall pregnant. (I want to use that as a strategy but it will then still count as "trying" though surely lol).

Makes me wonder if one of us will have multiples!
By the way thanks Nimbec and Buttercup for the kind words re men and how they process things. It always helps to hear from someone outside your situation, to get some perspective. You guys made me feel a lot better xxxxxxxx
Oh my... Idk if I could handle 5 newborns at once! I have my fears and whatnot about 1! And that's a lot of diapers and clothes and money! Wow... I'd be one freaked out momma if I was her!
Feeling really low this evening. Can't stop thinking I am meant to be a lady and it is my job to have children and I can't even do that. I have had a tough couple of weeks at work and then got a knock back on an application for a job as I didn't even get an interview. My husband wants a baby badly and I can't even give him that.

The Dr won't give me more clomid as doesnt know enough about it so is waiting for confirmation from my consultant and I just want to start another cycle and try to get pregnant!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Anyone bought clomid online from somewhere they know is safe? I am desperate now even though it hasn't worked for me so far!!! X
Im sorry to hear your feeling low this evening. We all know how you must be feeling right now and uderstand the frustration. My Gyae sent me away to try naturally and I just knew it wouldn't happen, it was as if I could read my body and I knew :wacko:

We are all here to support you and I have found there are lots of loveley ladies around in the topic :flower::flower:

I understand how you feel Im getting to the stage where Im not even trying hard anymore, and just going to the bathroom and taking a pregnacy test, and I go in saying... "lets go get my :bfn:". Mad I know.

But I know I cant quit I have to keep trying and carry on, and i admitt its hard but its this forum and the lovely ladies here helping me maintain this.
So I talked to the nurse and I was wrong, my biggest follicle was less than 2mm :cry: At first she said that sometimes that happens in the first cycle. Then I asked about whether or not the fact that I normally don't ovulate for another week would have anything to do with it and she said it could. I'm scheduled for another follicle study on Thursday morning to see how it looks.

But she said that the doctor is out of town Friday through Monday so if I happen to be ready on Thursday (which, duh, I clearly won't be), I will have to trigger and try it normally. I'm thinking if I go back on Monday they might be close to ready and if I trigger we'll be good to go next Wednesday and Thursday...that's if they actually grow bigger. Super frustrating because my bw showed that I was ovulating. Maybe I've been ovulating immature eggs? :wacko:
Feeling really low this evening. Can't stop thinking I am meant to be a lady and it is my job to have children and I can't even do that. I have had a tough couple of weeks at work and then got a knock back on an application for a job as I didn't even get an interview. My husband wants a baby badly and I can't even give him that.

The Dr won't give me more clomid as doesnt know enough about it so is waiting for confirmation from my consultant and I just want to start another cycle and try to get pregnant!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Anyone bought clomid online from somewhere they know is safe? I am desperate now even though it hasn't worked for me so far!!! X


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