Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I decided to start on the south beach diet for next cycle. Eating better and adding in some exercise might help, even if I am having regular periods and am "ovulating" myself. Anyone have any experience with this plan? Seems completely doable. I'm kind of excited. DH said he'll join me for dinner but can't see cutting out fruits because he just got into having a morning smoothie full of kale and fruit, etc. I don't care if he joins as long as he knows I'm not cooking separate meals lol

This is one of the few diets I haven't tried. No fruit sounds harsh - is it a low/zero sugar plan? I gave up fruit once on a 7 days detox plan & lost 9lbs in a week. But it really highlighted how addicted to sugar I was (am!!). Good luck with it :flower:
I'm thinking of adding Atkins diet to my plan. I have reg period, just don't ovulate and produce mature follies.

Does anyone else have intense cramps after a clomid cycle or is it just me. I went walking during my lunch and decided to sit after doing a few laps around the complex, I had so much pain just from sitting on the bench.......ouch!! I'm ready to go home and lay down, ughh
Hi everyone I am 26 and on my second round of clomid. I have never had regular cycles unless I was on birth control. The doctor says even though I was having a period I wasn't ovulating. So now Clomid. I am worried this isn't going to work I thought starting younger I would have a better chance but its starting to seem like that window might have never been open. This second round so far I am on day 6 of day 5-9 is not as bad as first less headaches and overall tired feelings. Its nice to see this board here.
Morning all - welcome ladybb :)

Well AF hit me horribly yesterday afternoon and kept me up all night including pain so bad it made me sick - today i'm off work :cry: Didn't help that hubby and i had a row about the IVF last night too so currently things are a bit ...well stand offish in this house! I work for him at his company so i'm sure he thinks i'm off just because of the IVF but its not the case grrrr

I'm also seriously pissed off with my clinic they are giving me conflicting info on what protocol i should follow and blatantly wrong info. the nurse on phone yesterday told me a short protocol would start CD21 - thats wrong it starts CD2. the other nurse said i should start bc but i wont as that is for the long protocol :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: They are having a lot of money from us the least they can do is spend some time and give propper advice!!!!! Now wondering if i should speak to another clinic - i have time as we are not going ahead until Jan, the down side to that is i would have to pay to get my notes grrrrrrr!!!! I really need some advice and nobody seems to want to give it! Anyway sorry for the rant ladies!

As for diets i try to do a reduced sugar diet, drink mostly water and a bit of squash. Generally healthy but in all honesty i'm not sure how effective it can be. I know in relation to IVF they say no to atkins as it causes an imbalance but that is only IVF i think but maybe worth researching into why incase its relevent!

Buttercup i had horrible cramps after clomid at times but i suffer terribly anyway :( Hope you are a bit better today!!

Girly ahhh makes sense now glad they gave you 100mg FX it does the trick for you!

K4th when is your next scan? hopefully you will have a big fat follie!!!!

Hi everyone else hope you are all doing ok?

:hugs::hugs: to everyone! I'm off back to bed x
Sorry you're feeling awful today nimbec. Hope you feel better soon. And hope you and hubby can make up. Hugs.
Morning all - welcome ladybb :)

Well AF hit me horribly yesterday afternoon and kept me up all night including pain so bad it made me sick - today i'm off work :cry: Didn't help that hubby and i had a row about the IVF last night too so currently things are a bit ...well stand offish in this house! I work for him at his company so i'm sure he thinks i'm off just because of the IVF but its not the case grrrr

I'm also seriously pissed off with my clinic they are giving me conflicting info on what protocol i should follow and blatantly wrong info. the nurse on phone yesterday told me a short protocol would start CD21 - thats wrong it starts CD2. the other nurse said i should start bc but i wont as that is for the long protocol :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: They are having a lot of money from us the least they can do is spend some time and give propper advice!!!!! Now wondering if i should speak to another clinic - i have time as we are not going ahead until Jan, the down side to that is i would have to pay to get my notes grrrrrrr!!!! I really need some advice and nobody seems to want to give it! Anyway sorry for the rant ladies!

As for diets i try to do a reduced sugar diet, drink mostly water and a bit of squash. Generally healthy but in all honesty i'm not sure how effective it can be. I know in relation to IVF they say no to atkins as it causes an imbalance but that is only IVF i think but maybe worth researching into why incase its relevent!

Buttercup i had horrible cramps after clomid at times but i suffer terribly anyway :( Hope you are a bit better today!!

Girly ahhh makes sense now glad they gave you 100mg FX it does the trick for you!

K4th when is your next scan? hopefully you will have a big fat follie!!!!

Hi everyone else hope you are all doing ok?

:hugs::hugs: to everyone! I'm off back to bed x

Hi Nimbec,
Sorry to hear AF arrive, she truly sucks! I hope you feel better soon. I completely understand about being informed incorrectly, its unacceptable. Perhaps you can request to speak with a managing nurse to discuss your concerns. :hugs: Hope you and hubby make up very soon:flower:

When speaking with my doctor about weight loss to she mentioned Atkins, maybe I'll just reduce my sugar intake, continue taking metformin because I certainly don't need anything else causing imbalances.
Thanks Braven how are you holding up? x

I'm okay. Haven't got a choice other than to accept that I'm just stuck waiting for now. The initial shock and upset of the clomid not working has kind of faded. Now I just want to move on. Hope you're feeling better!
Hi ladies

Welcome ladybb!!! Clomid does work for a lot of ladies don't let our lack of success in the past month put you off :). Hope this month treats you well!

Nimbec I feel so sorry for you! It is bad enough to sit with the disappointment of a bfn and to suffer through the torture of bad cramping etc just really sucks. Hun you are really going through a bad patch right now and things can only get better from here on out. Hope you and your hubby can get things sorted out... I'm also having problems with my DH on and off and that just adds to the stress urgh. We are here for you; rant away and get it all out! Thinking of you!!!!

Braven it's always good to have a healthy eating plan. It can only help!!! Glad you're feeling a bit better.

Buttercup I like the low-carb eating plan. I am really picking up weight with the clomid and am in fact at my highest weight so far this year! So I will have to step up the dieting and exercise this month but I don't have a lot of time now with the crazy exam and work schedule so will see how much I can get done! GL with your dr's appointment tomorrow x I am also going and am quite scared to get bad news.

K4th good to know your scan went well! Everything crossed for you this month hun. Glad that you are also feeling more hopeful!

MrsMcCurdy will you be doing temps and OPK's this month?

Girly glad you got your 100mg, fxed that you ovulate this month!!!

AFM - clomid day 2, working my butt off and stressing a lot about my final exams! Going to see the dr tomorrow and I am very scared! Scared to get bad news. I need good thoughts and prayers please girls :shrug:

Hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Fern- yes definitely doing temps and will try to opks, though I'm not very good at timing them during the day. Cramping on my right side has come back so maybe that's a good sign?!
Hope your appt goes well tomorrow and gives lots of good answers!
So I can't even believe this, my soooo freaking excited but I think I got my first ever positive OPK!!!!! I don't even know what to do!! Except BD and we got that covered! My temp was a little off this morning just bc I didn't sleep all that great but the opk should be pretty accurate right?? Can't wait to see what my temps do! GL ladies!
Mrsmccurdy - yay! :happydance: how exciting for you. Good luck with getting those high temps and crosshairs!

Nimbec - so sorry you're feeling so rough during af. Men just don't get any of it sometimes - the emotional turmoil is one thing... but even the physical side effects of af are lost on them. Hope you patched things up after your argument :hugs: And hope af is kinder to you today.

:hi: ladybb! Welcome to the clomid madhouse :)

Good luck at the doctors fern. I hope you don't get bad news and they actually tell you something useful. Let us know how it goes :)

Braven & buttercup - I try to limit my sugar intake. I just find it so hard! I'm going to ask my consultany about metformin - I'm not overweight but do have sugar issues. I've also had several positive urine sugar tests so maybe there is more going on there :shrug: keep us posted with going sugar free!!

I haven't gone into work today. I'm going to see the doctor later to ask about further support and/or counselling. Im just not coping with lots of things right now. I have some problems at work, hubby has some problems at work, this whole ttc thing is a massive strain, I'm not sleeping and im beginning to make mistakes. I've had two really big issues at home & work the last couple of days that have made my stress levels soar! & now I'm worried that the stress will impact my growing follie. Is that really stupid? Feel so out of control right now. My emotions are up and down. I'm beginning to wonder if we should take a break from ttc to save my sanity :(

Eta: having you ladies to "talk" to really does make all the difference! Hope you're all having a better day today :flower:
K4th, I'm sorry things are so stressful for you right now! Can be nothing but a good thing, having someone to talk to. Hope your doctor can help you out. I'm sure it's very overwhelming TTCing on top of having stress in a lot of other places. :hugs: Hope things get better for you, and not just on the TTC front.

Everyday of this cycle is just draggggging by lol CD 19 today. Don't usually start AF until CD 31, sometimes later. I haven't committed to a date yet to start my dieting, but I really need to put it down on paper. I know if I do that then I'm more likely to do it then and can plan for it. I know it's going to be a pain doing it through the holidays but it's only the first 2 weeks that are the most restrictive. I'm fairly overweight and I just know that 40-50 lbs would make all the difference in how I feel. This would take me back down to where I was when I was pregnant with DD. I can't believe I gained nothing when pregnant with her and it all came afterwards :dohh:

All well, hope everyone else is doing okay today!
K4th sorry for all the stress right now. Talking to someone in person always helps me. Easier said then done but try to relax.
Braven I know how you feel with every day just creeping by.
Afm unfortunately my temp dropped some and my line in my chart is gone... Grr.... I was so happy about that too. Oh well... We'll see what happens.

I hope your appointment goes well, my friend, I'm thinking of you and sending positive energy and thought s your way!! xo
Hi Ladies

Fern fx your appt goes well - let us know how you get on!

K4th so sorry you are so stressed life can be so cruel at times fx the docs can help :hugs:

mrsmcurdy sometimes FF takes the lines away and brings them back a few days later - it will depend on your next few temps so if i was you i'd keep bding just incase!

Braven i'm with you on time creeping by, we spend for ever wishing AF wouldn't turn up then when we want her she takes her damn time grrr

Buttercup hope you are feeling better today.

Well as for me ladies IVF is booked for January, the won't let me do a medicated fsh round before as it will delay IVF in Jan :growlmad: Also i asked if i could take my last lot of clomid this cycle then wait for november period to start the IVF stuff and she said no because i should be monitored on the i have been unmonitored on clomid before and been fine so what i really wanted to know was will it affect the IVF but she just wouldn't tell me. So now i'm tempted to take it but also scared too at the sametime. I think i should just sit tight and wait for January. Its so annoying as i feel like it is just wasted time as i don't produce good enough eggs on my own :wacko: heyho i will still keep lurking ladies but for me ttc is on a break till 2015 lol!!! I will still chart i think and opk just incase i get a lucky egg - hey you never know!
Hi ladies

MrsMcCurdy - hoping that the last temp is just part of a fallback rise. At least it didn't fall very far and it still looks high to me! :) Really hoping and cheering on your temps to keep rising!

K4th- all the best with your appointment tomorrow and I really hope you find a good counselor who can just help you through this difficult time. And we will all be right here for you!

Buttercup - and all the best for your appointment! Please let us know how it went and what you learnt!

Nimbec and Braven - yes please keep lurking:) end of the month and then Jan will be here before we can blink; this time of year at least everyone is busy especially with December holidays and Christmas coming up (yay!) so hopefully time will start passing more quickly! And it's not impossible to have a normal eggie in the meantime so keeping my fxed.

Hope everyone else is doing OK! :hugs:

AFM - sooooo glad the dr's appt is over, I was really dreading it. Anyways, DH went with me to the gynae (he was very quiet while we discussed all the gory AF details etc). Dr says that looking at my chart she definitely thinks I ovulated last cycle; now the question is whether I ovulate mature eggs or not. So she agreed to do an u/s next Monday 27Oct (CD10) to have a peek at their development, so glad about that! I also scheduled a laparoscopy for 20Nov if I'm still not pregnant by then (day after my final exam). Then she can check if my endo is back or if there is any scarring, also to do the dye test to see if my tubes are open. Had to run around today to get paperwork done, have sent it off to my medical insurance to see if they will cover the laparoscopy (we won't be able to afford it if we need to pay for it ourselves) so am a bit stressed about that. Should hear back from them in 2 days. At least we could use the application codes for "endometriosis ablution" since she will be doing that during the laparoscopy; otherwise the insurance will never pay because no fertility treatment is covered!

DH has to go for SA. He is not happy.

Exhausted and stressed. I know this won't be my month because I am stressing too much but then I have a 2 month holiday... who knows what will happen :winkwink:
Btw I asked dr about the diet issues. She said that she recommends chocolate.... preferably the type that you'd paint on each other lol, sigh!

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