Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Fern i'm SO pleased you had a positive appt and that they agreed to scan you - hopefully they may do a few scans to see how they are developing!! 2 month holiday?? sounds fabulous!!!

Well change of plan here i have decided to take my left over clomid and just not tell them hehe - undecided whether to take the 50 or 100 yet as the 100mg dried me up terribly.....however i did get more eggs! dilemmas dilemmas plus the 2 lots i have are different brands one is clomid and other clomephene which is the same drug just a diff brand - i hope its ok to take the 2 together....thats my other concern. wonder if i could go to docs tomorrow and say i've been away and lost my prescription hehe! Or i may just pop in the chemist and ask if i can take both together first!
Hi ladies!

-MrsMcCurdy, congrats on the pos opk, wishing you lots of luck!:flower:
-K4th, I truly know how it feel to have so much going on at once, life can be so unfair, ugghh but try not to overwhelm yourself and take it one day at a time. I hope things get better for you soon and know that you are not alone.:hugs:
-Nimbec, Yayy on booking you ivf cycles, that's wonderful news! Like Fern81 said, time will go by especially with the upcoming holidays! Please stay with us, we need you:hugs:
-Braven05, I'm sure it feels like the days are dragging, I hope AF doesn't wait too long to appear so you can get started again! :flower::hugs:
-Fern81, so glad to hear you ovulated - that's wonderful news and it seems you've made progress - I hope and pray your insurance approves the procedure and that all goes well with your appointment next week :hugs:

I hope I didn't miss anyone, but if I did. I keeping my FX'd for us all:hugs:

afm: well my cramps simmered down last night but became intense again this morning, uggh. My scan went well. The doctor said my lining was thick and clomid can cause more intense cramps and heavy bleeding. I start clomid tonight and go back next Thursday. I ended up taking some ibuprofen and feeling better now. I just want to go home and rest:sleep: I also made an apt to meet with the doctor to discuss ivf if no bfo this cycle. I'm kind of nervous because I know they will bring up my weight loss and my other health condition the anesthesiologist was concerned about. So we shall see.

Have a wonderful, ttyl! x
Hi Buttercup, glad it went well!!! Yay for starting clomid!

Is it bad that AF was not as heavy as usual for me this month? Can it mean that I had a thin lining? Urgh forgot to ask the dr.

Nimbec so I assume that you won't be doing the spinal operation this year after all? Did I understand that correctly? Lol if it was me I definitely would have done "covert clomid" :) I tend to self-medicate hahaha. I think you can take the two together; the active ingredient in both is clomiphene citrate.

Oh and another question - what is a good follicle size for CD10? I want to be prepared for the u/s to know what I am looking at.

Btw I asked dr about the diet issues. She said that she recommends chocolate.... preferably the type that you'd paint on each other lol, sigh!

Lol. That made me smile :)
Nimbec - really pleased you have an ivf plan hun. & I would DEF take that clomid in the meantime. Get your opks out!! I would think that asking the pharmacist about mixing is a good idea - do either have an ingredients list? If they're the same I would just take them. & maybe mix doses - this month taking just one 100mg dose has made a difference to my cycle. You never know - a couple of days at 100 & a couple at 50 might get you a few follies & not impact cm as much.

Buttercup - glad the scan went well. Let's hope for a :bfp: outcome for you this cycle!!

Fern - on cd10 this time around I had a 12mm follie & they said that was good. Last month I had several follies at cd11 which were all less than 9mm - they weren't hugely impressed with that, but cd13 one had blossomed into a 16mm follie!!! So that first size doesn't matter too much in my experience. Will they give you a trigger shot if the follie is good? Good luck with the insurance.

Afm - dr was a bit pants. I was in with him for quite a while & I was very upset. He asked some questions & asked if I would like antidepressants before we decided that they weren't such a great idea whilst ttc. He pretty much told me to take a week off & try to relax. Easier said than done but I have booked myself in for a massage on Friday. Will see what tomorrow brings with my next scan & meeting with consultant.

& I just want to thank you all again for your wonderfully kind words. They really have kept me going the last few days. You're all fab!!!! :flower:
Well ladies I took 100mg clomid tonight! Will do same tomorrow and then see whether I drop to 50 due to my cm...not monitored as not telling clinic haha!! I'm full if cold and feel rotten so won't notice any flushes tonight lol!!

K4th sent you a pm :)

Follie sizes mine have been 10mm on day 13 and have still grown enough to trigger by day 16/17 so don't panic they grow at different rates - you should have at least one lead follicle - u only need the one :) fx Hun

Hope everyone is ok!!
Hi again ladies :hi:

I just wanted to pop in and say hello and update you ladies... Well took my last provera pill tonight ... :happydance:

But now is the waiting game to start the clomid as im waiting on af now :coffee:

My side affects were not that bad if im honest, I had period cramps after the first few days of taking them on and off a bit like just before my af shows up, and just some mild breast aches. And the only reason I was given provera was becuase my lat period was light and brown spotting too, with my metformin im getting af every 34-44 days or so.. im hoping it wont take long to arrive

If its anything like when i come off the pill then that wont be long as tha used to take 4-6 day or so..

Hows everyone getting on ... :hugs:
Good morning ladies!!

Hope everyone is doing well and in good spirits!:flower:

afm: I'm feeling better, AF is still hanging around but no cramps:headspin. I took my 1st Clomid dosage last night and plan to bd eod beginning cd8.

Good luck and keeping my FX'd for us all!!
Awesome Nimbec hahaha you go girl. I'm going to keep my eye on that chart for CH!

I don't think I will be scanned more than once this cycle; dr only agreed to do it cd10 after I insisted. I must say it really helped that I have learned so much from you ladies and "Dr Google" lol; so I was armed with a lot of questions and demands yesterday at the appointment. (So thank you again ladies for all your advice you mean so much to me!!!)
I really think that if I had just gone in, dependent on what the dr was willing to explain to me then I would have left feeling clueless again like after my first appointment in August. Drs can be really vague and I like to know exactly what is going on! And I have to pay cash for the scan, R500 which is a lot of money for me so will probably not insist on another one :)

K4th thinking of you at your consultant visit today!

Sarahlou I hope that AF comes soon so that you can jump on the bandwagon!!!

How is everyone else?

I feel completely dried out, last cycle the clomid dried out my skin and all relevant mucus membranes so freaking much I feel like a mummy (the Egyptian type not the mommy type!) Did this happen to anyone else??? Well it is a nice change from my usual oily-ish skin. No other side effects so far, which is great in this busy month. Still waiting for authorization for the laparoscopy (but at least I managed to file my tax returns today lol glad that's off my back!)

Just actually want this cycle to be over so that I can have the surgery and have everything opened up and cleaned out, ready for my long holiday so that DH and I can procreate in peace :)

Lots of hugs to everyone!
Buttercup I don't know how I missed your post earlier - very happy to hear that your cramps are gone and that you can slowly start to move forward as planned! Hope AF leaves very very soon (like, tonight). xx
Sarahlou - hope you're not waiting long for AF to start. I think I had to wait about 9 days - don't give up hope if it takes a while :)

Buttercup - glad those cramps are gone :thumbup:

Fern - you said your AF was light this month didn't you? It will be really good for you to check out your lining on the scan. Mine was 8mm on cd10 - but I think above 6mm at ovulation is the minimum they want. Be sure to check that out too!!

My consultant appointment today went better than my visit to the Gp. He listened & answered my questions. At first I was very disappointed - my scan showed a 13mm follie - so it has grown by 1mm in 3 days :( He didn't think that was a very good response & has written this month off & said no scans/trigger for me. He wanted me to try 75mg clomid next BUT... After describing my cm *cringe* (I don't get watery or ewcm on clomid) he's decided that next month if AF arrives I should try femara instead. I'm disappointed by the follie, but after 6 clomid cycles I'm excited to be trying something different. I actually feel really hopeful for the first time in weeks! I'm still keeping my opks to hand but think this might be a loooong month :-/

Braven - I'll be waiting this cycle out with you ( not hopeful that clomid will work even if I get a positive opk) & then joining you on femara. I'll be monitored & given a trigger with natural bd. Are you still planning iui? I'm cd13 today so we're fairly close on cd's I think. My longest cycle on clomid has been 42 days though :wacko:
Thanks for the advice K4th; I definitely will! Well I did have 1 heavy day and 2 mediumish days and then a couple of light days... has been going on for 6 days and I think it will stop tomorrow. So it's not as if there is nothing/just spotting; it's just that I am used to very heavy periods and hectic cramps. I did ask my dr about it but actually in the context of my endometriosis... (if it is not extremely painful does it mean that my endo is staying away? I am concerned that it might come back since I have been off b/c for a while now). She replied that she will only be sure about the endo when she does the laparoscopy, and also that what feels like "not too painful" for endo patients can actually be a normal/even painful period. The patient might just be used to so much pain and heavy bleeding that they develop a high pain threshold for AF.

Interesting point of view. And I hope that my lining is OK.

K4th so glad that you have some new hope to cling to!!! I agree that is really the best course of action, try a different attack! So now we can stalk your and Braven's Femara adventures and see if one of us wants to try if clomid keeps giving bfn's. :)
And who knows, you might still have a growth spurt and ovulate a proper one. xx

How is everyone else?
Hi ladies

Just a quick hello from me - bit busy tonight i am reading and thinking of you all but i will catch up properly tomorrow xx
Sarahlou - hope you're not waiting long for AF to start. I think I had to wait about 9 days - don't give up hope if it takes a while :)

Buttercup - glad those cramps are gone :thumbup:

Fern - you said your AF was light this month didn't you? It will be really good for you to check out your lining on the scan. Mine was 8mm on cd10 - but I think above 6mm at ovulation is the minimum they want. Be sure to check that out too!!

My consultant appointment today went better than my visit to the Gp. He listened & answered my questions. At first I was very disappointed - my scan showed a 13mm follie - so it has grown by 1mm in 3 days :( He didn't think that was a very good response & has written this month off & said no scans/trigger for me. He wanted me to try 75mg clomid next BUT... After describing my cm *cringe* (I don't get watery or ewcm on clomid) he's decided that next month if AF arrives I should try femara instead. I'm disappointed by the follie, but after 6 clomid cycles I'm excited to be trying something different. I actually feel really hopeful for the first time in weeks! I'm still keeping my opks to hand but think this might be a loooong month :-/

Braven - I'll be waiting this cycle out with you ( not hopeful that clomid will work even if I get a positive opk) & then joining you on femara. I'll be monitored & given a trigger with natural bd. Are you still planning iui? I'm cd13 today so we're fairly close on cd's I think. My longest cycle on clomid has been 42 days though :wacko:

Aw I'm so sorry things didn't go well for you K4th. I know how crushing it is to not be responding when you feel like you are! I'm not happy to have you joining me, but glad at the same time, if you know what I mean. Hopefully this cycle doesn't last too long for you!
Hi ladies apologies i'm really yukky today i'm full of cold, coughing and feel really sick , the sickness is self inflicted as i was determined to up my Metformin dose, I have been on 500mg once a day for 3 months now and manage fine but as soon as i try to up it to 1000mg (tried numerous times)i feel absolutely hurrendous :( So i decided i was going to give it another go and boy am i now regretting it!! Anyone else on it and have any tips??
Hi ladies

Nimbec I feel so sorry for you but unfortunately I can't help you there, as I don't take metformin. Is it possible to increase the dose by 250mg at a time? Really hope you feel better soon!

How is everyone doing? Any news, any new developments?
Sarahlou I am with you on the waiting for AF. I took my last provera on Tuesday. Hoping it will come soon but I guess we will see.

K4th Sorry you didn't get good news today. Stay positive hun.

Nimbec I know what the metformin sickness is like. I started back in January on 500mg then went up to 1000mg and was really ill so went back down then went back up and it was ok. Then after a few months went to 1500mg and I was sicker than ever. I ended up coming off it for about 3 months as I was soooo ill I couldn't bare to take it again. Now I am back on it but 1000mg and so far so good. I will up it to 1500mg starting tomorrow I think and see how I go.

As for me I am waiting AF and pray I fall pregnant this cycle as I may only have this cycle left to try before my hubby deploys xx
Hi ladies apologies i'm really yukky today i'm full of cold, coughing and feel really sick , the sickness is self inflicted as i was determined to up my Metformin dose, I have been on 500mg once a day for 3 months now and manage fine but as soon as i try to up it to 1000mg (tried numerous times)i feel absolutely hurrendous :( So i decided i was going to give it another go and boy am i now regretting it!! Anyone else on it and have any tips??

Hi Nimbec,
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. As far as metformin, do you take it when eating carbs? I know if I take it after eating carbs it messes my tummy up. Try taking it with more protein. Do you take the extended release?

When I first started taking it and increasing my dose I got bad headaches, weakness and dehydration but it had to stick to it and it got a little better.

I hope u feel better soon!! xo
Hi Ladies, happy Friday!
I hope everyone is doing well in their cycles and in good spirits!

afm: I'm doing ok, I had a rough day yesterday at work and needed to come home and shut down. AF finally left:happydance: and tonight will be my 3rd day on clomid. I've been having some cramping off/on but not like AF.

I'm a little late but here's my positive words for today:

Just because we're struggling does NOT mean we're failing. Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there!!

Have a wonderful weekend ladies!!xo

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